Mr. Hay to Mr. Thomas.
Washington, November 23, 1899.
Sir: Referring to Department’s instruction No. 64 of August 5 last in reference to the regulations governing the importation into that country of American horseflesh, I have to inclose for your information copy of a dispatch from the consul at Gothenburg, dated October 26, 1899.
This dispatch was communicated to the Secretary of Agriculture, and in a letter dated the 18th instant Secretary Wilson informs me that instructions as to the requirements mentioned have been forwarded to the inspector at the only establishment in this country where inspection for horse meat has been established.
Secretary Wilson calls attention to the fact that the inspection service of this country is a Government service, under his immediate charge, and that Congress has made it the duty of the Secretary of Agriculture to inspect the horse meat prepared for the interstate or foreign trade and to certify to that which originates from horses that are in a sound and healthy condition. Referring to the consul’s statement that it would appear that the Swedish officials are doing all in their power to make the importation of horse meat as difficult as possible, he observes that, if the Swedish Government does not desire this kind of meat and should shut it out from all countries alike, no objection could be seen to her action; but to raise objections to the form of the United States stamps and the signature on the certificates and to make unreasonable requirements as to the manner of affixing the stamps, would seem to impose discriminating restrictions that are hardly in accord with that agreeable manner which this Government has endeavored to show in its methods applied to the imports from other countries.
In discussing this subject with the Swedish authorities you need make use of such of these observations only as in your discretion will aid that Government to an understanding of the complete and thorough character of the inspection service of this country.
I am, etc.,