359.116 M 82/7

The Minister in Denmark (Prince) to the Secretary of State

No. 666

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 631, of December 21, 1923,46 I have the honor to report that Count Reventlow, Director General of the Danish Foreign Office, has informed me unofficially that the Church Ministry of Denmark from now on will exercise the utmost leniency with regard to the admission of Mormon preachers, as it is highly probable that all visa restrictions between Denmark and the United States are soon to be abolished. The Church Ministry, therefore, regards it as not worth while to insist upon strict visa observation at the present moment. This means practically free entry for all Mormon clergy, unless, as Count Reventlow pointed out, half jestingly, “a shipload were to come at once”, which I assured him would not be the case. I believe that the problem is practically solved so far as Denmark is concerned.

I have [etc.]

John Dyneley Prince
  1. Not printed.