Agreement between the United States and Egypt for arbitration of the claim of George J. Salem, signed January 20, 1931

[For other documents relating to the claim of George J. Salem (Salm) against Egypt, including correspondence between the American and Egyptian Governments, see:

Department of State, Arbitration Series No. 4 (parts 1 to 6), Salem Claim: Claim of the United States of America on behalf of George J. Salem v. the Royal Government of Egypt Under Protocol of January 20, 1931 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1932, 1933, 1935): [Page 166]

Case of the United States; Counter Case of the United States; Reply of the United States (1933);
Brief of the United States (1933);
Case of Egypt; Annexes A–D (1932);
Counter Case of Egypt; Reply of Egypt; Brief of Egypt; Annexes E–G (1932);
Oral Arguments, Vienna, Austria, November 20 to December 22, 1931 (in two volumes, 1935);
Award of the Arbitral Tribunal; Dissenting Opinion of Hon. Fred K. Nielsen (1933).

Senate Document No. 261, 71st Cong., 3d sess.: Claim of George J. Salem Against the Government of Egypt.

Arbitration of the Claim of George J. Salem Against the Government of Egypt: Hearings before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, 71st Cong., 3d sess., on H. J. Res. 485, February 10, 1931 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1931).

Department of State, Press Releases, August 1, 1931 (No. 220), pages 115–116, press release of July 27, 1931.

Green Haywood Hackworth, Digest of International Law, volume II (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1941), pages 496, 514–515, 544, citations relating to the “Salem claim”.]

[184] Agreement Between the United States of America and Egypt, Signed at Cairo, January 20, 1931

Executive Agreement Series No. 33