President Roosevelt to the Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs (Litvinov)
My Dear Mr. Litvinov: I thank you for your most courteous letter of November 22nd, 1933. It has been a great personal pleasure to me to meet you and I trust that some day I shall again have the pleasure of welcoming you in America. On your return to your country I hope that you will convey to President Kalinin my greetings and best wishes.
I am profoundly gratified that our conversations should have resulted in the restoration of normal relations between our peoples and I trust that these relations will grow closer and more intimate with each passing year. The cooperation of our governments in the great work of preserving peace should be the corner stone of an enduring friendship.
I am sorry that owing to my absence from Washington I am unable in person to say good-bye to you and to wish you a safe and pleasant journey; but I assure you that you carry with you my warmest personal regards.
Yours very sincerely,