Mr. Eustis to Mr. Gresham.

No. 297.]

Sir: Referring to your No. 396 of April 10, and to my telegram of the 25th, concerning the case of Mr. John L. Waller, I inclose herewith copy and translation of Mr. Hanotaux’s reply to my request, under your instruction, for a copy of the charges against Mr. Waller and of the evidence upon which he was condemned, with a copy also of the sentence of the court.

In his reply Mr. Hanotaux simply confirms the information he had obtained by telegraph and already given to me, viz, that Waller was condemned for having been in correspondence with the enemy, and that the papers relating to the case were on their way to Paris, adding that as soon as they should reach him he would furnish me with all the information applied for.

As yet he is unable to say whether permission can be granted to communicate with the prisoner; the question has been submitted to the legal advisers of the department.

I have, etc.,

J. B. Eustis
[Inclosure in No. 297.—Translation.]

Mr. Hanotaux to Mr. Eustis.

Mr. Ambassador: By a letter of the 23d instant, your excellency expressed the desire of being informed of the facts which have caused the prosecution of Mr. Waller, late consul of the United States at Tamatave, before the military courts of that city.

The minister of marine, to whom I had hastened to make known the desire of your excellency, has just informed me that the indications furnished by the commander of the naval division of the Indian Ocean show that Mr. Waller was convicted of having entertained correspondence with the Hova authorities. The council of war condemned him to twenty years’ confinement, and expelled Mr. Bray, his son-in-law, as an accomplice.

My colleague adds that the papers of the case have been sent by the chief of the naval division to the commander in chief of the corps operating in Madagascar, who will forward them shortly to the minister of war. As soon as they shall have been communicated to me, I shall hasten to furnish your excellency with the information you have expressed the desire of obtaining, and will give you the text of the sentence rendered against Mr. Waller.

I add that Mr. Waller is temporarily held at the Fort of St. Nicholas, at Marseilles, where he will remain until the Government designates the place where he is to serve out his time.

Please accept, etc.,

G. Hanotaux