Foreign Relations of the United States, 1902, United States vs. Mexico, In the matter of the case of the Pious Fund of the Californias, Appendix II

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1902, United States vs. Mexico, In the matter of the case of the Pious Fund of the Californias, Appendix II
United States Government Printing Office
- [Untitled]
- [Untitled]
- [Untitled]
- PART I. Report of agent, with English translation of the award. (Documents 1–2)
- PART II. Pleadings. (Documents 3–10)
- PART III. Appendix to Record. (Documents 11–20)
- Appendix to Record. (Documents 11–12)
- Appendix to Record. (Documents 11–12)
- PART IV. Briefs Submitted to the Permanent Court of Arbitration on Behalf of the United States. (Documents 21–24)
- PART V. Exhibits. (Documents 25–41)
- Translation of extracts referred to in the “Brief
History of the Pious Fund of the Californias,” and to be found on pages
187 to 221 of the record in the case of Alemany v. Mexico. (Documents 26–36)
- Powers of attorney from the bishops of Sacramento and
Monterey to the archbishop of San Francisco. (Document 37)
- Proof of succession of the Most Reverend Patrick
William Riordan, archbishop of San Francisco. (Documents 38–40)
- Translation of extracts referred to in the “Brief
History of the Pious Fund of the Californias,” and to be found on pages
187 to 221 of the record in the case of Alemany v. Mexico. (Documents 26–36)
- Proof of succession of the Rt. Rev. George Montgomery, R.
C. Bishop of Monterey. (Documents 42–51)
- Deposition of the Most Reverend Patrick William Riordan,
archbishop of San Francisco. (Document 52)
- Deposition of Mr. John T. Doyle, with
exhibits. (Documents 53–59)
- Affidavit of the Most Rev. Patrick W. Riordan, archbishop
of San Francisco, dated September 16, 1902. (Documents 60–63)
- Discovery made by United States, on motion by Mexico,
relative to Indian population of California. (Documents 64–72)
- Mexican call for discovery. (Document 73)
- Supplemental affidavit of the Most Reverend Patrick
William Riordan, archbishop of San Francisco. (Document 74)
- Letter of the Mexican legation at Rome to the Holy See,
dated April 6, 1840, and affidavit of the Most Reverend Patrick William
Riordan. (Documents 75–76)
- Papal bulls with relation to California
bishoprics. (Documents 77–78)
- Extracts and translations from “Noticias de Californias,”
etc. (Documents 79–82)
- Argument for the defense before the honorable
umpire. (Document 83)
- Petition for rehearing. (Document 84)
- Argument for a rehearing. (Document 85)
- PART VI. Record of proceedings before the Permanent Court of Arbitration under
The Hague Convention of 1899 in the matter of the Pious Fund of the Californias,
from September 15, 1902, to October 14, 1902, including copy of the official
minutes, or procès-verbaux, with index. (Documents 86–116)
- Record of proceedings. (Document 86)
- Record of proceedings before the special
tribunal. (Documents 87–105)
- Protocoles des séances du tribunal d’arbitrage
constitué en vertu du traité du 22 Mai 1902 signé à Washington entre les
gouvernements des Etats-Unis d’Amérique et des Etats-Unis
Mexicains. (Documents 106–116)
- Record of proceedings. (Document 86)
- Index
- Table of Citations