Treaty Series No. 652
Protocol between the United States of America and the United States of Venezuela, signed at Caracas, February 7, 1915
The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United States of Venezuela, desirous of removing any doubt or uncertainty that may exist or that may hereafter arise as to the interpretation to be placed upon the second clause of Article [Page 944] III of the Treaty of March 21, 1914, betwen the United States and Venezuela, looking to the advancement of the general cause of peace; which clause reads as follows:
“The International Commission may, however, before taking diplomatic steps or in the course thereof, act upon its own initiative, and in such case it shall notify both Governments and request their cooperation in the investigation”;
have authorized the undersigned Plenipotentiaries to declare as follows:
It is the understanding of the two Governments that the said clause does not confer upon the Commission the right to act upon its own initiative before diplomatic means of adjustment have been exhausted, but that it shall be understood as meaning that, should the Commission spontaneously offer its services, it shall not proceed to undertake its investigation and report in the matter which is the subject of disagreement between the two Governments, until after they shall have exhausted diplomatic means of adjustment.