Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 3, 1888, Part II

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 3, 1888, Part II
United States Government Printing Office
- List of papers, with synopses of their contents
- Italy (Documents 1–17)
- Correspondence with the legation Of Italy at Washington. (Documents 7–17)
- Correspondence with the legation Of Italy at Washington. (Documents 7–17)
- Japan (Documents 18–27)
- Liberia (Documents 28–31)
- Correspondence with the minister of Foreign Affairs for Liberia. (Documents 30–31)
- Correspondence with the minister of Foreign Affairs for Liberia. (Documents 30–31)
- Mexico (Documents 32–168)
- Correspondence with the legation of Mexico at Washington. (Documents 118–168)
- Correspondence with the legation of Mexico at Washington. (Documents 118–168)
- Netherlands (Documents 169–192)
- Correspondence with the legation of the Netherlands at Washington. (Documents 185–192)
- Correspondence with the legation of the Netherlands at Washington. (Documents 185–192)
- Nicaragua (Document 193)
- Correspondence with the legation of Nicaragua at Washington. (Document 193)
- Correspondence with the legation of Nicaragua at Washington. (Document 193)
- Paraguay (Documents 194–198)
- Persia (Documents 199–207)
- Peru (Documents 208–213)
- Portugal (Documents 214–228)
- Correspondence with the legation of Portugal at Washington. (Documents 218–228)
- Correspondence with the legation of Portugal at Washington. (Documents 218–228)
- Roumania (Document 229)
- Russia (Documents 230–248)
- Correspondence with the legation of Russia at Washington. (Documents 247–248)
- Correspondence with the legation of Russia at Washington. (Documents 247–248)
- Correspondence with the minister of foreign affairs of Salvador (Document 249)
- Santo Domingo (Documents 250–254)
- Servia (Document 255)
- Siam (Documents 256–259)
- Spain (Documents 260–285)
- Correspondence with the legation of Spain at Washington. (Documents 280–285)
- Correspondence with the legation of Spain at Washington. (Documents 280–285)
- Sweden and Norway (Documents 286–305)
- Switzerland (Documents 306–339)
- Correspondence with the legation of Switzerland at Washington. (Documents 329–339)
- Correspondence with the legation of Switzerland at Washington. (Documents 329–339)
- Turkey (Documents 340–394)
- Correspondence with the legation of Turkey at Washington. (Documents 391–394)
- Correspondence with the legation of Turkey at Washington. (Documents 391–394)
- Egypt (Documents 395–399)
- Uruguay (Document 400)
- Venezuela (Documents 401–413)
- Circulars (Documents 414–421)
- Supplement A: Papers relating to the case of Lord Sackville (Documents 422–453)
- Great Britain. (Documents 422–453)
- Papers relating to the case of Lord
Sackville (Documents 422–441)
- Appendix
British Official Publication. United States No. 4 (1888). (Documents 442–453)
- Papers relating to the case of Lord
Sackville (Documents 422–441)
- Great Britain. (Documents 422–453)
- Supplement B: Papers relating to the treaty of extradition, signed June 25, 1886, by the plenipotentiaries of the United States and Great Britain (Documents 454–455)
- Supplement C: Papers relating to the seizure of British sealing-vessels in
Behring Sea (Documents 456–523)
- Papers relating to the seizure of British
sealing-vessels in Bering Sea. (Documents 456–523)
- Papers relating to the seizure of British
sealing-vessels in Bering Sea. (Documents 456–523)
- Supplement D: Papers relating to the negotiations for the conclusion of
treaties for the protection of fur-seals in Behring Sea (Documents 524–561)
- Papers relating to the negotiations for the conclusion
of treaties for the protection of fur-seals in Behring Sea. (Documents 524–561)
- France. (Documents 524–527)
- Germany. (Document 528)
- Great Britain. (Documents 529–545)
- Japan. (Documents 546–556)
- Russia. (Documents 557–560)
- Sweden And Norway. (Document 561)
- France. (Documents 524–527)
- Papers relating to the negotiations for the conclusion
of treaties for the protection of fur-seals in Behring Sea. (Documents 524–561)
- Supplement E: Differential rates of tonnage dues (Documents 562–644)
- Papers relating to differential rates of tonnage dues. (Document 562)
- Inclosures. (Documents 563–644)
- Part I.—Treaty Claims Relative to Tonnage
Dues. (Documents 563–602)
- Belgium. (Documents 563–568)
- Correspondence with the legation of Belgium
at Washington. (Documents 567–568)
- Correspondence with the legation of Belgium
at Washington. (Documents 567–568)
- Correspondence with the legation of Denmark in
Washington. (Documents 569–570)
- Germany. (Documents 571–577)
- Correspondence with the legation of Germany
in Washington. (Documents 572–577)
- Correspondence with the legation of Germany
in Washington. (Documents 572–577)
- Correspondence with the legation of Italy at
Washington. (Documents 578–579)
- Correspondence with the legation of Portugal in
Washington. (Documents 580–581)
- Sweden and Norway. (Documents 582–602)
- Correspondence with the legation of Sweden
and Norway in Washington. (Documents 587–602)
- Correspondence with the legation of Sweden
and Norway in Washington. (Documents 587–602)
- Belgium. (Documents 563–568)
- Part II.—Correspondence relative to the Abolition
of Tonnage Dues. (Documents 603–644)
- Austria. (Document 604)
- Belgium. (Document 605)
- Brazil. (Document 606)
- China. (Documents 607–609)
- Denmark. (Documents 610–611)
- France. (Document 612)
- Germany. (Documents 613–618)
- Correspondence with the legation of Germany
at Washington. (Documents 614–618)
- Correspondence with the legation of Germany
at Washington. (Documents 614–618)
- Great Britain. (Document 619)
- Italy. (Documents 620–624)
- Correspondence with the legation of Italy in
Washington (Documents 621–624)
- Correspondence with the legation of Italy in
Washington (Documents 621–624)
- Japan. (Documents 625–629)
- Mexico. (Documents 630–631)
- The Netherlands. (Documents 632–638)
- Correspondence with the legation of the
Netherlands in Washington. (Documents 635–638)
- Correspondence with the legation of the
Netherlands in Washington. (Documents 635–638)
- Peru. (Document 639)
- Russia. (Documents 640–641)
- Sweden and Norway. (Documents 642–644)
- Correspondence with the legation of Sweden and Norway at
Washington. (Documents 643–644)
- Correspondence with the legation of Sweden and Norway at
Washington. (Documents 643–644)
- Austria. (Document 604)
- Part I.—Treaty Claims Relative to Tonnage
Dues. (Documents 563–602)
- Papers relating to differential rates of tonnage dues. (Document 562)
- Alphabetical Index.