The Japanese Chargé (Fujii) to the Secretary of State
Sir: Under instructions from my Government, I have the honor to call your attention to the recent anti-Japanese situation in the State of Arizona where the movement had for some time subsided, due to the precautions taken by the Department of State and the State of Arizona.
According to the reports received by this Embassy the anti-Japanese movement in Arizona seems to have again become very active.
On September 12th some fifteen people in six automobiles shot at Mr. Tadano who was on his farm and ran his truck into the river; on September 18th explosives were thrown near the dwellings of Mr. Okuma and Mr. Asano by several people who came in automobiles; and several farms cultivated by Mr. Yamamoto, Mr. Inouye, Mr. Takiguchi and Mr. Tadano were flooded, their water-gates being destroyed.
The Japanese nationals in Arizona are naturally in a state of panic, due to the renewal of these acts of violence, and the Japanese Government view the situation with growing concern lest it should disturb the most cordial relations between Japan and the United States.
[Page 694]I have, therefore, the honor to ask that you be good enough to take the necessary steps to assure protection for the lives and property of Japanese nationals residing in the State of Arizona.
Accept [etc.]