Mr. Adee to Mr. Bridgman.
Washington, August 22, 1899.
Sir: Having laid before the President the letter addressed to him by the provisional junta of Government of Bolivia under date of April 28 last, announcing its assumption of administrative functions, and having also submitted to him your dispatch No. 127, of the 8th instant, in which you recount the circumstances under which the provisional government was formed, and express your judgment that it merits recognition as an unopposed and orderly de facto government, I had the pleasure to send you to-day a telegram conveying the President’s directions as to your entering into relations with the junta upon your return to your post, as follows:
Upon your return to your post, if you then ascertain that the provisional government of Bolivia is being de facto administered by the junta according to regular methods, affording reasonable guarantees of stability and international responsibility, and without organized resistance, you will notify the junta that you are authorized by the President to enter into relations with the provisional government, and will notify the Department of your action in order that the President may make appropriate reply to the autograph letter addressed to him by the junta on the 26th of April last. Please acknowledge receipt of this telegram. Letter mailed you to-day.
I am, etc.,
Acting Secretary.