The Swedish Minister (Wallenberg) to the Secretary of State
Sir: Referring to your note of February 13th, 1924, regarding the conclusion of an arbitration convention between Sweden and the United States, I have the honor to inform you that I have now received full powers from my Government to sign an arbitration treaty in accordance with the draft which you were kind enough to send me with your above mentioned letter. A copy of the corresponding French text of the convention is attached hereto.11
I am further authorized to hand you, after the signing of the treaty, a note, the contents of which will appear from the enclosed copy,11 as an answer to the proposed note which accompanied your letter of February 13th, 1924. For practical reasons, however, I should like to have the sentence: “in pursuance of my note of August [Page 702] 23, 1923, and your note in reply of January 15, 1924” in said letter omitted. If this can be done, it will not be necessary for the Swedish Government to have the two last mentioned notes included, when the treaty and the separate agreement are to be published and registered at the Secretariat of the League of Nations.
With renewed assurances [etc.]