Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1937, General, Volume I

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1937, General, Volume I
- Matilda F. Axton
- Rogers P. Churchill
- N. O. Sappington
- John G. Reid
- Francis C. Prescott
- Louis E. Gates
- Shirley L. Phillips
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Meeting of the Bureau of the Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of
Armaments, Geneva, May 31, 1937 (Documents 1–28)
- Analyses and reports of general political developments in Europe affecting the
maintenance of international order and the preservation of peace (Documents 29–116)
- The Spanish Civil War: (Documents 117–618)
- I. International political aspects (Documents 117–391)
- II. Protection of lives and property of Americans and other nationals (Documents 392–559)
- III. Enforcement of restrictions against sending American airplanes and
other war material to Spain (Documents 560–618)
- I. International political aspects (Documents 117–391)
- Adherence by Italy to the German-Japanese accord of November 25, 1936, against
the Communist International (Documents 619–634)
- Failure of negotiations among naval powers to establish 14-inch maximum gun
caliber by reason of Japanese refusal to accept limitation (Documents 635–664)
- Suggestions for convening international conferences on economic cooperation
and arms limitation viewed unfavorably by the Department of State until certain
preliminary conditions should be met (Documents 665–684)
- Proposal for concerted international effort to reach common agreement on the
principles of international conduct to maintain peace (Documents 685–687)
- Visit of Mr. Van Zeeland, Belgian Prime Minister, to the United States in
connection with his mission to investigate obstacles to international
trade (Documents 688–710)
- Statement on fundamental principles of international policy by the Secretary
of State, July 16, 1937, and comments of foreign governments (Documents 711–822)
- Interest of the United States in furthering efforts of the League of Nations
to promote international economic cooperation (Documents 823–850)
- Interest of the United States in the promotion of world peace through
international economic cooperation (Documents 851–866)
- Status of intergovernmental debts owed the United States by reason of the
First World War: (Documents 867–872)
- Czechoslovakia (Document 867)
- Estonia (Document 868)
- France (Document 869)
- Hungary (Documents 870–872)
- Czechoslovakia (Document 867)
- Views of the Department of State with respect to a proposed international debt
commission (Document 873)
- Status of certain foreign governments under the Johnson Act with regard to
obligations owed the United States (Documents 874–879)
- Attitude of the Department of State regarding the traffic in munitions and
military or naval equipment as related to foreign policy (Document 880)
- Views of the Department of State with respect to proposed legislation
regarding neutrality policy (Documents 881–885)
- Representations to the British and Netherlands Governments to seek further
reduction of restrictions on rubber production (Documents 886–911)
- International Conference for the Regulation of Whaling, London, May 24–June 8,
1937 (Documents 912–922)
- Participation of the United States in the International Sugar Conference held
in London, April 5–May 6, 1937 (Documents 923–942)
- Participation of the United States in the establishment and operation of the
International Sugar Council (Documents 943–964)
- Unsuccessful effort to obtain German and Italian consideration of draft
international convention for prevention of oil pollution at sea (Documents 965–968)
- Invitations extended by United States to International Labor Organization
textile conference in Washington, April 2–17, 1937 (Documents 969–972)
- Attitude of the United States regarding certain questions raised by the
British government with respect to the Philippine Commonwealth (Documents 973–974)
- Regulation of relations between the Government of the Philippine Commonwealth
and foreign Consuls (Documents 975–982)
- Tax exemption and customs courtesies enjoyed by foreign diplomatic and
consular officers in the United States (Document 983)
- Index