Consul-General Steinhart to the Secretary of State.


Your cable 11th received and instructions complied with. My opinion is that a message reading as follows should at once be cabled to our chargé d’affaires here, to be communicated to President Palma, and if possible given at the same time to the press: “The President of [Page 476] the United States directs me to communicate to you that he regrets present state of affairs in Cuba, and directs me to further say that you must use in the most effective manner all the resources at your command to quell the present revolt, or else in the end intervention on the part of the United States of America will become a necessity, which, for the sake of your country, must be avoided.” I have used, as far as possible, your own phraseology, and I believe if so sent will have a favorable result in Cuban Congress next Friday. All reference to make a compromise, or like ideas, must be omitted; it is most important that the dignity of Government is upheld to guarantee its future stability.
