Participation of the United States in the International Radiotelegraph Conference, Madrid, September 3–December 9, 1932 1

1. The Conference at Madrid was the fourth of the International Radiotelegraph Conferences. The first met at Berlin in 1906; see Foreign Relations, 1912, pp. 444 ff. and Documents de la Conférence Radiotélégraphique Internationale de Berlin, 1906 (Berlin, Publiés par le Département des Postes de l’Empire d’Allemagne, 1906). The second met at London in 1912; see Foreign Relations, 1913, pp. 1375 ff. and Documents de la Conférence Radiotélégraphique Internationale de Londres (Berne, Bureau International de l’Union Télégraphique, 1913). The third met at Washington in 1927; see Foreign Relations, 1925, vol. i, pp. 297 ff.; ibid., 1927, vol. i, pp. 288 ff., and Senate Executive Document B, 70th Cong., 1st sess. For the annexes and proceedings of the Madrid Conference, see Department of State Treaty Series No. 867 and Documents de la Conférence Radiotélégraphique Internationale de Madrid (1932), Tome ii, (Berne, Bureau International de l’Union Télégraphique, 1933). For Report of the American Delegation, see Department of State Conference Series No. 15, International Radiotelegraph Conference, Madrid, 1982: Report to the Secretary of State by the Chairman of the American Delegation, With Appended Documents (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1934).

[628] The Chairman of the American Delegation (Sykes) to the Secretary of State

574.G1/873: Telegram

[629] The Secretary of State to the Chairman of the American Delegation (Sykes)

574.G1/883: Telegram

[630] The Chairman of the American Delegation (Sykes) to the Secretary of State

574.G1/1114: Telegram