Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1944, China, Volume VI

Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers, 1944, China, Volume VI
- E. Ralph Perkins
- S. Everett Gleason
- John G. Reid
- Velma Hastings Cassidy
- Ralph R. Goodwin
- Herbert A. Fine
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
- Francis C. Prescott
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- General wartime relations between the United States and China, with emphasis
on China’s military position and United States efforts to give military
assistance to China
(Documents 1–197)
- Mission of Vice President Wallace to China,
June 1944; conversations between Vice President Wallace and
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
(Documents 198–226)
- Special missions to China by Major General Patrick J. Hurley and Mr. Donald M.
Nelson as personal representatives of President Roosevelt (Documents 227–251)
- Political conditions in China; United States Army observer section sent to
Communist territory; United States interest and concern regarding
Kuomintang-Communist relations and negotiations
(Documents 252–547)
- Interest of the United States in Sino-Soviet relations, particularly in
relation to border incidents and internal revolts in Sinkiang Province (Documents 548–605)
- Financial relations between the United States and China: Chinese
request for billion dollar loan; reverse Lend-Lease negotiations; negotiations and
agreement respecting payments for United States Army expenditures in
China (Documents 606–700)
- United States policies respecting control of Lend-Lease supplies to China;
consideration of supply route to China through Tibet (Documents 701–724)
- Representations by the United States regarding registration of American
business firms, trade-marks, and copyrights in China (Documents 725–748)
- Preliminary discussions regarding the negotiation of a treaty of friendship,
commerce, and navigation with China (Documents 749–762)
- Proposed consular convention between the United States and China (Documents 763–770)
- Representations regarding Chinese restrictions on remittances to the United
States by American film distributors in China (Documents 771–777)
- Interest of the United States in plans and policies of the Chinese Government
for postwar economic development
(Documents 778–819)
- Representations to the Chinese Government regarding bandit attacks upon United
States Army convoys in Yunnan
(Documents 820–833)
- Cultural relations program of the Department of State to provide technical
assistance to China and to facilitate greater cultural cooperation between the
United States and China
(Documents 834–871)
- Inquiry by the United States regarding Chinese plans for assumption of control
over the Diplomatic Quarter at Peiping and the International Settlements at
Shanghai and Amoy (Documents 872–875)
- Agreement between the United States and China regarding military service with
additional exchange of notes (Documents 876–877)
- Representations to the Chinese Government protesting its order for the
abolition of the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and
(Documents 878–883)
- Exchange of views between the United States and China regarding the
administration of liberated areas
(Documents 884–890)
- United States proposals for Chinese-American consultation respecting future status of Korea
- Index