Executive Agreement Series No. 65

The Brazilian Chargé (Freitas-Valle) to the Secretary of State

No. 75

Mr. Secretary of State: With reference to a proposed supplement to the contract between the United States of Brazil and the United States of America as to a military mission, signed at Washington on May 10, 1934, for the purpose of permitting the appointment of an officer of the Army of the United States of America to serve as teacher of construction of permanent fortifications in the course of technical construction of the Brazilian Army, the undersigned, Chargé d’Affaires of Brazil, has the honor to acknowledge receipt of the note of the 21st instant, whereby the Secretary of State, being duly authorized by his Government, is good enough to inform him that the Government of the United States of America is ready to conclude by exchange of notes a supplementary agreement in this respect, in the understanding that the said officer will have rights and privileges equal to those granted to the officers mentioned in the original contract of May 10, 1934, such addition being considered as made in accordance with article 7 of the said contract and as valid as if it were included therein.

2. Being duly authorized by his Government, the Chargé d’Affaires of Brazil, has the honor to state that the Government of the United States of Brazil accepts the said conditions and, in accordance with terms of the note to which this is a reply, agrees in considering the said supplement to the contract of May 10, 1934, with the Government of the United States of America, as in force from the date of this note.

The undersigned avails himself [etc.]

C. de Freitas-Valle