Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1935, The British Commonwealth; Europe, Volume II

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1935, The British Commonwealth; Europe, Volume II
- Rogers P. Churchill
- N. O. Sappington
General Editor:
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- The British Commonwealth of Nations: (Documents 1–67)
- United Kingdom: (Documents 1–9)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the
United States and the United Kingdom (Documents 1–5)
- Arrangement between the United States and the United Kingdom relating to air navigation, effected by exchange of notes, signed March 28 and April 5, 1935
- Arrangement between the United States and the United Kingdom for pilot licenses to operate civil aircraft, effected by exchange of notes, signed March 28 and April 5, 1935
- Observations by the British Government respecting provisions of the
Anti-Smuggling Bill providing for the exercise of jurisdiction beyond
the three-mile limit (Documents 6–9)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the
United States and the United Kingdom (Documents 1–5)
- Australia: (Documents 10–16)
- Canada: (Documents 17–42)
- Reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and Canada,
signed November 15, 1935 (Documents 17–25)
- Convention between the United States and Canada for the establishment
of a tribunal to decide questions of indemnity and future regime with
respect to the smelter at Trail, British Columbia, signed April 15,
1935 (Documents 26–28)
- Proposal for a treaty to allow American ships to carry cargo for
export between Canadian ports on the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence
River, on a basis of reciprocity (Documents 29–38)
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada regarding the level
of Lake Memphremagog, effected by exchange of notes, signed September 20
and November 6, 1935 (Documents 39–40)
- Arrangement between the United States and Canada regarding right of
consular officers to visit their nationals in prison (Documents 41–42)
- Reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and Canada,
signed November 15, 1935 (Documents 17–25)
- Irish Free State: (Documents 43–46)
- Newfoundland: (Documents 47–50)
- New Zealand: (Documents 51–63)
- Union of South Africa: (Documents 64–67)
- United Kingdom: (Documents 1–9)
- Europe: (Documents 68–659)
- Austria: (Documents 68–71)
- Belgium: (Documents 72–102)
- Czechoslovakia: (Documents 103–138)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the
United States and Czechoslovakia; modus vivendi,
effected by exchange of notes, signed March 29, 1935 (Documents 103–128)
- Representations respecting effect of certain provisions of the
German-Czechoslovak clearing agreement upon shipments of American goods
to Czechoslovakia through Germany (Documents 129–138)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the
United States and Czechoslovakia; modus vivendi,
effected by exchange of notes, signed March 29, 1935 (Documents 103–128)
- Denmark: (Documents 139–146)
- Estonia: (Documents 147–154)
- Finland: (Documents 155–165)
- France: (Documents 166–212)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States
and France (Documents 166–186)
- Prevention of discrimination against American motion picture films
imported into France (Documents 187–195)
- Unsuccessful informal representations by the United States for the
removal of restrictions on the importation of American nitrates into
France (Documents 196–198)
- Ratification by France of the treaty of April 27, 1932, relating to
double taxation, and proposal by France for a supplementary
agreement (Documents 199–210)
- Opposition by the Department of State to proposed denial by the State
of Montana of license to French insurance company because of debt
default by France (Documents 211–212)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States
and France (Documents 166–186)
- Germany: (Documents 213–369)
- Political developments in Germany under the National Socialist
regime (Documents 213–226)
- German rearmament, with unilateral repudiation of provisions of the
Treaty of Versailles (Documents 227–271)
- Relations of the Nazi regime with the Evangelical and Roman Catholic
Churches (Documents 272–288)
- Government control and Nazification of institutions of learning (Documents 289–296)
- Persecution of Jews in Germany (Documents 297–307)
- American interest in the work of the High Commission for Refugees
(Jewish and Other) Coming From Germany (Documents 308–323)
- Representations regarding German discrimination against American
holders of German bonds (Documents 324–331)
- Unsatisfactory trade relations between United States and Germany;
treaty of June 3, 1935, voiding certain clauses of article VII of the
commercial treaty of December 8, 1923 (Documents 332–355)
- Efforts by the Department of State to conclude the settlement of
claims under the Mixed Claims Commission, United States and Germany (Documents 356–362)
- Representations by the German Government against anti-Nazi activities
in the United States (Documents 363–369)
- Political developments in Germany under the National Socialist
regime (Documents 213–226)
- Greece: (Documents 370–413)
- Unofficial representations to the Greek Government for moderate
treatment of political leaders on trial for participation in
unsuccessful revolt (Documents 370–381)
- Good offices by the American Legation in Greece in behalf of an
American citizen arrested on suspicion of complicity in
revolution (Documents 382–387)
- Recognition by the United States of the restoration of George II as
King of Greece (Documents 388–398)
- Insistence by the United States upon Greek responsibility for the
service of American loans to Greece under the agreements of May 10,
1929, and May 24, 1932 (Documents 399–403)
- Representations on behalf of Ulen and Company in connection with
negotiations with the Greek Government regarding contract for waterworks
at Athens and the Piraeus (Documents 404–413)
- Unofficial representations to the Greek Government for moderate
treatment of political leaders on trial for participation in
unsuccessful revolt (Documents 370–381)
- Italy: (Documents 414–449)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the
United States and Italy;
proposed abrogation of articles VI and XXIV of the treaty of 1871 (Documents 414–442)
- Representations by the Department of State regarding Fascist
propaganda activities of certain Italian consular officers in the United
States (Documents 443–449)
- Preliminary discussions respecting a trade agreement between the
United States and Italy;
proposed abrogation of articles VI and XXIV of the treaty of 1871 (Documents 414–442)
- Latvia: (Documents 450–454)
- Lithuania: (Documents 455–466)
- Netherlands: (Documents 467–499)
- Reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and the
Netherlands, signed December 20, 1935 (Documents 467–481)
- Proposal for the establishment of a reciprocal air navigation
arrangement between the United States and the Netherlands (Documents 482–485)
- Policy of the United States not to encourage export trade in arms,
ammunition, and implements of war (Documents 486–487)
- Assurance to the Netherlands Government that the Island of Palmas is
recognized as Netherland territory despite the wording of the
Constitution of the Philippine Commonwealth (Documents 488–489)
- Discussion respecting an arrangement between the United States and the
Netherlands and the Netherlands Indian Government for the prevention of
double taxation (Documents 490–494)
- Efforts to obtain equal treatment for the United Press Associations in
the distribution of its news service in the Netherlands East
Indies (Documents 495–499)
- Reciprocal trade agreement between the United States and the
Netherlands, signed December 20, 1935 (Documents 467–481)
- Norway: (Documents 500–511)
- Poland: (Documents 512–523)
- Portugal: (Documents 524–534)
- Rumania: (Documents 535–549)
- Representations against restrictions imposed upon the importation of
American merchandise by the Rumanian Government (Documents 535–543)
- Good offices on behalf of the Rumanian subsidiary of the International
Telephone and Telegraph Corporation following search by Rumanian
authorities (Documents 544–549)
- Representations against restrictions imposed upon the importation of
American merchandise by the Rumanian Government (Documents 535–543)
- Spain: (Documents 550–605)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States
and Spain (Documents 550–605)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States
and Spain (Documents 550–605)
- Sweden: (Documents 606–613)
- Switzerland: (Documents 614–659)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States
and Switzerland (Documents 614–645)
- Proposed convention between the United States and Switzerland relative
to military obligations of certain persons having dual
nationality (Documents 646–654)
- Disagreement between the Governments of the United States and
Switzerland as to whether the word “citizens” in the treaty of 1850
included corporations (Documents 655–658)
- Enactment of legislation by the United States to prohibit the
commercial use of the Coat of Arms of the Swiss Confederation (Document 659)
- Negotiations respecting a trade agreement between the United States
and Switzerland (Documents 614–645)
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- Index