Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1932, The Far East, Volume IV

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1932, The Far East, Volume IV
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
- Victor J. Farrar
- John G. Reid
- William R. Willoughby
General Editor:
- E. R. Perkins
United States Government Printing Office
- List of Papers
- The Far Eastern Crisis (Continued from volume
III): (Documents 1–464)
- Chapter IX: May 6–June 20, 1932 (Documents 1–101)
- Chapter X: June 21–July 31, 1932 (Documents 102–199)
- Chapter XI: August 1–September 30, 1932 (Documents 200–296)
- Chapter XII: October 1–November 30, 1932 (Documents 297–379)
- Chapter XIII: December 1–31, 1932 (Documents 380–464)
- Chapter IX: May 6–June 20, 1932 (Documents 1–101)
- China: (Documents 465–752)
- Measures taken by the United States for the protection of American lives
and property in China (Documents 465–605)
- Question of maintaining neutrality and immunity of Peiping Legation
Quarter in event of further hostilities between Japanese and Chinese
forces (Documents 606–636)
- Attitude of the Department of State on the export to China of arms or
munitions, including military aircraft (Documents 637–655)
- Efforts of the United States to meet situation created by imposition in
China of taxes considered unfair to American trade (Documents 656–669)
- Efforts for the consideration of American claims outstanding against
China (Documents 670–702)
- American interest in problems affecting the International Settlement at
Shanghai (Documents 703–727)
- Press restrictions by Chinese authorities affecting American citizens in
China (Documents 728–749)
- Proposed reorganization of the Hai Ho Conservancy Commission in Hopeh
Province (Documents 750–752)
- Measures taken by the United States for the protection of American lives
and property in China (Documents 465–605)
- Japan: (Documents 753–794)
- Collapse of parliamentary party government in Japan and use of
anti-American propaganda to promote a war psychology (Documents 753–771)
- Amends by the Japanese Government for assault at Mukden upon Mr. Culver B. Chamberlain, American
Consul at Harbin (Documents 772–789)
- Control of activities of Japanese vessels in Philippine jurisdictional
waters (Documents 790–794)
- Collapse of parliamentary party government in Japan and use of
anti-American propaganda to promote a war psychology (Documents 753–771)
- Index