Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1939, The Far East, Volume III

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1939, The Far East, Volume III
- Matilda F. Axton
- Rogers P. Churchill
- Francis C. Prescott
- John G. Reid
- N. O. Sappington
- Louis E. Gates
- Shirley L. Phillips
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
United States Government Printing Office
- Relations of Japan with the Axis Powers and with the Soviet Union (Documents 1–94)
- Southward advance of Japanese expansionist movement: Hainan and the Spratly
(Documents 95–116)
- Undeclared war between Japan and China: (Documents 117–872)
- Political and military developments
(Documents 117–294)
- Continued interest of the League of Nations in efforts to check Japanese
aggression in China
(Documents 295–312)
- Japanese interference with American treaty rights and with equality of
commercial opportunity in China
(Documents 313–474)
- Consideration of sanctions against Japanese policies of aggression and
violation of treaty rights; use of so-called “moral embargo” (Documents 475–529)
- Notice of termination of the 1911 treaty of commerce and navigation
between the United States and Japan; discussion regarding possibility of a
new agreement
(Documents 530–597)
- Consideration of possibilities of financial aid to China
(Documents 598–689)
- Proposal for dissolution of the China Consortium; decision to
continue its existence (Documents 690–704)
- Efforts of China to secure war material from other countries
(Documents 705–753)
- Naval measures taken by China and Japan along the coasts and in the rivers
of China; effect on American and other shipping
(Documents 754–794)
- Efforts by the United States and other powers to protect Chinese customs
and other revenues, pledged as security for loans, from Japanese
(Documents 795–872)
- Political and military developments
(Documents 117–294)
- Index