List of papers, in chronological order, with subjects of correspondence


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Circular 1916 Jan. 21 Consular services for Panama. General instruction as to the duties of American consular officers in behalf of the Panaman Government in countries where it has no consular officers of its own. 1
Circular (telegram) Jan. 24 Attitude of the United States toward Latin America. Proposition for a general convention. 3
Circular Mar. 9 Application of See. 11 of the Seamen’s Act of Mar. 4, 1915, to foreign vessels. Sec. 11 of the Seamen’s Act applies to seamen engaged in the United States for vessels of every foreign nation. 5
do Mar. 15 Radio communication in the American Hemisphere. In closes memorandum containing a compilation of the recommendations of the Departments of State and the Navy. 5
Circular (telegram) Mar. 27 Attitude of the United States toward Latin America. Same tenor as circular telegram of Jan. 24, 1916. 3
Circular Apr. 1 Same subject. Same tenor as circular telegram of Jan. 24, 1916. 4
do June 1 Proposed return of naturalized citizens against whom the presumption of expatriation has arisen. Abrogation of Rule D of the circular of Nov. 18, 1911. 10
do June 6 Amendment to rules governing the admission of Chinese, regarding the admissibility of the sons born abroad of Chinese citizens of the United States. 11
do June 27 Gifts intended for the President. Instruction to decline to accept them for transmission. 12
do June 29 Legislation on negotiable instruments and commercial paper. Instruction to send full information, for the use of the International High Commission. 12
do July 3 Opium laws and regulations. Instruction to gather information useful in formulating regulations under Sec. 6 of the Opium Act. 13
do Aug. 24 International Farm Congress. Instruction to extend invitation. 14
do Sept. 8 International Irrigation Congress. Instruction to extend invitation. 15


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No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. McAdoo to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Feb. 18 International High Commission. Review of the work and future program of the High Commission and request for the cooperation of the Department. 18
Mr. Quintana to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 23 Same subject. Invitation of Argentina to be represented at the Buenos Aires meeting in April of the High Commission. 21
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Quintana. Feb. 25 Same subject. Transmits reports thought to be of use to the members of the High Commission. 21
Same to same Mar. 7 Same subject. Response to his Feb. 23; gives personnel of the United States delegation. 21
Mr. Polk to Mr. Gonzales et al. Mar. 14 Same subject. Instruction relating to proposed visit of the United States delegation in certain American countries 22
Mr. Stimson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 3 Same subject. Reports opening of session of High Commission. 23
President de la Plaza to President Wilson (telegram). Apr. 15 Same subject. Congratulations on the meeting of the High Commission. 23
President Wilson to President de la Plaza (telegram). May 17 Same subject. Reply to the foregoing 23
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Stimson et al. June 6 Same subject. Instruction to express thanks for the friendly reception of the United States delegation. 24
236 Mr. Stimson to Mr. Lansing. June 9 Message of the President. Extracts 16
Diplomatic circular June 29 International High Commission. Instruction regarding the future labors of the High Commission. 24
Foreign diplomatic circular 1916 July 8 Same subject. Transmits copies of Spanish version of uniform warehouse receipts act. 25
do Aug. 3 Same subject. Transmits memoranda on the proceedings of the central executive council and of the United States section of the High Commission on June 15. 25
do Oct. 4 Same subject. Transmits “First edition of the committee reports and resolutions adopted at the first meeting of the International High Commission at Buenos Aires in April, 1916.” 28
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Stimson et al. Dec. 14 Same subject. Incloses copies of draft treaty providing for an international gold clearance fund, with instruction to take up the matter with the foreign office and others with a view to obtaining expressions of opinion. 29


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Zwiedinek to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Nov. 22 Death of Emperor Francis Joseph and accession of Karl I. Notification of the death of the Emperor. 30
The Emperor to the President (telegram). do Same subject and purport 30
The President to the Emperor (telegram). do Same subject. Expression of condolence 30
1427 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Penfield (telegram). do Same subject. Instruction to express condolence 31
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Zwiedinek. Nov. 23 Same subject. Reply to his Nov. 22, with expression of condolence. 31
1428 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Penfield (telegram). do Same subject. Appoints him special ambassador 31
1551 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing. Nov. 26 Same subject. Transmits expression of thanks from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 32
2259 Same to same Dec. 3 Same subject. Reports attendance at the obsequies of the late Emperor. Dec. 30 is the date of the coronation of Karl IV and Queen Zita at Budapest. 32


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No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Feb. 14 Seamen’s Act. Acceptance by France of the abrogation of Art. 6, Treaty of 1822, and Arts, 8 and 9, Treaty of 1853, in conflict with the Seamen’s Act. 39
1666 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. Mar. 7 Same subject. Acknowledgment of his Feb. 14 40
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Osborne (telegram). Apr. 1 Seamen’s act. Instruction to request an early reply to representations made in accordance with Department’s May 29, 1915. 33
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 7 Same subject. Refers to circular of Apr. 1 and requests instruction in reply to Mr. MacMurray’s July 11, 1915 38
1680 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. Apr. 12 Same subject. Replies further to his Feb. 14 40
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). Apr. 21 Same subject. Refers to his Apr. 7; instructs him to address the Chinese Government looking to the abrogation of only the second sentence, Art. 18, Treaty of 1858. 38
118 Mr. Droppers to Mr. Lansing. May 30 Same subject. The Greek Government consents to abrogation of arts. 12 and 13 of the convention of 1902, except as concerns the Hellenic Navy. 41
253 Mr. Egan to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 3 Same subject. Foreign Office accepts proposition to abrogate certain provisions of treaty in conflict with Seamen’s Act. 38
795 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Lansing. June 5 Same subject. Incloses note from Foreign Office stating that provisions relating to commerce and navigation in the treaty of 1828 with Brazil were abrogated in 1841. 36
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Egan (telegram). June 30 Same subject. Department is gratified that the Danish Government accepts the proposal of this Government. It is expected that the courts will apply the proper law in the construction of the act, and collectors will accept certificates issued to able seamen by Danish authorities. 39
402 Mr. Osborne to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Incloses Foreign Office note of acceptance by Belgium of the abrogation of Arts. 11 and 12 of the Treaty of 1880, and of Art. 5 of the Congo Treaty of 1891. 33
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 June 30 Same subject. Exchange of notes effected to-day terminating as from July 1, 1916, the sentence specified in Department’s Apr. 21. 38
Mr. MacMurray to Mr. Lansing (telegram). July 11 Same subject. May the abrogation be explicitly confined to the second sentence of Art. 18, Treaty of 1858, which alone concerns arrest of seamen? 37
Mr. Lansing to Mr. MacMurray (telegram). July 15 Same subject. Reply to his July 11; to take no action until further instructed. 37
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Beyens. Nov. 11 Same subject. Notice of abrogation of the treaty of Jan. 24, 1891, between the United States and Kongo should be given by the Belgian Government. 34
Mr. Beyens to Mr. Lansing. Dec. 31 Same subject. The treaty of Jan. 24, 1891, between the United States and the Kongo was denounced by the Belgian Government by its note dated June 29, 1916. 35


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
1916 Oct. 30 Treaty for the advancement of general peace, concluded between the United States and Brazil. Proclamation. 43


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
1916 Jan. 22 Treaty for the advancement of peace, concluded between the United States and Chile. Proclamation. 46


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No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
519 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan. 1915 Jan. 18 Railway negotiations. Transmits copies of dispatches addressed to the Legation by Mr. Arnold on the present status of the tenders for bridge material for the Canton-Hankow section. 150
266 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Reinsch. Apr. 9 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of dispatch No. 519, Jan. 18, 1915. Department approves your notes of Nov. 12, 1914, and Jan. 18, 1915, to the Minister of Communications. 156
624 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Bryan. May 6 Same subject. Incloses a copy of the English text a contract concluded on Mar. 31, 1914, between the Chinese Government and the British and Chinese Corporation (Ltd.), for a loan of £8,000,000 for the construction of a railway from Nanking to Nanchang and thence to Pingsiang. 156
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). Nov. 18 Same subject. It is claimed that administration expects to place order for locomotives by private tender contrary to agreement concerning American standards and public opening of bids. Urge Minister of Communications to instruct as promised in your telegram of Nov. 11, 1914. 163
Mr Kemsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). NOV. 24 Same subject. Managing director of Hukuang Railway agrees to accept tenders for 10 locomotives with alternative American standard specifications 163
Same to same (telegram) Nov. 26 Same subject. Managing director requires shop erection in bridge contracts. Are American manufacturers willing to guarantee fit without shop erection? 163
835 Same to same do Same subject. Incloses copies of dispatches from the Consulate-General at Hankow, concerning materials for the Hukuang Railways; a copy of Legation’s No. 1330 to Hankow, and a copy of a pro test lodged with the Minister of Communications in regard to specifications for bridges included in requisition No. 65. 164
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). Dec. 17 Same subject. Your telegram of Nov. 26, 3 p.m. Use of template and spacing machines makes al spans exact duplicates. This with inspection consulting engineer should be sufficient. 166
364 Same to same 1915 Dec. 18 Same subject. Steel Products Co. is unwilling to give the guaranty required. States its work is laid out by means of templates and spacing machines; all spans exact duplicates. As Company has bid upon the specifications exactly as called for, urge upon Chinese Government the fairness of these proposals. 166
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Jan. 3 Political affairs. Situation more serious from point of view of Central Government. Continued existence of disaffection at Yunnan and Kweichow is likely to encourage opposition elsewhere. 51
876 Same to same do Same subject. Discusses the Yunnan movement. In present situation, two principal features are the personal unpopularity of Yuan and fear of Japan. Thus far military governors are reported loyal. 51
Same to same (telegram) Jan 4 Huai River conservancy loan. Reply to Department’s Dec. 28, 1915. The Chinese Government will renew the Red Cross option if the bankers will finance restoration of the Grand Canal from the Yangtze to Techow at not over $3,000,000. 103
377 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch. Jan. 5 Railway negotiations. Acknowledges receipt of dispatch No. 835 of Nov. 26, 1915. Approves of action taken. 167
Same to same (telegram) Jan. 10 Huai River conservancy loan. The Red Cross believes the American International Corporation would be interested in the Grand Canal project on lines suggested in his Jan. 4; states terms desired, including extension Red Cross option on Huai River conservancy project. 103
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 11 Political affairs. Yunnanese revolutionists are attempting military operation against the south. 53
892 Same to same Jan. 15 Same subject. Revolutionary movement in Yunnan has not passed as yet beyond the stage of a personal revolt. No further defection of military leaders. Representatives of powers, with whom discussion of this matter has been had, feel that delay of recognition of the monarchical government would only serve to encourage irresponsible element. 53
Same to same (telegram) Jan. 19 Same subject. Yunnan revolt still localized. Change in the form of state will probably soon be announced together with a specific declaration of policy. Neutral ministers agree that recognition upon announcement is warranted by actual authority of Government and advisable. 55
do Jan. 29 Same subject. The Ministers of Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal and Denmark signified their readiness to cooperate in the recognition of the Imperial Government. No intimation given to the Chinese Government of likelihood of recognition by the United States. Authority of Government in south should be more fully tested. 55
923 Same to same Feb. 4 Huai River conservancy loan. Reply to Department’s Jan. 10. The matter is settled according to instructions; four months granted for further investigation; other particulars; pertinent correspondence inclosed. 103
931 do Feb. 9 Political affairs. Presented reply of the President of the United States to President Yuan’s message of congratulation on the occasion of Mr. Wilson’s marriage. Incloses memoranda concerning a constructive policy for China and regarding the use of foreign experts in the Chinese administration. 56
Same to same (telegram) Feb. 21 Railway negotiations. Suggests either demand for removal of British chief engineer for not adhering in his specifications to principle of equal opportunity or, preferably, action by the American group, prevailing on bankers to issue orders placing standards of the other nations 168
947 Same to same Feb. 23 Political affairs. Supplements dispatch No. 918. Authority of Yuan further weakened through delay in expelling the Yunnanese from Szechuan and through the failure to announce a definite policy with respect to the constitution. 59
955 do Feb. 24 Same subject. Informed that President had discussed the question of an early convocation of Parliament with his Council of State. Commission charged to ascertain whether, under existing laws, the members elected for the citizens convention could be summoned as a parliament, or whether a new election would be necessary. Accession to the throne is indefinitely postponed. 60
956 Same to same 1916 Feb. 24 Same subject. Unfounded and exaggerated reports concerning condition of affairs in China emanating from Japanese press have given rise to a public belief of widespread and active Japanese intrigue. 61
987 do do Same subject. Formal proclamation of monarchy, which was soon to be issued and accompanied by the promulgation of a constitution guaranteeing a parliament elected by the people and with certain powers of financial and general legislation, has been postponed. Reason. 62
958 do do Same subject. President announced that in future the Cabinet will have a weekly meeting under the presidency of the Secretary of State for the discussion of matters of public policy; that there will be regular conferences between groups of ministers of state and the chief advisers in the respective branches for the discussion of measures of government. 63
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). Feb. 25 Railway negotiations. Your telegram Feb. 21, midnight. American Government expects Chinese Government to enforce observance of agreement by engineers and managing director or to remove and replace them. 168
419 Same to same Apr. 6 Same subject, Incloses copy of a letter from the American group concerning reports of a Russo-Chinese agreement permitting Russia to build a railroad from Harbin to Aigun with a branch to Tsitsihar; instructions in case of existence of such an agreement. 168
969 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. Mar. 9 Political affairs. Government troops are reported to have scored successes in Szechuan. Situation in Kikiang and Hunan is uncertain. 64
Same to same (telegram). Mar. 18 Same subject. Government received telegram from the authorities of Kuangsi in which they demanded cancellation of the Imperial movement and threatened joint action with Yunnan. 65
989 Same to same Mar. 21 Same subject. Officials of Kuangsi have sided with revolutionists and the military governor of Kwantung can not be absolutely relied upon by the Central Government. Situation in Province of Hunan is also very uncertain. 65
Same to same (telegram) Mar. 22 Same subject. Government has decided to promulgate mandate canceling monarchy. Yuan will remain President. Many others who disapproved monarchy will again actively join the Government. 66
do Mar. 31 Same subject. Much uneasiness among native population. Certain troops reported to be ready for revolt. 67
1015 Same to same Apr. 4 Same subject. Incloses translation of the mandate canceling the monarchy. Gives reasons for and result of this cancellation. 67
Same to same (telegram) Apr. 6 Same subject. Prospects more favorable for internal peace. 71
Apr. 7 Loan negotiations. Loan contract for $5,000,000 between the Chinese Government and Lee, Higginson & Co. 128
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 11 Political affairs. The fact that revolutionists are without united policy and that no presidential candidate could command general allegiance is making leaders of all factions consider the temporary retention of Yuan. Nanking reports considerable unrest and rumors of impending declaration of independence. 71
88 Mr. Peck to Mr. Lansing do Same subject. Apr. 20 is set for an attack on the cities of Kiaochau and Kaomi. Weihsien is also to be attacked. Prominent Chinese merchants, adherents of no political party, are being blackmailed by revolutionists under threat of death. Army of revolutionists in Tsingtau is being strengthened by recruits from Manchuria. 71
566 Mr. Josselyn to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 12 Same subject. Declaration of independence of Kwantung Province. Reports from interior indicate that conditions there are very bad. Gives make-up of three parties in Southern China. 73
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 13 Same subject. Chekiang has declared independence and several other provinces are likely to follow. No prospect of united action except opposition to Yuan which is increasing in bitterness. 75
Same to same (telegram) 1916 Apr. 15 Same subject. Bitter factional struggle; Kwangtung, Chekiang quiet. In Peking Vice President and Yuan cooperate. Governors asking the President to withdraw. Latter is looking for suitable man to form coalition cabinet. 75
do Apr. 17 Huai River conservancy loan. Reports conclusion of preliminary contract for improvement of Grand Canal in Shantung Province, as part of Huai River conservancy plan. The Chinese Government felt obliged, under the Treaty of 1898, to offer participation in the loan to the Germans. 106
1031 Same to same Apr. 18 Political affairs. States most cardinal specific facts upon which the situation at present hinges. Military governors of Central China are expected to call upon Yuan to retire. 76
Same to same (telegram) Apr. 20 Huai River conservancy. The contract reported in his Apr. 17 the most favorable ever obtained by foreigners. Prompt ratification urged. 106
1037 Same to same do Railway negotiations. Incloses copies of a railway loan recently concluded between the Chinese Government and the Russo-Asiatic Bank. 169
Same to same (telegram) Apr. 21 Political affairs. State of uncertainty continues. Revolutionists have no policy but to oust Yuan. The Government, on account of stoppage of the salt income through action of Japanese bank and generally diminished revenue, will be without funds within a month. Very serious situation threatens unless unity and reorganization can be effected without delay. 77
do do Huai River conservancy loan. Further information about the Shantung Canal loan. 107
do Apr. 24 Political affairs. President has issued mandate that hereafter the administration will be carried out by a cabinet responsible to Parliament, to be elected within three months. Names of cabinet members. 77
344 Mr. Josselyn to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Incloses copy of a circular telegram addressed to the various Consuls front the tutus of the four southern Provinces. Outlying districts have been in the hands of the so-called people’s army. Rice supply cut off in many places in the interior. 78
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 27 Same subject. Cabinet has taken over administrative powers; also control over the military. Provincial assemblies and national assembly to be called immediately; all Government revenues and expenses to be audited, results published; dissident elements to be won over without the use of arms. 79
Same to same (telegram) do Huai River conservancy loan. Further information. The Chinese Government observed the treaty with Germany by giving notice. No treaty obligation has accrued as to Japan. 107
1053 Same to same Apr. 28 Loan negotiations. Incloses translation of power granted to the Chinese Minister to negotiate a loan with Lee. Higginson & Co. 133
1056 do do Huai River conservancy loan. Refers to his No. 923 of Feb. 4. Enlarges on his foregoing telegrams; the Kiangsu negotiations are going on. 107
Same to same (telegram) May 6 Political affairs. Government bodies are working quietly for the reunion of all the Provinces. The elimination of Yuan is evidently being prepared to take place as soon as complete control of situation is assured to Tuan and associates. 79
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). do Railway negotiations. American Locomotive Sales Corporation advised Ministry of Communications desires to obtain four-year loan of $1,000,000 upon security of revenue. Your opinion of value of security requested. Also confirmation of reported purpose of loan to complete Peking-Kalgan Railway extension. 178
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 10 Political affairs. Revolutionary force of thousand armed men including many Japanese was landed at Wei Hsien May 4 from Tsingtau by a special train and attacked the city, which is reported taken. Japanese refused to carry Chinese force from Tsingtau on the ground that neutrality must be maintained. Chinese protested to Japanese Legation and Foreign Office. 79
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Koo 1916 May 11 Agreement between the United States and China extending time for appointment of the commission under Art. 2 of the Treaty of Sept. 15, 1914. Extension suggested. 50
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Political affairs. Japanese are reported to be using agents to create panic Tsinanfu and to urge Governor General to declare independence. Railway station headquarters of armed brigands with whom Chinese can not interfere because station policed Japanese troops. 80
Same to same (telegram) May 12 Railway negotiations. Your telegram of May 6, 4 p.m. Loan in question would seem to be amply secured. Purpose of loan for the cost of extensions of the service both on railway and telegraph stock. 179
do May 13 Political affairs. Conference of representatives of governors of 17 loyal provinces is called to meet Nanking May 15. Principal matter for consideration is the further continuance in office of Yuan. 80
do May 15 Huai River conservancy loan. Contract for Kiangsu section of the Grand Canal has been signed. 109
1072 Same to same do Same subject. Refers to his No. 1056 of Apr. 28 and enlarges on his telegram of May 15. 109
1075 do do Same subject. Corrects a minor point of his 1056 of Apr. 28. 119
Same to same (telegram) May 16 Political affairs. Selection by southern leaders of Ts’en Ch’un-hsüan as commander in chief and Li Yuan-hung as President has resulted in crystallizing support for Yuan. Northeastern generals do not propose to submit to dictation. In Tsinanfu Chinese and Japanese ruffians continue reign of terror. 80
1081 Same to same May 17 Same subject. Discusses the effect of the announcement by the southern leaders of their recognition of Li Yuan-hung as President and of the organization of a provisional government in the southern Provinces. Rumors of impending unrest among the troops in connection with their monthly pay. 81
1082 do do Railway negotiations. Reports upon an agreement for a railway concession concluded between the Chinese Government and the Siems-Carey & Co. (Ltd.). 179
Mr. Koo to Mr. Lansing May 19 Same subject. Acceptance of the suggestion made in his May 11. 50
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 23 Railway negotiations. Reports preliminary railway contract between China and the American firm of Carey. 181
Same to same (telegram) May 24 Political affairs. Resignation of Yuan is believed impending. 82
Same to same May 25 Same subject. Refers to cable of May 24, 11 p.m. Discusses further the protection of Yuan after resignation. 82
1094 do May 31 Same subject. Nanking conference adjourned on May 27 without producing any decisive result. Szechuan and Hunan have declared their independence. 83
Mr. Polk to the American Group. June 2 Railway negotiations. Your letter of Mar. 31. Asks whether satisfactory understanding has been reached with reference to the participation of American bankers in furnishing necessary funds under the contract reported to have been made by China with the Russo-Asiatic Bank. Does the American group desire any protest to be made in its behalf to the Chinese Government? 181
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 6 Political affairs. General Li to take oath of office to-morrow morning as President. British and allied ministers assured that presidency would be allowed to devolve constitutionally upon Li 84
Mr. Koo to Mr. Lansing do Death of President Yuan. Shih-k’ai and succession of President Li Yuan-hung. Notification of the death of President Yuan, and assumption of the presidency by Vice President Li. 98
17 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Koo June 8 Same subject. Acknowledgment of his June 6 98
The American Group to Mr. Lansing. do Railway negotiations. Department’s letter of June 2. Have no knowledge of any negotiations with American bankers with respect to their participation in the financing of the contract mentioned. No protest to the Chinese Government is desired on behalf of the American group at this time. 182
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 9 Political affairs. Li holds reins of Government without opposition. No doubt southern Provinces will demand changes in the personnel of Cabinet. 84
President Li to President Wilson (telegram). 1916 June 9 Death of President Yuan. Message of thanks 99
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 13 Political affairs. Official statement reported given out in Japan to the effect that foreigners in China desire more protection has no foundation. Feeling of confidence in the Republic obtains. 84
1118 Same to same June 14 Railway negotiations. Transmits text of railway agreement between the Chinese Government and the Siems-Carey Co. 182
1119 do do Political affairs. Any proposal relating to changes in the force patrolling railway should be reported to the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in order to be submitted to the ministers interested. American commandant so instructed. Such a change would only serve to irritate the Chinese. 85
1120 do do Death of President Yuan. Reports his conveyance of condolence of this Government and incloses correspondence. 99
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). June 15 Huai River conservancy loan. The American International Corporation has approved in principle the Shantung agreement and ready to approve Kiangsu agreement if made provincial as well as Government obligation, similar to the Shantung agreement. 119
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 19 Same subject. States the objections to making the Kiangsu contract provincial as well as national. 120
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). June 20 Same subject. Detailed instructions for Shantung and Kiangsu agreements, both to be provincial as well as national. 120
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 26 Same subject. Renews his objections to making Kiangsu agreement provincial as well as national; suggestions for overcoming the difficulty. 121
American International Corporation to Mr. Lansing. June 29 Same subject. Incloses copy of telegram they are sending to their Peking representative in regard to solving the problem raised by Mr. Reinsch. Requests good offices for realizing the suggested arrangement. 122
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 30 Political affairs. Mandates issued summoning Parliament to resume sessions. Nanking provisional constitution and presidential election law of Oct. 5, 1913, to continue in force. All treaties concluded subsequent to dissolution of Parliament in May, 1914, are to be recognized as valid. Also all laws and mandates excepting those specifically canceled by mandate. 85
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). July 3 Huai River conservancy loan. Instruction to cooperate with representative of American International Corporation. 122
1134 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. July 5 Death of President Yuan. Conveys the thanks of President Li for the attendance of President Wilson at a memorial service for the late President Yuan. 100
1143 Same to same July 14 Political affairs. President is prepared to meet the demands of the southern leaders by reviving the provisional constitution of 1912 and summoning the rump parliament. Mandate has been prepared for issue, providing for the arrest and trial of the principals in the monarchical movement. Navy declares its independence of the cabinet at Peking. Appointment of cabinet officers. 86
The American Group to Mr. Lansing. July 26 Loan negotiations. Reviews circumstances attending their entrance into Chinese business and withdrawal therefrom. States conditions for reentrance. 134
1155 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. July 31 Political affairs. The breach between the Chin P’u Tang and the Kuo Min Tang has become more apparent. Further comments on political situation. 90
1162 Same to same Aug. 2 Same subject. National Assembly was convoked yesterday and opened by the President, who also took the formal oath of office. Incloses an account of the opening of the Parliament. 91
Same to same (telegram) Aug. 10 Railway negotiations. The Russian Minister has stated to the Chinese Government that any concession outside the Great Wall would violate Russia’s option. 188
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). Aug. 12 Same subject. Refers to his Aug. 10 and instructs him to safeguard American interests and to try to obtain a copy of the option mentioned. 189
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 23 Same subject. Reply to Department’s Aug. 12, The Minister for Foreign Affairs denies that an agreement exists giving Russia preference in region affected. 189
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). 1916 Aug. 24 Same subject. Refers to his Aug. 23 and Department’s No. 419 of Apr. 6; instructs opportunely to call attention of Chinese Government to agreement with American Group ratified Jan. 20, 1910, and statements of Group that their right was never formally relinquished. 189
1187 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. Sept. 4 Political affairs. The Cabinet was approved by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Opposition to some of the members. It seems unlikely that financial stability can be restored without a foreign loan. 92
1188 Same to same Sept. 5 Same subject. Cites incidents which show disregard for the authority of the Central Government. 94
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 15 Loan negotiations. Chinese minister at Washington has been authorized to negotiate loan with western bankers. 138
do Sept. 25 Huai River conservancy loan. Japan intervenes in conservancy negotiations, citing the treaty between China and Germany of Mar. 6, 1898, and the treaty between China and Japan of May 25, 1915. Comments. 123
113 Mr. Peck to Mr. Lansing Sept. 26 Political affairs. Revolutionist troops at Weihsien and Choutsun are reported to have reached an understanding with the Central Government and have submitted to it. More peaceful conditions are being established. 95
115 Same to same Oct. 6 Same subject. Rebel organization at Kaumi submitted to the Central Government some days ago. 95
26 Mr. Koo to Mr. Lansing Oct. 13 Death of President Yuan. Incloses autograph letter of President Li announcing his assumption of the Presidency on June 7, 1916. 100
1224 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. do Huai River conservancy loan. Refers to his No. 1056 of Apr. 28. Reports progress of negotiations for Grand Canal contract in Shantung Province and the Japanese intervention therein; contrast with the situation in Kiangsu Province; criticizes methods of negotiation. Incloses memoranda by the Japanese Legation and the Shantung Provincial Government, and by the American Minister and Secretary of Legation. 123
Mr. Polk to Mr. Koo Oct. 19 Death of President Yuan. Acknowledgment of his Oct. 13. 101
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Railway negotiations. Russia protests against the Fengchen-Ninghsia railway concession to Americans: basis of protest; comment. 190
American International Corporation to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 23 Same subject. Reply to the foregoing; the corporation desires to avoid implication in the controversy. 193
517 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch. Oct. 25 Death of President Yuan. Incloses the President’s acknowledgment of President Li’s letter, with instructions to forward. 101
M r. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 26 Railway negotiations. Argues against deference to Russia’s unsubstantiated claim by the American International Corporation. 191
1244 Same to same Oct. 27 Same subject. Transmits copies of the original and supplementary agreements concluded between the Chinese Government and the Siems-Carey Co. 192
American International Corporation to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 30 Same subject. Reiterates its position as stated in its Oct. 23. 198
Department memorandum Oct. 31 Same subject. Review of the railway agreement between China and Russia made in 1899 and its bearing on the American contract. 198
1252 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Incloses correspondence of 1899 and 1910 between the Chinese Foreign Office and the Russian Minister on this subject. 199
Same to same (telegram) do Political affairs. General Feng Kuo Chang elected Vice President by National Assembly with harmonizing effect. 96
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). Nov. 2 Railway negotiations. Refers to his Oct. 19 and 26; instructs him to inform Foreign Office, if Russian protest has been filed, that the United States can not recognize Russian claim to exclusive sphere in the district concerned, which seems not to be embraced in the region referred to in the Chinese note of June 1, 1899. 205
Mr. Polk to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). Nov. 6 Huai River conservancy loan. Reply to his telegram of Sept. 25; instruction to inform the Foreign Office that this Government reserves all American rights, and to report any further action by Japan. 127
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 10 Railway negotiations. Reports execution of instructions of Nov. 2; comment. 205
1266 Same to same 1916 Nov. 15 Same subject. Incloses copy of his note to the Foreign Office reiterating the attitude of the American Government on the subject. 206
1267 do do Huai River conservancy loan. Refers to his 1224 and reports a conversation between the First Secretary of the Japanese Legation and Mr. Carey, of the Siems-Carey Co., in which the former asserted Japan’s right to all of Germany’s former position in Shantung. The new Governor of Shantung is favorable to the Grand Canal enterprise. 127
Mr. Lansing to Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank Nov. 16 Loans. In reply to oral request he informs them that it is always the policy of the Department to give all possible support and protection to legitimate American enterprises abroad. 138
do Same subject. Loan agreement between the Chinese Government and the Continental & Commercial Trust & Savings Bank of Chicago, Ill. Text. 138
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 25 Same subject. Reports ratification by China of the American loan of $5,000,000. 143
1282 Same to same Nov. 28 Railway negotiations. Incloses additional correspondence. 207
1284 do Nov. 29 Loans. Reports discussion with the French Legation of the security for the American loan; the Minister of Finance has received a protest from the allied members of the Consortium against the loan; Chinese attitude toward the protest. 143
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 2 Same subject. Chinese Government apprehends that it will be reduced to fiscal dependence on certain powers if the Consortium insists upon broad interpretation of Art. 17 of the loan agreement. 145
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). Dec. 4 Same subject. Instruction to state to the Foreign Office that this Government finds no conflict of contracts to warrant the protest by foreign bankers. 146
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 5 Same subject. Authorization to state to his interested colleagues the attitude of this Government toward any attempt to exclude American bankers from Chinese business. 146
535 Same to same Dec. 7 Railway negotiations. Acknowledgment of his No. 1252 of Oct. 31; restatement of Department’s attitude. 209
1294 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. Dec. 8 Death of President Yuan. Reports execution of the instruction of Oct. 25. 102
1295 Same to same do Loans. Refers to his 1284 and submits copies of correspondence between the Chinese Government and the bankers concerning the American loan; and the Legation’s note on the same subject to the Minister of Finance. 146
1305 do Dec. 13 Political affairs. The success and very status of Parliament is much disputed. Minister of Interior and his secretary forced to resign. Much friction between Parliament and the Cabinet. 96
1311 do Dec. 18 Loans. Attitude of the Russian, Japanese, British and French Ministers toward the American loan. 148
541 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Reinsch. Dec. 19 Railway negotiations. Approves his action as reported in his No. 1266 of Nov. 15. 209
1317 Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Reports with respect to the progress under the railway agreement of the Siems-Carey Co. 209


[Page XXV]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Thomson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Jan. 26 Treaty of Apr. 6, 1914. Reports receiving a Foreign Office note urging action by the United States Senate; a special message to the Senate by the President would relieve the tension existing in Colombia: his explanation of the Senate’s delay. 211
248 Same to same do Same subject. Incloses the note referred to in the foregoing and amplifies his telegram. 211
33 Mr. Betancourt to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 2 Same subject. Incloses copy of translation of the note inclosed with the foregoing. 213
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Thomson (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs him that he may inform the Colombian Government orally and confidentially that the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate has reported the Colombian treaty out of committee by a vote of 8 to 7, amending it to reduce the indemnity from $25,000,000 to $15,000,000 and make the expression of regret mutual. 213
257 Mr. Thomson to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Feb. 4 Same subject. Incloses translation of a Foreign Office note with regard to the report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. 213
Same to same (telegram) Feb. 5 Same subject. Reply to Department’s Feb. 2. Reports the character of the reception of the news of the Senate committee’s action on the treaty. 214
do Feb. 10 Same subject. Probable action by Colombia in view of the action by the Senate committee. 214
35 Mr. Betancourt to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 11 Same subject. Requests that the President send a special message to the Senate on the treaty. 215
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Stone Feb. 14 Same subject. Transmits copy of Mr. Thomson’s telegram of Feb. 10. 215
Mr. Thomson to Mr. Lansing (telegram) Feb. 15 Same subject. Expresses the gratitude of Colombia for the interest taken by the President and the Secretary of State in the approval of the treaty; gives his own reasons for considering its approval of the greatest importance. 216

costa rica

No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
92 Mr. Hale to Mr. Lansing 1916 May 2 Message of the President, Alfredo Gonzalez, to the Congress. Transmits pamphlet containing the message. 217

dominican republic

[Page XXVI] [Page XXVII] [Page XXVIII] [Page XXIX]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Jan. 3 Political affairs. Changes in Cabinet personnel threaten an uprising. 220
Same to same (telegram) Jan. 19 Same subject 220
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). Jan. 24 Same subject. Reply to his Jan. 3 and 19. Refers to Department’s Nov. 26 and Dec. 2, 1915, and instructs him to inform President Jimenez that this Government, if requested, will furnish forces necessary to suppress insurrection and maintain order; urge the President not to resign and to keep his government efficient and honest. Can not the President be induced to reconsider his decision as to constabulary or as to financial adviser, or both? 220
80 Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 14 Same subject. The Government continues its weak policy, but the arrival of the Castine has had a good effect. 221
Same to same (telegram) Apr. 15 Same subject. Desideno Arias has usurped the Ministry of War; all factions flock to him except that of Velasquez. 221
do Apr. 16 Same subject. If President Jimenez resigns Congress will surely elect Arias to the Presidency; complications would thereupon ensue; another war vessel is advisable. 221
do do Same subject. President Jimenez is practically a prisoner in his country house, but is determined not to resign 222
do Apr. 17 Same subject. Arias yields; the President fully maintained in authority. 222
do Apr. 27 Same subject. Arias still aggressive. The President is relying on the Legation to solve the problem. He is still restrained in his authority. A battleship and a large force would have a salutary effect. 222
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). Apr. 29 Same subject. This Government intends to support the constituted authorities by all proper means; Admiral Caperton at Port-au-Prince has been directed to cooperate with the Castine. 222
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 1 Same subject Arias has induced the House to pass an impeachment bill against the President, making a show of military force. The President has dismissed Arias. Our Government should not parley with Arias. 222
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram) May 2 Same subject. Instructs him to afford the President all support and to notify both factions of the intention of this Government. 223
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram) do Same subject. The Senate has approved the House bill of impeachment; the Legation has advised the President to avoid provoking a conflict. Arias is in full control of the city; conference to-morrow between Arias and the commanders of the Prairie and Castine. 223
Same to same (telegram) 1916 May 3 Same subject. Requests additional ships in view of possible trouble if troops are landed. 223
do May 5 Same subject. Fighting has begun and Prairie has landed force to protect the Legation. Guard from Castine is protecting foreigners at Haitian Legation. 224
do do Same subject. More ships needed 224
do May 6 Same subject. President Jimenez is out of ammunition and requests that American forces take the city; if we do this, it should be for ultimate occupation and not for Jimenez. 224
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram) do Same subject. Two destroyers ordered each to Puerta Plata, Macoris and Sanchez; Panther and one destroyer to Port-au-Prince to report to Admiral Caperton. 224
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 7 Same subject. In view of presence of American forces, our position is favorable for ultimately obtaining permanent reforms under negotiation since last October. 224
Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. President Jimenez has resigned. Urges retention of American forces as at present. 225
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). do Same subject. Reply to his May 6; Admiral Caperton reports that the President has canceled request that city be occupied by our forces and has placed resignation in your hands. It is particularly desirable that the President be upheld; previous instructions grant authority for any advisable action. 225
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 10 Same subject. He is upholding the constitutional authorities; summary of military and political situations; intervention seems inevitable. 225
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels. May 13 Same subject. At an interview with the rebel leaders he delivered to Arias an ultimatum requiring surrender by May 15. 226
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 14 Same subject. Arias and the rebel forces have abandoned the city. 227
Same to same (telegram) May 15 Same subject. Congress should not be allowed to elect a President until peace is thoroughly restored; requests specific instructions. 227
33 Mr. Zielinski to Mr. Lansing. May 17 Same subject. Incloses copies of circulars issued by Admiral Caperton and of one by Señor Troncoso, the civil authority. 228
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram) do Same subject. Reply to his May 15; instruction to have Congress delay action on presidential election until the country is pacified and the occasion favorable for the elimination of Arias; to report whether complete disarmament of the revolutionary element may now be opportunely effected; and to give his opinion as to the best procedure in regard to the Presidency. 229
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 18 Same subject. Reply to Department’s May 17. The House, ignoring his request for delay, has elected Doctor Henriquez to be President; the Senate has not yet acted. Admiral Caperton and he have addressed to Congress a demand to postpone election, which will be enforced if ignored. Jimenez has quit the job and can not be rehabilitated. 229
Same to same (telegram) May 29 Financial affairs. Believes time now opportune for enforcing our interpretation of Art. 3 of the Convention by restoring financial control. Suggestions. 249
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). May 30 Political affairs. He has directed landing of forces at Puerto Plata and Monte Cristi. 230
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 2 Same subject. All probability Henriquez will be elected on Monday unless Senators are arrested. Whoever is chosen should be informed of our desire and intention. We should proceed with occupation and with appointment of financial controller. 230
Mr. Polk to Mr. Russell (telegram). June 3 Financial affairs. Whom have you in mind for financial controller? 250
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 4 Political affairs. Arrest of Senators planned by the Council of Ministers in order to prevent election of Henriquez to the Presidency. If the Senate nevertheless elects him, will our Government recognize him? 230
Same to same (telegram) June 5 Financial affairs. I had the receivership in mind for controller until definite arrangement can be made. I have notified the Council of Ministers that financial control will be established at once. 250
Same to same (telegram) June 6 Political affairs. Report of incidents related to the attempted presidential election 231
Same to same (telegram) 1916 June 9 Financial affairs. The receivership must have instructions as to assumption of financial control, and additional help; former Deputy General Receiver Edwards recommended. 250
do June 14 Political affairs. Henriquez has withdrawn his candidacy and the Senate has agreed on Castro for provisional President. 231
do June 17 Financial affairs. Protest of Dominican Government against financial control. 251
do June 20 Political affairs. No immediate election of President seems probable. 231
do do Financial affairs. The receivership has taken charge of controllership and internal revenue collection is being organized. 251
106 Same to same June 24 Same subject. Incloses copies of protest of Dominican Government against financial control by the United States, which began to be effective on June 16. 251
107 do June 26 Political affairs. Incloses copy of the proclamation issued by Admiral Caperton in regard to the advance of our forces on Santiago. 231
Same to same (telegram) July 7 Same subject. The Fourth Regiment of Marines have entered Santiago without opposition; Arias has surrendered. 232
110 Same to same July 13 Same subject. Discusses the need for disposing of Arias and his Congress. 232
Same to same (telegram) July 25 Same subject. Congress has elected Dr. Francisco Henriquez to the provisional Presidency; he is a brother of Dr. Federico Henriquez who was chosen by Congress on preliminary readings but whom we refused to recognize. 233
Mr. Polk to Mr. Russell (telegram). Aug. 2 Same subject. Requests his opinion as to the advisability of recognizing or withholding recognition of the provisional President. 233
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 4 Same subject. Reply to Department’s Aug. 2. Recognition should be conditioned on amendments to the convention embracing the reforms heretofore suggested. 233
Same to same (telegram) Aug. 10 Same subject. Provisional President, after being plainly informed of the position of our Government in regard to Arias, said: “You may say to your Government that with the help of the United States I intend to establish a government of order that will guarantee the peace and prosperity of the country”. 234
do Aug. 18 Financial affairs. Disbursement of Dominican funds suspended until a complete understanding is reached as to certain articles of the convention or until the Dominican Government is amicable. As we are to insist on our interpretation of the convention as to financial control and constabulary, it is advisable to formulate all other reforms we consider necessary other than those outlined in Department’s Sept. 15, 1915. 252
do Aug. 25 Political affairs. Dominican Government contemplates sending a commission to Washington; this should be discouraged. Gives a summary of the points of a draft memorandum for the provisional President to submit to the Department, providing for decrees of acceptance of the status quo and of measures to carry out the demands of this Government precedent to recognition. 234
do Aug. 26 Same subject. The provisional President says it is not within his power to decree acceptance of the status quo; other aspects of his presidency. 234
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). do Same subject. Refers to his Aug. 4; the provisional Government will not be recognized until favorable to our interpretation of the convention as to control, constabulary, etc., and proves itself free from domination by Arias, who must be arrested if he attempts to leave Santiago or incites revolution. 235
Same to same Aug. 29 Same subject. Reply to his Aug. 25 and 26; instructs him to discourage the commission plan; gives further suggestions as to the decree desired. The Department will continue its policy in regard to disbursement of finances and recognition of the provisional Government until proposals are definite and it is assured that revolutionary influences in the Cabinet are terminated. 235
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 5 Same subject. Submits a proposition made by President Henriquez specifying his idea of the concessions to be made in exchange for recognition; comments thereon. 236
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). 1916 Sept. 8 Same subject. Reply to his Sept. 5; the proposition submitted is insufficient to change the Department’s present attitude. 236
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing. Sept. 14 Same subject. Recommends not receding from our position as to constabulary, but suspension of payments is making a condition that should be remedied. 237
Same to same (telegram) do Financial affairs. Gives text of a decree which the Dominican President is willing to promulgate in regard to financial control. 253
do Sept. 18 Political affairs. Arias arrested for embezzlement 237
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). Sept. 21 Financial affairs. The Department considers the decree quoted in his Sept. 14 unsatisfactory; before submitting tentative counterpropositions, the Department desires his opinion as to the best way of effecting reforms, by presidential decree approved by Congress or by submission first to Congress. 253
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 25 Same subject. Reply to the foregoing 254
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). Sept. 30 Same subject. Gives text of Department’s counter propositions as to rural guard and financial control, and suggests their publication 254
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 4 Political affairs. The situation is so complicated that he ought to go to Washington for conference. 238
Mr. Polk to Mr. Russell (telegram). Oct. 10 Same subject Instructs him to come to Washington for conference. 238
Mr. Brewer to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 24 Same subject. Captain Low and Sergeant Atwood killed and Lieutenant Morrison wounded in arrest of the bandit Baptista, who was killed; Rojas arrested. 238
Same to same (telegram) Oct. 26 Same subject. Three Dominicans killed in attack on Marine patrol. 239
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Brewer (telegram). Oct. 28 Same subject. Refers to his Oct. 24 and 26; asks whether or not he thinks American forces have sufficient control to prevent future outbreaks without declaration of martial law. 239
Mr. Brewer to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 29 Same subject. Dominican officials intimate that we are responsible for recent occurrences. 239
Same to same (telegram) Oct. 30 Same subject. Reply to Department’s Oct. 28. Situation sufficiently under control not to require martial law; its immediate declaration would not have good effect. 239
do Nov. 20 Same subject. Electoral colleges convoked for Dec. 3 to elect Senators and Deputies; if elections are held it will probably result in a victory for Arias; comment. 240
Mr. Lansing to the President. Nov. 22 Same subject. Incloses statement of conclusions reached by the Departments of State and Navy as to the course of action proper to take in the Dominican Republic. Requests instructions. 240
The President to Mr. Lansing. Nov. 26 Same subject. Approves and authorizes the course proposed in his Nov. 22. 242
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels Nov. 27 Same subject. Requests that the Navy Department take such action as necessary to put into effect the policy outlined in the papers submitted to and approved by the President; that is, proclamation of military occupation and establishment of martial law in the Dominican Republic. 242
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Brewer (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs him immediately to confer with Captain Knapp, commander of the American forces in Santo Domingo, and be governed in his actions by the proclamation to be made by Captain Knapp, declaring military occupation and the establishment of martial law. 243
Mr. Brewer to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 29 Same subject. Proclamation of military occupation and government just now made. 243
General McIntyre to Mr. Baxter (telegram). Dec. 2 Financial affairs. The General Receiver is directed to place himself at the disposition of the military government; all funds heretofore paid to Dominican Government will be disbursed on order of military government. 255
Mr. Brewer to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 4 Political affairs. Suggests that no recognition be given either the executive or legislative powers, which are generally believed abolished by the proclamation. Statement as to progress in delayed payments under the budget. 243
53 Mr. Perdomo to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. The Dominican Government makes formal protest against the issuance of the proclamation whereby Captain Knapp has been made Military Governor of the Republic. 244
143 Mr. Brewer to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Dec. 6 Same subject. Reports movement of a small force under Gen. Lico Perez; a detachment of Marines is after him. Progress of payments under the budget. Incloses copies of Captain Knapp’s communication to him in regard to the proclamation, his reply, and text of the proclamation. 245
143 Same to same do Financial affairs. Payments under the budget were resumed by the receivership on Dec. 2. 255
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). Dec. 9 Political affairs. Instruction to ascertain whether or not Minister Perdomo was instructed by Henriquez or any member of his Government to make the protest presented by Perdomo to this Department on Dec. 4. 248
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 11 Same subject. Reply to Department’s Dec. 9. The Dominican Minister for Foreign Affairs telegraphed the Dominican Minister at Washington on Nov. 30 to protest officially to the Department and to foreign missions against the action of American Government. 248
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 14 Same subject. Disappointed petty politicians are the only people dissatisfied with American occupation. Other impressions and suggestions. 249
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Russell (telegram). Dec. 20 Same subject. Reply to his Dec. 14. The position of the Legation should be the same as before the proclamation, and it should be understood to be the civil representative of American Government in Santo Domingo; it will advise on all points with the Military Government, which is carrying on the government for the Republic. 249


[Page XXX]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
101 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hartman. 1916 Jan. 11 Guayaquil & Quito Ry. Co. Approves action reported in his No. 145 of Oct. 19, 1915. 260
Mr. Hartman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Refers to his Oct. 28, 1915, and reports failure of negotiations for private settlement. 260
161 do Same subject. Refers to his 153 of Dec. 5, 1915; incloses copies of correspondence with Foreign Office showing the denial by Ecuador of the right of the United States to intervene diplomatically on behalf of the railway company. 260
Jan. 24 Treaty for the advancement of general peace, concluded between the United States and Ecuador. Text. 257
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hartman (telegram). Apr. 6 Guayaquil & Quito Ry. Co. Reports received that Ecuador will probably apply for appointment of a receiver for the railroad. Instruction to investigate. 264
Mr. Hartman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 10 Same subject. Reply to the foregoing; the report was apparently correct, but action is dependent on the attitude of the company toward resumption of negotiations for private settlement. 264
Mr. Polk to Mr. Hartman (telegram). July 12 Same subject. The Department and the railway company are disposed to await private settlement negotiations. 264
Mr. Belden to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 1 Same subject. Refers to the foregoing. He is trying to obtain definite information regarding the proposed loan. 265
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 7 Same subject. A joint commission of Senators and Deputies has been appointed to investigate railroad matters. 265
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hartman (telegram). Sept. 12 Protection of Chinese interests in Ecuador. It is reported that a new law is projected in the Ecuadorean Congress placing an exorbitant tax on Chinese resident in Ecuador. Investigate and, if advisable, use good offices in behalf of Chinese. 259
Same to same (telegram) Sept. 26 Guayaquil & Quito Ry. Co. Instruction to say to Ecuador that this Government believes deposits of customs should be resumed at once. 265
Mr. Hartman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 30 Same subject. Reports encouraging change of personnel in Ecuadorean Government. 266
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hartman (telegram). Oct. 28 Same subject. Refers to Department’s Sept. 26 and instructs to report. 266
Mr. Hartman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 30 Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. Prospects of more satisfactory relations. 266
195 Same to same Nov. 7 Same subject. Refers to Department’s Sept. 26 and incloses his Foreign Office note No. 210 of Oct. 3 and the reply thereto No. 48 of Nov. 4. 266
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hartman (telegram). 1916 Dec. 14 Same subject. Refers to his Oct. 30 and No. 195 of Nov. 7. Instructs him to seek occasion to intimate to Ecuador that this Government would consider it very unfortunate for Ecuador if she should default on the Jan. 1 payment of interest on the prior lien bonds. 268
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 31 Same subject. No reply yet received to Department’s Dec. 14; instruction to urge upon Ecuador the importance of clearing up its obligations to the bondholders. 268
do 1917 Jan. 24 Same subject. Refers to his telegram of Jan. 11; negotiations for private settlement resumed. 264


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
1853 Mr. Sharp to Mr. Lansing 1916 Jan. 11 Liability to French military service of naturalized American citizens of French origin and of American-born children of French parentage. Reports unsuccessful representations in behalf of Adrien J. Kirghis, who is about to be called to the colors. 270
1317 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Sharp (telegram). Jan. 15 Same subject. Make strong representations in behalf of Kirghis. 270
1224 Mr. Sharp to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 19 Same subject. Records of the Embassy tend to show that the French Government, even in time of peace, has required military service from those subject to it by French law notwithstanding naturalization. All requests based on circumstances similar to those of the Kirghis case since the beginning of the war have been refused. Further action on behalf of Kirghis is believed to be fruitless. Requests instruction. 271
1406 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Sharp (telegram). Mar. 4 Same subject. Instruction to extend good offices to Louis Levy, applying for removal of his name from French military rolls. Born in New York; French father. 271
1302 Mr. Sharp to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 10 Same subject. The Foreign Office says that Louis Levy is French, being born abroad of French father, and is subject to military service. 271
1051 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Sharp Apr. 25 Same subject. Instruction to request release of Armand Robert Garrot, born in Chicago 1894; father naturalized 1901. 271
3231 Mr. Bliss to Mr. Lansing May 25 Same subject. The Foreign Office declares Garrot to be French and can not be released. 272
1575 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Sharp (telegram). June 26 Same subject. Upon his mother’s urgent request and statement that Armand Garrot has broken leg and tuberculosis, renew request for his release. 272
1673 Same to same (telegram) Aug. 25 Same subject. Instruction to report on Garrot case. 273
1557 Mr. Bliss to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 26 Same subject. The authorities are willing to have Garrot before a medical board for examination. 273
1600 Same to same (telegram) Sept. 15 Same subject. Reports progress of the Garrot case. 273
3724 Same to same Oct. 5 Same subject. Reports release of Leon Karger, as his case plainly fell under one of the categories of exemption from military service recognized by the authorities; i. e., he was born in Paris, 1894, but his father was naturalized as an American citizen in 1877, and Leon had, before leaving America for Europe, opted for American nationality, before the French Consul General. 273
3882 do Nov. 4 Same subject. Reports Garrot’s discharge as “Réformé No. 2”. 274


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Bernstorff to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Nov. 13 Extension of the period of priority fixed by the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. Requests information of the status of the case, and suggests extension of time. 274
2226 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Bernstorff Dec. 6 Same subject. His Nov. 13 has been referred to the Secretary of the Interior. 276
2254 Same to same Dec. 20 Same subject. Refers to his Nov. 13 and incloses copy of a letter from the Commissioner of Patents. 276
[Page XXXI]

great britain

[Page XXXII]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
18 Mr. Bryan to Mr. Spring Rice. 1913 May 19 Overflow of the waters of the Lake of the Woods. The Department is advised that lands are being flooded on the American side of the Lake of the Woods, and that the water may be lowered if the Canadian authorities will remove the stop logs from the dam; asks that the matter be referred to the Canadian authorities. 294
Mr. Spring Rice to Mr. Bryan. 1914 Jan. 23 Same subject. Advises of action taken by the Canadian authorities. Asks whether any representations have been made by the Department to the British Government on this subject. 294
40 Same to same Feb. 5 Application to Porto Rico of the Treaty of 1899 re the tenure and disposition of real and personal property. Requests information. 283
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Spring Rice. Feb. 26 Lake of the Woods. Gives information requested in above note. 295
271 Same to same Mar. 6 Tenure of property in Porto Rico. The provisions of the Treaty of 1899 do not apply to Porto Rico. 283
British Embassy to the Department. Mar. 19 Same subject. Requests suggestions from the Department how the provisions of the treaty may be made applicable to Porto Rico. 284
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Garrison Apr. 13 Same subject. Transmits above correspondence and requests views. 284
Mr. Garrison to Mr. Bryan May 18 Same subject. Incloses a letter from the Governor of Porto Rico stating that no objection is seen in the extension of the provisions of the Treaty of 1899 to Porto Rico. 285
Mr. Spreiter to Mr. Bryan (telegram). 1915 July 6 Lake of the Woods. Advises that the extreme high water in the Lake of the Woods, caused by the dam at Kenora, is causing great damage to lands in Minnesota. 296
831 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spring Rice. July 8 Same subject. Transmits information contained in above telegram and asks that it be brought to the attention of the Canadian authorities that they may take such steps as may be necessary to maintain the level of the lake at the normal elevation. 296
Mr. Hammond to Mr. Lansing. July 10 Same subject. Requests that steps be taken to insure that a greater volume of water be allowed to pass over the dam at Kenora by removing the stop logs from the dam. 296
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hammond. July 26 Same subject. Above request has been brought to the attention of the British Ambassador. 297
Mr. Wyvell to Mr. Lansing. Aug. 3 Same subject. The International Joint Commission will hold hearings from Sept. 7 to 15, 1915, to take testimony in the case of the Lake of the Woods. 297
309 Mr. Spring Rice to Mr. Lansing Aug. 4 Same subject. Reports that proper measures have been taken to reduce the level of the lake. 298
890 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spring Rice. Nov. 3 Same subject. The Department is advised that the logs which were removed from the dam have been replaced. Requests “that the matter be investigated and such measures taken as will insure the maintenance of a normal level of the lake. 299
444 Mr. Spring Rice to Mr. Lansing. Dec 27 Same subject. The question of the overflow of the Lake of the Woods is now being investigated by the International Joint Commission and it is hoped that, when the Commission renders its decision as to the level to be maintained, a joint international control will be arranged which will be satisfactory to all concerned. 299
Mr. Kluttz to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Feb. 29 Same subject. Announces that the final argument of all interests involved in the case of the Lake of the Woods will be heard on Apr. 4 next at Washington. 300
Mr. Lansing to the President. Apr. 10 Tenure of property in Porto Rico. Incloses correspondence with the British Embassy and requests that same be submitted to the Senate for authority to make the provisions of the Treaty of 1899 applicable to Porto Rico. Incloses copy of the treaty. 286
The President to the Senate. Apr. 12 Same subject. Transmits a letter from the Secretary of State requesting that the Senate be asked to authorize the extension of the provisions of the Treaty of 1899 to include Porto Rico. 287
1169 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spring Rice May 8 Lake of the Woods. The Congress has directed the War Department to make a survey of the Lake of the Woods. The surveying party desires to extend the survey into Canadian waters in or near Buffalo Bay. Requests that permission be obtained from the Canadian authorities. 300
Same to same 1916 May 16 Same subject. Quotes telegram received from the mayor of Warroad, Minn., stating that the water in the harbor is now at the highest level and requesting relief; asks that it be brought to the attention of the Canadian authorities. 301
144 Mr. Spring Rice to Mr. Lansing. May 24 Same subject. The Governor General reports that all logs have been removed from the dam at the outlet of the Lake of the Woods so that all the water the outlet is able to discharge is passing through. 301
147 Same to same May 29 Same subject. Incloses copies of reports made to the Canadian Deputy Minister of Public Works explaining existing conditions in regard to height of the water in the Lake of the Woods. 302
1199 Mr. Polk to Mr. Spring Rice. May 31 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of No. 144 of May 24, 1916. 303
164 Mr. Spring Rice to Mr. Lansing. June 7 Same subject. The Canadian authorities have no objection to the extension of the survey into Canadian waters of the Lake of the Woods. 304
185 Same to same June 27 Same subject. Further report about the removal of logs from the dam at the outlet of the lake. 304
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spring Rice. July 5 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of note of June 27, 1916. 305
Senate resolution Aug. 29 Tenure of property in Porto Rico. Grants authority to apply the provisions of the Treaty of 1899 to Porto Rico. 291
4135 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Laughlin. Aug. 31 Same subject. Instructs to give formal notice to the British Government that the provisions of the Treaty of 1899 are extended and applied to Porto Rico. 292
1306 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spring Rice. do Same subject. Informs him that the American Chargé at London has been instructed to advise the British Government that the provisions of the Treaty of 1899 are extended and applied to Porto Rico. 292
Mr. Page to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 23 Same subject. Incloses copy of a note to the British Foreign Office advising that Government of the extension and application of the provisions of the Treaty of 1899 to Porto Rico, and a note from the Foreign Office acknowledging receipt. 293
Dec. 8 Treaty between the United States and Great Britain for the protection of migratory birds. Text. 279


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
262 Mr. Leavell to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Mar. 14 Message of the President. Extracts 308
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Méndez. June 1 Agreement extending time for appointment of the commission under Article 2 of the Treaty of Sept. 20, 1913, effected by exchange of notes. Suggests extension to July 1, 1916. 307
Mr. Méndez to Mr. Lansing do Same subject. Accepts the suggestion made in his June 1. 307


[Page XXXIII] [Page XXXIV] [Page XXXV] [Page XXXVI] [Page XXXVII]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. 1915 Nov. 16 French interests in Haiti. Reply to his Oct. 27, 1915; outlines the rules to be observed in Haiti in regard to French interests after exchange of ratifications of the Treaty of Sept. 16, 1915. 385
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing telegram. 1916 Jan. 6 Financial and economic affairs. After conference with Ministers of Foreign Affairs and of Finance, desired reforms agreed to by Government and instructions now being carried out by Admiral Caperton. 338
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram) Jan. 7 Same subject. In preparing a system for paying employees and creditors of Haiti, it is important to know whether there is to be a continuation of the system under the treaty after the necessary officials have been appointed. Recommends that treaty arrangement include this method of disbursement. 338
Same to same 1916 Jan. 8 Political affairs. Disturbance in Port-au-Prince and South Haiti by members of black party in favor of ex-Senator Paulin for President. North Haiti not concerned in the affair. Situation well in hand. 310
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). do Financial and economic. Abolition of personal guard for the President held unconstitutional by Haiti. To meet objection Department urges the adoption of following: “The gendarmerie shall be the sole military and police force of the Republic of Haiti and the personal guard of the President shall be formed from members of the gendarmerie”. 339
Mr. Russell to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 10 Political affairs. Foreign Office has advised me of armed manifestations against Americans in Haiti. Several arrests of leaders. 310
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels Jan. 11 Financial and economic affairs. Desires as comprehensive and efficient method of disbursement as possible. Hopes authorized $100,000 per month sufficient for current expenditures. Thinks many expenditures contemplated in budgetary law ill-advised. Requests instructions to Admiral Caperton. 339
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing Jan. 12 Political affairs. Résumé of events attending the overthrow and murder of President Vilbrun Guilleaune Sam in 1915 310
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 13 Financial and economic affairs. President deems sanction of the Council necessary for disbandment of palace guard and has left matter of settlement with negotiators at Washington. 340
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels. Jan. 14 Same subject. No further funds to be turned over to the Government directly. Payment of salaries are to be made to the individuals under the supervision of Admiral Caperton. Payment by check of a nonnegotiable nature after all lists have been verified. 341
Same to same (telegram). Jan. 16 Same subject. Military maintaining control of ports and organizing gendarmerie. Naval officers in charge of Customs Service and fiscal matters. 342
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). Jan. 18 Same subject. Minister Ménos declines to sign agreement embodying the phraseology of the Department concerning gendarmerie. Bring matter to the attention of President and ask that instructions be given to sign. 343
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). Jan. 19 Same subject. Commission instructed to sign. Meanwhile former palace guard has been paid and replaced by gendarmerie. 343
Same to same (telegram). Jan. 20 Same subject. Legation concurs with the President that the provisional appointment of Paymaster Conard as Receiver General, Captain Beach as Financial Adviser, and Lieutenant Oberlin as engineer would materially assist the Haitian Government 344
Same to same do Same subject. Urges the Department to agree to the picking of the new guard from all the members of the gendarmerie and to the wearing of special insignia. Also to the permanent assignment to this duty. 34
do do Same subject. The Haitian Government has decided to confine guard to an elite corps drawn from the gendarmerie and of which the members will be acceptable to the President. Unless I hear to the contrary, I will, on Monday next, concur in decision. 344
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels. Jan. 26 Same subject. Acknowledges letter of Jan. 21, and commends Admiral Caperton’s efficient work in safeguarding the interests of all. 345
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). Feb. 2 Same subject. Doctor Audin appointed Minister of Public Instruction. Public Works transferred to Minister Borno. New method of paying employees is being received with satisfaction. 345
Same to same Feb. 3 Political affairs. Everything quiet. Haitian Government stated that hereafter all police and military functions will be carried on by the gendarmerie. Government desires to carry out all the wishes of the United States. 320
Same to same 1916 Feb. 8 Financial and economic affairs. Injunction brought on bank in many cases attaching salaries. If attachments be allowed, system of discounting salaries will continue to flourish. Judges say that unless they are allowed United States will be shown to have little regard for the Haitian law and customs. I recommend that I be instructed to inform the Government that attachments will not be regarded. 345
Mr. Daniels to Admiral Caperton (telegram). Feb. 11 Same subject. Situation as outlined not thoroughly understood. Why will permitting attachments to stand encourage salary discounting? Would the investigation of cause of suit involve such difficulties that all must be recognized or all disregarded? 346
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). Feb. 12 Same subject. Necessary to issue military order declaring invalid sequestration of one-third of employee’s salary, if buying present and future salaries at heavy discount is to be discontinued. Present method of paying will not prevent this practice. 346
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). do Same subject. Department sees no objection to permitting attachment of salaries by court injunction for legitimate debts only. But steps should be taken, preferably by Haitian Government, to make attachment by “opposition” impossible under law or military order suggested by Admiral Caperton should be resorted to. 347
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Feb. 15 Same subject. Impossible to repeal by executive decree Haitian law permitting attachment of one-third salary of public employees. Necessary to resort to military order if the desired results are to be obtained. 347
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). Feb. 18 Same subject. The Admiral should disregard any form of attachment of salaries which interfere with the purpose of this Government. He may recognize attachment by court injunction, provided it is based upon action for legitimate debts only. 348
Admiral Caperton to Banque Nationale d’Haiti. Feb. 20 Same subject. Orders Bank of Haiti to disregard all injunctions on salaries, except where such injunctions do not result from the discounting of salaries. 348
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing Feb. 24 Same subject. Asks that Compagnie Haitienne de Construction be given the means of carrying on the repairing of streets and wharves of Port-au-Prince. 349
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram) Feb. 26 Same subject. Mandates are still issued by the Government for payments. The Administrator of Customs inquires into the facts and makes payment when considered proper to the individual to whom the amount is due. 349
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). Feb. 29 Same subject. Requests recommendation as to the advisability of making payments to the Compagnie Haitienne de Construction as desired by Haitian Government. 350
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 3 Same subject. Recommends that additional $5,000 be allowed the Compagnie Haitienne de Construction. 350
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). Mar. 8 Same subject. Admiral may increase payments to Compagnie Haitienne de Construction, provided company expends this money in actual work. 350
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels (telegram). Mar. 13 Same subject. Gives statement of revenues. Recommends that all valid claims against Haiti be settled and that short-term loan of $500,000 be expended by American occupancy in settling Haitian debts. 351
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing Mar. 15 Treaty with Haiti. He is ready to exchange ratifications, and incloses an interpretative commentary for consideration in connection with the treaty. 322
Mr. Daniels to Admiral Caperton (telegram). Mar. 16 Financial and economic affairs. Authorizes the application of $500,000 of surplus revenue of Haiti to purposes lawfully pledged by the Government of Haiti prior to July 27, 1915. 351
Admiral Caperton to Mr. Daniels. Apr. 5 Political affairs. Senate dissolved. Chamber of Deputies will revise the Constitution so as to conform with treaty. A Council of State will draw up and prepare such changes and laws as may be necessary to be submitted to the assembly. 320
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ménos do Treaty. As the interpretative commentary submitted in his Mar. 15 was not before the Senate at the time of its ratification of the treaty, it is impossible to consider the views expressed therein, and this Government must insist on an interpretation in accordance with the English text, as agreed upon in 1915 by exchange of notes. 325
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing 1916 Apr. 27 Same subject. Reply to the Department’s Apr. 5; expresses the hope that this Government will accept the interpretative commentary in so far as it does not conflict with the terms of the treaty. 326
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ménos May 1 Same subject. Accepts his note of Apr. 27 as an agreement on the part of Haiti that the English text of the treaty shall take precedence in interpreting the treaty, and sets May 3 as the date for ratification. 327
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 2 Financial and economic affairs. Transmits memorandum of the Haitian Government relative to the recall of the Haitian Commission at Washington. 352
May 3 Treaty between the United States and Haiti concerning the finances, economic development and tranquillity of Haiti, concluded Sept. 16, 1915. Proclamation and text. 328
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. May 8 Railroad controversy. French Government asks the payment at the earliest possible date of the French bondholders of the Railroad Company of Haiti. 368
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). May 11 Financial and economic affairs. Commission charged by National Bank on 60,000,000 franc loan only point on which commissioners and bankers can not agree. Commissioners should be instructed to agree with bankers and immediately close entire question. 353
1692 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. do Railroad controversy. The Government of the United States has tendered its good offices in the hope that an early and satisfactory settlement may be had of the difficulties existing between the National Railroad of Haiti and the Haitian Government. 369
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 15 Financial and economic affairs. Commission instructed to agree with bankers. 353
Mr. Farnham to Mr. Stabler. May 24 Railroad controversy. Incloses copies of a memorandum dealing with claims of the Compagnie Nationale des Chemins de Fer d’Haiti against the Haitian Government. 369
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing. May 31 Political affairs. Caco chiefs with other prisoners carrying arms and ammunition escaped from prison. Firing in the city with the loss of several lives. Colonel Waller confident of controlling the situation. 321
Same to same (telegram) June 1 Same subject. Everything quiet here. Steps being taken for the apprehension of escaped Caco chiefs and other prisoners. 321
Same to same June 5 Same subject. Codio and Metellus, Caco chiefs, together with nine others, were surrounded and on attempting to escape were shot. 321
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing, June 12 Financial and economic affairs. Commission instructed to return to Haiti. Special powers to settle matter of Compagnie Nationale des Chemins de fer d’haiti and other questions 353
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Scholle (telegram) June 15 Same subject. American naval and marine officers are authorized to serve with Haitian constabulary. Request that Minister be immediately instructed to conclude bank and railroad negotiations. Department will recommend a naval officer for Engineer of Public Works. 354
Mr. Wright to Mr. Ménos. do Railroad controversy. Transmits a copy of a memorandum prepared by the National Railroad of Haiti regarding differences between that company and the Government of Haiti. 374
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 17 Financial and economic affairs. Full powers as given the commission have been forwarded to the Minister 354
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). June 23 Same subject. A. J. Maumus and W. S. Mathews nominated as Receiver General and Deputy Receiver of Customs of Haiti. 354
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing June 26 Same subject. Haitian Government is pleased that Receiver General and Deputy Receiver have been designated. Claims that it was constrained to suspend its reforms because the American capital for industrial and agricultural works on which it relied was not forthcoming. 355
66 Mr. Adee to Mr. Blanchard. June 27 Treaty. Incloses copies of the agreements of even date between Haiti and the United States establishing the compensation of the Financial Adviser, Receiver, General and Deputy Receiver General of Customs, and of the engineers, provided for in the treaty of Sept. 16, 1915. 332
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing 1916 June 28 Financial and economic affairs. President of Haiti agrees to appointment of A. J. Maumus as Receiver General and W. S. Mathews as Deputy Receiver General of the Customs. 356
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). July 5 Same subject. President has nominated Lieut. Edgar Garfield Oberlin as one of the engineers. 356
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing. July 7 Same subject. Informs that the President of Haiti has approved the nomination of Lieut. Edgar Garfield Oberlin. 356
Mr. Polk to Mr. Blanchard (telegram) July 8 Same subject. President has nominated Mr. Addison T. Ruan as Financial Adviser. 357
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ménos July 10 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of a copy of the agreement reached between Haitian Commission and the Haitian Bank. In case the residue of the 5 per cent of the receipts from the customs duties should be insufficient to defray the commission of the bank, this Government will endeavor to reach with the Haitian Government a satisfactory agreement. 357
Mr. Polk to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). July 11 Railroad controversy. Although the National Railroad has submitted its argument sometime ago, Minister states he awaits detailed instructions. Please endeavor to expedite. 375
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). July 12 Same subject. Minister for Foreign Affairs states information, not instructions, with reference to National Railroad asked for by Minister Ménos is being prepared and will be sent as soon as possible. 375
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard. do Financial and economic affairs incloses copy or above note to the Minister of Haiti and copy of the agreement between the Haitian commissioners and the representatives of the National Bank of Haiti. 358
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Polk July 28 French interests in Haiti. Reply to Department’s Nov. 16, 1915. The treaty having been ratified, he proposes putting on record the understanding stated in that letter. 386
72 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Scholle Aug. 10 Financial and economic affairs. Incloses copy of note from the Minister of Haiti and calls attention, to that portion which refers to alleged delays in the establishment of reforms. Discusses reasons for delay and instructs to bring matter to the attention of President and to express the hope that unnecessary delay may not attend the con conduct of consequent negotiations. 359
1739 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. Aug. 11 French interests in Haiti. Reply to his July 28; sets forth this Government’s understanding of the points referred to in his Nov. 16, 1915. 387
73 Mr. Polk to Mr. Scholle Aug. 12 Same subject. Incloses copies of the Department’s notes of Nov. 16, 1915, and Aug. 11, 1916, to the French Ambassador. 388
Aug. 24 Treaty. Protocol carrying out the provisions of Article X of the Treaty of Sept. 16, 1915, with reference to the formation of a gendarmerie and its command. 334
do Same subject. Agreement carrying out the provisions of Article XIII of the Treaty of Sept. 16, 1915, with reference to the control of telegraphs and telephones in Haiti. 337
Mr. Lansing to the President. Aug. 25 Same subject. Advises the President of the conclusion of the protocol and the agreement of Aug. 24, 1916. 337
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Scholle (telegram). Aug. 31 Railroad controversy. Requests that Government of Haiti instruct Minister Ménos to present immediately Haitian Government’s statement in regard to railroad. 375
Mr. Scholle to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 4 Financial and economic affairs. Does the Department wish all Federal civil administrations now conducted by order of the President turned over to the Haitian Government beginning October 1? 360
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Stabler. Sept. 6 Railroad controversy. Haitian Government decided in 1915 to postpone foreclosure proceedings to give company time to present a basis of agreement. Papers from his Government do not enlighten him; wishes to know if such basis of agreement was presented. 375
Mr. Farnham to Mr. Stabler. Sept. 8 Same subject. Statement as to reasons why the work on the railroad could not be prosecuted faster and why it was stopped entirely. 376
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ménos Sept. 13 Same subject. Reply of National Railroad Co. to the request of Minister Ménos for information concerning the foreclosure proceedings. 378
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Stabler 1916 Sept. 21 Same subject. Transmits two copies of reply of the Haitian Government to the memorandum of the National Railroad Co. 379
Mr. Mayer to Mr. Lansing Sept. 22 Financial and economic affairs. Recommends that Department instruct him to convey to Haitian Government the views of the Department regarding concessions. 360
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Mayer (telegram). Sept. 27 Same subject. Until civil administration is satisfactorily and permanently installed and constabulary equipped for efficient service, such institutions as are still inefficient should remain under the control of occupation. 361
Mr. Wright to Mr. Farnham. Sept. 28 Railroad controversy. Transmits reply of Haitian Government to the memorandum of the National Railroad Co. Extends Department’s good offices for any oral discussion of the points at issue. 383
Mr. Mayer to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 29 Financial and economic affairs. Has informed the Haitian Government that the Department wishes the situation relative to public works to remain in statu quo. 361
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Mayer (telegram). Sept. 30 Same subject. Inform Haitian Government that it is important that all matters relative to concessions be submitted to Financial Adviser for his recommendations. 361
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 6 Same subject. Haitian Government thinks that even as provided by the convention the appointment as well as the choice of the Haitian custom employees is exclusively within the province of the President of Haiti. 362
103 Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 18 Same subject. Incloses copy of his note to the Foreign Office on granting of concessions and reply of the Foreign Office. Haitian Government will appreciate the recommendations of the Financial Adviser. 363
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 27 French interests in Haiti. Requests exchange of notes. 385
Mr. Stabler to Mr. Lansing. Nov. 2 Financial and economic affairs. Conference between Mr. Polk and Minister Ménos. Discusses the interpretation of the words “collect, receive and apply” in Article II of the Haitian-American treaty. 364
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Davis (telegram). do Same subject. Haitian Minister of Foreign Affairs claims that you agreed to two divisions of customs service, one under Receiver General and the other an assessment office under Haitians. No record of such an agreement can be found. 365
Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 3 Same subject. Denies he entered into agreement, either oral or written, with respect to the interpretation of Article II or any other article of Haitian treaty. 365
Mr. Blanchard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 4 Same subject. Expression that supervision of sanitation and public works rests with Oberlin has not cleared the situation thereto. Government demands the turnover to it of all work under the occupation. 365
Mr. Ménos to Mr. Lansing Nov. 16 Same subject. Calls attention that a number of public works and departments are still in the hands of the American forces in Haiti and asks that Article XIII be fully enforced. 366
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blanchard (telegram). Dec. 11 Same subject. President has nominated Civil Engineer Ernest R. Gayler, U. S. Navy, to be engineer; Sarg. Norman T. McLean, U. S. Navy, to be engineer in charge of sanitation. 366
Mr. Farnham to Mr. Lansing. Dec. 14 Railroad controversy. Requests the good offices of the Department to the end of arranging for an arbitration of the questions which the railroad company has vainly endeavored to adjust with the Minister of Haiti. 383
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ménos do Financial and economic affairs. President nominates Civil Engineer Ernest R. Gayler, U. S. Navy, as engineer officer to the Government of Haiti. 367
Dec. 22 Treaty. Protocol perfecting the French text of the Protocol of Aug. 24, 1916, relating to the Haitian gendarmerie. 337
22 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ménos do Financial and economic affairs. States that the Government of Haiti was in error in thinking that all public works were to be turned over to it at a stated time. Gives reasons why certain works and departments could not be turned over to that Government. 367


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
235 Mr. Ewing to Mr. Lansing 1916 Jan. 4 Message of the President. Extracts 391
68 Mr. Boyle to Mr. Lansing May 12 Arrest of J. W. Grace, an American citizen, resulting from a law of Honduras regarding destruction of property by fire. Quotes the terms of the law and calls attention to its dangerous features; requests instructions. 392
103 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spencer June 17 Same subject. Refers to Mr. Boyle’s No. 68 of May 12 and instructs him to report any attempted application of the law in question. 393
318 Mr. Spencer to Mr. Lansing July 14 Same subject. The Department’s No. 103 of June 12 will be complied with. 394
July 28 Treaty for the advancement of general peace, signed at Washington, Nov. 3, 1913. Proclamation. 389
344 Mr. Spencer to Mr. Lansing. Aug. 31 Arrest of Grace. Reports arrest of J. W. Grace, an American citizen, at Tela, on a charge of arson. 394
346 Same to same Sept. 6 Same subject. Grace has been released and the conduct of the Tela comandante is being investigated. 395
113 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spencer. Sept. 23 Same subject. Instructs him that if the investigation show the facts to be as stated in his 344, he will request the Government to bring the guilty party to justice. 395
368 Mr. Spencer to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 24 Same subject. Incloses copy of his representations to the Foreign Office. Reports an interview with the President, who promised the removal of the Tela comandate. 396
119 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spencer. Nov. 22 Same subject. Approves the action reported in his 368 of Oct. 24. 397
123 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ewing Dec. 13 Same subject. Incloses copy of a dispatch from the American Consul at Ceiba reporting that the Tela comandante has been removed. 397


[Page XXXIX] [Page XL]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
707 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Penfield. 1916 Jan. 8 Liability to military service. Instruction to request release of Frank Ghiloni. 398
266 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Page Jan. 12 Same subject. Instruction to request release of Angelo Mazzei. 399
539 Mr. Page to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 19 Same subject. Reports refusal of authorities to release Enrico Ajello. 399
276 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Page Jan. 25 Same subject. Instruction to request release of John Zuffi. 400
450 Mr. Page to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Feb. 3 Same subject. Reports refusal of the authorities to release Giacomo Mazza. 400
481 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Page (telegram). Feb. 17 Same subject. Instruction to present again the case of Enrico Ajello. 401
567 Mr. Page to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Feb. 18 Same subject. Reports authorities have definitely ruled against release of Ajello. 401
482 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Page (telegram). do Same subject. Further instructions for reopening the Ajello case. 401
1129 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Penfield (telegram). do Same subject. Further instructions for the Ghiloni case. 402
1172 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 3 Same subject. Reports progress of Ghiloni case 402
461 Mr. Page to Mr. Lansing Mar. 4 Same subject. Reports status of the Ajello case; interview with the Foreign Minister about proposed naturalization treaty; detention of wives and children of naturalized citizens with a view to compelling their husbands and fathers to return to Italy for military service 402
1185 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 14 Same subject. Reports request for guaranties in Ghiloni case. 404
1185 Same to same Mar. 16 Same subject and purport 404
1167 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Penfield (telegram). Mar. 21 Same subject. Inquires nature of guaranties desired in Ghiloni case. 405
309 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Page Mar. 23 Same subject. As the Italian law provides that an Italian citizen born and residing in foreign parts, who considers himself Italian, retains his Italian citizenship but may abandon it when he becomes of age, ask the Government what evidence of abandonment of Italian nationality will be satisfactory. 405
1205 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 27 Same subject. Conditions imposed by Austrian Government for release of Ghiloni. 405
1179 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Penfield (telegram). Mar. 31 Same subject. Instruction as to conditions on which to ask release of Ghiloni. 406
518 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Page I (telegram). do Same subject. Instruction concerning report on Ajello. 407
316 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jay Apr. 10 Same subject. Instruction to request the release of Donato De Fato. 407
324 Same to same 1916 Apr. 18 Same subject. Instruction to request the release of Joseph Orocchi. 408
532 Same to same (telegram) Apr. 21 Same subject. Instruction to report on Mazzei case 408
1204 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Penfield (telegram) Apr. 25 Same subject. Instruction to report on Ghiloni case 408
333 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jay May 1 Same subject. Reply to his 461 of Mar. 4, with full instructions on the several matters there brought up. 409
633 Mr. Jay to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 4 Same subject. Requests instructions in regard to detention of wives and children of American citizens of Italian origin. 411
1248 Mr. Fenneld to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 5 Same subject. Reports conditions imposed by Austria for release of Ghiloni. 402
634 Mr. Jay to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 6 Same subject. Refers to Mr. Page’s 633 of May 4. Reports progress. 412
1215 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Penfield (telegram) May 8 Same subject. Reply to his 1248 of May 5. Ghiloni had better return by Scandinavian route. 412
494 Mr. Jay to Mr. Lansing May 9 Same subject. Reports action in pursuance of Department’s instruction No. 309 of Mar. 23; incloses Foreign Office note. 413
548 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jay (telegram). May 12 Same subject. Further instructions in regard to detention of wives and children. 414
1599 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing. May 15 Same subject. Reports conditions upon which the Austrian Government will release Ghiloni. 414
496 Mr. Jay to Mr. Lansing May 17 Same subject. Reports his action in pursuance of instructions of May 12, No. 548. 415
339 Mr. Polk to Mr. Jay May 19 Same subject. Instruction to request the release of Bartolomeo Licciardo. 416
554 Same to same (telegram) May 22 Same subject. Instructs to urge early decision in the Zuffi case. 417
639 Mr. Jay to Mr Lansing (telegram). May 23 Same subject. Reports Government’s decision to cease restricting the movements of wives and children of American citizens. Reports disinclination of the Government to discuss a naturalization treaty during the war. 417
501 Same to same May 26 Same subject. Discusses at length the general question of detention in Italy for military service of Italian-born citizens of the United States, detention of wives and children, and negotiation of a naturalization treaty. 417
504 do May 30 Same subject. Reports reaffirmation of refusal to release Ajello and Ghiloni and other cases of the same nature. 419
1308 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 19 Same subject. Frank Ghiloni released, to return to America via Scandinavia. 420
359 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jay June 30 Same subject. Reply to his 501 of May 26; instruction to keep the Foreign Office alive to the deep interest of this Government in having justice done to the wives and children of citizens of the United States, and to bear constantly in mind the need for a naturalization convention. 420
663 Mr. Page to Mr. Lansing July 6 Same subject. Refers to Department’s 532 of Apr. 21; authorities refuse to release Mazzei; reasons. 421
664 Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Zuffi released 421
Mr. Adee to Mr. Hitchcock July 12 Same subject. Informs him of the decision of the Italian authorities not to release Mazzei; remarks. 421
532 Mr. Jay to Mr. Lansing July 14 Same subject. Refers to Department’s 316 of Apr. 10; reports refusal of the authorities to release De Fato. 422
534 Same to same July 17 Same subject. Refers to Department’s 339 of May 19; reports refusal of the authorities to release Licciardo. 423
370 Mr. Polk to Mr. Page July 25 Same subject. Instruction to request the release of Hostilio Giomi. 422
1366 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 2 Same subject. German authorities refuse to vise Ghiloni’s passport. Requests instructions. 424
3267 Mr. Polk to Mr. Gerard (telegram). Aug. 7 Same subject. Instruction to request Foreign Office to grant Ghiloni’s return to America. 425
4296 Mr. Gerard to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 2 Same subject. German authorities suggest requesting Austrian authorities to permit return of Ghiloni via Switzerland. 424
298 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Stovall (telegram). Sept. 6 Same subject. Instruction in Ghiloni case 425
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hitchcock. Sept. 8 Same subject. States fully, in replying as to the Mazzei case, the position of this Government in regard to the whole contention with Italy concerning the detention of American citizens. Also as to negotiation of a naturalization treaty. 425
566 Mr. Page to Mr. Lansing Oct. 14 Same subject. Reports refusal of the authorities to release Hostilio Giomi. 427
1501 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 27 Same subject. Reports progress of the Ghiloni case 427
733 Mr. Page to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Nov. 17 Same subject. Refers to Department’s 324 of Apr. 18. Reports refusal of the authorities to release Orocchi. 427
1559 Mr. Penfield to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 2 Same subject. The Austrian Government has consented to the repatriation of Frank Ghiloni via Switzerland and France. 428
1871 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Sharp (telegram). Dec. 8 Same subject. Request French authorities to permit return of Ghiloni via France. 428
1765 Mr. Sharp to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 28 Same subject. Reply to Department’s 1871 of Dec. 8. The Ghiloni matter has been referred to the competent authorities, who will hasten their reply as much as possible. 428


[Page XLI]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
236 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Guthrie 1916 Jan. 25 Discrimination in freight rates affecting equality of commercial opportunity in China; protest of the United States; reply to his No. 378 of Nov. 4, 1915; instruction to renew representations. 446
457 Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Lansing Mar. 3 Same subject. Incloses copy of his note to the Foreign Office in pursuance of Department’s 236 of Jan. 25. Requests further instructions. 448
Same to same (telegram) Apr. 7 Treaty between Japan and Russia guaranteeing the territorial rights and special interests of each in the Far East. Reports that the press is publishing the terms as agreed upon. Gives synopsis of reported treaty. 429
790 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Francis (telegram). Apr. 18 Same subject. Instructs to ascertain facts of reported alliance between Japan and Russia and to report forms of convention 430
290 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Guthrie Apr. 20 Discrimination in freight rates. Reply to his 457 of Mar. 3. Instructions. 449
518 Mr. Dearing to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 24 Treaty between Japan and Russia. The Minister for Foreign Affairs admits that an agreement with Japan is contemplated, but has not been reduced to terms. It will not disadvantageously effect the interests of third parties. 430
549 Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Lansing June 20 Same subject. Gives newspaper comments on the proposed treaty. 431
Same to same (telegram). June 30 Same subject. The treaty was approved by the Privy Council yesterday. 431
642 Mr. Francis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). July 7 Same subject. Quotes terms as published in the press. 431
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Quotes statement issued by the Foreign Office giving the terms of the convention signed July 3, 1916. 432
Mr. Polk to Mr. Guthrie (telegram). July 8 Same subject. Department awaits detailed mail report showing embassy’s interpretation of the 432
132 Mr. Heintzleman to Mr. Lansing. July 11 Same subject. Quotes newspaper account of the treaty and its supplementary clauses, and comments on the economical aspect of the treaty. 432
Mr. Polk to Mr. Guthrie (telegram). July 13 Same subject. Asks whether Embassy believes that there are other matters embraced in the treaty in addition to the two articles quoted in his telegram of the 7th instant, and whether the full text will be published 435
653 Mr. Francis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). July 14 Same subject. Minister for Foreign Affairs Sazanoff asserted in an interview that the United States has no occasion for fear or suspicion and that America will be a beneficiary from the treaty. 436
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Lansing (telegram). July 16 Same subject. The additional provisions agreed upon but not yet published were read to the British Ambassador. They relate to the transfer of a part of the Chinese Eastern Railway to Japan, fishing rights on the coast of Manchuria and navigation of the Sungari River. The British Ambassador is satisfied that British trading rights are not affected. 436
Mr. Reinsch to Mr. Lansing (telegram). July 17 Same subject. The consensus of opinion here is that the treaty will be used by Japan to impress upon Great Britain that Japan is not dependent upon her, and that the European Powers will not oppose Japan’s policy in China. 437
562 Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Forwards full text of the treaty as published in the Official Gazette. Quotes newspaper comments on the supplementary agreements. 437
563 Same to same 1916 July 18 Same subject. Comments on the treaty 440
Mr. Polk to Mr. Reinsch (telegram). July 24 Same subject. Department is awaiting more definite information before giving an opinion whether favored-nation clause can be invoked if deemed necessary. 442
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Guthrie (telegram). Aug. 16 Same subject. Quotes note to be delivered to the Japanese Foreign Office, stating that this Government is convinced that neither of the contracting parties desire to withdraw from the Root-Takahira agreement of 1908, and that the Department would appreciate if the Japanese Government would furnish a copy of the supplementary articles. 442
954 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Francis (telegram). do Same subject. This Government understands that the Russian Government has not withdrawn from the Treaty of July 30, 1907, concerning the independence and territorial integrity of China, and would be pleased to receive a confirmation of this understanding from the Russian Government. 443
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. It is reported that the new convention provides that Japanese troops will replace Russian troops in Manchuria at the close of the present war. 444
Same to same Aug. 21 Same subject. The Minister for Foreign Affairs states that Japan has no intention to deviate from the Root-Takahira notes or the prior convention with Russia in relation to China. The transfer of a portion of the Chinese Eastern Railway has not been completed. It is the understanding of the Japanese Government that China’s grant of the right of navigation automatically ensues to the benefit of all other nations which have most-favored-nation treaties with China. 444
721 Mr. Francis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 23 Same subject. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has given assurances that the Russian Government will maintain unimpaired the provisions of the treat of 1907 though no mention thereof is made in the convention of 1916. 445
Mr. Guthrie to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). Aug. 29 Same subject. The British Ambassador at Tokyo states that the treaty meets with the approval of the London authorities. 445
Same to same Sept. 13 Same subject. The Foreign Office has given written assurances on the line of his telegram of Aug. 21, 1916. 445
613 do do Same subject. Incloses copies of note and memorandum from the Japanese Foreign Office on which telegram of even date was based. 446


[Page XLII]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
3 Mr. Curtis to Mr. Lansing 1916 Jan. 12 Political affairs. The Liberian Government desires that the Chester be left in Liberian waters until answer has been received to its request for the loan of arms from the United States. 452
Same to same (telegram) Feb. 4 Same subject. The Liberian Government has decided to purchase the arms from the War Department at the stated price. 453
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Curtis (telegram). Feb. 7 Same subject. The arms will be shipped on the collier Sterling, carrying supplies to the Chester. Can the Chester be relieved upon arrival of arms? 453
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 9 Same subject. The Navy Department is obliged to recall the Chester immediately after the arrival of the shipment of arms to the Liberian Government at Monrovia. 454
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Feb. 12 Same subject. The Liberian Government desires that the Chester remain until revolt is crushed. Recommends that the vessel remain two weeks after arrival of arms. 454
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels Feb. 14 Same subject. Advises of the above request 454
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 17 Same subject. The commanding officer of the Chester has been directed to proceed to New York no later than two weeks after receipt of the shipment of arms by the Liberian Government. 455
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 17 Same subject. Shipment of arms arrived and was delivered to the Secretary of War. 455
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Curtis (telegram). June 5 Financial affairs. It is reported that the Liberian Government will discontinue to pay interest on 1912 loan. Report facts. 458
Mr. Curtis to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1910 June 9 Same subject. On account of the war the revenues of the Liberian Government are greatly diminished. Will report in detail by dispatch. 458
26 Same to same June 13 Political affairs. Reports an engagement between the Liberian frontier force and the rebellious Krus; the Krus were defeated and routed. 456
27 do do Financial affairs. The Liberian Government, on May 27, 1916, gave notice to the National City Bank of New York, fiscal agents, of its inability to continue payments on interest and sinking fund of the 1912 loan. Incloses detailed statement from the Liberian Treasury Department 459
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Curtis Aug. 24 Political affairs. The Department is gratified to hear of the crushing of the Kru revolt by the Liberian frontier force. 456
1298 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spring Rice. Aug. 26 Same subject. It is reported that the British ship Prahsu landed arms and ammunition for the use of rebellious native tribes in Liberia. Requests that the matter be investigated. 457
44 Mr. Curtis to Mr. Lansing Sept. 30 Message of the President. Transmits copy of 461
Same to same (telegram) Nov. 7 Financial affairs. Arrival of an expected cargo steamer will provide sufficient funds to pay June interest on 1912 loan and leave a balance for the July interest. Reports tentative agreement with the Bank of British West Africa for a loan of $9,000 monthly to the Liberian Government. 461
348 Mr. Spring Rice to Mr. Lansing. Dec. 1 Political affairs. The matter of the landing of arms by the British ship Prahsu was investigated and it was learned that no cargo was consigned to Liberian ports, nor was any cargo landed. 457


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No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Silliman (telegram). 1914 July 24 Political affairs. Instructs him remain with Carranza until further notice. 465
Mr. Bryan to Mr. Carothers (telegram). 1915 Jan. 12 Same subject. Travel with Villa until we can find someone to take your Place. 479
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). Dec. 18 Financial affairs. Impress upon Carranza that to compel the National Bank of Mexico to pay its bills of exchange in gold, while it has been obliged to accept current paper money, will prove ruinous to Mexico. 626
Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 21 Same subject. Carranza is reported to have authorized the courts to accept judicial demands against banks of issue to force them to make immediate redemption of their bank notes in specie. Most energetic representations should be made. 627
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Reply to Department’s Dec. 18, 6 p.m. Like all other banks, National Bank of Mexico is being required to redeem its notes in Mexican silver, not in gold, in accordance with the law. 628
Same to same Dec. 22 Same subject. Unable to obtain any further expression on the bank situation from Carranza other than that conveyed in telegram of Dec. 21, 5 p.m. 628
196 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). Dec. 24 Same subject. Instructs Parker to repeat his 192, Dec. 21, 5 p.m., relative bank situation to Silliman, Saltillo. 628
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Same subject. Upon receiving instructions from Parker, urge upon Carranza the necessity for allowing the banks sufficient time to meet the requirements of banking order. 629
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 27 Same subject. Suggests that a commission representing the banking interests meet with Carranza and state the case fully. 629
198 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegrams). Dec. 28 Same subject. Inform the Minister of Finance that this Government views with grave concern the reported plans of the de facto Government to take drastic action against the banking institutions of Mexico. 630
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 29 Same subject. Silliman suggests commission representing banking interests meet with Carranza. 630
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Same subject. Suggestion of commission communicated to Parker. 630
207 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). 1915 Dec. 30 Same subject. Advise American citizens not to comply with decree relating to paper money. 631
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). Dec. 31 Same subject. Request Carranza to suspend enforcement of decree of Dec. 6 until the rights of Americans can be brought to attention of de facto Government for consideration. 631
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Jan. 1 Same subject A decree is now being prepared, which it is expected Carranza will shortly sign, permitting banks of issue period of two years in which to redeem their bills in silver. 631
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Edwards (telegram). Jan. 3 Protection of Americans and American interests. Request Obregon to send troops to punish looters of property of Cusi Mining Co. 650
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 4 Financial affairs. Reply to Department’s 31, 4 p.m. Decrees relating to issuing of paper money no longer in effect. Regrets any loss in consequence of them, but Government not prepared at this time to suggest a mode of relief. 632
Same to same (telegram) Jan. 5 Protection of American mining interests. Chief Executive is disposed to reconsider and reform present mining decree. 708
Senate resolution Jan. 6 Political affairs. Requests information concerning the political affairs in Mexico. 463
Compañia Petrolera Maritima to Mr. Lansing. Jan. 7 Protection of American oil interests. Protest of Compañia Petrolera Maritima against the attempted cancellation by the Mexican Government of a certain contract or lease held and owned by said company. 741
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). Jan. 11 Protection of Americans and American interests. Reports murder of a number of employees of the Cusi Mining Co. 651
Same to same do Same subject. Murder of the employees of Cusi Mining Co. confirmed. 651
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cobb (telegram). do Same subject. Seek cooperation of authorities in recovering the bodies of Americans recently shot by bandits. 651
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). Jan. 12 Same subject. Department’s Jan. 11, midnight. Mexican authorities cooperating. 651
Same to same do Same subject. Mexican authorities at Jaurez impressed by gravity of situation and show a present eagerness to act. 652
Same to same do Same subject. Details of Santa Ysabel massacre as given by the only American survivor. 652
do do Same subject. More details of the Santa Ysabel massacre. 652
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegrams). do Same subject. Railway communication between Durango and Torreon interrupted. Requests Carranza to order adequate forces to vicinity of Durango, Torreon and Gomez Palacio in order to prevent a repetition of outrages. 653
Same to same do Same subject. Urge Carranza to order the immediate pursuit and punishment of the perpetrators of the Santa Ysabel massacre. 653
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. do Same subject. Incloses copies of certain telegrams to Mr. Silliman in regard to murder of 16 Americans. 654
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Acknowledges Department’s note of Jan. 12. Deplores the murder of Americans near Chihuahua City and promises efficient action will be taken to bring murderers to justice. 654
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Edwards (telegram). do Same subject. Request protection of Madera Lumber Co. mills in and about Madera. 654
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). Jan. 13 Same subject. Train with bodies reached El Paso without mishap; guarded by Mexican soldiers. 655
2 Same to same do Same subject. Certain mining companies are telegraphing their employees to leave and are seeking protection for them. Recommend that Department call upon the de facto authorities to afford protection en route. 655
do do Same subject. Troops to be hastened to Madera and adequate guard promised for train from Chihuahua to El Paso. 655
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Same subject. Acquaint Carranza with the intense excitement throughout the country caused by the Santa Ysabel massacre. Prompt and efficient action alone will allay such feeling. 656
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 14 Same subject. Reports departure of train bringing employees American Smelting & Refining Co. and others from Chihuahua. 656
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Edwards (telegram). do Same subject. Serious situation prevails at Madera. Request adequate force be sent to that place for protection of foreigners against bandits. 656
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cobb (telegram). 1916 Jan. 14 Same subject. Ascertain whether Watson and companions requested military guard for their trip. Had Watson and companions received from Mexican authorities assurances that it would be safe to resume operations at Cusihuiriachic. 656
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Reports the capture and shooting of two Villista generals. Reward is offered for the apprehension of perpetrators of Santa Ysabel outrage. 657
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing do Same subject. Reports the arrival of train bringing 52 Americans out of Mexico. 657
288 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Financial affairs. Minister of Finance wishes Department to point out concrete cases of proposed drastic measures in order to give proper answer to Department’s 198. 632
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing. Jan. 15 Protection of Americans and American interests. Reply to Department’s Jan. 14, 5 p.m. Gives facts which doubtless led Watson to believe that it was safe to resume operation of mine and to travel on the Northwestern Railroad. 657
Compañia Petrolera Maritima to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American oil interests. Asks that Mexican Government be requested not to disturb property of company until opportunity has been given for defense and its rights determined. 752
Mr. Williams to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties forced loans. Expropriation of all cotton stored at Torreon regardless of ownership. 776
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 16 Protection of Americans and American interests. Reports the arrival of Americans from Mexico. Doing everything possible to get Americans out from dangerous localities. 659
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Reply to Department’s Jan. 13, 5 p.m. Orders issued by Carranza for the immediate pursuit, capture and punishment of those responsible for the crime. 659
Admiral Winslow to Mr. Daniels (telegram). Jan. 17 Same subject. Reports from the Yaqui Valley 660
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. First passenger train in 10 days arrived from Casas Grandes bringing about 25 Americans. Conditions reported unalarming. Some expect to return. 660
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels. do Political affairs. Requests pertinent facts concerning the occupation of Vera Cruz by our naval forces. 464
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Baker. do Same subject. Requests statement embodying orders given for the protection of American life and property on Mexican border and facts concerning the occupation of Vera Cruz. 465
Same to same Jan. 18 Protection of Americans and American interests. De facto Government requests that the military and immigration authorities cooperate with the Mexican authorities by denying the outlaws refuge in the United States. 661
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Wilson. do Same subject. The de facto Government of Mexico requests that the military and immigration authorities cooperate with the Mexican authorities in their efforts to exterminate bands of outlaws by denying them refuge in the United States. 661
Consul Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 19 Political affairs. Villa and other raiders declared outlaws. 465
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Simpich (telegram). do Same subject. Requests number of Americans and Mexicans and others killed on American soil since beginning of uprising against Porfirio Diaz, if possible. Same to Juarez, Piedras Negras, Laredo and Matamoros. 466
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Baker. do Same subject. Asks that every effort be made to exclude from the United States any persons against whom there may be ground for suspicion of participation in the outrage at Santa Ysabel. 466
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Protection of American oil interests. Department informed de facto authorities contemplate issuing a decree providing for the nationalization of petroleum. Point out to Carranza the dangerous situation which might arise from the issuance of a confiscatory decree. 752
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegrams). Jan. 20 Protection of Americans and American interests. Hopes that the campaign against Yaqui Indians be vigorously prosecuted. 661
235 Same to same (telegram) do Financial affairs. Silliman instructed to repeat to you his telegram of Jan. 1. In view said telegram, further representations unnecessary at this time. 633
1861 Same to same 1916 Jan. 20 Same subject. Report available facts as to the amount of money of the invalidated issues referred to in your No. 198, which remains in the hands of Americans. 631
Mr. Baker to Mr. Lansing Jan. 21 Political affairs. Gives instructions sent in accordance with request of Jan. 19. 466
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Lansing do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Requests that American representative be instructed to assist Spanish Charge in his efforts to have decree affecting cotton growers repealed. 776
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Simpich (telegram). do Embargo on the exportation of arms and munitions into Mexico. Advise Department from time to time whether permission for shipments of munitions of war for industrial purposes to points in your district should be withheld. 787
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American oil interests. Department’s Jan. 19, 4 p.m. Informed by Secretary in charge of the Department that the Government does not contemplate such a decree. 753
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Same subject. Request Carranza to take appropriate steps suspend the decree of forfeiture against the Compañia Petrolera Maritima and to protect property of company against seizure and interference. 753
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker. Jan. 22 Protection of Americans and American interests. Request adequate protection for settlers of Los Mochis district. 662
Mr. Cochran to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Embargo against the exportation of arms and munitions into Mexico. Munitions should not, in the opinion of Consul Simpich, be permitted to go to Ures, Alamos, nor to any point south of Guaymas. 788
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Protection of American oil interests. Your Jan. 21, 6 p.m. Department wishes you to take up matter with Carranza in person. Ascertain if contract mentioned directly or indirectly affects the oil rights of American citizens. 754
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 23 Embargo against the exportation of arms and munitions into Mexico. Munitions of war should not be permitted into this district. Conditions bordering on anarchy obtain. 788
Mr. Post to Mr. Lansing Jan. 24 Political affairs. States that request of Jan. 19 will to complied with. 467
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Embargo against the exportation of arms and munitions to Mexico. Acknowledges Department’s Jan. 21, 6 p.m. 788
Mr. Bevan to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 25 Protection of American oil interests. Main points of new oil decree issued by General Aguilar Jan. 15. 754
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Department’s Jan. 21, 5 p.m. Government of Mexico surprised that the American Government should make the representation when only the interests of Mexican citizens appear affected. 754
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Edwards (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Investigate and report whether there is any foundation for the statement that Carranza is not doing anything to apprehend and punish those guilty of the massacre of Americans. 662
Mr. Baker to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Incloses a report on the border conditions for the week Jan. 15, 1916. 662
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 26 Protection of American oil interests. Department’s Jan. 22. General Carranza informed me personally that pipe line in question would not directly or indirectly affect the oil rights of American citizens. 755
Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Department’s Jan. 19, 4 p.m., and Department’s Jan. 22. Carranza informed me that the Government was not contemplating the issuance of decree nationalizing petroleum industry. 755
1590 Mr. Bevan to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Transmits a copy of new oil decree issued by General Aguilar on Jan. 15, 1916. 755
273 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American mining interests. Transmits translation of a circular, which has force of law. concerning the payment of mining taxes. 708
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 27 Protection of Americans and American interests. There is some foundation for the charge made that little is being done to apprehend the guilty parties connected with the Santa Ysabel massacre. 663
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American oil interests. Quotes a telegram received from the Minister of Fomento giving further information concerning the proposed oil pipe line in the Tuxpam district. 758
Mr. Williams to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Jan. 27 Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Expropriation foreign-owned cotton stopped. 777
Mr. Post to Mr. Lansing Jan. 29 Political affairs. Supervising inspector, Immigration Service, El Paso, instructed to prevent entry into the United States of any outlaws. 467
Mr. Sawday to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Jan. 30 Embargo against the exportation of arms and munitions into Mexico. Department’s Jan. 21, 6 p.m., should be confined to immediate requirements of known mining operations and public works. 788
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegrams). Jan. 31 Protection of Americans and American interests. Ascertain just what is being done to capture and punish murderers. 663
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Riaño Feb. 1 Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Department informed that expropriation has been stopped. 777
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Protection of American oil interests. Quotes telegram of Jan. 25, 3 p.m., from Vice Consul Be van. Ask Carranza whether decree issued by his authority. Right of protest reserved. Can not regard as binding, so far as American citizens are concerned, provisions against seeking protection of governments of interested nationals. 758
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 2 Same subject. Department’s telegram of Feb. 1, 4 p.m. Transmits a copy of the representation made by him in the case. 759
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). Feb. 5 Same subject. Department’s recent telegram concerning oil decree at Vera Cruz. Decree said to operate in favor of Mexican Commission. Renew previous representations and request immediate answer. 759
Same to same do Protection of Americans and American interests. Request authorities to maintain adequate garrison permanently at Los Mochis. 664
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 9 Political affairs. Information on the political situation in the consular district of Chihuahua. 468
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Feb. 10 Protection of American mining interests. Financial status of Government necessitates drastic tax measures. Change in mining decree to be considered next period. Taxes for next tercio will have to be paid according to terms of the present decree. 709
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman. Feb. 11 Same subject. Request an extension of time to pay arrears in taxes. One month is entirely too short to enable mine owners generally to liquidate their arrears of taxes. 709
Same to same (telegram) Feb. 16 Political affairs. Instructs Consul to ask authorities for additional troops at Cusihuiriachic for the protection of mining property. 469
President Wilson to the Senate. Feb. 17 The President’s message to the Senate transmitting a report of the Secretary of State on the Mexican situation. 469
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hostetter. Feb. 18 Protection of Americans and American interests. Can anything be done, through friendly Indians or otherwise, to obtain release of Mrs. John Lehr and children, still held prisoners by Yaquis? 664
Same to same Feb. 19 Same subject. Telegraph status of campaign against Yaqui Indians and whether settlers in Yaqui Valley are now adequately protected. 664
805 Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Acknowledges Department’s telegram of Feb. 18. States efforts made to have Yaquis release family of Lehr. 664
Same to same (telegram) Feb. 21 Same subject. General Serrano claims campaign against Yaquis is being vigorously pushed. Valley said to be safe. 665
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. All statements of de facto Government concerning mining decrees are unsatisfactory and unresponsive to Department’s representations. This Government looks for the annulment or modification of the decrees so as to make them comformable to the Mexican Constitution. 710
Same to same do Same subject. Protests the imposition of arbitrary and excessive taxes. Asks the annulment of the decree of Mar. 1, 1915. 710
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hostetter (telegram). Feb. 24 Protection of Americans and American interests. Call Obregon’s attention to the lack of sufficient troops in Chihuahua district. 665
4 Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Annulment or modification of mining decree can not be had now. Mexican Government considers the Department’s interpretation of the Mexican Constitution as untenable. Payments made for mining taxes due and receipts given therefor must be taken as complete liquidation. 713
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). 1916 Feb. 26 Same subject. Expresses disappointment of this Government at Carranza’s attitude toward its representations in a matter so vitally affecting a vast amount of American property. Reaffirms the tenor of its telegrams of June 30, Dec. 28 last, and the 21st instant. 713
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers. Feb. 28 Political affairs. Instructs him to proceed to Mexico as Special Representative of the Department of State. 478
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Chinese interests. Carranza troops under General Gutierrez at Jimenez, en route to Chihuahua, attacked hotel of Charley Chee, a Chinaman, and robbed guests. Chee was executed the following morning. 795
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 1 Protection of Americans and American interests. Obregon says that additional troops have been sent to Chihuahua district. 665
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 3 Political affairs. Reports movements of Villa. Believes he intends to cross into the United States and proceed to Washington. Requests instructions. 478
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Request that permanent and adequate guard be stationed at Los Mochis. 666
Same to same (telegram). do Protection of Chinese interests. Quotes telegram from Consul Letcher, dated Feb. 28, 1 p.m., and instructs to request appropriate authorities to take punish those guilty of outrages 795
Mr. Lansing to the Compañia Petrolera Maritima. Mar. 4 Protection of American oil interests. Acknowledges company’s letter of Jan. 7. States result of action taken by the Department, Suggests company furnish it with a statement of the interests held by American citizens 760
3 Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Delivered Department’s mail instructions of Feb. 21, also Department’s Feb. 24. 4 p.m. 713
Same to same (telegram) Mar. 5 Political affairs. Department’s Feb. 16, 5 p.m. Foreign Secretary says that sufficient troops have been sent to guard Cusihuiriachic region. 478
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). Mar. 6 Same subject. Villa reported to be proceeding to border. 479
Same to same Mar. 7 Same subject. Further movements of Villa 479
do Mar. 8 Same subject. Villa forces not being pursued because of insufficient troops under Juarez command and failure of detachments from Chihuahua. 479
do do Same subject. Carranza Consul has called on Carranza for troops. Inefficient action by Carranza forces will tend to undermine the de facto Government. 479
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Reports movements of Villa 480
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Koo do Protection of Chinese interests. Informs the Chinese minister of the execution of Charley Chee, a Chinese subject. States that relatives request that Minister send a representative to investigate and to protect rights of the heirs to property. 795
Compañia Petrolera Mantima to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American oil interests. Gives statement of the beneficial interests in the Compañia Petrolera Maritima which are vested in American citizens, and of the proportion which such interests bear to those in the property of Mexico. 760
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 9 Political affairs. Reports attack on Columbus, N. Mex., by Villa troops. 480
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. American garrison at Columbus attacked by Villa forces. 480
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. General Gutierrez has requested that the Government of the United States be informed that orders have been given for the capture of the bandits. 480
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. States that Villa was with attacking party. 481
General Pershing to General Funston (telegram). do Same subject. Villa himself led charge through camp. Losses given. Troops in pursuit. Recommends cavalry be sent if any number of troops are to be sent after Villa. 481
Mr. Lansing to Messrs. Silliman and Belt (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs to bring information concerning the attack on Columbus to the attention of Carranza. Expects de facto Government to do everything in its power to exterminate this lawless element. 481
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing (telegram) do Same subject. He has been informed that Mexican cavalry has been sent in pursuit of Villa. 482
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Mar. 9 Same subject. Very little assistance can be had from Carranza Government in running down Villa. Forces inadequate. 482
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Reports Mormon colonists at Casas Grandes in danger from Villa. 683
Same to same. Telegram Mar. 10 Political affairs. Indications are that Carranza authorities will resent American troops entering Mexico. 482
980 General Funston to General McCain (telegram). do Same subject. Is of the opinion that unless Villa is relentlessly pursued he will continue raids. Mexican Government troops grossly apathetic and inefficient. 482
981 Same to same (telegram) do Same subject. Under circumstances believes Slocum justified in violating War Department’s order relative to sending troops across border. 483
General McCain to General Funston (telegram). do Same subject. President has directed that an armed force be sent into Mexico to capture Villa and to prevent further raids. Directs to telegraph needs. 483
Mr. Belt to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Department’s Mar. 9, 4 p.m., presented to General Carranza. Sets forth certain Questions which were submitted for answer. 483
Mr. Lansing to American Consular Officers in Mexico (telegram). do Same subject. President’s statement to the press that adequate force will be sent into Mexico to capture Villa. 484
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Indications are that Carranza authorities will resent American troops entering Mexico. 484
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Reply to Department’s Mar. 9, 4 p.m. Asks that an agreement be entered into whereby the troops of each country may cross the boundary in pursuit of bandits. 485
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cobb (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans. Advise Mormons to take every precaution for their safety. 683
2 Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Advice to leave Mexico repeated to Mormons. Leaders arranging for train to bring colonists out. Department should request military escort for this train. 684
Mr. Lansing to certain Consular Officers in Mexico, including Mr. Parker (telegram). Mar. 11 Same subject. If m your judgment conditions warrant it, close Consulate and advise Americans to leave. 684
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Americans arriving from Tampico region claim to have been ordered out by Carranza soldiers. Entirely destitute. Others expected. Transportation requested. 684
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Edwards (telegram). do Same subject. Request escort for Mormons who wish to withdraw from Casas Grandes. 684
Mr. Lansing to all American Consular Officers in Mexico (telegram). do Same subject. Gives instructions as to withdrawal to border. 684
Mr. Carranza to Mr. Arredondo (telegram). Mar. 12 Political affairs. States that Columbus raid affords no just reason for war. Presence of American operating force in Mexico without a like permission being granted to the Mexican forces will be considered as an invasion of national territory. 486
Mr. Belt to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Text of an appeal issued by Carranza to the people of Mexico. 487
Same to same Mar. 13 Same subject. Secretary of Foreign Affairs claims that war with Mexico would place United States in position of assisting reactionaries. 487
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). do Same subject. Reply to Secretary Acuña’s note of March 10. 487
Mr. Belt to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Reply to the de facto Government’s note of March 10, presented to Secretary Acuña. Created a favorable impression. 488
922 General McCain to General Funston (telegram). do Same subject. The President desires that the ex-expedition should not afford the slightest ground of suspicion of any other object than the dispersing the bands of marauders. 489
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. do Same subject. Incloses a statement concerning the object of United States military forces in Mexico which the President has authorized to be made public. 489
Mr. Lansing to certain American Consuls (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs to keep Department informed as to temper of populace on border and the name of Mexican commander. 489
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Department’s February 5, 6 p.m., presented to Foreign Office. In reply to Department’s March 3, 7 p.m., Obregon says that the situation at Los Mochis has been misrepresented. 666
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). 1916 Mar. 13 Protection of American oil interests. Your telegram January 25, 7 p.m. Statement of Foreign Secretary that interests Mexican citizens only concerned is inaccurate. Stock of Compañia Petrolera Maritima owned by American citizens. Renew representations in behalf of company. 762
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegrams). do Protection of American mining interests. Endeavor to have mining decree of Mar. 1, 1915, abrogated. Failing in this, seek to have ruling for the payment of taxes for the last tercio, apply to taxes now due. Ask that metal export duties be reduced one-half. If your efforts are to no purpose, obtain, if possible, an extension of time within which to pay taxes now due. 714
267 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Americans wish more facts as to international relations to enable them to determine whether they should leave. In the event of crisis to whom shall American interests be entrusted? 685
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Garrett (telegram). do Same subject. Furnish transportation to Americans mentioned in your Mar. 11, 2 p.m., provided they are absolutely destitute. 686
Mr. Polk to all American Consular Officers in Mexico (telegram). Mar. 14 Political affairs. Expedition will soon enter Mexico to pursue and capture Villa and his band. Permission has been granted to Mexican troops to cross international boundary in like cases. Same to Mr. Parker, all American missions in Central and South America and in Europe, Japan and China. 490
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing. do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Requests certain data concerning aid to be rendered to Americans in Mexico in case of necessity. 686
Mr. Polk to Mr. Belt (telegram). Mar. 15 Political affairs. Instructs to ascertain whether any orders have been given by Carranza to his military commanders as to course they should pursue in the event of our troops crossing the border. 490
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Substance of reply to American note has been agreed upon but will not be formulated or presented until later. Attitude of Mexican Government to expedition of American troops is said to be favorable. 491
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Lansing. Mar. 16 Protection of American oil interests. Transmits copy of what purports to be a decree issued by the First Chief, ordering the suspension of all exploitation of oil lands pending the issuance of the proposed new law on the subject. 762
280 Mr. Polk to Mr. Parker (telegrams). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. In case of necessity entrust representation of American interests to British or French colleague. 686
Concurrent resolution of United States Congress. Mar. 17 Political affairs. Concurrent resolution of Senate and House of Representatives of the United States setting forth the purpose of the expedition of American troops into Mexico. 491
1071 General Funston to General McCain (telegram). do Same subject. Reports the movements of General Pershing. 492
Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Request that campaign against Indians be vigorously prosecuted and that sufficient troops be stationed in San Xavier district for protection American mining companies operating there. 666
Same to same (telegram) Mar. 18 Political affairs. Instructs to request General Carranza to issue necessary orders to Chihuahua authorities to permit use of Northwestern Railway for transportation of supplies for American troops. 492
Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Understands there is now complete understanding between Mexican and American forces. 492
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Protests that the consent expressed by the Mexican Government in regard to the crossing of armed troops over the frontier line is being erroneously understood. 493
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Polk. do Same subject. Incloses copy of note protesting the crossing of American troops into Mexico. 493
Mr. Polk to Mr. Arredondo Mar. 19 Same subject. Regrets that there should have been any misunderstanding as to the attitude of General Carranza in connection with the crossing of the border. Will be glad to receive any suggestions the Mexican Government may care to make as to the terms of a definite agreement. 494
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Polk 1916 Mar. 19 Same subject. Submits a draft of an agreement in regard to the crossing of troops of both countries over the boundary line. 495
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. States that Mexican Government can not permit the occupation of Mexican towns by American forces in the absence of an agreement. 497
Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Reply to Department’s note of Mar. 18, 6 p.m., requesting use of railroad for transportation of supplies for troops. 497
General Scott to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 20 Same subject. Gives location and movement of American troops in Mexico. 498
Same to same do Same subject. Gives places at which American troops crossed the border and circumstances under which they crossed, as requested in communication of Mar. 19. 498
2 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs to assure Carranza that the purpose of the expedition is to capture Villa and that the American troops will be withdrawn as soon as that purpose is effected. That this Government accepts in principle the reciprocal arrangement submitted by Mr. Arredondo. 499
286 Mr. Polk to Mr. Parker do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. No funds available for indefinite maintenance of destitute Americans in Mexico. All Americans whose presence is not essential for business reasons should be advised to return immediately to this country. 686
Mr. Polk to Mr. Arredondo Mar. 21 Political affairs. General Pershing has been instructed to avoid occupying any Mexican town. 500
3 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Foreign Office states that orders have been issued to push with vigor the campaign against the Indians in the Yaqui Valley. 667
Mr. Polk to Mr. Simpich (telegram). Mar. 22 Political affairs. Requests number, location and movements of troops in northwestern part of Sonora. 500
Mr. Polk to certain American Consuls in Mexico (telegram). do Same subject. Ascertain the number, location and changes of troops along the border in your consular district. 501
Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Directs to sound the Mexican authorities as to the truth of reports that garrisons along the border have been reinforced. 501
6 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers. Mar. 24 Protection of American mining interests. If annulment or modification of mining decree has not yet been accomplished, concentrate best efforts to secure longest possible time for payment of taxes. 714
282 Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing do Protection of Turkish interests. Incloses a petition from Jorge Elias, a Turkish subject, to the Secretario de Hacienda y Credito Publico, asking for the return of money taken from him by Mexican officials at Nuevo Laredo. Asks good offices of the Department. 797
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. Mar. 27 Political affairs. Draft of agreement concerning the reciprocal crossing of troops over the boundary line as amended by Mexican Government. 501
8 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 28 Protection of American mining interests. Extension of time for payment of mining taxes present tercio will be given until May 1. Meanwhile further careful consideration will be given whole matter. 714
7 Same to same (telegram) do Political affairs. Mexican attitude certain features of protocol. 502
11 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegrams). do Same subject. Seeks use of railroad for bringing up supplies pending settlement of terms of protocol. 503
12 Same to same (telegrams) Mar. 29 Same subject. Department has suggested to War Department to make appropriate arrangements to ship supplies to civilians in Mexico. Request that Chihuahua authorities be instructed to furnish adequate guards for trains. 504
Mr. Baker to Mr. Lansing do Same subject. Incloses copy of telegram sent to commanding general, Southern Department, concerning the consignment of goods to civilians. 504
12 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Definite reply promised to-morrow concerning use of railroads. 505
336 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing. do Financial affairs. Conservative estimate of invalidated issues of paper money in the hands of Americans. 633
8 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Dawson. do Protection of American oil interests. Acknowledges dispatch of Mar. 16, 1916. Instructs to advise Department if any attempt is made to apply provisions of this decree to American citizens. 763
13 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Mar. 30 Political affairs. Agreement reached relative to consignment of supplies to civilians. Mexican authorities irritated over the failure to supply information requested concerning the number and location of our troops. 505
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels. do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Reply to the letter of March 14, 1916. 687
19 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegrams). Mar. 31 Protection of American mining interests. Express to de facto Government Department’s appreciation of extension of time limit within which to pay mining taxes. 715
17 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Political affairs. Informed by Cabrera that General Carranza and General Obregon think it will be necessary to request withdrawal of our troops in a short time unless Villa is soon captured. 505
Mr. Baker to Mr. Lansing do Same subject. Incloses telegram from General Funston which states that General Gavira has received no instructions from his Government concerning the shipment of supplies. 506
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 1 Protection of Americans and American interests. Certain foreigners executed by Villa. 667
24 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). Apr. 3 Political affairs. Department informed that Chihuahua authorities have received no instructions concerning the shipment of supplies. Renew your efforts to have appropriate instructions issued. 506
25 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 4 Same subject. Unable to reach Carranza or Obregon. Cabrera promised an investigation. 506
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. do Same subject. Incloses a redraft of the proposed protocol. 507
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 5 Same subject. Acknowledges the receipt of Department’s letter of Apr. 4. 508
26 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. In regard to Northwestern Railway, no reply has been received. Present attitude very unsatisfactory. 508
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers do Protection of Turkish interests. Request appropriate authorities to order the return of the money taken from Jorge Elias, Turkish subject. 797
27 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 6 Political affairs. Informed that no instructions can be issued to Chihuahua authorities to protect and forward supplies for American troops by railroad. 508
30 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Withholding promised instructions regarding shipment of supplies creating bad impression here. Use best efforts to have instructions 509
28 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 7 Same subject. Statement issued to press denying that Government ever authorized use of Northwestern Railway for supplies to troops. Understand no objection to shipment of supplies as commercial freight. 509
19 Same to same do Same subject. Submits statement of his action and representations in the matter of the request for the use of the Northwestern Railway for the shipment of supplies. 509
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 8 Same subject. Various conflicting rumors of withdrawal of American forces and impending difficulties being circulated by Mexican Consul at Eagle Pass. 512
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 10 Financial affairs. Requests American Government to urge upon Carranza the fulfilment of promises concerning the redemption and acceptance of paper money. 634
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 11 Political affairs. Inability of a mining company which has been shipping fuel regularly to Chihuahua to get movement south from Juarez during past week. 513
34 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers do Protection of American mining interests. American mining representative in Mexico City telegraphs that no decree exists for the extension of time for the payment of taxes. Ascertain whether those taking advantage of extension of time will be subject to fines or penalties. 715
285 Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing do Protection of Turkish interests. Money of Carlos Dominguez, a Syrian, taken by Mexican customs guards. Suggests Department request that when evidence shows no attempt at smuggling, money be returned. 798
1230 General Funston to General McCain (telegram). Apr. 12 Political affairs. Reports orders believed to have been given by the Secretary of War to his chiefs at border points. 513
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Regrets the Parral incident. Insists on the necessity of withdrawal of American troops from Mexican soil. 513
Same to same 1916 Apr. 12 Same subject. General Carranza instructs Mr. Arredondo to insist on the withdrawal of American troops from Mexico. 514
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Reports attack on American troops at Parral. 514
4 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s Apr. 11, 5 p.m. Instructions to collectors of taxes allowing extension of time for payment of mining taxes are to be issued at once. 715
Mr. Arreaondo to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 13 Political affairs. Transmits note which states that it is useless to discuss further the question of an agreement for the reciprocal passage of troops across the border, while American troops remain on Mexican soil. 515
Mr. Lansing to certain American in Mexico (telegram). do Same subject. Department informs all American Consular Officers in Mexico, except border Consuls, of the Parral incident. 518
39 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). Apr. 14 Same subject. Inform Carranza that this Government believes that to withdraw American troops now would be to encourage Villistas. Seek the cooperation of de facto Government that the common object of both Governments may more speedily be accomplished. 518
10 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 15 Same subject. Representations made as directed in Department’s April 14, 5 p.m. Officials insist upon withdrawal of American troops. 519
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Transmits message of General Pershing to General Funston concerning the Parral attack. 519
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Family of John Lehr reported rescued by General Martinez. 667
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing Apr. 16 Political affairs. Details of the attack upon American troops at Parral. 520
General Funston to General McCain (telegram). do Same subject. Pershing reports no food nor forage in vicinity Santa Cruz. Will withdraw in direction of Satevo. 521
Same to same Apr. 17 Same subject. General Pershing reports attitude of Mexican people and makes certain recommendations. 521
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs to furnish Carranza with a copy of General Pershing’s report on Parral incident. 521
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Troops apparently are being withdrawn from territory covered by American soldiers. 522
18 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. No further discussion likely until formal reply to the de facto Government’s note in regard to the withdrawal of troops is received. 522
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Believes widespread plan exists to force immediate withdrawal American troops. Ultimatum to Colonel Brown from Mexican commander forbidding Americans to advance. 523
44 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Quotes telegram from Mr. Letcher, dated Apr. 17, 11 a.m., and urges to impress upon Carranza the necessity of restraining his local commanders from independent action. 523
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 18 Same subject. Transmits a telegram from General Gutierrez to Mexican Secretary of War wherein General Pershing is blamed for the Parral incident. 523
Mr. Lansing to certain American Consuls in Mexico (telegram). do Same subject. Quotes telegram from Consul Letcher, dated Apr. 17 and reports Department’s instructions to Mr. Rodgers for information and guidance of Consuls. 524
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Letcher (telegram). do Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of Apr. 17, 11 a.m., States Department’s instructions to Rodgers. 524
21 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 19 Protection of American mining interests. New taxes effective July 1. Do not think much, if any, amendment possible. 715
50 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). Apr. 20 Political affairs. Inform Carranza that the persistent rumors that this Government favors certain revolutionary plots are unfounded. 524
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Requests data relative to the number and places of engagements between the American and Villista forces. Also names of American commanders. 524
27 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Because of the very bad conditions obtaining in Central Mexico, Consular Officers and Americans have been instructed to use their own judgment as to leaving. 525
25 Same to same 1916 Apr. 20 Protection of American mining interests. Transmits translation of proposed mining tax law. 716
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers. do Protection of Turkish interests. Request that money of Carlos Dominguez be returned to him. 798
Mr. Baker to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 21 Political affairs. Incloses telegrams from General Funston on the subject of Parral attack. 525
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Because of evident purpose of Mexican authorities to force withdrawal of American troops, doubt that further shipments of supplies may be made over railroad. 527
23 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Reports carrying out Department’s instruction of Apr. 20, 6 p.m. 527
821 Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of Americans and American interests. Reports arrival of Mrs. Lehr and three children. 667
Mr. Adler to Mr. Lansing do Protection of Turkish interests. Letter from the Federation of Oriental Jews of America reporting indignities heaped upon Ottoman subjects, mostly of the Jewish faith. Asks that Consul at Vera Cruz be instructed to accord protection to Ottoman subjects in that city. 799
57 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). Apr. 22 Political affairs. Instructs to see Carranza and urge the holding of conference between General Scott and General Obregon or some other high military officer. 527
54 Same to same (telegram) do Financial affairs. Report whether assurances mentioned in Silliman’s Jan. 1, 1 p.m., have been carried out. 634
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 23 Political affairs. Informs that Pablo Lopez has been captured and that he has confessed to massacre of Americans at Santa Ysabel. 528
26 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). Apr. 24 Same subject. Appointment to see First Chief will be made for tomorrow. There apparently will be no trouble in arranging military conference. Rumors of impending trouble with the United States 528
27 Same to same do Same subject. Obregon departs for border conference. 528
58 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. American mining companies claim new decree more severe, in some respects, than present one. Renew your efforts to obtain consent of de facto Government to accept payment present and last tercio’s tax, on basis 8 pesos, and to effect material modification in proposed decree. 718
891 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Canada. do Protection of Turkish interests. Instructs to use good offices in behalf of Ottoman subjects. 799
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Edwards (telegram). Apr. 25 Political affairs. Informs of Obregon’s coming to border. Gives certain instructions. 529
60 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Seeks information as to where Obregon expects to meet General Scott and General Funston. 529
29 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Financial affairs. Reply to Department’s 54, Apr. 22, 4 p.m. No action yet as to banks of issue. Moratorium decree delayed. 635
1306 General Funston to General McCain (telegrams). do Political affairs. Gives details of pursuit of Villa and of opposition of certain Carranza troops and populace. 530
30 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s 58. Mexican Government considers that the taxes are fair in view of privilege given and will adhere to the present decree. 719
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 26 Political affairs. General Oregon has gone to Torreon en route to Juarez. 529
1314 General Funston to General McCain. do Same subject. Details of several engagements had by American troops with Villistas. 530
1172 General McCain to Generals Scott and Funston (telegram). do Same subject. Gives instructions to Generals Scott and Funston for their conference with Obregon. 530
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Johnson. do Embargo against the exportation of arms and munitions to Mexico. Requests cooperation of the Governor of California in preventing the smuggling of arms and munitions into Mexico. 789
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing. (telegram). Apr. 27 Political affairs. Obregon will confer with General Scott at Juarez. 532
1688 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. do Financial affairs. Reply to note from the French Embassy of Apr. 10. Department deems further action inadvisable at this time. 635
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 28 Political affairs. Reports arrival of Obregon in Juarez. 532
Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Permission given to ship to Minaca for troops all supplies here awaiting shipment. Special concession. 532
36 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Apr. 28 Same subject. In view of the conference to be held by General Obregon with Generals Scott and Funston, withdraws request for a conference with Carranza. 533
1452 Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing. do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Incloses a circular letter sent to certain persons and firms calling upon them to contribute specified sums of money. 777
Mr. Lansing to the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (telegram). Apr. 29 Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Requests Pacific Mail Steamship Co. have one of its ships call at Manzanillo for Americans awaiting passage. 688
The Pacific Mail Steamship Co. to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Apr. 30 Same subject. Acknowledges telegram of Apr. 29. Asks that no penalty be inflicted if steamer should bring passengers in excess of its certificate. 688
Generals Scott and Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram) do Political affairs. Details of first meeting with Obregon. 533
General McCain to General Scott (telegram). do Same subject. Instructions given to Generals Scott and Funston for further discussions with Obregon. 534
Same to same do Same subject. Further instructions for Generals Scott and Funston. 535
Generals Scott and Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). May 1 Same subject. States that deadlock certain to come. Pershing and other border commanders warned of tenseness of situation. Makes certain recommendations. 535
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Situation critical. Withdrawal of troops being insisted on. Villa reported active again. 636
General Scott to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. From reliable source it is learned that orders have been issued to prepare to crush or annihilate the American forces in Mexico in case of non withdrawal. 536
1332a General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Gives orders supposed to have been issued by Carranza to General Gomez to cut off American troops. 537
General McCain to General Funston (telegram). do Embargo against the exportation of arms and munitions into Mexico. Secretary of War directs until further orders have been issued stop all arms and munitions of war from going into Mexico. 789
Mr. Lansing to the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Acknowledges telegram of Apr. 30. 688
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Redfield. do Same subject. Asks that the Collector of Customs at San Francisco be instructed not to penalize the Pacific Mail Steamship Co. or the steamer Newport in case the vessel takes aboard more passengers than she has been authorized to carry. 688
Mr. Hunt to Mr. Lansing. May 3 Embargo on the exportation of arms. Governor of Arizona assures cooperation in preventing illicit traffic in firearms and ammunition. 790
Mr. McDonald to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Governor of New Mexico to use all means in his power to prevent illicit traffic in arms and ammunition. 790
44 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Political affairs. Asks to be advised as soon as possible of news of military conference. 537
6 Generals Scott and Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Results of private conference between General Scott and General Obregon. Agreement reached for a gradual withdrawal of American troops. 537
1335a General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). May 4 Same subject. Various American commanders cite obstructive tactics of Carranza forces. 539
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Lansing. do Embargo on the exportation of arms. Every assistance to be rendered by the Governor of California in preventing the illicit traffic in arms and ammunition 790
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Letcher (telegram). May 6 Protection of Americans and American interests. Verify dispatches that American employees National Mines & Smelter Co., Magistral, Durango, disarmed and Magistral looted. If Americans are in danger, advise them to leave. 668
69 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Political affairs. Department informed that Generals Scott and Funston have reached satisfactory agreement. Result of conference said to be awaiting approval of Carranza. Ascertain and telegraph the attitude of Carranza. 540
General Scott to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. No word has been received from Obregon as to whether the agreement reached is satisfactory to Carranza. 540
508 Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American mining interests. Carranza régime, through its local collector, declares that tax payments made to the Maytorena. Villa element can not be considered as a legal payment. 719
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 7 Political affairs. Reports raid on Glenn Springs 540
72 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). 1916 May 7 Same subject. Instructs to bring the Glenn Springs incident to the attention of de facto authorities and to impress upon them seriousness of the act, especially at this time. 541
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blocker (telegram). do Same subject. Directs to render all possible assistance in recovering bodies and protecting the families of victims. 541
47 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Carranza satisfied with general results of conference but wishes “all explanations of reasons, etc.” omitted from formal written agreement. 541
1346a General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Troops have been dispatched to run down bandits who recently raided Glenn Springs and Boquillas. 542
13 Generals Scott and Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Further discussions of informal nature between Generals Scott and Funston and Obregon and Amador. 542
46 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Mining law effective May 1 practically the same as that transmitted with dispatch 25. Minor changes only. 720
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 8 Political affairs. Further details of Glenn Springs raid. 543
Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. De facto Government has made public its version of recent raid. Also announced successful conference agreement. 543
16 Generals Scott and Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Obregon has announced that Mexican Government would not ratify the recently signed agreement. Obregon has suggested another proposition. 543
1037 Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Report concerning the Glenn Springs raid and conditions on border. 544
1349a General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). May 9 Same subject. Certain Americans who were captured have escaped. 546
19 General Scott to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Letter from Obregon to General Scott stating that he has been instructed to reject the proposed agreement. Other plans for the protection of the border will be submitted by Obregon. 546
Mr. Lansing to Mr. McAdoo. do Embargo on exportation of arms. Requests certain instructions be issued to collectors of customs on the Mexican border and at seacoast points concerning the release of shipments of arms into Mexico. 790
Mr. Lansing to American Consuls on Mexican border (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Be prepared to advise all Americans in your district to leave immediately for border. Turn over American interests to British or French Consul in case, in your judgment, situation becomes unsafe. 689
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker and all American Consular Officers in Mexico, except border Consuls (telegram). do Same subject. Be prepared to act promptly, in accordance with Department’s Mar. 11, 11 p.m. 689
825 Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of Chinese interests. States that he has succeeded in having all orders restricting the movements of Chinese annulled. 796
Mr. Ferguson to Mr. Lansing. May 10 Embargo on the exportation of arms. Governor of Texas will cooperate in every way with the Federal Government in preventing the illicit traffic of arms and ammunition. 791
75 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). May 11 Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. If emergency should arise, every effort will be made to provide facilities at all Mexican coast ports for accommodation American refugees. 689
76 Same to same (telegram) May 12 Protection of American mining interests. Continue efforts to obtain such reductions in pertenencia and export taxes as will be of greatest possible benefit to American mining interests. 720
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 13 Political affairs. Americans from interior report recruiting activities and Mexican preparations for war. 547
330 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Give copy of Department’s 286 to Mr. Rodgers. Telegraph number of Americans who have followed advice in said instruction. Again advise Americans. 690
315 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 14 Protection of American oil interests. Preparations being made to issue decree revising taxes on petroleum production. Scheme for nationalization all oil lands remains under consideration by the Government. 763
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 May 15 Political affairs. Reported movement of de facto Government troops north to Chihuahua and Coahuila. Arrival of American infantry. 547
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Information is that American troops have crossed in pursuit of recent raiders. Governor says that present instructions are to oppose any such advances of Americans into Mexico. 548
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker and certain Consular Officers (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Scott-Obregon conference amicably concluded but without definite result. Both Governments continuing negotiations. 660
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Embargo on the exportation of arms. Recommends that for next week or 10 days no more arms or ammunition be allowed exported to Sonora. 791
Mr. Bowman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 16 Political affairs. Mayor of Frontera has received instructions from Governor to organize the citizens for defense, treating the question of a war as a certainty. 548
Mr. Ingraham to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Certain information concerning the United States military forces operating in the State of Chihuahua. 548
Mr. Stadden to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Americans reluctant to leave their homes. No means to guard against hostile developments except by calling Americans to Manzanillo and having naval vessel here. Asks that arrangements be made for steamers passing for north to call. 690
314 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Americans being discreetly advised to leave in accordance with Department’s instruction. Gives facts about American colony. 690
1418 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). May 17 Political affairs. Instructions given to commanding officer of American troops in vicinity Boquillas to return to American side of the border. 549
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). May 18 Same subject. If you think Governor apt to oppose pursuit of bandits, discreetly call to his attention the negotiations of Generals Scott and Obregon. 549
85 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Investigate reported extensive troop movements toward the border. 550
1438 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Heavy movement of troops toward the border reported. 550
Mr. Polk to the Interstate Commerce Commission. do Embargo on the exportation of arms. Another car of munitions discovered and taken possession of by American forces at Eagle Pass, Tex. No marking showing that it contained explosives. Asks an investigation. 791
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. New Governor of Zacatecas issued order recently giving all owners of mines 30 days to begin working them, otherwise mining laborers will be permitted to work them for their own account. 720
Same to same (telegram) May 19 Political affairs. Department’s May 18, 8 p.m. Governor showed me instructions from First Chief. If they mean what they plainly say, a clash is within the possibilities. 550
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Confirmation of concentration of troops of de facto Government at Allende has been received. Further information of other movements. 551
76 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. In reply to Department’s 85, May 18, Obregon says that troops moved north to comply 551
893 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Canada do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Protest the collection of forced loans from American citizens. 779
553 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Simpich. do Protection of American mining interests. Reply to despatch No. 508. Report any attempt by local authorities to collect taxes from an American citizen which he has already paid to persons in de facto authority. 720
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 20 Political affairs. Governor reiterated in another private conference that his peremptory orders were to attack any invading troops. All arguments and reasons, including Department’s suggestion, produced no impression. 551
57 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American oil interests. Discusses the new oil taxation system under contemplation by the Mexican Government. General idea of the proposed system is quality and value taxation rather than that based on quantity. 763
86 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Endeavor to obtain withdrawal of decree whereby Governor Zacatecas ordered mine owners to begin operations within 30 days. 721
Mr. Aguilar to Mr. Lansing 1916 May 22 Political affairs. Demand of de facto Government of Mexico for the withdrawal of American troops 552
82 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Understand Cabinet here repudiates alleged orders mentioned by Governor of Coahuila concerning probable attack on American forces Doing all possible to stop forces. 563
Same to same (telegram) May 23 Same subject. Secretary for Foreign Affairs said Americans were apparently acting in bad faith by sending American military force into Coahuila Departure of special messenger for Washington with note. 564
84 Same to same (telegram) do Protection of American mining interests. Secretary of Treasury telegraphed Governor to abandon all such action against mines. Reply to Department’s 86. 721
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. The Mars, if it has not already sailed from Mazatlan, will afford transportation to Americans in case emergency arises. 691
Mr. Polk to Mr. Arredondo May 25 Political affairs. Information as requested by Mr. Arredondo in his letter of Apr. 20, 1916. 564
General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegrams). May 26 Same subject. Cervantes, notorious Villista, reported killed in engagement with American troops. 564
1495 Same to same (telegram). do Same subject. Press bulletin announces that General Gavira intends to confer with Pershing as to rounding up of outlaws. Certain instructions given General Pershing. 565
1515 Same to same (telegram) May 29 Same subject. Neutral natives Namiquipa, at the suggestion of General Pershing, organized small detachment for the protection of peaceful inhabitants. 565
1518 Same to same do Same subject. Hostile attitude of General Cavasos. Instructions to act conservatively given to General Pershing. 565
111 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). May 31 Same subject. Instructs to secure a copy of note just sent by Mexican Government and report whether it expresses opinion of Government. 566
102 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 1 Same subject. Department’s 111. Foreign Office to-day asserted that note represented exact sentiment and determination of Mexican authorities. 566
Mr. Polk to Mr. Dawson (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Standard Oil Co. has offered to place at your disposal for American refugees any of its steamers in Tampico harbor, in case of emergency. 668
Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Reports from Sonora indicate Yaquis again menacing life and property. Request stationing of garrisons Yaqui territory sufficient to afford security against sudden raids. 669
116 Same to same (telegram) June 2 Protection of American oil interests. Newspapers report beginning June 1 all exploiters of petroleum deposits Mexico required to pay bimonthly inspection fee $300 Mexican gold. Telegraph whether report correct. 764
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Urges that transport be sent to take away some 200 persons who wish to leave the interior now but are without funds. 691
Mr. Polk to Mr. Daniels June 3 Protection of Americans and American interests. Asks distribution of naval vessels on Pacific coast of Mexico so as to cover certain ports, thus affording moral protection to the Americans at those places. 669
114 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American oil interests. Department’s 116, June 2, 5 p.m. Fee as stated prescribed; declared necessary for supervision in order to protect public. 765
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 4 Political affairs. General Gavira in an interview with Consul Edwards states that arrangements entered into by General Pershing and himself would eliminate all danger of conflict. 566
117 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). June 5 Same subject. Instructs to bring to attention of appropriate authorities recruiting activities of de la Rosa. 567
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Decree No. 56, dated May 18. Mining properties in State which continue idle more than 30 days from date of decree subject seizure and operation by State. 721
117 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). June 6 Political affairs. In reply to Department’s 117, June 5, 4 p.m. Urgent representations made and immediate attention promised. 567
125 Same to same 1916 June 6 Same subject. Résumé of conditions in Mexico. 567
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of Americans and American interests. Acknowledges the receipt of Department’s letter of June 3, 1916. Directions have been given to the commander of the Pacific Fleet. 669
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Dawson (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. No funds available for maintenance of refugees while in this country. Furnish transportation to absolutely destitute Americans. 691
1557 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). June 7 Political affairs. Attitude of the Mexican de facto Government authorities toward activities of Luis de la Rosa and Aniceto Pisano. 568
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Reports that recruiting efforts of de la Rosa had sanction of de facto Government and that Austrian Consul at Monterey openly advocated the anti-American demonstration in Monterey. 569
130 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Orders have been issued to prevent any collection of taxes on mining properties by State authorities. 722
125 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Request that decree 56, dated May 18, signed by Calles be nullified. 722
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silliman (telegram). June 8 Political affairs. Investigate the report that de la Rosa has the sanction of de facto Government in his recruiting activities. 569
85 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American oil interests. Forwards translation of the recent decree which provides for an inspection fee in the matter of the exploitation of oil lands. 765
Mr. Robertson to Mr. Lansing. June 9 Political affairs. Submits report on the plan of San Diego and other conditions in the Monterey section. 570
1477 Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing. do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Plan to collect forced contributions from Americans has been abandoned. 779
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. In case of danger, close Consulate and come to border. Americans should be advised to do likewise. 692
129 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). June 10 Political affairs. Department reliably informed that de la Rosa is being aided and abetted by Carranza officials in his lawlessness. Bring to the attention of Carranza. 572
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Governor has urged General Ricaut to cooperate in pursuit of de la Rosa. 573
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegrams) June 11 Same subject. Part of de la Rosa outfit raided Texas 45 miles above Laredo. 573
Same to same June 12 Same subject. Another invasion of Texas by small band of armed Mexicans. 573
131 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Inform authorities that de la Rosa invaded Texas 45 miles above Laredo. 574
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. General Ricaut states that entire band of de la Rosa has been captured. Rosa having escaped was later arrested in Monterey. 574
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Further facts of Laredo incident 574
142 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 13 Same subject. Department’s 131, June 12, 5 p.m., complied with. Foreign Office informed me de la Rosa prisoner at Matamoros. Numerous previous representations concerning de la Rosa of no avail. 574
135 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Inform authorities that leader of recent raid above Laredo has been killed. He wore Carranza uniform. Papers on his person showed him to be Colonel Villareal of Carranza army. 575
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 15 Same subject. Much anti-American feeling in Neuvo Laredo. 575
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Bandits crossed river at San Ygnacio and attacked a part of our troops. General Ricaut fears a general engagement with troops sent up to suppress raiders should our troops cross river in pursuit. 575
Same to same do Same subject. General Ricaut says that he has captured 40 of de la Rosa’s band and that de la Rosa himself is in jail at Monterey. States that he has left men well posted on border. 575
141 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Inform authorities that feeling is very tense among Texans as a result of attack on American guard 30 miles below Laredo. 576
1616 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Carrancista troops are said to be in pursuit of bandits who attacked American guard below Laredo. 576
339 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). 1916 June 15 Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Department does not consider that presence in Mexico City of families of American business men is essential for business reasons. Continue to advise Americans to leave. 692
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Baker do Same subject. Requests that transport be sent to Tampico and Vera Cruz for the purpose of conveying such Americans as desire to return to the United States. 692
340 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). June 16 Same subject. Induce as many Americans as possible to take passage for United States on transport which War Department has been requested to send Tampico and Vera Cruz. 693
Mr. Ingraham to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Transport Sumner ordered to be put in commission. 693
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 17 Political affairs. Papers found on some of the dead raiders identify them as Carranza men. 576
1642 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Telegram from General Trevino to General Pershing stating that he has orders from his Government to prevent any movement of American troops to the south, east or west. Reply of General Pershing. 577
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Another raid of larger proportions is being planned. 577
Mr. Johnson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. American cavalry crossed border. More to follow. 577
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Entrance of any more American soldiers or sailors into Mexico to be considered as an act of war. 578
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Villistas raid camp of San Juan Mine Company. 670
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Lansing. June 18 Political affairs. Landing of naval officers and men prohibited. 578
Admiral Winslow to Mr. Daniels (telegram). June 19 Same subject. Party from Annapolis while in shore for parleying with Mexicans was fired upon. One member gravely wounded and others taken prisoners. Crew returned. 578
Mr. Brown to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Details of the attack on the boat from the Annapolis. 578
Mr. Lansing to Mr. McAdoo (telegram). do Embargo against the exportation of arms and munitions into Mexico. Asks that collectors of customs be instructed to hold up all shipments of munitions of war to Mexico, regardless of recent permits granted by the Department of State or by the President. 792
Mr. Neale to Mr. Lansing do Protection of American mining interests. Protests the arbitrary interference of de facto Government with the property of the Cubo Mining & Milling Co. and the Mina Mexico Mining Co. 722
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. June 20 Political affairs. Asks that American note in reply to the communication from Senor Aguilar of May 22, 1916. be transmitted to him. 580
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Aguilar do Same subject. American reply to demand of de facto Government of Mexico for the withdrawal of American troops. 581
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. All military commanders in neighborhood of American ranches within a radius of 100 miles of the border have been ordered by Governor of State of Coahuila to immediately begin gathering of all horses and cattle thereon. 779
Same to same do Same subject. Confiscation of American brewery at Sabinas. Raid on American owned hacienda on Mexican side near Guerrero. 780
151 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegrams). do Same subject. Bring to attention of Carranza the report that the authorities in the northern part of Coahuila have seized or are about to seize American stock. 780
Mr. Lansing to the British Consul, Salina Cruz (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Advise all Americans in your district to withdraw from that district. 693
163 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Arrangements for transportation Americans to Vera Cruz. Protection promised. 693
Mr. Hostetter to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Consulate closed. Have arrived with most Americans in district. Protection afforded en route. 694
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Naon June 21 Political affairs. States purpose of American Government in the event of hostilities. Same to other Latin American representatives in Washington. 592
165 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 June 21 Same subject. Bulletin from Mexican War Office announces engagement in State of Chihuahua between American and Mexican forces. Bulletin generally interpreted as beginning of hostilities. 592
153 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegrams). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Request immediate orders to stop wholesale confiscation of horses and cattle belonging to Americans in the State of Coahuila. 780
157 Same to same do Same subject. Insist that Governor of Coahuila be immediately ordered to desist from anti-American activities. 781
British Consul, Salina Cruz to Mr. Lansing (telegram) do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Majority of Americans here will not withdraw unless absolutely necessary. Advisable that cruiser be sent. 694
Mr. Baker to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Transport Sumner is being made ready for the return of refugees from Vera Cruz and Tampico, Mexico. 694
160 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegrams). June 22 Political affairs. Accounts of clash between American and Carranza troops at Carrizal as given to General Bell by Mexican Consul Garcia and an American. 593
1541 General McCain to General Funston (telegram). do Same subject. No direction should be given to General Pershing to make the moves which he recommends until official report is received and transmitted here and action authorized from here. 593
1734 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. Report from General Pershing concerning Carrizal attack. 593
Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. What provision will be made for English and other foreigners seeking refuge on the boat? 695
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Canada (telegram). do Same subject. After Americans have been taken aboard, foreigners will be given refuge on vessels to the extent of the room available. 695
Mr. Lansing to British Consul, Salina Cruz (telegram). do Same subject. It is believed that Admiral Winslow will have naval vessel at Salina Cruz in few days. All Americans should withdraw while this opportunity presents itself. 695
159 Mr. Lansing to Air. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Request that Guadalajara authorities be instructed to permit Americans to travel on railroads. 695
353 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Same subject. Americans can take refuge on war vessel at Vera Cruz until arrival of transport. Destitute refugees will be given transportation to their homes after which financial assistance ceases. 696
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Requests authority to ship Porto Ricans to New Orleans by freighter. 696
1755 General Funston to Mr. Baker. June 23 Political affairs. More details of Carrizal clash 594
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Seven thousand goats and sheep, property of Mr. Boicourt, an American citizen, have been seized and carried away. 781
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blocker (telegram). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Time inopportune for making representations concerning property of Mr. Boicourt. 781
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Guyant (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Send Porto Ricans on freighter to New Orleans. 696
164 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Insist that Americans taken from train from Mexico City be released. 696
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels do Same subject. Asks whether certain arrangements for the removal of refugees meet with the approval of the Navy Department. 697
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing do Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of Department’s letter of June 23 and agrees to proposed arrangement. 698
1776 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). June 24 Political affairs. Further report concerning Carrizal engagement. 594
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Informs American Government in reference to Carrizal incident. 595
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Simpich (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Request authorities not to execute sentence against Hand until opportunity is afforded this Government for investigation. 670
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Does Department authorize furnishing transportation to destitutes from border to homes in States? 698
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Canada (telegram). do Same subject. Confer with agent of Ward Line who has been instructed regarding transportation of refugees on Monterey. 698
Mr. Ingraham to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Will transport Sumner be required for any additional trips to Mexico for refugees? 699
168 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). June 25 Political affairs. Demand for the release of American prisoners taken at Carrizal. 595
1786 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). 1916 June 25 Same subject. An account of the Carrizal encounter as given by Captain Morey. 596
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Consulate at Torreon stoned by mob. 670
185 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 26 Political affairs. Department’s instruction 168, June 25, 1 p.m., complied with. Assured communication would be brought to attention of General Carranza immediately. 596
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram) do Protection of Americans and American interests. Mexican version of the Hand incident. 671
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Governor of Coahuila sent word that military appropriation of stock on American properties was unauthorized, and stock is to be returned to owners. 781
The Oil Fields of Mexico Co. to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American oil interests. Incloses copy of decree No. 24, and copy of an “Aviso” relating to the same decree; both emanating from the Governor of the State of Vera Cruz. Will look to Department in case attempt is made to apply this decree. 766
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Neale. do Protection of American mining interests. Acknowledges the receipt of letter of June 19, 1916. The decrees mentioned in the letter were the subject of recent representations to the de facto Government. 724
British Consul at Chihuahua to British Embassy. June 27 Political affairs. States number of American troopers are interned in penitentiary at Chihuahua. Well treated. 597
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Avery (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Advise all Americans in Quintana Roo to withdraw from Mexico immediately. 699
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing do Same subject. Submits proposed alternative instructions to naval commanders for choice and approval of State Department. 699
192 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 28 Political affairs. Orders to release prisoners will be given. Answer as to future course of action required by American Government will be given later. 597
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Claims that some 300 peaceful persons have been arrested and maltreated by American forces before being released. That Apaches attached to Pershing’s command are committing all kinds of outrages. 597
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Military authorities Nogales are seizing valuable ores and bullion belonging to Americans. 782
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Dawson (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. This Government feels that it can not be responsible for safety of Americans who disregard advice to leave immediately. Same to Mr. Parker and other American Consuls. 700
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna (telegram). do Same subject. Telegram of June 28 to the Consul at Tampico, repeated to Consul General Hanna. Instructs to hand copy to all Consuls now in San Antonio. 700
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cobb (telegram). do Same subject. Telegram to the American Consul at Tampico, June 28, 1916, repeated to Collector Cobb. 700
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Simpich (telegram). do Same subject. Furnish transportation to absolutely destitute American refugees. 701
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels do Same subject. Acknowledges letter of June 27 from Navy Department. 701
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 29 Protection of Americans and American interests. San Juan Mining Co. again raided. No protection afforded although the Carranza authorities have been continuously requested to do so. 671
178 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do . Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Request authorities order depredations upon American property in Sonora stopped and restoration seized property. 782
Mr. Guyant to Mr. Lansing (telegram). June 30 Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Quarantine station not able to care for all the Porto Rican refugees. Asks authorization to care for surplus during detention. 701
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Baker. July 1 Political affairs. Transmits Mr. Arredondo’s letter of June 28, and requests report. 598
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Dawson (telegram). do Same subject. Requests full information regarding firing on launch of U. S. Navy by Carranza soldiers. 598
205 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. No results from numerous representations except promised investigations. Little control exercised over some State Governments and northern army officers. 782
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Guyant (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Authorized to care for Surplus refugees. 702
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 July 2 Political affairs. Reply to Department’s July 1, 1 p.m. 598
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Baker July 3 Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. The transport will be required to convey 200 Porto Ricans to their homes. 702
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. July 4 Political affairs. Note regarding adjustment of difficulties between the United States and Mexico through the mediation of certain Latin-American countries. 599
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Dawson (telegram). July 6 Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Request authorities take steps to safeguard lives of persons reported hiding in mountains in vicinity of Chamal. Same to American Consul, Brownsville, Tex. 702
Mr. Ingraham to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Unless otherwise notified, the Sumner will be returned to Newport News, after disembarking the Porto Rican refugees at San Juan, P. R. 702
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. July 7 Political affairs. Reply to the note of July 4, 1916, from the de facto Government. The Government of the United States is prepared immediately to exchange views. 600
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Additional evidence that the de la Rosa gang was recruited and commanded by Carranza officers. 600
Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Request de facto Government to issue orders for protection of property of A. R. Downs in Guadalajara and near Manzanillo. 672
34 Mr. Polk to Mr. Dawson. do Same subject. Department’s response to the American citizens at Tampico who addressed a memorial to the President relative to certain Mexican decrees affecting property rights. 672
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Approximately 90 Americans in Chamal Colony, fully advised of conditions, have decided to remain preferring to take chances rather than abandon their property. 703
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Lansing. July 12 Political affairs. Mexican reply to American note of July 7, 1916. Proposition to appoint a joint commission to settle the differences between the two Governments. 601
196 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegrams). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Request Juarez authorities be instructed to investigate and cause the return of horses which are now being detained by Mexican authorities at San Ygnacio. 673
193 Same to same (telegram) do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Request authorities to return money taken from Mr. Blankenship. 783
200 Same to same (telegram) July 13 Political affairs. Informs of the proposals contained in Mexican note of July 12. 601
Same to same do Same subject. Gives details of an attack on American naval forces at Mazatlan. Instructs to insist on adequate punishment of those responsible. 602
218 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Officials more disposed to afford protection to American interests. 783
Mr. Polk to Mr. Canada (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Gives certain instructions concerning expenditures to be made for relief of destitute Americans. 703
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Chamal colonists in mountain ask Department’s aid in getting them out. 703
202 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegrams). July 14 Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Request that Governor of Sonora be ordered to state immediately grounds for his action against the Richardson Construction Co. 783
205 Same to same do Same subject. Request authorities to return to the agents of the Richardson Construction Co. property taken from its premises near Guayamas. 784
209 do do Same subject. If report is true that Babicora Ranch, Chihuahua, has been seized by the de facto Government, lodge protest and ask for release of property. 784
Act of Congress do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. An act of Congress for relief of Americans in Mexico. 704
Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers July 15 Political affairs. Corrected report of the Mazatlan incident. 602
222 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Secured extension of time for payment taxes current tercio without penalty until Sept. 1. Informed no action in relation to confiscation, fines or other penalties for nonpayment taxes last tercio had been ordered. 725
Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers 1916 July 17 Political affairs. Incloses copy of Mr. Brown’s report on the Mazatlan affair. 603
212 Same to same (telegram) do Protection of Americans and American interests. Authorities of Villahermosa and Frontera are reported to have seized various tugs, boats and barges belonging Frontera Navigation Company. Request orders be issued to release property. 673
Mr. Polk to Mr. Garrett (telegram). do Witnarawal of Americans from Mexico, Furnish destitute Americans at Chamal, transportation in accordance with Department’s July 13. 1916. 704
229 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing telegram). July 19 Political affairs. Foreign Office anxiously awaiting American reply to conference proposal. 603
220 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Ask adequate protection for plantations, Buena Ventura, Las Palmas and La Junta, at Cascajal, Vera Cruz. 784
222 Same to same (telegram) July 20 Political affairs. President deems it highly important that the scope of the inquiry be broadened. 603
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. do Financial affairs, French Government seeks the assistance of the American Government in preventing the Mexican Government from carrying into effect the threat to lay a heavy monthly tax in gold on the National Bank of Mexico. 635
223 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Inform de facto Government that this Government expects disavowal of the numerous acts of depredation against American property, immediate restoration where property stills exists, adequate compensation for property destroyed, and punishment of responsible persons. 784
224 Same to same (telegram) do Protection of American mining interests. Acknowledges receipt of telegram 222. It is reported that Department of Hacienda denies extension of time for payment taxes without penalty. Ask that Department of Hacienda be advised. 725
Mr. Polk to Mr. McAdoo July 21 Embargo on the exportation of arms. Requests that collectors of customs along the Mexican border be instructed to permit all articles to cross the border to Mexico, except munitions and materials and machinery for the manufacture of munitions of war. 792
229 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Reply to Department’s 224, July 20, 6 p.m. Order to be issued extending time payment without penalty mining taxes current tercio until Sept. 1. 725
238 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers July 22 Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Request the return of all American property confiscated in the State of Durango. Ask to be advised what action the Government intends to take to have such depredations discontinued. 785
237 Same to same do Same subject. Ask authorities to order the restoration of all American property taken in the Yaqui Valley and that it be given adequate protection. 785
233 Same to same (telegram) do Protection of American mining interests. Request that officials in different mining sections be notified of action of Secretary of Treasury in granting extension until Sept. 1 payment of mining taxes without penalty. 726
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico Messenger sent to bring out Chamal colonists hiding in mountains. 704
Mr. Polk to Mr. Arredondo July 28 Political affairs. American reply to Mexican proposal for appointment of a joint commission, suggests that, the powers of the commission be enlarged 604
249 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. Reply to Mexican note of July 12, given to Mr. Arredondo to-day. Explain to Foreign Office that the President hopes that the Mexican Government will see its way clear to accepting our suggestion. 604
248 Same to same (telegram) do Financial affairs. Ascertain whether Mexican Government threatens to place heavy monthly tax in gold on National Bank of Mexico. 636
126 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Denies on behalf of Mr. Parker and himself that any “orders” were ever issued to Americans to leave Mexico. Merely advised. 704
247 Same to same (telegram) July 29 Political affairs. Foreign Office pleased with note sent in reply to Mexican note of July 12. Matter of widening of scope of inquiry to be presented to Carranza at once for speedy reply. 605
250 Same to same (telegram) 1916 July 31 Financial affairs. Answer to Department’s 248, July 28, 4 p.m. Enforcement of payment of extra taxes temporarily suspended. Compromise somewhat satisfactory to all banks will be effected soon. 636
260 Mr. Polk to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). Aug. 1 Political affairs. Assure Mexican Government that this Government has no intention of allowing question of cession of Mexican territory or that of pecuniary claims against Mexico to come before the commission. 605
263 Same to same (telegram). Aug. 2 Financial affairs. Continue to exercise best efforts in behalf American interests in financial institutions in Mexico. 636
Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Polk Aug. 4 Political affairs. Designation of Mexican commissioners. 606
Mr. Polk to Mr. Jusserand do Financial affairs. Reply to note from French Embassy, July 20, 1916. Enforcement of payment of extra taxes temporarily suspended. Compromise somewhat satisfactory to all banks to be effected in near future. 637
Mr. Latchford to Mr. Lansing. Aug. 7 Embargo on the exportation of arms. Reviews the policy of the United States Government in dealing with the shipments of arms and munitions into Mexico. 793
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers. do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Acknowledges dispatch No. 126, July 28, 1916. 705
278 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 10 Protection of American oil interests. Have filed protest against the order to notaries which provides that in formation of new corporations for exploration and exploitation of oil lands, charter shall contain clause providing that foreign stockholders shall renounce their national rights as to company affairs. 771
287 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). Aug. 12 Protection of American mining interests. Chief Administrator, stamp office, Nogales, refuses to accept payment from Arizona-Mexico Land Co. of current taxes except upon repayment of taxes paid Maytorena. Request orders be issued for acceptance current taxes without reference to past taxes. 726
293 Same to same (telegram) Aug. 15 Political affairs. Gives reason tor delay in appointing the American commissioners. 606
2448 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). do Same subject. States that the outlaws captured in the Columbus raid and turned over to General Gavira on his demand have been granted amnesty by the Carranza commander, Colonel Diaz. 606
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arredondo. Aug. 16 Same subject. General Pershing’s denial of the charge that American troops were committing outrages in Mexico. 607
295 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Protection of American oil interests. Your 278, August 10, 11 a.m. Decree referred to can not be regarded by the United States Government as annulling the relations existing between itself and its citizens who may own stock in such corporation. 772
144 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American mining interests. Forwards a copy of a formal protest, presented to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, in the matter of forfeiture of any mining land leases for failure to pay the taxes corresponding to the tercio which ended Feb. 29, 1916. 726
303 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). Aug. 18 Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Instructions have been issued to take possession of all nuts on the river San Antonio, Coahuila. Request that, if compatible with Mexican law, orders be issued for relief of Mr. Woodward 785
294 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 19 Protection of American oil interests. Department’s 295, Aug. 16, 5 p.m. Had already made such representation, and furthermore have formally protested against decree of Aug. 15. 772
307 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Request suspension payment mining taxes be extended 60 days from Sept. 1 without fines or penalties. Ask that instructions be issued to State Governments not to exercise pressure upon American mining companies to begin operations. 728
301 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 21 Same subject. Department’s 307, Aug. 19, noon. Cabrera to-day instructed State Governments to desist from action seeking to compel operation mines before transportation can be guaranteed. Promises consideration in the matter of extension of time for payment of taxes last tercio without penalty. 728
311 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). 1916 Aug. 22 Protection of American oil interests. Your 294, Aug 19, 4 p.m. Make representations as instructed Department’s 295, advising authorities that you are acting under specific instructions from this Government. 772
308 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 23 Protection of American mining interests. Mining companies which can not prove absolute financial inability through various causes attributable directly to failure de facto Government to protect will do wisely to pay taxes last tercio before Sept. 1. 729
316 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Rodgers (telegram). do Same subject. As mining companies must know by Saturday next whether extension will be granted to pay last tercio’s taxes, renew your efforts to obtain extension and telegraph result not later than Friday night. 729
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Neale. do Same subject. Advises him of contents of Mr. Rodger’s telegram No. 301. 729
314 Mr. Rodgers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 24 Same subject. No extension of time for payment without penalty mining taxes last tercio will be granted. 730
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing Aug. 25 Protection of Americans and American interests. Gen. Luis Herrera has started a few men to work in Jesus Maria Mine. Company advised to communicate direct with Department. 673
President Wilson to Mr. Lane. Aug. 31 Political affairs. Authorizes Mr. Lane to act as a member of the American-Mexican Joint Commission. Same to Messrs. Gray and Mott. 607
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 1 Same subject, villa reported to have defeated Carrancistas at Satevo and Santa Ysabel. 608
1972 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker do Protection of American mining interests. Approves action taken by Mr. Rodgers as reported in his 144. 730
374 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram) Sept. 4 Protection of American oil interests. Department of Hacienda publishes a decree dated Sept. 2 requiring all oil companies already producing to register in the tax bureau before Sept. 15 and within 15 days from the date of first production for the companies which have not yet produced oil. 772
506 Same to same Sept. 5 Same subject. Transmits text of decree dated Sept. 2, 1916, requiring the registration of all oil companies. 773
Mr. Lane to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 6 Political affairs. Meeting of the joint commission 608
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 7 Same subject. De la Rosa reported still at liberty m Monterey. 609
379 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Department’s 114, June 1, 4 p.m., to Rodgers. Troops now distributed places mentioned guaranteeing protection American lives and property. 673
380 same to same do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Reply to Department’s 153 of June 21, 3 p.m., to Rodgers. Foreign Office denies allegations. 786
382 Same to same do Same subject. Reply to Department’s 220 of July 19, 6 p.m., to Rodgers. Foreign Office promises properties mentioned 786
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Polk Sept. 9 Protection of Americans and American interests. Further report concerning the working of the American-owned Jesus Maria Mine by General Herrera. 674
388 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 10 Financial affairs. Demand for specie payment of some 200,000 pesos in their respective issue of bank notes at par is said to have been made on the Banco Nacional and Banco Londres y Mexico. 637
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. Sept. 11 Same subject. Requests good offices of American Government to prevent violent measures being taken against the Bank of London and Mexico. 638
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blocker (telegram). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Informs that Foreign Office denies confiscation property on American ranches along border. 786
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 12 Same subject. Reply to Department’s Sept. 11, 1916, 4 p.m. Confiscation order revoked. 786
1753 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. Sept. 16 Financial affairs. Reply to the note of the French Embassy dated Sept. 11, 1916. Matter of redemption of bank notes in coin has been brought to the attention of American commissioners at New London. 639
401 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 17 Protection of American mining interests. Mining decree dated Sept. 14. 730
402 Same to same (telegram) Sept. 18 Financial affairs. Decree published canceling the right of banks of issue to emit bank notes and ordering them within 60 days to cover the entire amount of their issues with metallic reserves. 639
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Sept. 18 Same subject. Asks that American delegates at the New London conference impress upon Mexican Minister the injurious effects certain acts against the Bank of London and Mexico and the National Bank are likely to have upon the credit of Mexico. 640
423 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram) do Protection of American mining interests. Report whether recent Carranza decree requires repayment of taxes paid Villa in territory controlled by Villa faction. Forward copy of decree if issued. 731
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna (telegram). Sept. 19 Political affairs. Asks whether de la Rosa was ever brought to him for identification. 609
519 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing. do Protection of American mining interests. Transmits copies and translation of the decree dated Sept. 14, relative to the operation of mines in Mexico. 731
2918 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegrams). Sept. 20 Political affairs. Account of Villa’s attack on Chihuahua. 609
Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Financial affairs. Banks given 60 days by decree of Sept. 15 to cover their bills with metallic reserves. 641
Same to same do Same subject. Incloses a translation of recent bank decree. 641
408 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Banco Nacional and Banco Londres y Mexico were forced to pay 400,000 pesos in specie mentioned in telegram 388, Sept. 10, 10 p.m. 643
430 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Seizure and confiscation of American properties. American properties at Salina Cruz again raided. Urge upon the authorities the necessity of prompt action. 787
428 Same to same (telegram) do Protection of American mining interests. Forward immediately translation of decree mentioned in telegram 401. 733
415 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 22 Same subject. Reply to Department’s 423 Sept. 18, 6 p.m. Decree dated June 19, 1915, provides that taxes paid to pretended forces are considered paid. Rear taxes should be paid within a month from occupation thereafter with penalties. Am making investigation for a more recent decree. 733
441 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). Sept. 23 Same subject. American mining companies give reasons why the decree of Sept. 14 can not be complied with. Seek annulment of decree. 734
2984 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). Sept. 25 Political affairs. Further report of Villa’s attack on Chihuahua. 610
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. do Financial affairs. Acknowledges receipt of note of French Embassy dated Sept. 18, 1916. Copies of note sent to American commissioners at New London. 643
Mr. Siller to Mr. Lansing Sept. 26 Political affairs. The de facto Government’s version of the attack on Chihuahua. 610
530 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing Sept. 27 Protection of American oil interests. In compliance with Department’s telegraphic instruction No. 424 of Sept. 18, 7 p.m., transmits official bulletins containing the decrees in question. 773
435 Same to same (telegrams) Sept. 28 Financial affairs. Confiscation of National Bank and Bank of London and Mexico reported. 643
453 Same to same Oct. 6 Seizure and confiscation of American properties. Foreign Office denies every statement in Department’s 178. June 29. 4 p.m., to Rodgers. 787
459 Same to same Oct. 7 Same subject. Reply to Department’s 303, Aug. 18, noon to Rodgers. Nuts being harvested by order of Department of Fomento. 787
478 Mr. Polk to Mr. Parker (telegram). Oct. 11 Protection of American mining interests. If any American companies can not comply with the decree on the operation of mines, it would be advisable for them to file a statement with the appropriate Mexican authorities setting forth why resumption of work can not be undertaken at this time. 734
484 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). Oct. 12 Protection of Americans and American interests. Request appropriate authorities order work stopped at the Jesus Maria Mine. 484
481 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing do Financial affairs. Memorandum of manager of Bank of London and Mexico on the enforcement of decree of Sent. 15. 644
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Long (telegram). do Embargo on the exportation of arms. The United States would consider it a very friendly act if the Salvadorean Government would prevent the shipment of munitions of war to Mexico, pending return of more normal conditions. 794
479 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). 1916 Oct. 12 Protection of American mining interests. Inform appropriate authorities that on account of recent burning of mine headframe and lack of supplies owners of Nueva Luz mine at Guanajuato assert that they are unable to resume operations at present. Request that this be considered sufficient reason why mine can not resume work immediately. 735
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 14 Protection of Americans and American interests. Further reports concerning the work of the Jesus Maria Mine. 674
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Catlin (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Acknowledges letter of Oct. 10, 1916. Advises company to file with proper Mexican authorities statement of reasons why it can not comply with mining decree. 735
Mr. Polk to Mr. Leavell (telegram). Oct. 19 Embargo on the exportation of arms. The United States would consider it a very friendly act if the Guatemalan Government would prevent the shipments of munitions of war to Mexico, pending the return of more normal conditions. Same to American Legations at Tegucigalpa, Managua San Jose and Habana. 795
502 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing Oct. 20 Seizure and confiscation of American properties Department’s 430, Sept. 20, 5 p.m. Protection afforded properties. 787
504 Mr. Polk to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Telegraph result representations you were instructed to make in Department’s 441, and continue your efforts to obtain annulment of decree. 736
561 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing do Same subject. Transmits a copy of the decree of June 19, 1915, and translations of correspondence with the Department of Hacienda relating thereto. 736
Mr. Dawson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 24 Political affairs. Revolutionists becoming more active south and west of Tampico. 611
3447 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegrams). do Same subject. Further confirmation of report that Villa defeated Carranza forces at Chihuahua. 611
3456 Same to same Oct. 25 Same subject. Gives towns and territory in control of Villa. 612
511 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Ask authorities to indicate immediately what action will be taken to protect American properties in Yaqui Valley. 675
521 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Oct. 26 Same subject. Hen era said to have ordered suspension of work in Jesus Maria Mine immediately after fact brought to his attention. 675
527 Same to same Oct. 27 Financial affairs. Explains the effect of certain articles of the decree of Sept. 15, 1916. 645
518 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). Oct. 30 Protection of Americans and American interests. Request that situation of Americans at Carmen be investigated and that authorities be given instructions to protect them. 675
General Pershing to General Funston. Nov. 2 Political affairs. Carrancistas seem impotent to restore anything like peace in Chihuahua. 612
545 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 4 Protection of American oil interests. Press publishes statement that all permits, laws, decrees, leases issued by the State Governments for exploitation and trading of minerals, coals and bitumen oil are null and void. Presumably applies to all acts issued since the establishment of the de facto Government. 775
531 Mr. Polk to Mr. Parker (telegram). Nov. 6 Protection of Americans and American interests. Several Americans in Parral reported to have been executed by Villistas. Seek protection for those Americans still in Parral or its vicinity. 676
Mr. Polk to Mr. Blocker (telegram). do Same subject. Inform local authorities in Piedras Negras that several Americans in Parral have been reported executed and request them to assist in effort to obtain facts. 676
530 Mr. Osborne to Mr. Parker (telegrams). Nov. 7 Political affairs. Urgently request General Carranza to afford protection to the lives and interests of foreigners in Chihuahua City. 614
536 Same to same do Protection of American oil interests. Your 545, November 4, 3 p.m. Request authorities to furnish you with an official copy of decree and to inform you as to scope and effect. 776
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Nov. 9 Protection of Chinese interests. Reports fully 200 Chinese refugees in Juarez from Villa country. Number increasing daily. Most of them in destitute circumstances. Suggests financial aid be rendered and that immigration station on the American side be opened to them in case of danger. 796
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cobb (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Inform British Consul at Chihuahua City to advise Americans to leave. British Embassy wishes him to use his best judgment in advising British subjects. 707
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Edwards (telegram). Nov. 10 Protection of Chinese interests. Department has no funds at its disposal that could be used to assist Chinese. Confer with immigration inspector, as it is understood that he has standing instructions regarding refuge. 797
541 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Repeat representations concerning mining decree made in accordance with Department’s 441, Sept. 23, 6 p.m. Also state that the United States Government can not permit the enforcement of the decree to pass without protest, on the ground that it is essentially illegal and confiscatory in character. 737
558 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 11 Protection of Americans and American interests. Acknowledges Department’s 511, Oct. 25, 6 p.m. State Government denies that tranquility of State has been interrupted. No mention of action contemplated to protect American property. 676
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 13 Political Affairs. Tension in Chihuahua temporarily relieved by apparent retirement of Villa toward Urado line. 614
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. General Murguia with 6,000 troops reported moving north of Escalon. 615
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Edwards (telegram). do Same subject. Obtain information as to truth of reported massacre of foreigners at Jimenez and Santa Rosalia. 615
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. No accurate knowledge conditions and events beyond Bermejillo. Reported massacre of foreigners at Jimenez. 616
Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Some Americans reported killed or injured on a train of the Inter-Oceanic said to have been wrecked between Perone and Jalapa on the 11th. 676
548 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Same subject. Request authorities to order immediate return to American settlers at Esperanza and vicinity all arms and ammunition taken from them in June. 677
550 Same to same (telegram) Nov. 14 Same subject. Point out to Foreign Office that it has failed to reply to Department’s request as to what action was to be taken to protect American properties in the Yaqui Valley. In view of depredations upon American property request Foreign Office to explain how it can be said that there has been uninterrupted tranquility in the State of Sonora. 677
Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject, Gives names of three of the victims of the Inter-Oceanic Railway accident. 677
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna do Protection of American mining interests. States, for the information and guidance of American consular officers, the action taken by the Department with reference to the decree requiring American mine owners to resume operation of their properties. 737
Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 15 Protection of Americans and American interests. No American casualties Inter-Oceanic accident except those mentioned in telegram of No. 14, 6 p.m. 677
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Political affairs. Villistas reported near Cuatro Cienegas. 616
Same to same Nov. 17 Protection of Americans and American interests. Reply to Department’s Nov. 6, 5 p.m. Impresses upon Mexican authorities necessity of receiving definite information of Americans at Parral. 677
Mr. Lansing to the French Consul, Mazatlan (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans from Mexico. Request authorities to assist in locating Americans said to have left Parral for Culiacan on Nov. 3. 707
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Daniels 1916 Nov. 17 Same subject. Asks that senior naval officer present in Mexican west coast waters be instructed to give necessary assistance to several Americans said to have left Parral for Culiacan should they arrive at a west coast port. 707
Mr. Doherty to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 18 Protection of Americans and American interests. Four refugees from Parral left Culiacan to-day for Nogales. 678
560 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Ascertain whether report published in American newspapers that the mining decree of Sept. 14 has been extended until Jan. 14 next, is correct. 738
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Doherty (telegram). Nov. 20 Protection of Americans and American interests. Obtain from refugees statement concerning conditions at Parral and vicinity. 678
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Coen (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans. Advise Americans in your district to withdraw from Mexico. 708
575 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 21 Protection of American mining interests. Department’s 560, Nov. 18, 5 p.m., El Democrata of 15th instant published circular of Fomento Department extending term until Feb. 14 next for the operation of mines. 738
Mr. Coen to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 22 Protection of Americans and American interests. Describes conditions at Parral. 678
577 Mr. Thurston to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 23 Financial affairs. Reports he has assumed charge. 645
571 Mr. Polk to Mr. Parker (telegram). Nov. 25 Protection of Americans and American interests. Renew efforts to obtain definite information regarding welfare and whereabouts of several American citizens of Parral believed to be hiding some distance from that place. 679
Mr. Polk to Mr. Thurston (telegram). do Financial affairs. Action reported in 577 approved 645
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 30 Political affairs. Villa believed to have captured Chihuahua. 616
3838 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegrams). Dec. 2 Same subject. Gives details of Villa’s attack on Chihuahua. 617
3839 Same to same do Same subject. Capture of Chihuahua by Villistas. 618
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Carranza troops under General Murguia reported to have reached outskirts of Chihuahua and to be now fighting to regain the city. 618
Same to same Dec. 5 Same subject. Confirmation of the safety of all foreigners in Chihuahua except Chinese. 619
574 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. Say to Carranza that when the decree of May 1 is modified so as to put in force the understanding reached by the committee of mine owners with Cabrera as to export taxes that a modification of the pertenencia tax also be incorporated in the same decree. 738
Mr. Edwards to Mr. Lansing. Dec. 6 Political affairs. Parral is said to be again in the hands of Carranza troops and that Americans are safe and no property destroyed. 619
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. American citizen arriving from Parral gives a report of conditions obtaining there. 679
1097 Same to same Dec. 7 Political affairs. Encloses manifesto of General Villa to the people of Mexico. 619
3904 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). Dec. 8 Same subject. Carranza officer gives further information concerning Villa’s attack on Chihuahua. 622
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blocker (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Continue to seek definite information regarding Americans at Parral, Jimenez and Santa Rosalia. 679
600 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of American mining interests. First Chief requests that the subject matter of Department’s telegram 574 be taken up through the Foreign Office. 740
3910 General Funston to Mr. Baker (telegram). Dec. 9 Political affairs. Activities of Villa. Recommends a swift blow be dealt Villistas by Pershing’s command. 623
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Acknowledges Department’s December 8, 5 p.m. Every effort being made to obtain further information regarding Americans at Parral. 680
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. do Financial affairs. Again calls attention to the situation in which de facto Government has placed the banks and, in particular the National Bank of Mexico. Incloses copy of protest of French Government made to the Minister of Mexico at Paris. 645
582 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker (telegram). Dec. 11 Protection of American mining interests. Your 600, December 8. Make representations through Foreign Office and request matter be brought to attention of Carranza, at earliest possible moment. 740
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 Dec. 14 Protection of Americans and American interests. Statement of Doctor Bernhard concerning conditions existing in Parral. 680
Mr. Thurston to Mr. Lansing (telegram): Dec. 16 Financial affairs. Decree concerning banks 649
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 19 Protection of Americans and American interests. Reports arrival of some Americans from Parral who give further details of conditions there. 680
Same to same (telegram) Dec. 20 Political affairs. Consulate is uneasy for safety of Americans and other foreigners at Torreon. 624
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Thurston (telegrams). Dec. 22 Protection of Americans and American interests. Request prompt and adequate measures to safeguard American life and property in Torreon district. 681
Same to same do Same subject. Request that prompt and adequate protection be afforded to American life and property in Parral and Magistral districts. 681
Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Withdrawal of Americans. Twenty-four Americans and seven British arrived with their families at San Luis Potosi. 708
Mr. Gobb to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 23 Political affairs. Carranza troops reported to have evacuated and Villistas entered Torreon. 624
Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 24 Same subject. Capture of Torreon confirmed. Villa said to be maintaining order and affording protection to foreigners. 624
Mr. Dickinson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 25 Protection of Americans and American interests. Gives names of Americans arriving from Magistral, Durango. 681
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 26 Political affairs. Rebels crossed the Rio Grande below and above Laredo and burned railroad bridge 12 miles south of Nuevo Laredo. 624
Mr. Canada to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Same subject. Carranza troops defeated at Soledad, a town on the Mexican Railroad about 27 miles from Vera Cruz. 625
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 27 Same subject. Torreon garrison falling back along Coahuila and Pacific Railway toward Saltillo. Carranza troops apparently demoralized. 625
642 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing do Protection of Americans and American interests. Incloses copies of two notes received from the Foreign Office in answer to note sent in pursuance of Department’s 550 of November 14. 682
Mr. Garrett to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 28 Political affairs. Villistas rapidly gaining in strength and activity. Expect soon to control northern Mexico. 625
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing (telegrams). do Same subject. Fall of Torreon is conceded 625
622 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing (telegram). do Protection of Americans and American interests. Reply to Department’s 548, Nov. 13, 4 p.m. Commandant Sonora instructed that if there is no objection the arms be returned to interested persons. 683
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. do Financial affairs. Sets forth certain transactions and negotiations on the part of the de facto Government which, it is claimed, invalidate the reasons invoked in justification of the decree of Dec. 14. 650
Mr. Blocker to Mr. Lansing. Dec. 30 Political affairs. Torreon reported to have been recaptured. 626


[Page LXXI]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Jan. 16 Issuance of exequaturs to American consular officers in the French and Spanish zones in Morocco.
Names officers empowered to issue exequaturs to foreign consuls in the Spanish and French zones and to receive letters of credence of diplomatic agents and consuls general.
1640 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. Jan. 18 Abrogation of the capitulations in the French zone in Morocco. The Department can not recognize the legality of the decision of the French authorities in Morocco that merchandise imported into Morocco must be accompanied by a certificate of origin, visaed by a French consular officer. 800
1989 Mr. Sharp to Mr. Lansing Feb. 11 French protectorate, etc. Incloses copy of a note from the French Foreign Office, stating that the order issued by the French Resident General in Morocco in regard to the trial of certain cases by the military authorities is of a temporary character while martial law exists in that country. 801
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Lansing Feb. 15 Exequaturs. States that Sultan Muley Yusef has provided Prince Muley el Mehedí with a general power to grant exequaturs to foreign consuls appointed in the Spanish zone. 809
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. 1916 Mar. 8 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of note of Jan. 16, 1916. 810
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Riaño do Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of note of Feb. 15, 1916. 810
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 17 French protectorate, etc. The Minister for Foreign Affairs points out that the rules issued by the French Resident General in Morocco concerning the importations of merchandise into that country are intended to prevent Germany from importing into Morocco German goods. He would also appreciate an early settlement of the capitulations questions. 802
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. July 1 Same subject. Submits a list of questions which would have to be considered in connection with the capitulations matter. 803
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blake (telegram). July 5 Same subject. Advises him of above note 805
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. July 31 Same subject. Incloses copy of the declaration signed by other powers in regard to the abrogation of the capitulations. 805
Mr. Polk to Mr. Blake (telegram). Aug. 3 Same subject. Quotes above declaration and requests views. 806
167 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Blake Aug. 8 Same subject. Incloses copy of Department’s note to the French Ambassador of July 1, 1916. 806
Mr. Blake to Mr. Lansing (telegram) do Same subject. Makes suggestions in regard to the abrogation of the capitulations in the French zone of Morocco. 806
Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lansing. Aug. 26 Same subject. The French Government is ready to sign a treaty concerning the abrogation of the capitulations in the French zone of Morocco. 807
Same to same Oct. 3 Same subject. Incloses list of notes his Government is ready to sign in connection with a treaty for the abrogation of the capitulations in the French zone of Morocco.
1770 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusserand. Oct. 12 Same subject. The views of this Government will be communicated to him as soon as his note of Oct. 3, 1916, concerning the abrogation of the capitulations in the French zone of Morocco, can be considered by the Department. 808


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No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Quesada to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Feb. 2 Canal treaty. Asks that steps be taken to prevent the consummation of Interoceanic Canal Treaty between the United States and Nicaragua. 811
Mr. Betancourt to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 6 Same subject. Incloses copy of award made by President of France in the arbitration whose object was to define boundary between Vice Kingdom of New Granada and the Captaincy General of Guatemala. 812
Mr. Quesada to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 8 Same subject. Incloses copy of protest made by Legation against ratification of the Chamorro-Bryan Treaty. 814
Mr. Zaldivar to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 9 Same subject. Presents statement from his Government in regard to the treaty between the United States and Nicaragua. 814
Mr. Quesada to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 21 Same subject. Enters formal protest against ratification of treaty by the Senate. 818
17 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Chamorro. Feb. 24 Same subject. Advises him of ratification of treaty by Senate. 819
Mr. Chamorro to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 28 Same subject. Nicaraguan Government accepts treaty as amended by Senate and will submit it to Nicaraguan Senate for ratification. 819
8 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Quesada. Mar. 1 Same subject. Acknowledges receipt of the Legation’s various notes and says he fails to perceive wherein the treaty just ratified would adversely affect Costa Rica. 820
Mr. Chamorro to Mr. Lansing. Mar. 6 Same subject. Requests that American Government give interpretation of treaty as ratified by American Senate. 822
19 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Chamorro Mar. 11 Same subject. American Government interprets treaty as giving the United States an option. 824
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Zaldivar. Mar. 13 Same subject. States reasons why Salvador should not be disturbed over the canal convention entered into between the United States and Nicaragua. 824
Mr. Long to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar. 26 Same subject. Costa Rica arraigns Nicaragua before the court at Cartago in connection with Nicaraguan treaty. 826
Mr. Oreamuno to Mr. Lansing. Mar. 27 Same subject. Advises that the Government of Costa Rica has brought suit against the Government of Nicaragua. 826
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hale (telegram). 1916 Mar. 27 Same subject. Report present status of suit brought against Nicaragua and developments as they occur. 827
Mr. Zaldivar to Mr. Lansing. Mar. 28 Same subject. Incloses copy of note from Minister of Foreign Relations in reply to communication from American Chargé informing Salvadorean Government of ratification by American Senate of Canal Treaty. 827
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jefferson (telegram). Mar. 30 Same subject. Reports status of Canal Treaty before the Nicaraguan Congress. 831
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Long (telegram). do Same subject. Department views attempt of Costa Rica to interfere in freedom of action of Nicaragua as unjustifiable effort to prevent Nicaragua from fulfilling her contractual obligations. 831
Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Mar 31 Same subject. Department’s Mar. 30, 4 p.m. Text of Canal Convention amendments have been transmitted to President, who recommends its passage. 832
Same to same (telegrams) Apr. 7 Same subject. Nicaraguan Senate passes treaty and transmits it to House. 832
do Apr. 11 Same subject. Treaty and amendments ratified by Nicaraguan Congress exactly as passed by United States Senate. 832
47 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Betancourt. do Same subject. Replies to the Minister’s Feb. 6 and says that the matter is one for discussion primarily between the Colombian Government and the Nicaraguan Government. 833
Mr. Spring Rice to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 12 Same subject. Reference the Ambassador’s note of Oct. 28, 1915, states that list of British claims against Nicaraguan Government are in course of preparation and will be communicated as soon as received. 833
Mr. Chamorro to Mr. Lansing. Apr. 13 Same subject. Reports final approval of treaty by Nicaraguan Congress. 834
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jefferson (telegram). Apr. 14 Same subject. Department gratified to learn of ratification of treaty. 834
21 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Chamorro. Apr. 17 Same subject. Acknowledges the Minister’s Apr. 13 and says he will be happy to fix date for effecting exchange of instruments of ratification as soon as convenient to the former. 834
89 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Thomson. Apr. 18 Same subject. Incloses for files of mission copies of correspondence between Minister of Colombia and the Department in regard to treaty. 835
Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 4 Same subject. Salvador and Costa Rica continue strong protest. 835
1160 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Spring Rice. May 5 Same subject. Acknowledges the Ambassador’s Apr. 12 and says that Department awaits list of claims mentioned which will have due consideration. 836
Mr. Spring Rice to Mr. Lansing. May 21 Same subject. In view of the new contracts entered into between Nicaragua and the United States wishes to be reassured of the status that British claims referred to before will have. 836
10 Mr. Polk to Mr. Quesada May 22 Same subject. Legation’s Mar. 27 in which is announced suit brought against Nicaragua by Costa Rica; Department regards action as attempt to prevent Nicaragua’s fulfilment of contractual obligations. 837
Mr. Quesada to Mr. Lansing. May 23 Same subject. Acknowledges Department’s Mar. 1 and has further reference in detail to the action of Costa Rica in the matter of the Canal Treaty. 838
Mr. Zavela to Mr. Lansing. June 13 Same subject. Advises of receipt of instrument of ratification and requests that the Secretary designate time for exchange. 840
286 Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing. June 17 Same subject. Incloses certain correspondence between Nicaragua and Costa Rica relative to claims of each country in connection with Canal Treaty. 840
Mr. Quesada to Mr. Lansing. June 20 Same subject. Reference Department’s No. 10, May 22, gives further argument for the right of Costa Rica to have brought suit against Nicaragua. 846
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Zavela. June 21 Same subject. Reference Legation’s June 13 in regard to exchange of ratifications states he will receive him on 22d instant for purpose of consummating this formality. 849
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jefferson (telegram). June 22 Same subject. Ratifications exchanged 849
June 24 Same subject. Nicaraguan canal route. Convention between the United States and Nicaragua. Text. 849
Mr. Cuadra Z. to Mr. Lansing. July 17 Financial affairs. Gives reasons why certain claims should receive preferential treatment out of the proceeds of the Canal Convention. 898
Brown Bros. & Co. and Seligman & Co. to Mr. Lansing. 1916 July 17 Same subject. Offer to approach the foreign bondholders with view to obtain extension of time of payment of certain debts. Before proceeding, wishes a confirmation of understanding as to payments to be made out of the money to be received by Nicaragua under the treaty. 902
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jefferson (telegram). Aug. 10 Same subject. Department considers as premature any consideration of disposition of treaty funds prior to exchange of ratifications. Asks opinion whether the retention of customs revenue seriously embarrasses Government and strengthens the opposition. 906
Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Aug. 13 Same subject. Thinks mixed claims awards should be paid first and then pro rata payment and arrange with bankers for balance due. Customs revenues and other expenditures of money should be temporarily withheld. 907
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cuadra Aug. 31 Same subject. States that this Government cannot take cognizance at this time of contracts whereby Nicaragua guarantees certain payments in disregard of Article III of the Treaty. 907
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jefferson (telegram). Sept. l Same subject. Instructs to transmit to the Nicaraguan Government a note in the sense of the letter to Mr. Cuadra of Aug. 31, 1916. 908
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Lon (telegram). do Canal Treaty. Press reports several occasions that Salvador has presented its case to the Central American Court. 852
Mr. Long to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Sept. 3 Same subject. Department’s Sept. 1. Salvador has presented its case against Nicaragua to the Central American Court of Justice; no new developments. 852
Same to same Sept. 23 Same subject. Incloses Diario Oficial containing demand of the Salvadorean Government against Nicaragua with regard to treaty. 853
202 Mr. Hale to Mr. Lansing Oct. 16 Same subject. Incloses decision of Central American Court of Justice in regard to demand filed by the Government of Costa Rica. 862
Mr. Polk to Mr. Jefferson (telegram). Oct. 20 Financial affairs. Asks for views as to whether Ethelburga interest should be paid out of canal fund. 910
313 Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 26 Same subject. Incloses reply of the Foreign Office to his note of Sept. 5, wherein was quoted the full text of Department’s telegram of Sept. 1. 910
Mr. Quesada to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 30 Canal Treaty. Advises him of the judgment of the Court; Nicaragua will not accept nor abide by it. 886
319 Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing. Nov. 8 Same subject. Incloses telegrams exchanged between the Central American Court and the Nicaraguan Minister for Foreign Affairs relative to refusal of Nicaragua to abide by decision of Court. 887
The Central American Court of Justice to the Governments of Costs Rica, El Salvador, Hon duras and Guatemala. Nov. 9 Same subject. Comments fully upon the decision of the Court and the failure of Nicaraguan Government to abide by it. 893
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Cuadra Nov. 11 Financial affairs. Department can take no cognizance of the contracts transmitted with your letter of Oct. 30. 912
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jefferson. Nov. 13 Same subject. Asks that the attention of the Nicaraguan Government be called to the fact that no explanation has been given of its action as regards certain contracts. 912
Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Nov. 21 Same subject. Foreign Office has replied to his supplementary note regarding contracts signed by Mr. Cuadra. President Diaz requests that Department be again informed of his needs to meet Government expenses until Jan. 1. 913
321 Same to same Nov. 22 Same subject, incloses a copy of his supplementary note to the Foreign Office and a copy and translation of the reply thereto. 913
124 Mr. Long to Mr. Lansing Dec. 2 Canal Treaty, Incloses copies of protest which Honduras forwarded to Salvador Sept. 30, and of the Salvadorean reply dated Oct. 7, 1916. 890
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jefferson (telegram). Dec. 12 Financial affairs. Asks how much is needed by President Diaz to meet expenses until January 1. Also requests opinion as to lowest estimate of all external and internal Nicaraguan debt. 915
Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 14 Same subject. In answer to Department’s Dec. 12, President Diaz would prefer to let the matter stand until General Chamorro becomes President. Estimates of internal and external debt of Nicaragua. 915
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jefferson (telegram). 1916 Dec. 22 Same subject. Gives result of conference between representatives of the Department and of bankers of Nicaragua; $300,000 will be advanced for running expenses if deemed necessary. Highly essential that fiscal agent be appointed and a commission created to study conditions of indebtedness. 916
Mr. Jefferson to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 31 Same subject. General Chamorro will furnish memoranda of amount needed for running expenses. Sets forth certain propositions made by General Chamorro, Mr. Benard and President Diaz relative to financial situation. 917


[Page LXXV]
No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
773 Mr. Spencer to Mr. Lansing 1916 Jan. 14 Disarmament of Panama police. Transmits a letter from Governor Goethals referring to the presence at a fire two days ago in the city of Panama of several Panaman policemen patrolling with rifles with bayonets attached. 938
777 Same to same Jan. 22 Same subject, incloses a copy of a letter from Governor Goethals in which he states that in response to a recent fire alarm, members of the Panama police force appeared on the scene with high-powered rifles. 939
235 Mr. Morales to Mr. Lansing. Feb. 28 Status of the Panama Railway Co. Submits a long argument concerning the legal existence of and the rights and privileges claimed by that company. His Government desires that all these questions be settled by diplomacy or arbitration. 943
848 Mr. Price to Mr. Lansing Mar. 14 Riot at Colon, 1915. Reports further on dilatory tactics by Panama and incloses correspondence with the Foreign Office. 924
866 Same to same Mar. 22 Same subject. Incloses further correspondence with the Minister for Foreign Affairs. 927
238 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Price Apr. 1 Same subject. Instructs to inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs that this Government is not satisfied with the manner in which the Government of Panama has dealt with this matter. 929
888 Mr. Price to Mr. Lansing Apr. 6 Same subject. Reports further progress in the investigation. 930
240 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Price Apr. 12 Same subject. Approves his action reported in his No. 866. 930
242 Same to same Apr. 15 Disarmament of police. Instructs to present formal demand for immediate disarmament of the police in the cities of Panama and Colon of high-powered rifles and suggesting storage of the arms in the Canal Zone. 940
901 Mr. Price to Mr. Lansing Apr. 20 Colon riot, 1915. Incloses copy of a letter from the military commander of the Canal Zone commenting on the dilatory tactics of Panama. 930
907 Same to same Apr. 24 Same subject. Incloses copy of the report of the Canal Zone military authorities upon the attempted identification of the Panaman policemen who were involved in the riot. 931
Mr. Baker to Mr. Lansing Apr. 29 Status of the Panama Railway Co. Incloses copy of a letter from the Governor of the Canal Zone, transmitting a report from Special Attorney Feuille, which concludes that the claims of the Minister of Panama are groundless and that there is nothing open to arbitration 949
922 Mr. Price to Mr. Lansing May 6 Colon riot, 1915. Incloses copy of a note to the Minister for Foreign Affairs requesting information as to the steps if any have been or are contemplated being taken by the Panaman Government. 934
926 Same to same May 8 Same subject. Incloses copy of a note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs concerning the action taken by him to expedite the investigation. 935
931 do May 12 Disarmament of police. Transmits a copy of the note sent to the Foreign Office in compliance with instruction No. 242 of Apr. 15, 1915. 940
do do Same subject. Department’s instruction No. 242 regarding disarmament of police complied with. 941
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Price (telegram). do Same subject. Instructs to immediately inform the Government of Panama that this Government expects prompt compliance with its demand for the complete disarmament of the Police in Colon and Panama of high-powered rifles 942
249 Same to same do Colon riot, 1915. Before presenting a demand for an indemnity the Department will wait for a brief time in order to give the Government of Panama an opportunity for action. 937
Mr. Price to Mr. Lansing (telegram). 1916 May 13 Disarmament of police. Panaman Minister for Foreign Affairs has notified me that the rifles will be delivered under protest. 942
Same to same (telegram) May 15 Same subject. Agreement to ship rifles to Now York for sale. 942
79 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Morales do Status of the Panama Railway Co. Incloses copy of the report of Special Attorney Feuille, inclosed in above letter. 954
251 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Price May 17 Colon not, 1915. Instructs to make representations to the Foreign Office in accordance with the suggestions of General Edwards as contained in his No. 901. 938
Mr. Price to Mr. Lansing (telegram). May 20 Disarmament of police. Delivery of rifles completed. Note of protest received to-day from the Panaman Government. 943
4663 Mr. de Rappard to Mr. Lansing. Oct. 20 Panama not claims. Award determining the amount due by the Panaman Government to the American victims of the riot of July 4, 1912. 918
Mr. Lansing to Mr. de Rappard. Nov. 1 Same subject. Acknowledges the receipt of note of Oct. 20. 922
Mr. Price to Mr. Lansing (telegram). Dec. 12 Same subject. Payment of award of arbitration on account of the death of 1 and wounding of 16 Americans in Fourth of July riot. 923
1197 Same to same do Same subject. Confirms cable of Dec. 12, 9 a.m. 923


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
76 Mr. Tennant to Mr. Lansing. 1916 Feb. 21 Message of President Melendez to the National Assembly of Salvador. Extracts. 955


No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Lansing 1916 Feb. 3 Removal of the remains of Spanish sailors. Requests that the Secretary of the Navy be asked not to oppose the transfer of the remains of the Spanish sailors. 957
Same to same Feb. 15 Same subject. Requests the names of the said seamen. Inquires whether a general permit from the Navy Department will suffice for the removal. 957
481 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Riaño. Feb. 16 Same subject. Navy Department will cooperate in every way with the representatives of His Majesty the King of Spain in removing the remains of the Spanish sailors. 957
4 Same to same Mar. 10 Same subject. The Government of the United States will feel honored if the Spanish Government will permit it to undertake all the work of disinterment and removal of the remains of the seamen and their delivery to the officer commanding the transport. 958
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Lansing. Mar. 14 Same subject. Spanish Government gratefully accepts the offer of the American Government to attend to the exhumation and removal of the Spanish dead. 958
Mr. Polk to Mr. Riaño Mar. 22 Same subject. Copies of the Department’s note of Mar. 10 and the reply of the Spanish Embassy sent to the Secretary of the Navy. 959
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Riafio. Apr. 8 Same subject. Announces that appropriate ceremonies will take place at Portsmouth Navy Yard on Wednesday, Apr. 12. Names the representatives of the American Government. 959
503 Same to same Apr. 11 Same subject. Navy Department forwards 31 Spanish flags used in decorating the graves of the Spanish sailors as a token of the regard in which the Spanish Navy is held by the American Navy. 960
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Lansing Apr. 13 Same subject. Acknowledges the receipt of the flags. Expresses appreciation of the sentiments animating the American Government. 960
Mr. Lansing to Mr. Riaño. Apr. 19 Same subject. Acknowledges the receipt of the note of Apr. 13, conveying an expression of thanks from the Spanish Embassy. 961
Mr. Daniels to Mr. Lansing. do Same subject. Transmits certain correspondence received from the Commandant of the Portsmouth Navy Yard relative to the transfer of the remains of the Spanish sailors. 961
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No. From and to whom Date Subject Page
1070 Mr. Philip to Mr. Lansing 1916 Mar. 9 Attempted abrogation by Turkey of the capitulations. Incloses copy of note to the Porte stating that the Department can not agree with the position taken by the Ottoman Government in the matter of the unilateral abrogation of the capitulations. The Porte’s reply. 963
1762 Same to same (telegram) Apr. 24 Same subject. Instructions have been sent to provincial authorities directing them to avoid all friction with Americans. All matters of dispute are to be referred to Constantinople for settlement. Consuls have been similarly instructed, with orders to refer matters of dispute to the Embassy. 964
1326 Same to same May 23 Same subject. Transmits a copy of a note verbale to the Foreign Office’ which presents a number of cases in which the local authorities had acted in an arbitrary manner with respect to American consular officials and employees. 965
do June 15 Same subject. Transmits a copy of the English translation of a set of instructions issued for the guidance of provincial officials and dealing with the results of the abrogation of the capitulations. 968
Ottoman Embassy to the Department of State. Aug. 21 New Ottoman customs tariff. New customs tariff on the basis of specific duties to be put into effect on and after Sept. 1–14, 1916. 975
Department of State to the Ottoman Embassy. Sept. 7 Same subject. Acknowledgment of the receipt of the memorandum relative to new customs tariff is made without prejudice to the position which the United States has announced or may hereafter announce with reference to the legality of the action. 975