Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1936, The Far East, Volume IV

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1936, The Far East, Volume IV
- Matilda F. Axton
- Rogers P. Churchill
- N. O. Sappington
- John G. Reid
- Francis C. Prescott
- Shirley L. Phillips
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- The Far Eastern Crisis: (Documents 1–460)
- Chapter I: January 1–April 15, 1936 (Documents 1–99)
- Chapter II: April 16–June 30, 1936 (Documents 100–219)
- Chapter III: July 1–October 15, 1936 (Documents 220–339)
- Chapter IV: October 16–December 31, 1936 (Documents 340–460)
- Chapter I: January 1–April 15, 1936 (Documents 1–99)
- China: (Documents 461–729)
- Problem of China’s economic reconstruction and the attitude of the United
States and other governments respecting financial assistance to China (Documents 461–511)
- Measures taken by the United States for the protection of American lives
and property in China (Documents 512–566)
- Opposition of the Department of State to proposed withdrawal of American
Army forces from North China; retention of American Embassy in Peiping (Documents 567–583)
- Attitude of the Department of State on the export to China of arms or
munitions, including military aircraft (Documents 584–595)
- Problem of controlling the traffic in opium and narcotic drugs in China,
including Manchuria and Jehol (Documents 596–605)
- Efforts for the consideration of American claims outstanding against
China (Documents 606–635)
- Representations by the United States against the establishment of
monopolies in China (Documents 636–663)
- Rejection by the United States of application of Chinese income tax to
American citizens (Documents 664–671)
- Reservation of American rights in proposed changes for control of pilotage
at Shanghai (Document 672)
- Assistance to Pan American Airways in securing rights needed to extend its
United States–Philippine service to China (Documents 673–681)
- Attitude of the Department of State with respect to the application of
Chinese laws to American insurance companies doing business in China (Documents 682–685)
- Re-registration of title deeds to real property of Americans in China (Documents 686–697)
- Chinese censorship restrictions upon American moving pictures in
China (Documents 698–713)
- American interest in problems affecting the International Settlement at
Shanghai (Documents 714–729)
- Problem of China’s economic reconstruction and the attitude of the United
States and other governments respecting financial assistance to China (Documents 461–511)
- Japan: (Documents 730–933)
- Political developments in Japan; the assassinations of February 26 (Documents 730–782)
- Disapproval by the American Government of the employment of American
citizens by a foreign government as propaganda agents (Documents 783–785)
- Representations on establishment of oil monopolies in Japan and
Manchuria (Documents 786–810)
- Trade relations between the United States and Japan; further discussion of
voluntary restriction by the Japanese of exports to the United States and
the Philippines (Documents 811–888)
- Disinclination of Japan to negotiate a convention with the United States
regulating fisheries off the coast of Alaska (Documents 889–898)
- Settlement of case presented by the Japanese Government on behalf of
Japanese steamship companies subject to United States war profits tax for
the years 1918 and 1919 (Documents 899–907)
- Japan’s proposal that perpetual leases in former foreign settlements in
Japan be canceled in favor of ownership rights (Documents 908–912)
- Japanese automobile legislation violative of the 1911 treaty of commerce
and navigation between the United States and Japan (Documents 913–917)
- Refusal of Japanese Government to authorize visit by United States Navy
vessel to ports on islands under mandate to Japan (Documents 918–933)
- Political developments in Japan; the assassinations of February 26 (Documents 730–782)
- Siam: (Documents 934–939)
- Index