Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President, Transmitted to Congress, December 4, 1893

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, With the Annual Message of the President, Transmitted to Congress, December 4, 1893
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President
- Foreign Relations.
- List of the papers with an analysis of their contents.
- Correspondence: Austria-Hungary (Documents 1–8)
- Brazil (Documents 9–177)
- Correspondence with the Brazilian Legation at Washington. (Documents 168–177)
- Correspondence with the Brazilian Legation at Washington. (Documents 168–177)
- Central America (Documents 178–234)
- Guatemala and Honduras. (Documents 178–191)
- Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Salvador (Documents 192–234)
- Guatemala and Honduras. (Documents 178–191)
- Chile (Documents 235–245)
- China (Documents 246–286)
- Correspondence with the legation of China at Washington. (Documents 260–286)
- Correspondence with the legation of China at Washington. (Documents 260–286)
- Colombia (Documents 287–288)
- Correspondence with the legation of Costa Rica at Washington (Documents 289–296)
- France (Documents 297–302)
- Great Britain (Documents 303–349)
- Correspondence with the British Embassy at Washington. (Documents 324–349)
- Correspondence with the British Embassy at Washington. (Documents 324–349)
- Haiti (Documents 350–380)
- Hawaii
- Japan (Documents 381–396)
- Mexico (Documents 397–471)
- Correspondence with the Mexican Legation at Washington. (Documents 404–471)
- Correspondence with the Mexican Legation at Washington. (Documents 404–471)
- The Netherlands (Documents 472–473)
- Persia (Documents 474–491)
- Peru (Documents 492–507)
- Russia (Documents 508–536)
- Correspondence with the Russian Legation at Washington. (Documents 534–536)
- Correspondence with the Russian Legation at Washington. (Documents 534–536)
- Siam (Documents 537–543)
- Spain (Documents 544–569)
- Turkey (Documents 570–677)
- Correspondence with the legation of turkey in Washington. (Documents 670–677)
- Correspondence with the legation of turkey in Washington. (Documents 670–677)
- Venezuela (Documents 678–698)
- Alphabetical Index.