
The Chargé in Siam (Williams) to the Secretary of State

No. 191

Sir: The Department will recall that in my despatch No. 167, of October 28, 1921, allusion was made to the desire of Americans resident in Siam that the American Government should indicate its interpretation of Article I., of the Treaty of December 16, 1920, insofar as it related to American rights of land ownership in Siam.

I now have the honor to report that enquiry analogous in character has been made of the Legation by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, relative to the rights and obligations of Siamese subjects under American jurisdiction, in respect of land titles and interests. I venture to transmit, herewith, for the Department’s consideration, copies of correspondence which has passed in this regard.10

In view of the delay which will follow in the settlement of the question of registry by Americans of land mortgages in this country, [Page 900] I would respectfully request telegraphic instructions from the Department upon the general subject.

I have [etc.]

Curtis Williams
  1. Not printed.