Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, Japan, 1931–1941, Volume I

Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, Japan, 1931–1941, Volume I
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Directory
- List of Papers
- Occupation of Manchuria by Japan and statement of policy by the United
States (Documents 1–117)
- Military action by Japan at Shanghai, 1932 (Documents 118–163)
- Further Japanese political and economic penetration into China,
1934–1936 (Documents 164–179)
- Abandonment by Japan of cooperation with other powers in efforts for
limitation of naval armaments: (Documents 180–227)
- Denunciation by Japan of the Washington naval treaty of 1922 (Documents 180–200)
- Withdrawal of Japan from the London Naval Conference of 1935 (Documents 201–213)
- Refusal by Japan to agree to limitation of gun caliber for
battleships (Documents 214–219)
- Rejection by Japan of American, British, and French proposals for the
reciprocal exchange of naval construction information (Documents 220–223)
- Refusal by Japan to grant the privilege of naval visits of courtesy to
United States ships on a reciprocal basis into certain territorial
waters (Documents 224–227)
- Denunciation by Japan of the Washington naval treaty of 1922 (Documents 180–200)
- Japan’s undeclared war in China and further Japanese penetration by armed force or threat of force: (Documents 228–332)
- Bombings of civilians by the Japanese and other acts endangering the life and welfare of American citizens in China: (Documents 333–544)
- Representations to the Japanese Government with respect to the integrity of
the Chinese Maritime Customs and Salt Revenue Administration (Documents 545–577)
- Acts of Japan in occupied China interfering with American treaty rights and equality of commercial opportunity: (Documents 578–676)
- Statements by the Secretary of State of the policy of the United States to
relinquish by agreement extraterritorial rights in China (Documents 677–679)
- Index