List of papers, with their subjects

argentine republic.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1 Mr. Thomas O. Osborn to Mr. Evarts (No. 308). 1880. Nov. 29 Peace, re-establishment of, in Argentine Republic: Gratification of United States at this result conveyed to Argentine Republic, and hope that the principle of national life as opposed to spirit of disintegration will still animate its people. Argentine Republic reciprocates the sentiments of United States. 1
2 Same to same (No. 313) 1881. Jan. 13 Arbitration for settlement of disputes between South American governments; congress to establish same proposed; Argentine Republic accepts Colombia’s invitation to participate. 3
3 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Thomas O. Osborn (No. 144), June 13 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: United States in favor of international arbitration as a means of averting war, as shown by their efforts in the conference of Arica; would readily act as arbitrator if desired by the parties; similar instruction to Mr. Thomas A. Osborn. 6
4 Mr. Thomas O. Osborn to Mr. Blaine (No. 324). July 1 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Settlement of, by United States ministers at Buenos Ayres and Chili; description of boundary line and full particulars of negotiation reported. 6
5 Same to same (No. 329) July 23 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Treaty signed July 23, on part of both governments; incloses note of congratulation to Argentine Republic. 9
6 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Thomas O. Osborn (No. 147). Aug. 25 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Gratification of United States at the news of the peaceful settlement of, and of the active part taken by United States representatives at Santiago and Buenos Ayres in accomplishing it. 10
7 Mr. Hitt to Mr. Thomas O. Osborn (No. 150). Sept. 10 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Informs him that the anticipated approval of efforts of United States representatives in effecting settlement of, was accorded in a previous instruction. 10
8 Mr. Thomas O. Osborn to Mr. Blaine (No. 338). Oct. 27 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Incloses translation of authenticated copy of the treaty of settlement of same; also of a note of minister of foreign affairs relative to the same; treaty gives satisfaction to all. 10
9 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Thomas O. Osborn (No. 156). Nov. 29 Peace congress of American republics to be held in Washington, D. C.: Purpose of; discussion of method of preventing war between nations of America; minister directed to present views of the United States to Argentine Republic, and tender in name of the President of the United States an invitation to the President of the Argentine Republic to send commissioners. 13

correspondence with the legation of the argentine republic at washington.

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
10 Mr. Carrie to Mr. Blaine 1881. July 28 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Treaty for settlement of, signed by Chili; gratitude of Argentine Republic to United States and its representatives for kind offices. 15
11 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Carrié Aug. 5 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Gratification of the United States at the settlement of the boundary dispute. 16
12 Mr. Carrié to Mr. Blaine Nov. 28 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Communication from Argentine Republic relative to co-operation of Mr. Osborn in effecting the settlement of. 16
13 Same to same Dec. 5 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Treaty for settlement of, ratified by both governments; conciliatory spirit exhibited by the parties. 17


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
14 Mr. Delaplaine to Mr. Evarts (No. 355.) 1880. Aug. 10 Citizenship (American), renunciation of, by Marcus Kohn to become again an Austrian subject. 18
15 Same to same (No. 377) Oct. 26 Citizenship, acquisition and loss of: Text of law recently passed by Hungarian Diet; question of its affecting naturalized Americans discussed, and instructions asked. 18
16 Same to same (No. 381) Nov. 5 Oriental policy of Austria-Hungary: Course and motives of, as defined in the speech of the minister of foreign affairs; Dulcigno, Greek, and Albanian questions discussed in connection therewith. 23
17 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Delaplaine (No. 199) Nov. 26 Citizenship, loss and acquisition of: Views of the foreign office, as to the applicability of the exceptions of article 47 of the Hungarian law to naturalized citizens, are accepted by the department as a correct interpretation; not necessary to interrogate the royal government further on the subject. 26
18 Mr. Delaplaine to Mr. Evarts (No. 390). Nov. 30 Commemoration of centennial of the ascent of Joseph II to the throne of the Hapsburgs: Speeches expressive of the spirit of progress, order, constitutional liberty, and loyalty of the people of the empire. 27
19 Same to same (No. 392) Dec. 6 Citizenship, Hungarian law relative to: Consul at Budapest instructed to follow example of British and Swiss colleagues, and notify subjects of United States to register at consular office to avoid difficulty in establishing nationality. 29
20 Mr. Kasson to Mr. Evarts (No. 400). Dec. 24 Naturalization laws: Questions under, and application to children born before or after naturalization of parents and residing abroad after return of parents; also cases of naturalized citizens leaving United States and returning to original country without intention of resuming allegiance. These questions arise and are discussed in the cases of Gustav Schwetzers, Anton Wurglets, and Henry Huber and family, applicants for passports. 30
21 Same to same (No. 402) Dec. 31 Equality of rights: Government decree appointing forty members of the Skuptchina, signed by Prince of Servia, instead of embracing, as formerly, government officials only, includes one Hebrew and one Turk. 31
22 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Kasson (No. 210). 1881. Jan. 14 Citizenship under Hungarian law: Rule notifying American citizens to register at consular office reported in Mr. Delaplaine’s No. 392 approved. 32
23 Mr. Kasson to Mr. Evarts (No. 411). Jan. 15 Citizenship: Certified copy of protocol of renunciation of, by Marcus Kohn, under Hungarian law; in respect to renunciation of American citizenship provided for in Article IV, convention of 1870, there are no legal enactments; right of Austrians to renounce is limited only by duty of military service; males no longer liable to such service, and females do not require formal document of discharge. 32
24 Same to same (No. 415) Jan. 22 Naturalized citizens: Questions arising under the Hungarian law and treaty of September, 1870, as discussed in case of Adolph Klein; correspondence between consul at Budapest and Mr. Kasson in relation thereto. 34
25 Mr. Kasson to Mr. Evarts (No. 426). Feb. 23 Servia (desire of) for diplomatic relations with the United States; hopes that her financial inability to send a representative to the United States will not make United States less disposed to send a representative to reside at Belgrade. 36
26 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Kasson (telegram). Feb. 24 American pork: Instructed to protest firmly against proposed decree prohibiting importation of, as oppressive and intolerable, unless due notice before decree goes into operation. 37
27 Mr. Kasson to Mr. Evarts (No. 430). Mar. 1 American pork: Decree prohibiting importation of; Austria informed of the Surprise of United States at action of European governments; that disease not so liable to exist in American pork as in that of other countries; United States regards as exceptional and intolerable any prohibition based on suspicion or false report made to affect the market; Austria-Hungarian Government gave no indication of other than friendly treatment of the subject. 37
28 Same to same (No. 432) Mar. 8 Expulsion of Jacob Erasmus, a naturalized American citizen, under imperial law of July 27, 1871, for unauthorized recruiting for America. 38
29 Mar. 8 Citizenship, renunciation of. Effected by emigration, or marriage of a female with a foreigner; males not liable to military duty, and females emigrating, no longer require a formal authorization therefor, nor formal discharge from connection with Austria; such necessary where required in some countries to prove that the emigrant has severed his political connection with his former country. 41
30 Mr. Kasson to Mr. Blaine (No. 434). Mar. 12 American pork: Telegram of Secretary denouncing the falsity of published statements of mortality among swine made basis of further correspondence with the minister for foreign affairs; correspondence inclosed. 42
31 Same to same (No. 438) Mar. 19 American pork: Ordinance prohibiting the importation of, adopted; protest of United States on the ground of its being a violation of Article V, treaty of commerce of 1829; copies inclosed of ordinance and correspondence. 44
32 Same to same (No. 440) Mar. 25 Oriental Academy: Founded in 1753; designed to prepare corps of agents for the government specially fitted to promote political and commercial interests in Oriental world; course of study: (1) jurisprudence and political science; (2) languages; believes that a similar institution under control of United States would be of aid in building up our commerce. 45
33 Same to same Mar. 30 Diplomatic and consular service: Regulations established for examination and admission of candidates in Austria; contrasts them with examinations of undergraduates in United States. 49
34 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Kasson (No. 224). Mar. 31 Naturalized citizens: Approves action of the minister in cases of Schwetzer, Wurglets, and Huber’s application for passports as naturalized citizens: these rulings will serve as precedents. 52
35 Mr. Delaplaine to Mr. Blaine (No. 453). Apr. 1 American pork: Reply of Austria-Hungary to protest; denies that the prohibition is a violation of treaty of 1829; question discussed. 53
36 Same to same (No. 460) Apr. 15 Financial: Issuance of new loan by Austria; quickly taken up; great quantities of foreign capital seeking investment. 54
37 Same to same (No. 471) May 23 Hungarian loan: Subscriptions opened for new loan under act of Hungarian Diet, for conversion of Hungarian six per cent, gold loan; result more favorable than anticipated. 55
38 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Phelps (No. 2). June 9 American pork: Report of investigation of charge of unhealthfulness of, for the consideration of the Austria-Hungarian Government, with such suggestions as may cause the abandonment of the prohibitory decree against. 55
39 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Blaine (No. 6). July 2 American pork: Communication to foreign office, of result of Department’s investigation or charge of disease in American pork, and earnestly urged an immediate abandonment of prohibition. 56
40 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Blaine (No. 9). July 15 Interoceanic canal: Austria-Hungary informed of the position of United States on the question of protectorate for the Isthmus by the leading European powers; that the rights of United States as secured by treaty of 1846 are political, and not to be shared with any government but Colombia; that government had no knowledge of the purposes of Colombia, but would investigate the subject. 60
41 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Phelps (No. 8). July 27 American pork importation: The minister’s effective course in relation to restriction upon importation of American pork into Austria-Hungary, approved. 62
42 Same to same (No. 10) Aug. 5 Isthmus of Panama: Approves the minister’s action in promptly and discreetly impressing upon Baron Kallay the Department’s instruction relative to the attempt of Colombia to secure the protectorate of the Isthmus by European powers. 62


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
43 Mr. Putnam to Mr. Blaine (No. 51). 1881. Feb. 9 Public instruction law: Priests can no longer act as inspectors of schools; public secular schools wholly under control of State officers; history of the contest between the liberal party and the Roman Catholic priesthood given at length. 62
44 Same to same (No. 54) Feb. 25 American pork: Discussion of prohibition of importation, in Chamber of Deputies; minister of interior asserts that trichinosis is not found in American pork in Belgium; that all danger from it disappears when meat is cooked. Belgium will not follow the example of France in decree of prohibition. 67
45 Same to same (No. 59) Mar. 9 American pork: Resolutions of boards of trade in Philadelphia and Indianapolis as to the healthy condition of, handed minister of foreign affairs; the action of French Government caused a panic in Belgium; matter will be investigated as to question of trichina in pork and its cure by cooking; all evidencing a friendly spirit to United States. 67
46 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Putnam (No. 37). Mar. 11 American pork: Gratification at the fair and practical way Belgian cabinet treats the clamor about disease in; the general result of inquiry is that it was never before so free from disease. 68
47 Mr. Putnam to Mr. Blaine (No. 60). Mar. 25 Parliamentary rule: Resignation of Mr. Guillery as president of Chamber of Deputies because of appeal from his decision by minister of foreign affairs, on a parliamentary question; election of Mr. Descamp. 68
48 Same to same Apr. 30 American pork; Circular of minister of interior; that trichina is unknown where, as in Belgium, the pork is sufficiently cooked; publishes rules of proper mode of cooking it; this is in keeping with Belgium’s original determination to make no change in its policy towards the commerce of United States, and is in contrast with action of France 69
49 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Putnam (No. 45). May 26 American pork: Belgian circular concerning harmless character of, received; satisfaction of United States at the liberal action of his majesty’s government in this matter. 70
50 Same to same (No. 46) May 31 Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Colombia: If treaty to arbitrate is made, Belgium to be informed of rights of United States under its treaty of 1846 with Colombia; United States will not hold itself bound by decision modifying its rights made by an arbitrator in whose selection it was not consulted. 70
51 Mr. Putnam to Mr. Blaine (No. 72). June 13 American pork: Belgian Government informed of satisfaction of United States at action of former in relation to importation of. 72
52 Same to same (No. 73) June 20 American pork: Correspondence with minister of foreign affairs on the liberal course adopted by Belgium. 73
53 Same to same (No. 74) June 27 Treaty arbitration between Costa Rica and Colombia: Interview with minister of foreign affairs in relation to King of Belgium being arbitrator, and position of United States to proposed arbitration. 74
54 Same to same (No. 84) July 18 Treaty arbitration between Costa Rica and Colombia: King of Belgium when officially informed of his selection as arbitrator under the treaty between Costa Rica and Colombia will decline that trust. 75


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
55 Mr. Adams to Mr. Evarts (No. 43). Nov. 12 Political situation: Scheme for confederation of Peru and Bolivia laid aside for the present; nearly a rupture between Peru and Bolivia; compromise effected; price of necessaries of life very high, while exchange is at par; ministry compelled to resign owing to failure of our mediation; intervention of United States hoped for; vandalism on part of Chilians apprehended with dread; legislation. 76
56 Same to same (No. 46) Nov. 17 Peace conference: Report of Bolivian plenipotentiaries and protocols of proceedings of the conference inclosed. 77
57 Same to same (No. 49) Dec. 3 Peace conference: Report of Bolivian foreign office on, inclosed; satisfaction at odium which Chili has brought upon herself by declaring the light of conquest; intervention by the United States and declaration of war by Argentine Republic hoped for; triumph of the allies in the conference. 79
58 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Adams (No. 24). Dec. 14 Peace negotiations: Failure of, regretted; United States still ready to do whatever it can for peace; his personal movements reported in his No. 36 approved. 80
59 Mr. Adams to Mr. Evarts (No. 52). Dec. 16 Intervention: Circular of Bolivian Government inciting other South American Republics to intervene for suppression of Chilian aggrandizement, inclosed. 81
60 Same to same (No. 56) Jan. 9 Political: Circular of Bolivian Government in answer to one of the Chilian Government respecting responsibility for the war and its continuance, inclosed. 83
61 Same to same (No. 57) Jan. 17 Political: Change of ministry; war party in power; hopes of Bolivia revived by action and disposition of Argentine Republic; prompt suppression of a mutiny; President Campero firmly established in his seat, although revolutionary rumors are frequently circulated. 83
62 Same to same (No. 59) Feb. 3 Political: Demoralization consequent on capture of Lima; foreigners in terror in anticipation of Chilian invasion; appointment of Nuñez as minister for foreign affairs. 84
63 Same to same (No. 60) Feb. 15 Political situation: Bolivian circular defining the same, inclosed; Bolivia is stronger than Peru now and has suffered less; turn of Bolivia’s commerce towards the Atlantic via the La Plata and Amazon Rivers; note from foreign office inclosed for transmission to Bolivian minister in the United States. 85
64 Same to same (No. 61) Feb. 24 War contributions levied by Bolivia; Spaniards apply to Mr. Adams to intervene for their exemption from; Mr. Adams declines on grounds that application is not official and that contribution is just. 86
65 Mr. Adams to Mr. Blaine (No. 75). June 8 Political situation: Preparations being made for resisting the invasion of Chilians; Bolivia adheres to Piérola; intervention of the United States for peace hoped for. 88
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correspondence with the legation of bolivia at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
66 Mr. Nuñez del Prado to Mr. Evarts. Feb. 1 Peace question: Determination of Bolivia to resist to the last extremity Chili’s efforts at absorption and conquest. 89
67 Mr. Cabrera to Mr. Evarts. Feb. 18 Peace question: Mode of settlement of, which Mr. Cabrera strongly advocates; nitrate and guano deposits of Peru, bone of contention, should be removed from the control of belligerents, and placed in charge of a company which would pay Bolivia’s and Peru’s war and other debts; plan of such company submitted; war, instead of being ended by fall of Lima, is to be continued with greater activity. 90
68 Mr. Cabrera to Mr. Blaine May 9 Peace question: Plan for solution of, set forth in his note of February 18 last; urges adoption of it. 93
69 Mr. Blame to Mr. Nuñez del Prado. June 14 Peace question: Acknowledges his note of February 1. 94


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
70 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Hilliard (No. 123). 1880. Nov. 15 American-French claims convention: A letter from President to the Emperor of Brazil, expressing thanks for courtesy of naming Baron de Arinos, third commissioner of. 95
71 Mr. Hilliard to Mr. Evarts (No. 198). Dec. 6 Electoral reform bill. Article removing disabilities of naturalized Brazilians and non-Catholics will be adopted; threatening armament of the Argentine Republic; ambitious designs of its President; purpose to annex Paraguay and Uruguay, which Brazil, under its treaty obligations, is bound to maintain independence of. Prime minister thinks there is no question to disturb relations with Argentine Republic; rumor that latter has invited Brazil to intercede between Chili and Peru. 95
73 Same to same (No. 203) 1881. Jan. 22 Electoral reform bill: Passage of; resignation of the ministry chosen for the special object of securing its passage; Emperor declined to accept their resignations and requested them to continue in power; they will now enter upon the carrying out the policy of advancement of the interests of the country. 97

central america.

[Page XLI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
73 Mr. Logan to Mr. Evarts (No.141). 1881. Jan. 17 New constitution of Honduras: Article I, Honduras considered as a disintegrated section from republic of Central America; ratification of results of reconstruction of Central America; Article XXXI debars from right of damages by reason of acts of “facciones;” Article XXX regulates the citizenship of residents; necessity of similar provisions in United States statutes. 97
74 Same to same (No. 145) Jan. 25 Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Colombia: Convention for settlement of, by arbitration ratified; King of Belgium named as arbitrator. In case of his non-acceptance the King of Spain. In case of his declination the President of the Argentine Republic. The selection of the arbitrator does not show kindly feeling for United States on the part of Colombian plenipotentiary. 99
75 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Logan (No. 145). May 7 Proposed union of Central American states: The importance that United States attaches to the establishment of such a confederation of the states of Central America as will respond to the wants of their people; it will aid in development of the country; the progress of Republic of Mexico cited; policy of United States on the foreign interference is fixed and acquiesced in by powers of Europe. 102
76 Mr. Logan to Mr. Blaine (No. 179). May 24 Mexico and Guatemala: Boundary dispute between; open rupture not improbable; Soconusco, a province of State of Chiapas, is the bone of contention; Mexico has sent troops to Soconusco; obstacles in way of federal union of the Central American States; the protectorate of powerful country only can make such a union possible. 104
77 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Logan (No. 148). May 26 Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Colombia: Costa Rica to be informally advised that United States, by virtue of its obligations of treaty of 1846 with Colombia, is entitled to be consulted in the purpose to change territory of Panama, and if not so consulted, she will not hold herself bound by the decision of any such arbitrator, so far as her rights and obligations are concerned. 105
78 Mr. Logan to Mr. Blaine (No. 181). May 27 Jesuits in Nicaragua: Indians employed on public Works took possession of Matagalpa for two days; afterwards assembled 7,000 strong in the mountains, threatening invasion of the lower country; troops dispersed them; it was found that the Jesuits from Leon instigated the mob; they were taken under guard to Managua. 106
79 Same to same (No. 183) May 27 Mexico and Guatemala: Boundary dispute between; interviews with Barrios and Montufar in relation to; affairs still threatening; if all hope of assistance from United States is abandoned, application will be made to European powers. 107
80 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Logan (No. 151). June 21 Mexico and Guatemala: Boundary dispute between; instruction as to, has been sent to Mr. Morgan; correspondence had with Señor Ubico; desire of the United States that open hostilities be avoided by the parties. 108
81 Mr. Logan to Mr. Blaine (No. 192). June 22 Jesuits expelled from Nicaragua: Quiet restored at Matagalpa and Leon; decree of expulsion against “the Brothers of the Company of Jesus,” under the law against foreigners living in religious congregations. 109
82 Same to same June 28 Mexico and Guatemala: Boundary dispute between; band of Mexicans entered Guatemala and carried off some prisoners; Guatemala claims that Mexico is pushing her line further every year with a purpose of getting territory from Central America. If this is true, United States should consider whether her own interests are not affected by it. 109
83 Same to same (No. 210) July 19 Mexico and Guatemala: Boundary dispute between; acknowledges receipt of copies of instructions to Mr. Morgan relative to; Guatemala is a small nation and in no position to be aggressive. 110
84 Mr. Titus to Mr. Blaine (No. 2). Aug. 22 Arbitration proposed between Colombia and Costa Rica: Note of minister of foreign affairs, and extract from official journal of Costa Rica, replying to note of United States minister. 111


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
85 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Thomas A. Osborn (No. 108). 1880. Oct. 13 Convention between Chili and Colombia for preservation of peace: Text of the treaty, which besides advocating principles of arbitration in settlement of international disputes, designates President of United States as arbitrator; Chili to be informally advised that if occasion for arbitration should arise, President of United States would cheerfully respond to request of Chili. 114
86 Mr. Thomas A. Osborn to Mr. Evarts (No. 181). Nov. 23 War policy of Chili: She proposes to take Tarapaca from Peru not by right of conquest, but as indemnity for war damages; vindication of Chili’s refusal to submit to arbitration; foreign office circular explaining Chili’s war policy inclosed. 114
87 Same to same (No. 182) Nov. 30 Neutrals: Protection of lives and property in the event of the capture of Lima by the Chilians; confirms his telegram of the 26th instant; incloses foreign office note that Chili has taken due precaution for the safety of neutrals and their property. 119
88 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Thomas A. Osborn (No. 115). Dec. 27 Arbitration: Instructed to correct erroneous impression that the United States would not cheerfully act as arbitrator, which a certain remark made by him during peace conference may have caused. 120
89 Mr. Thomas A. Osborn to Mr. Evarts (No. 187). 1881. Jan. 3 Guano bonds of Peru: Statement of position of Chili respecting payment of. 121
90 Same to same (No. 190) Jan. 14 Arbitration between Chili and Colombia: Designation of President of the United States as arbitrator; Chili asks whether the President will accept the position; Mr. Osborn replies in the affirmative; correspondence inclosed; reply to No. 108. 122
91 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Thomas A. Osborn (No. 119). Feb. 10 Peace question: Urges upon Chili the desire of the United States to bring about peace; now that the Chilians have captured Lima and. Callao, it is believed that Peru will accept mediation of the United States upon any reasonable terms; advises him of instruction of this date to Mr. Christiancy. 124
92 Mr. Thomas A. Osborn to Mr. Evarts (No. 195). Feb. 24 Peace conference: Vindication of remarks made by him during it, in regard to arbitration; they did not make any erroneous impression on Chili as to disposition of the United States: reply to No. 115. 124
93 Mr. Thomas A. Osborn to Mr. Blaine (No. 198). Mar. 23 Peace question: No prospects of early solution of; the situation in Peru; attitude of Chili; Mr. Osborn will do all in his power to effect an early peace. Chilian general’s account of capture of Lima and its immediate antecedents in closed. 126
94 Same to same (No. 201) Apr. 5 Peace question: Prospects for solution of, very remote; Chili’s hopes in the Calderon government of Peru have been greatly weakened; demoralization in Peru prevents establishment of a stable government; course which Chili may adopt. 128
95 Same to same (No. 202) Apr. 6 Mediation: Great Britain, France, and Italy tender their mediation to Chili; it is rejected by Chili; the Europeans neither dissatisfied nor disappointed. 128
96 Same to same (No. 205) May 7 Peace question: Determination of Chili to strengthen the Calderon government in Peru and to treat with it for peace; Mr. Godoy, former minister to the United States, goes to Lima in charge of negotiations; recommends Chili’s course; advice given her by Mr. Osborn; she will certainly insist upon cession of Tarapaca and possibly Mosquegua. 129
97 Mr. Thomas A. Osborn to Mr. Blaine (No. 210). June 7 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: President Pinto’s message on this subject; a speedy settlement probable. 130
98 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Thomas A. Osborn (No. 133). June 13 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Chilian Government to be informed of the attitude of United States in favor of international arbitration as a means of averting, war; and the willingness of the United States to aid in effecting such an object, as shown by her efforts in the conference of Arica; and while not seeking, would readily act as arbitrator, if desired by the parties; similar instruction has been sent to Mr. T. A. Osborn. 130
99 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Kilpatrick (No. 2). June 15 Intervention: Instructed to encourage disposition of Chili to restore self-government in Peru; to urge Chili to enter into negotiations for peace before deciding to take portion of Peru as war indemnity, and to endeavor to have European intervention excluded from adjustment of the peace question. 131
100 Mr. Thomas A. Osborn to Mr. Blaine (No. 219). July 22 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Settlement of, by United States ministers at Santiago and Buenos Ayres; description of the boundary, and thanks from minister of foreign affairs for kind offices of United States representatives. 134
101 Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Blaine (No. 3). Aug. 15 Peace question: Reports his efforts to induce Chili to adopt views of the United States; counteracting and bad effect produced in Chili by published statements of United States minister at Lima, that United States will not allow acquisition of territory by Chili from Peru. 135
102 Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Blaine (No. 8). Oct. 14 Policy of the United States: Erroneous and disquieting statement by Minister Hurlbut at Lima concerning; denial of its truths and counteraction of its effects by Mr. Kilpatrick reported; note to Minister Balmaceda inclosed. 138
103 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Kilpatrick (No. 13). Nov. 22 Peace question: His note to the foreign office to allay apprehension and correct false impression produced by the United States minister at Lima strongly disapproved; Chili had no grounds for apprehension, and should not have applied to legation; her course in suppressing Calderon government unintelligible in view of her previous assurances, reported in legation’s No. 3; arrest of Calderon regretted; hopes it is not intended as a rebuke to the United States on account of differences between him and his colleague at Lima; a special envoy will be sent to endeavor to arrange a peace; reply to No. 8. 139
104 Same to same (telegram) Nov. 25 Calderon government: Its suppression and arrest of President Calderon are not understood by United States; special envoy leaves Washington for Chili immediately, and it is hoped that further action will await his arrival. 141
105 Same to same (No. 16.) Nov. 30 Relieves him of negotiations for solution of peace question; informs him as to appointment and powers of Mr. Trescot as special envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to conduct such negotiations; appointment of Third Assistant Secretary of State as assistant to Mr. Trescot; Mr. Kilpatrick expected to aid Mr. Trescot. 141
106 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Trescot (No. 1). Nov. 30 Personal instructions as special envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Chili, Peru, and Bolivia to negotiate for solution of peace question. 142
107 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Walker Blaine. Nov. 30 Personal instruction as attaché to special mission for settlement of the peace question. 143
108 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Trescot (No. 2). Dec. 1 Reviews previous instructions and steps which led to recognition of Calderon government; the act an adoption of policy friendly to Chili; it was followed by Chilian military order forbidding Calderon government to exercise its functions; President will not assume this as done in consequence of the recognition by the United States; if such a motive should be avowed, Mr. Trescot instructed to say that it is regarded as an intentional offense, and to suspend diplomatic intercourse, but he may receive any explanation which does not involve a disavowal of Mr. Hurlbut. The United States wishes first to stop bloodshed and misery; second, to take care that the Government of the United States is treated with the consideration to which it is entitled, and would be satisfied with manifestation of purpose in Chili either to restore Calderon government or establish one which will be allowed freedom of action in negotiations. Should Chili refuse to allow formation of government not pledged to consent to cession of territory, he is to express dissatisfaction of the United States. The United States recognizes Chili’s right to adequate indemnity and guaranty, but that the exercise of the right of absolute conquest is dangerous; and the United States think that Peru has the right to demand an opportunity to find indemnity and guaranty without cession of territory. The prohibition of the formation of a government is practical extinction of the State. If good offices are refused on this basis, the United States holds itself free to appeal to the other republics of the continent to join with it. Instructions given in accordance, and a temporary convention counseled. 143
109 Mr. Kilpatrick to Mr. Blaine (No. 9). Dec. 2 Peace question: Chili promised Mr. Kilpatrick that she would not demand cession of territory as absolute condition, and that she would build up and strengthen Calderon’s government; these promises would have been fulfilled but for the representations made by Mr. Hurlbut of the attitude of the United States. Reasons [Page XLIV] for suppression of Calderon; bad faith. Coming of special mission creates excitement, and alleged support by United States of the Peruvian Company scheme greatly intensifies it. Extreme illness of Mr. Kilpatrick. 149
110 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Trescot (No. 3). Dec. 2 Congress of American governments: Authorized to return home by way of Argentine Republic and Brazil, and to urge the governments of those countries to accept our invitation to such congress. 150
111 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Walker Blaine. Dec. 9 Charge: Instructed to assume duties as, on his arrival at Santiago. 151
112 Mr. Blame to Mr. Trescot (No. 4). Dec. 16 Claims of United States citizens vs. Peru: Cochet claim and Landreau claim; explains position of the United States regarding them, in order to correct misstatements which are being circulated by the press. If Chili should acquire territory from Peru, it is expected that whatever rights Mr. Landreau may have in such territory will be respected by Chili. Correspondence with minister at Lima inclosed. 151

correspondence with the legation of chili at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
113 Mr. Valderrama to Mr. Asta-Buruaga. 1880. Nov. 11 Peace conference: Expressing regret at failure thereof, but sincere thanks for mediation and good disposition of the United States, and commending conduct of Mr. Osborn. 153
114 Same to same Nov. 22 Peace conference: Chili not to blame for failure of; she would not have accepted mediation of the United States and gone into the conference had she not been assured by Mr. Christiancy that Peru would cede Tarapaca. 153
115 Same to same Nov. 22 Peace conference: Embarrassing misrepresentations of Chili’s attitude regarding acceptance of mediation of the United States; commendation of Mr. Osborn’s course. 155
116 Mr. Martinez to Mr. Hitt 1881. May 6 Protectorate over Peru: Vehemently denies rumor that Chili intends to establish the same. 160
117 Mr. Martinez to Mr. Blaine Oct. 24 Complains of the conduct of Mr. Hurlbut, the United States minister at Lima; extracts from newspapers inclosed, which give the cause of complaint. 160
118 Same to same Oct. 27 Unfriendly attitude of Mr. Hurlbut towards Chili: Mr. Martinez incloses a note from his government instructing him to ascertain if views of the United States are in accord with those of Mr. Hurlbut. 162
119 Same to same (No. 28) Oct. 27 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Treaty for settlement of, concluded; ratified by Congresses of both nations; acknowledgment of the services of Minister Osborn. 163
120 Same to same Oct. 28 Suppression of the Calderon government of Peru by Chili: Propriety with which the Chilian commander proceeded in the matter set forth. 163
121 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Martinez Nov. 15 Boundary dispute between Chili and Argentine Republic: Gratification of United States at the settlement of, and the acknowledgment of the part taken by representatives of the United States. 164
122 Mr. Martinez to Mr. Blaine Nov. 26 Peace question: Sets forth illusory hopes and impertinent attitude of the Peruvians and the obnoxious officiousness of the United States minister at Lima, which, if persisted in, will render peace impossible; denies rumors that Chili’s demands upon Peru are inequitable and her rule cruel. 165
123 Same to same Dec. 5 Calderon government: Announces the imprisonment of President Calderon by Chili; reasons for; states that Chili never recognized Calderon. Peruvian General Montero has accepted the vice-presidency, and a Peruvian committee has started from Lima to bring about a peace through Montero. Gives number of forces tinder Pierola and his adherents. Peru unwilling to make peace upon terms proposed by Chili. 166
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
124. The Commission to Mr. Evarts (No. 4). 1880. Sept. 27 Immigration treaty commission: Pao Chün and Li Hung Tsao appointed commissioners by the Chinese Government. 168
125 Mr. Angell to Mr. Evarts (No. 25). Oct. 6 General pilotage regulations: Circular letter issued to consuls in China; modifications in articles 3 and 4 suggested. 169
126 The Commission to Mr. Evarts (No. 6). Oct. 11 Immigration treaty: Full powers exchanged; purpose of United States; difficulties on account of excessive immigration of Chinese, and desire to modify existing treaties; response received, a copy of which and memorandum inclosed. 171
127 Same to same (No. 8) Oct. 23 Immigration treaty: The response of the Chinese commissioners discussed; draft of modifications of existing treaties thought necessary to effect our object; communication from commissioners followed by a conference and discussion; they showed desire to bring matters to an early and amicable solution; copies inclosed. 174
128 Mr. Angell to Mr. Evarts (No. 42). Nov. 2 Shanghai harbor improvement: Chinese authorities unwilling that Woosung Bar should be dredged; memorandum of foreign board, and Mr. Denny’s note to Mr. Angell, giving statement of expenses incurred by vessels crossing the bar. 179
129 The Commission to Mr. Evarts (No. 11). Nov. 3 Immigration treaty: Précis of conversation of October 23; conference October 31, when Chinese commissioners submitted project of a treaty; objections: first, the limitation of the treaty; Chinese immigration into California; second, that the limitation should be confined only to the entry of Chinese labor; United States commissioners sent Chinese commissioners a draft of a counter project. 182
130 Same to same (No. 12) Nov. 6 Immigration treaty: Articles of, agreed upon; essential point that the United States should have the right “to regulate, limit, or suspend” the immigration of Chinese labor provided for in article 2; will probably conclude a treaty for extension of trade with United States; two of commissioners will return with the treaty. 180
131 Mr. Angell to Mr. Evarts (No. 48). Nov. 16 Tonnage dues and duties on imports: Discrimination against American goods and vessels; none in the law, as explained in reply of Prince Kung; communications of Consul-General Denny Consuls Wingate and others, showing how discrimination is effected by “squeezes.” 190
132 The Commission to Mr. Evarts (No. 13). Nov. 17 Immigration treaty: Review of points discussed by the commission; Chinese at first not disposed to consent to abrogation of provisions of Burlingame treaty, but finally consented to use of word “regulate” instead of “prohibit”; this language imposes no conditions upon discretion of United States as to immigration. 195
133 Same to same (No. 14) Nov. 17 Immigration treaty: commercial treaty signed same day as; a stipulation inserted as to tonnage dues; the admission of defendants’ national official authority at trials; article as to opium the result of mutual concessions; subjects of diplomatic intercourse with Chinese officials, lekin taxation, and transit passes left unsettled. 198
134 Same to same (No. 15) Nov. 17 Immigration treaty: On the subject of lekin tax and transit passes the Chinese Government is disposed to accept the rule that import duty paid, once for all, at port of entry shall protect foreign importation from all other duties; the question as to the amount of duty is to be referred back to each government for consideration and instruction; Messrs. Trescot and Swift start on the 20th. Bringing treaties. 200
135 Mr. Angell to Mr. Evarts (No. 49). Nov. 20 Ship James Bailey: Wrecked off the coast of Hainan; kind assistance to the crew by acting British consul at Hoihow. 204
136 Same to same (No. 51) Nov. 22 Official-intercourse question: Incloses report of adjustment of. 205
137 Same to same (No. 52) Nov. 22 Outward transit-pass rules: The Yamen proposed alterations in the rules; reply to it of diplomatic body, through Mr. Von Brandt copies of papers inclosed, asking reason for objecting to rules. 207
138 Messrs. Swift and Trescot to Mr. Evarts. Nov. 29 Immigration treaty: Commissioners arrive at Shanghai November 27; Mr. Trescot will take steamer at Yokohama, bringing treaties with him. December 8. 210
139 Mr. Angell to Mr. Evarts (No. 58). Nov. 30 Taxation of goods imported into China: Action of diplomatic corps reported; copies of replies of consuls as to tonnage dues and duties on imports and exports inclosed. 210
140 Same to same (No. 59) Nov. 30 Tonnage dues and duties on imports and exports: No discrimination as to vessels which report to the foreign customs; it is difficult to find out the practice in respect to the junks. 211
141 Same to same (No. 60) Nov. 30 Mixed court of Shanghai: Circular of Mr. Parry that foreign consuls are in part responsible for inhuman practices employed in the court; consul-general’s answer to the intimation showing that the consuls have done all that they could, as under Chinese laws, they can only protest against proceedings, but are without power to act beyond that. 213
142 Same to same (No. 65) Dec. 3 Opium trade: Action of United States minister in remedying the evil effects of; paper by Mr. Pethick; statistics given; China pays more for opium annually than she receives for her tea crop. 216
143 Same to same (No. 75) Dec. 20 Question of official intercourse of foreign representatives with native officers: Satisfactory adjustment of; circular for information of consuls as to their mode of intercourse with governor, or governor-general of province; etiquette that of host and guest. 219
144 Same to same (No. 81) Dec. 29 Patent rights in China and Japan: Propriety of providing for by treaties; more easy and important in Japan than in China; Chinese do not look favorably upon labor-saving machines. 222
145 Same to same (No. 90) Dec. 31 Public hospital at Tientsin: Erection of, out of contributions of Chinese officials; this recognition of western methods of medical, surgical, and benevolent care of the sick is very gratifying; tends to facilitate the transaction of public business with them according to American methods. 223
146 Same to same (No. 90) 1881. Jan. 10 Great Northern Telegraph Company: Contract signed by, to construct a line from Shanghai to Tien Tsin and Peking; government has given its consent to the enterprise; viceroy is working in the interest of a railroad from Chinkiang to Peking; the people oppose these enterprises. 224
147 Same to same (No. 94) Jan. 13 Lekin tax and duty on imports: Proposition to abolish the lekin, and increase of duty on imports from 5 per cent, to 11½ per cent.; diplomatic body thinks the government can be brought to accept 10 per cent, instead of 11 £ per cent.; this will be on condition of the establishment of a court of reclamation for return of lekin tax that may have been paid illegally. 224
148 Same to same (No. 95) Jan. 14 Outward transit-pass rules: Yamen asks for lists of native articles by treaty duty free; still insists on proposed alterations; diplomatic body adheres to original rules except that Rule II be made more specific; reply of foreign office. 226
149 Same to same (No. 103) Jan. 25 Dispute between China and Japan concerning the Lew Chew islands: The commission appointed by the two governments, at suggestion of General Grant, fail to complete the treaty; Mr. Shisido, Japanese commissioner, withdraws from Peking because of refusal of the Chinese commissioners to sign the treaties; copy of his argument inclosed. 229
150 Same to same (No. 109) Feb. 9 Death of Shen-Kuei-fen, assistant general secretary of state, president of the board of war: Copy of imperial decree relative to, inclosed. 233
151 Same to same (No. 120) Feb. 28 Duties and import dues: Objectionable change in regulations for trade on the Yangtse-Kiang; owners of chartered junks will be compelled to pay port dues and lekin dues on cargo; it is justified as the enforcement of an old provision of the treaty of 1863. 234
152 Mr. Angell to Mr. Evarts (No. 126). Mar. 26 Assassination of Emperor of Russia: Expressed to Russian legation sorrow of United States on the death of Czar, and joined in funeral service at Russian chapel; incloses correspondence relating to same. 241
153 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Angell (No. 82). Apr. 4 Dispute between China and Japan concerning the Lew Chew Islands: Department, while pleased that rulers of Japan and China sought the advice of General Grant, still nothing the minister could say could indicate the policy of the United States; Mr. Shisido’s communication reported in No. 183 being informal, could not be considered by United States. 243
154 Mr. Angell to Mr. Evarts (No. 134). Apr. 9 Railways in China: Will be built only under pressure of military exigency; memorial of General Lin Ming Chu’uan to Empress, recommending the construction of; also report of superintendents of trade relative to. 244
155 Mr. Angell to Mr. Blaine (No. 140). Apr. 11 Death of the Empress Dowager, known as the Empress of the East Palace: Political results of this death will be important, though what they will be cannot now be predicted. 254
156 Mr. Angell to Mr. Evarts (No. 143). Apr. 19 Tonnage dues and import dues: The change in the regulation as to chartering junks on the Yangtse-Kiang not in violation of the French treaty; but that old Rule VI should apply; incloses copy of the stipulation referred to; there is no ground of objection to the rule in the treaty stipulation. 255
157 Mr. Angell to Mr. Blaine (No. 149). Apr. 30 Americans employed as officials by Chinese Government: Questions likely to arise in case of offenses committed by, affecting jurisdiction of courts; rights and duties of parties and witnesses: instruction asked. 257
158 Same to same (No. 150) Apr. 30 Death of Empress Dowager: Imperial edict relative to, and of farewell mandate of Empress. 260
159 Same to same (No. 151) Apr. 30 Outward transit-pass rules: Yamen asks delay until inspector general of customs can furnish definition of “ship’s stores” and “household stores”; correspondence relative to. 262
160 Same to same (No. 152) Apr. 30 Disturbance of an American missionary station by a mob of Chinese near Peking; prompt suppression of, by the authorities; friendly aid of British minister; rumors of a general movement against foreigners; incloses correspondence relative to. 265
161 Same to same (No. 156) May 2 Foreigners resident in Peking: Rumors of danger to, by lawless Chinese; proclamation by military authorities to prevent such disturbances. 269
162 Same to same (No. 159) May 21 Shanghai harbor: Chinese still object to dredging it; British minister’s reply on behalf of diplomatic body to objections of the yamen inclosed. 270
163 Same to same (No. 173) June 18 Protestant Chinese are now exempted from payment of contributions to sustain heathen ceremonies and festivals heretofore collected as a tax: the correspondence with Prince Kung. 272
164 Same to same (No. 174) June 20 Great Northern Telegraph Company: Chinese Government guarantees to, for twenty years an exclusive monopoly to construct and use submarine telegraph cables throughout Chinese Empire; attention of minister of foreign affairs called to the objectionable provisions of the agreement; he promised to confer with the viceroy about the matter; copy of contract inclosed. 275
165 Same to same (No. 176) June 20 Foreigners employed as officials by the Chinese Government: A rule adopted that if a foreign employé of the Chinese customs kills or wounds any person, he shall resign and report to his consul for trial; if acquitted by consul he may resume his official position. 278
166 Mr. Blame to Mr. Angell (No. 109). June 29 Disturbance of American missionaries at Peking: Congratulates minister on his procuration of measures adopted by Chinese a authorities for suppression of the disturbance. 278
167 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Angell (No. 112). July 11 Death of Empress Dowager: Approves minister’s action relative to; the Department expressed through Chinese minister at Washington the sympathy of the government and people of the United States at the loss occasioned by her death. 279
168 Mr. Angell to Mr. Blaine (No. 186). July 16 Great; Northern Telegraph Company: Attempt by, to secure for twenty years the exclusive right to land telegraphic cable in China; viceroy’s answer to Mr. Angell’s inquiry on the subject; Mr. Angell’s restatements of objectionable features of the plan; minister of foreign affairs declines to discuss the subject, but denies any knowledge that such grant has been made. 279
169 Same to same (No. 190) July 28 Right of foreigners to buy lands outside of the “foreign concessions”: Refusal of magistrate of Canton district to stamp deeds of land purchased by Rev. E. F. Simmons because outside of the concessions, and that Mr. Simmons has no right to buy for the Southern Baptist Society. 282
170 Same to same (No. 198) Aug. 15 Depredations upon property of American missionaries at Teng-Chow-fu: Correspondence relating to, and other outrages; Prince Kung states that instructions have been given local authorities to punish the offenders and secure the return of the stolen property. 284
171 Mr. Butt to Mr. Angell (No. 121). Aug. 16 Foreigners in employ of Chinese customs: Approves the regulation providing for resignation of employé killing or wounding any person, and reporting to the consul of his nationality; to be restored with full pay if acquitted; suggests that each case must be determined by its facts. 286
172 Mr. Angell to Mr. Blaine (No. 199). Aug. 18 American Presbyterian missionary station at Tsi-nan-fu: Property of, destroyed by a mob; lives of missionaries threatened; Chinese convert imprisoned for acting as agent of; right of foreigners to purchase realty in China discussed; tardy action by the authorities in preventing the outrage. 286
173 Same to same (No. 201). Aug. 18 Northern Telegraph Company: Mr. Angell’s objection to proposed concessions to; his note, and reply of Prince Kung thereto; the company’s officers say that the Tsung-li-Yamen assented to monopoly scheme before the viceroy entered into it, while they said that he made the arrangement without consulting them. The best answer that the viceroy gives is that an arrangement can be made for an American line. 292
174 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Angell (No. 122). Aug. 26 Great Northern Telegraph Company: Approves of minister’s action; attention of Chinese authorities to be called to the further objection that the granting of monopolies of any kind is not conducive to public interests. 295
175 Mr. Angell to Mr. Blaine (No. 204). Aug. 28 Tonnage and import dues: The Chinese Government insist on the enforcement of the rule requiring junks chartered by foreigners on Yangtse River to pay port dues at the native customs; it appears that the enforcement of the rule is not complained of by merchants and is increasing the revenue. 296
176 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Angell (No. 123). Aug. 30 Immunities to Protestant Chinese converts: The just and liberal disposition manifested by Chinese Government towards its subjects adopting the Christian faith as reported in your No. 173, a copy of which has been communicated to American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 297
177 Mr. Angell to Mr. Blaine (No. 206). Aug. 30 Consular courts in China: Additional regulations for; provision for service of process on absent defendants by publication; incloses a copy of, with indorsement of consuls in China, for approval of Congress. 297
178 Mr. Hitt to Mr. Angell (No. 125.) Sept. 10 Great Northern Telegraph Company: Approves minister’s action to prevent the grant of monopoly to, especially his letter on that subject to Prince Kung; such a monopoly would be prejudicial alike to the interest of China and United States. 290
179 Mr. Angell to Mr. Blaine (No. 212). Sept. 14 Outward transmit-pass rules: Adjustment of this subject delayed; Chinese ministers proposed as concessions: 1st. Foreign goods admitted free of duty shipped coastwise should pay coast-trade duty; 2d. Goods from native produce bought at port should be subjected to the same restrictions as goods made from produce brought down under transit pass; useless to prolong negotiations on such a basis; incloses memorandum proposed and the provisional rules. 299
179 Same to same (No. 214) Sept. 17 Interference with missionary work: Particulars of case of a native helper sent to Nang-changing in which petty officials secretly oppose missionary work; steps taken in the premises; suggests whether such cases are not covered by treaty of Tientsin; note to Prince Kung. 308
180 Same to same (No. 217) Sept. 24 Lekin tax and duty on imports: Proposition to abolish the lekin and increase of duty on imports from 5 per cent, to 10 per cent, will be accepted by Chinese Government; diplomatic body insist upon a provision for a court of reclamation for adjustment of claims for lekin improperly collected; Sir Thomas Wade’s communication to foreign office and reply to same, proposing postponement of discussion of other provision. 310
181 Same to same (No. 218) Sept. 27 Consumption of foreign opium in China: Report of imperial maritime Customs. Efforts of the authorities, and laws prohibiting cultivation and consumption of opium do not lessen its use, because the revenue from its cultivation and importation are so great; so much is cultivated as to result in short supply of food. Officials say, “since we must receive the drug from abroad, why should not our people have the profit of raising it.” 31
182 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Angell (No. 126). Oct. 6 Purchase of land by foreigners at Canton: Minister’s action on that subject approved. 316
183 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Angell (No. 128). Oct. 28 Trade regulations on the Yang-tse: Decision of Chinese Government as applicable to junks on that river, is satisfactory to the department in view of the facts before it. 316
184 Same to same (No. 135) Nov. 17 Consular courts in China: Minister’s action respecting modification of regulations, so as to provide for constructive service of process on absent defendants in actions approved. 317
185 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Holcombe (No. 137). Nov. 23 Attack upon American mission at Tsi-nanfu: The protection of American missionaries must be left largely to the discretion of the United States minister; but that a spirit of justice should prompt the Chinese Government to put a stop to these annoyances. 317
186 Same to same (No. 142) Dec. 10 Great Northern Telegraph Company: The time has come for Chinese Government to answer upon what terms it will grant permission to Americans to lay cables; United States would view in an unfriendly light any act which precluded our people from an equal share with other people in such an enterprise. 317

correspondence with the legation of china at washington.

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
187 Chen Lan Pin to Mr. Evarts 1880. Nov. 10 Riot in Denver, Colo.: Asks protection of Chinese and compensation for loss of lives and property destroyed by mob in that city. 318
188 Mr. Evarts to Chen Lan Pin. Dec. 30 Riot in Denver, Colo.: The United States gave the same aid and protection to Chinese as that afforded to United States citizens; the arrest and punishment of the rioters must be left to the local administration of Colorado; Federal authority can intervene only in cases of inadequacy of authority of the State, and its request; no obligation by treaty or otherwise making incumbent on the United States to indemnify the Chinese residents of Denver for losses from operations of the mob. 319
190 Chen Lan Pin to Mr. Evarts Jan. 21 Riot in Denver, Colo.: Reports of investigation of; verdict of coroner’s jury that the occurrence was due to inefficiency of the local authorities; that no arrests have been made and no stolen property restored; the question in the case is one to be disposed of under the treaty of intercourse between China and United States, and not one to be dealt with under the ordinary internal administration of a State. 321
191 Same to same Feb. 25 Riot at Denver, Colo.: Inquiry as to loss of life and destruction of property; asks for reply to his note of the 21st. 334
192 Mr. Blaine to Chen Lan Pin Mar. 25 Riot in Denver, Colo.: Concurs with views expressed by Mr. Evarts “That there is no national obligation arising from treaty that United States shall indemnify Chinese residents for losses sustained in common with United States citizens by the mob”; that “treaties, as well as the Constitution, are the supreme law of this land,” provided such treaties are made in conformity with the Constitution; Mr. Bee’s report shows the promptness with which mob was quelled and leaders arrested. 335


[Page LI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
193 Mr. Dichman to Mr. Evarts (No. 226). 1880. Nov. 6 Interoceanic canal to Panama: Course of French Government that of non-interference as to interoceanic canal. 337
194 Same to same (No. 228) Nov. 12 Political situation: The inordinate claim of State sovereignty advanced on the part of the States disables the Federal Government to provide for the interior harmony of the country; measures often proposed have always failed of correcting this evil; law upon public order passed to that end will probably fail of its object. 338
195 Same to same (No. 232) Dec. 5 Arbitration for settlement of disputes between South American governments: Proposed meeting at Panama of plenipotentiaries of, to execute international treaties similar to the one between Colombia and Chili; note of minister of foreign affairs and circular to South American governments. 340
196 Same to same (No. 235) Dec. 20 Political situation: Return of President Nuñez; proclamation recites benefits secured by Colombia; settlement of Costa Rica dispute; meeting of Spanish-American plenipotentiaries; loan from United States; maintenance of peace; defines future policy as one of economy of expenditure of public money; reduction of the army, and all paid diplomatic and consular appointments declared vacant July 1. 342
197 Same to same (No. 237) Dec. 27 Colombian army: the organization and condition of; the method of instruction pursued in the military school modeled after West Point Military Academy. 344
198 Same to same (NO. 245) Dec. 29 Death of Dr. Manuel Murillo: A tribute to his character and account of his funeral. 348
199 Same to same (No. 245) 1881. Jan. 20 Arbitration for settlement of disputes between South American governments: Correspondence with Colombian secretary of foreign affairs, showing approval of sentiments of United States in favor of international arbitration. 350
200 Same to same (No. 248) Feb. 4 Colombian Congress: Meeting of, on February 1; President’s message inclosed. 352
201 Same to same (No. 258) Mar. 30 Protection of United States extended to citizens of Colombia at the request of Colombian vice-consul; Peruvian government recognized Mr. Christiancy acting in their behalf; correspondence relating thereto. 353
202 Mr. Dichman to Mr. Blaine (No. 263). Apr. 16 Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Colombia: Settlement of, to be left to arbitration; King of Belgium named first as arbitrator; in the event of his declining, the question to be submitted to King of Spain; if he declines, to be left to President of Argentine Republic. 354
203 Same to same May 14 Treaty arbitration between Chili and Colombia: Chilian Congress adjourned without ratifying; presence of Señor Soma supposed to be due to alleged violation of neutrality by Colombia at port of Panama. 354
204 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Dichman (No. 169). May 26 Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Colombia: Convention for reference of, to King of Belgium; as it may affect territory of Panama, the neutrality of which United States guaranteed, minister of Colombia must be informed that United States should have been consulted relative to, and will not hold herself bound by the decision of any arbitrator in whose appointment it has not concurred. 355
205 Same to same (No. 175). June 24 Neutrality of Isthmus of Panama: Proposed joint guaranty of, by European powers; in view of, circular instructions sent to United States representatives in Europe, if rumor is true, to inform respective powers that United States deems that its existing guarantees under treaty of 1846 need no re-enforcement from any other source; in event of proper occasion Colombian Government to be informed of stand taken by United States to check such joint guaranty. 356
206 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Maney (No. 3). July 25 Interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama: Department’s instruction to Mr. Lowell, United States minister at London, relative to the project of, and similar instructions to other representatives of United States in Europe. 357
207 Mr. Dichman to Mr. Blaine (No. 301). Aug. 1 Colombian Military Academy: For information of the “War Department the fact that Lieut. N. R. Lemley, United States Army, has been made the superintendent of, as also honored with the rank of colonel in the Colombian army, as marks of appreciation of his zeal and service to Colombia. 357
208 Same to same (No. 303) Aug. 13 Interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama: An account of an interview in which M. de Lesseps stated his views of the political questions connected with the proposed canal; the minister’s comment on the same. 359
209 Mr. Becerra to Mr. Blaine May 7 Neutrality of Isthmus of Panama: Declarations in protocol signed by minister and Mr. Trescot at variance with terms of treaty of 1846, Colombia’s instruction to its minister, and the rights of sovereignty of Colombia over that portion of her territory. 361
210 Negotations with the Colombian minister. Feb. —. Isthmian canal: Proposed amplification of treaty of 1846 between New Granada and the United States; project of protocol by Colombian minister; counter-project by Secretary of State; tendencies of the respective drafts; memorandum by State Department on project and counter-project; Mr. Trescot, for Secretary of State, completes negotiations; protocol signed February 17, 1881; copy of, sent out; papers published by Colombian Government: I. Abstract of project of protocol, Evarts and Arosemena; II. Instructions to Colombian minister; III. Protocol of February 17, 1881, Trescot and Vila; IV. Note of Colombian minister reporting course and termination of negotiations; V. Columbian version of Monroe doctrine. 361
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
211 Mr. Cramer to Mr. Evarts (No. 624). 1881. Mar. 2 Erroneous ideas of America prevalent among people of Denmark; the publication of German work called “North America: Its Cities and its Natural Wonders; Its Scenery and its People,” will do much to correct the erroneous ideas of the people and lead to immigration. 388


[Page LIII] [Page LIV] [Page LV]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
212 Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts (No. 406). 1880. Nov. 12 Political situation: Meeting of Parliament; ministerial declarations; difficult position of ministry on education, free press, and magistracy. Bills i present ministry will be the apparent governing power, though Gambetta will control political movements; the Republic gaining strength; people contented, prosperous, and happy. 390
213 Same to same (No. 430) 1881. Feb. 4 Greco-Turkish question: Debate in Chamber of Deputies; policy of France that of peace, that as the friend of Greece, she has the right to advise her; disapproves of Greece’s coveting territory not ceded by treaty of St. Stefano; House unanimously voted approval of minister’s declarations; this indicates the strength of ministry and concord of leaders. 393
214 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Noyes (telegram). Feb. 19 American pork importation: If decree has issued prohibiting, regret and protest of United States, if it seems appropriate to do so, to be brought to attention of the French government. 395
215 Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts (telegram). Feb. 20 American pork: Importation of, prohibited by France; France informed of regret of United States thereat, and requested to revoke the order. 395
216 Same to same (telegram). Feb. 21 American pork: Decree of prohibition of importation of, was issued under pressure of public opinion. 396
217 same to same (telegram) Feb. 23 American pork: Minister of foreign affairs considering means to secure public health without maintaining the decree of prohibition of. 396
218 Mr. Noyes to Mr. Evarts (No. 439). Feb. 26 American pork: Correspondence relating to decree of French government prohibiting the importation of; the decree, and report of minister of agriculture and commerce inclosed; decree will be revoked through some system of inspection. 396
219 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Noyes (No. 337). Mar. 2 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Transmitting letters of invitation to President Grévy and people of France and M. Oscar de La Fayette to participate in the celebration, to be presented with appropriate words expressive of the friendship of American people. 401
220 President Hayes to President Grévy. Mar. 2 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Invitation by the government and people of the United States for government and people of France to unite With United States in centennial anniversary of surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown. 401
221 Mr. Evarts to M. de La Fayette. Mar. 2 Yorktown Centennial Celebratino: Invitation to family of General La Fayette to join in observance of the centennial anniversary of the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown. 402
222 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Noyes (telegram). Mar. 7 American pork importation: “Published statements of mortality among swine are false,” 402
223 Mr. Blame to Mr. Noyes (No. 342). Mar. 15 American pork: Approves action in seeking modification of decree of prohibition of importation of; results of investigation shows falsity of British consul’s charge as to disease in; should this statement be appealed to as justifying interdiction of pork trade of America, truth of the statement to be denied. 403
224 Same to same (telegram) Mar. 16 American pork importation: Effect of statements of the acting British consul; he was misled by speculators, and confounded hog cholera with trichinosis; representations exaggerated; death-rate among swine less this year than usual; deny firmly report British consul. 403
225 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Noyes (telegram). Mar. 17 American pork importation: To insist that all shipments of pork made before date of decree shall be received on proper inspection. 404
226 Mr. Noyes to Mr. Blaine (telegram). Mar. 18 American pork: French Government will admit all, landed on ships before date of decree; prospects of early revocation of, not favorable. 404
227 Same to same (telegram). Mar. 21 Yorktown: Centennial celebration: President Grévy accepts the invitation for France to participate. 404
228 Mr. Noyes to Mr. Blaine (No. 449). Mar. 24 American pork importation: French Government has modified decree of prohibition of, so as to admit pork shipped by packers prior to date of decree, on positive proof that the meats were actually in transitu before date of decree. 405
229 Same to same Mar. 25 Yorktown Centennial celebration: Presentation to President Grévy of autograph letter of invitation to French Government to participate in; also invitation to Oscar de La Fayette. 405
230 Same to same (No. 455) Mar. 29 Death of Oscar de La Fayette 406
231 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Noyes (No. 363). Apr. 23 American pork importation: Interference of French authorities with pork for sale in France, owned by Messrs. S. Davis, jr., & Co.; attention of foreign office to be called to it. 407
232 Same to same (No. 367). Apr. 28 Death of Oscar de La Fayette: Approves of action of legation in paying honors to the remains of Oscar de La Fayette; expresses sorrow at his death. 408
233 Same to same (No. 371) May 26 American pork importation: In referring to telegram from Bordeaux relative to disease in American pork, incloses copy of a letter from Armour & Co., upon which the Department’s telegram is founded. 408
234 Mr. Noyes to Mr. Blaine (No. 475). May 27 American pork: As soon as the necessary arrangements can be made for inspection of pork a revocation of the decree prohibiting its importation will be proposed. 409
235 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Noyes (No. 379). June 8 American pork importation: Investigation of the charges upon which French Government acted in decreeing prohibition of. While the United States realizes its duty in sanitary matters to foreign countries, it is no less jealous of its corresponding duty to its own citizens where injury is threatened to its commerce by mistaken action of a foreign state, and urges the modification of the decree. 411
236 Same to same (No. 384). June 17 American pork: Satisfaction of United States on learning that Mr. Tirard, minister of commerce, did not make the statements attributed to him as to disease in. 412
237 Mr. Noyes to Mr. Blaine (No. 483). June 23 American pork: Protest of United States at delay of French Government, in revoking the decree of prohibition of importation of. United States Government will be compelled to resort to retaliatory measures unless the order is recalled. 413
238 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Noyes (No. 387). June 24 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Orders sent to give passage to United States in United States flagship Trenton to persons invited to attend. Incloses letter of invitation to Marquis de Rochambeau. 415
239 Mr. Pomeroy to Mr. Blaine (No. 486). July 7 Yorktown Centennial: Letter of Oscar de La Fayette accepting invitation to attend. 416
240 Same to same (No. 419) July 14 Interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama: French Government has no official intimation of intention of Colombia to request European powers to jointly guarantee the neutrality of; the position of United States on these questions made known to French Government. 416
241 Same to same (No. 495) July 23 American pork: Answer of Mr. St Hiliare in relation to revocation of prohibitory decree. French Government claims decree was in the interest of the public, and that the inspection now adopted will, in the end, be a benefit to commerce by securing the verification of the good quality of merchandise. 417
242 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Pomeroy (No. 404). July 26 Yorktown Centennial Celebration; Incloses from governor of Rhode Island an invitation to the representatives of Prance attending Yorktown celebration to be guests of State of Rhode Island. 418
243 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morton (No. 12). Aug. 9 American pork: The statement of the microscopic researches made at Havre confirming the existence of trichinae in American pork must be the result of inaccurate inspection. 420
244 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (No. 6). Aug. 11 Chili and Peru: President Grévy alluded to the abortive attempts made, and the desirability of a joint effort by France, England, and United States, to effect a settlement between Chili and Peru; disapproved demands made by Chili as conditions of peace, while admitting her right as a conqueror to certain indemnity to be embodied in treaty; in reply, he was assured that United States would, when informed, coincide with his views. 420
245 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morton (No. 19). Aug. 18 Treaty stipulations of commerce between France and United States: Proposition to revise; could only be effected through the sanction of Congress, which could not be expected while the French decree of prohibition is in force contracting American commerce. 421
246 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (No. 11). Aug. 19 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Acceptance by the Marquis de Rochambeau of invitation to be present at; incloses his letter to Secretary of State. 423
247 Same to same (No. 24) Sept. 1 Political situation: Elections just concluded indicate that a republican form of government meets the wants and receives the sympathies of the masses of the people, and that the republic is consolidated and beyond successful attack; shows that progress has been steady since 1877. 424
248 Same to same (No. 25) Sept. 2 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Partial list of the French delegation to the celebration. 425
249 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morton (No. 30). Sept. 5 War between Chili, Peru, and Bolivia: The interest in, manifested by President Grévy finds response from people of the United States; but this government declines to enter into negotiations with European powers for intervention in the affairs of South American states; interests of United States demand that it occupy an independent position. 426
250 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Morton (No. 31). Sept 7 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Letter of invitation from governor of New York to French delegation at Yorktown to visit New York. 427
251 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (No. 39). Sept. 23 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Revised list of delegation who will attend Yorktown celebration. 428
252 Same to same (No. 46) Oct. 5 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Communication of Senator Edmond de La Fayette, expressing regret at inability to be present at, refers to the representatives of his family who will attend. 429
253 Same to same (No. 48). Oct. 6 American pork importation: French Government determined to establish laboratories for microscopic inspection of pork; difficulty in finding men of sufficient competency will prevent the success of this plan; prominent scientific men in France now agree in the opinion that the trichinae is harmless in pork properly cooked. 430
254 Same to same (No. 54) Oct. 13 American pork: Plan for inspection of, amounts to prohibition; decree issued under a misapprehension; minister of foreign affairs will recommend repeal of the decree. 430
255 Same to same (No. 58) Oct. 20 War between Chili, Peru, and Bolivia: President Grévy indorsed the principle that the annexation of large portion of territory by a victorious nation is contrary to rights of nations; declared that France is willing to act with or in same direction as the United States, or, if the latter so desired, to leave United States to proceed alone. 431
250 Same to same (No. 63) Oct 28 Statue of liberty to be erected by the Franco-American Union: Proceedings of provisional erection of the same; speeches made by M. Laboulaye and Mr. Morton on that occasion. 432
257 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (No. 65). Oct. 31 Political: Opening of the legislative chambers; the indications of late elections are the maintenance of the republic with progressive reforms; separation of church and state; abolition of appropriations for the clergy; revision of mode of elections. Gambetta will probably be invited to form a new cabinet. 433
258 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morton (No. 48). Nov. 2 American pork: Prohibition of importation of; minister’s course relative to, approved. 434
259 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (No. 69). Nov. 7 American pork importation: The French Government has devised measures that will make possible the revocation of the decree of prohibition; it is the opinion of a prominent dealer that the decree would be preferable to the proposed bill; present minister of agriculture will not consent to modification of decree. 435
260 Same to same (telegram) Nov. 15 War between Chili, Peru, and Bolivia: President corrects a mistake of Mr. Rosas in understanding President Grévy to say that United States did not want European assistance in Chili-Peru affairs; indications less favorable for recognition of Calderon government. 436
261 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morton (No. 61). Nov. 17 Franco-American statue of “Liberty enlightening the World”: Department approves minister’s action in taking part in the ceremony of preparation of. 436
262 Same to same (telegram) Nov. 21 American pork: The prohibitory effect of the microscopic inspection of; the revocation of the decree of prohibition to be insisted on in view of the possible disposition of Congress to defensive if not retaliatory legislation. 436
263 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (telegram). Nov. 23 American pork: Mr. Gambetta thinks the danger from eating, is exaggerated, and is in favor of abrogation of the decree; thinks United States Government could expedite the solution of this matter by measures for public inspection of meat for export. 437
264 Same to same (telegram) Nov. 25 American pork importation: Chairman of committee of chamber for microscopic examination of pork will be withdrawn; training of microscopic inspectors suspended. 437
265 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morton (telegram). Dec. 2 American pork: Prohibition of importation of; wants prompt information when revocation of decree of prohibition may be expected. 437
266 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (telegram). Dec. 4 American pork: Prohibition of importation of; majority of the parliamentary commission in favor of retaining the decree, but if United States will cause inspection of salted meats for export it will secure a favorable decree from the commission. 437

correspondence with the legation of france at washington.

[Page LVI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
267 Mr. Outrey to Mr. Evarts 1880. Oct. 11 Re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Mexico and France: Thanks of French Government to United States for kind offices to French citizens during absence of a French diplomatic representative in city of Mexico; its action was such as was to be expected from a nation to which France is connected by friendship of a century. 438
268 Mr. Hay to Mr. Outrey Oct. 23 Re-establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Mexico: Gratification of United States that its good offices in Mexico have been the means of strengthening the friendly relations between France and United States. 438
269 Mr. Outrey to Mr. Evarts Nov. 8 Submarine Cable Company: Proposed fusion of, with an English company; views of United States on the subject requested. 439
270 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Outrey. Nov. 29 Submarine Cable Company: Proposed fusion of; the United States expects the cable company to adhere to its stipulation not to combine with any other line. 439
271 Mr. Outrey to Mr. Evarts. Dec. 29 Submarine Cable Company: French Government will not countenance any modification of obligations assumed by the French company whose cable connects with the United States. 440
272 Mr. Outrey to Mr. Evarts Mar. 7 Interoceanic canal: Reiterates in writing his verbal statement as to Mr. Lesseps’s enterprise, that the French Government will preserve for it the private and international character which he has had the wisdom to give it. 440
273 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Outrey. Mar. 7 Interoceanic canal: Thanks to French Government for assurance of its determination to maintain the international character of the enterprise of M. De Lessens. 441
274 Jules Grévy, President of the French Republic, to the President of the United States of America. Mar. 25 Yorktown Centennial Celebration: Letter of President Grévy reciprocating sentiments of letter of President Hayes inviting the French Government to unite with United States in celebrating the hundredth anniversary of battle of York-town. 441
275 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Outrey Nov. 25 American pork: Prohibition of importation of; Reviews the facts refuting charge of trichinae in American pork; contrasts the liberal policy of other governments on this matter with the action of France; damage to private interests and commerce by the maintenance of the prohibition; appeals to judgment of French Government to revoke the decree. 442


[Page LVII] [Page LVIII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
276 Mr. White to Mr. Evarts (No. 169). 1880. Nov. 4 Naturalized American citizens: Case of Jacques Loeb, arrested, fined, and released; it is thought the German Government will bring his application for remission of fine under decision already made as to non-applicability of treaties of 1868 to Alsace-Lorraine. 445
277 Mr. Evarts to Mr. White (No. 155). Nov. 13 Sale of intoxicating liquors in the Ralik group of islands: Efforts of Chief Lebon and Evangelical Mission of Pacific, to check; United states hopes that German Government will instruct consul at Jaluit to aid native government in enforcement of the law; also the alleged complicity of German consul in violations of the ordinance. 445
278 Mr. White to Mr. Evarts (No. 170). Nov. 13 Naturalized American citizens: Letter of Aaron Weill, informing of his release under treaty of 1868, of Alsace-Lorraine, and asking further advice, which was declined. 446
279 Mr. Everett to Mr. Evarts (No. 4). Nov. 22 Naturalized American citizens: Reports that Aaron Weill’s fine has been remitted by pardon; and pardon granted in case of Alois Genres for alleged violation of military duty; thinks cases will stand as precedents. 447
280 Mr. Evarts to Mr. White, (No. 161). Dec. 1 Naturalized Americans arrested in Germany: Application to be made to imperial government for adoption of some general rule for disposition of cases of Germans who have become naturalized citizens of the United States, to obviate the over-zealous arrest made on ground of military service, when visiting Germany on pleasure or business. 448
281 Mr. Everett to Mr. Evarts (No. 7). Dec. 9 Naturalized American citizens: Question of applicability of treaty of 1868 to Alsace-Lorraine. German Government cannot, as a general principle, admit its non-applicability to cases in Alsace-Lorraine; to do so would compel the government to set aside laws of that province; it could be accomplished by a supplementary convention, not by “additional treaty” as suggested by Mr. White. 449
282 Same to same (No. 10) Dec. 20 Naturalized American citizens: The applicability of existing treaty to Alsace-Lorraine; Germany is ready to receive proposals from United States for a convention to extend the existing treaty to Alsace-Lorraine; cases heretofore decided are not to be considered as influencing future cases; ten years’ absence necessary to release an emigrant from duty to his original country; public opinion is that the attempt to change the treaty would fail. 450
283 Mr. Hay to Mr. Everett (No. 165.) Dec. 22 Spurious diplomas from America: Prosecution of individuals concerned in sale of; P. E. C. Volland’s, issued in violation of charter of American University, whose case resulted in abolishing the charter of American University; papers to be transmitted to foreign office for use in prosecution of Volland. 451
284 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Everett (No. 169.) Dec. 30 Naturalized citizens arrested tor military service: Approves action of Minister White in case of Loeb, arrested and fined for avoidance of military duty; concurs in view that United States cannot assent to the doctrine of non-applicability of treaties of 1868 to Alsace and Lorraine; press Loeb’s case upon Imperial government until favorable disposition is secured. 452
285 Mr. Everett to Mr. Evarts (No. 21.) Jan. 17 American citizens, question of arrest of, in Germany: imperial government says that the difficulty is in distinguishing between the bona-fide and dishonest returning emigrants; that it is the duty of local officials to refer all cases to their chiefs in Berlin; declines to reply to suggestion of modifying local laws of Alsace-Lorraine, until answer was received to proposals for a supplementary treaty. 452
286 Mr. White to Mr. Evarts. (No. 182.) Feb. 21 Opening of the Reichstag: Speech from the throne proposing bill for the relief of working classes; of direct taxation; change of law regarding crimes committed during intoxication; the creation of a system of guilds and trade corporations, and a system of insurance by the state of certain classes of workmen; these bills presented with declaration that is redemption of promise made at introduction of socialist law of 1878. 453
287 Mr. White to Mr. Blaine. (No. 188.) Mar. 7 Prussian Economic Council: Royal decree for establishment of; its purposes, powers, and composition; it will be an efficient aid in formulating measures for the interests of trade, agriculture, and commerce; Prince Bismarck proposes a similar one, the Imperial Economic Council. 461
288 Same to same (No. 191) Mar. 14 Naturalized American citizens: Arrest or fine of, returning to Germany on account of liability to military service; fewer cases than in 1880; correspondence with the office of minister of foreign affairs inclosed. 463
289 Same to same (No. 205) Apr. 29 Anti-Jewish movement: History of; the main factor is the envy of the Jews and their supposed anti-Germanic and socialistic tendencies; the measures proposed for organization of guilds and compulsory insurance of workingmen will counteract this. 465
290 Same to same (No. 209) June 1 Naturalized American citizens: Fine imposed on Jacques Loeb remitted on the theory that he is no longer a citizen of Alsace-Lorraine, having been naturalized in America. This indicates an acquiescence in the doctrine of the relinquishment of requirement of ten years’ residence abroad before a person leaving those provinces can be considered to have thrown off his German allegiance. 471
291 Same to same (No. 215) June 30 Naturalized American citizens: Report of military cases settled during year 1880 and first half of 1881. 472
292 Mr. Blaine to Mr. White (No. 237). July 25 Naturalized Germans: Abstract of cases for half of 1881 of naturalized citizens arrested for military service received. Department approves minister’s action in these causes, and commends his zeal. 477
293 Mr. Blaine to Mr. White July 30 Yorktown Centennial celebration: The President tenders to the representatives of the family of Baron Steuben an earnest invitation to attend. 477
294 Mr. White to Mr. Blaine (No. 239). Aug. 15 Constitution and administration of affairs of city of Berlin: Report of subjects: (1) relations of city government to that of the State; (2) citizenship and voters; (3) city council organization and jurisdiction; (4) magistracy, election, organization, and jurisdiction; (5) committees; (6) streets; (7) public lighting; (8) sewerage; (9) care of poor; (10) police department. 478
295 Mr. Everett to Mr. Blaine (No. 247). Aug. 29 Yorktown Centennial celebration: Delivered invitation to the representatives of late Baron Steuben to take part in; awaits instruction as to mode of conveyance of the invited guests to the United States. 489
296 Same to same (No. 254) Sept. 27 Yorktown Centennial celebration: List of German guests who will attend; expression of satisfaction of the Emperor, Prince Bismarck, and the German people, at the honor conferred by the United States in extending the invitation. 490
297 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Everett (No. 268). Oct. 20 Yorktown Centennial celebration: Approves action of the minister in securing passage in the “Herder” for the representatives of Steuben family, at the expense of the United States. 492

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[Page LIX] [Page LX] [Page LXI] [Page LXII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
298 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts (No. 115). Jan. 7 Opening of Parliament: Queen’s speech; land league and coercion discussed; leaders of Irish opinion do not hope for its independence, and will be content with a thorough reform in land laws and modified local self-government as suggested in speech from throne. 492
299 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell (No. 99). Jan. 14 Wreck of American Ship James Baily: Plundering of the ship by natives off the coast of Hainan; thanks of United States to be conveyed to Mr. James Scott, acting British consul, in bringing matter to attention of Chinese authorities, and securing dispatch of war vessel to protect the wreck. 495
300 Same to same (No. 102) Jan. 20 Land law agitation in Ireland: United States trusts that the statesmanlike policy of the rulers of the United Kingdom will soon restore perfect tranquility to so important part of Her Majesty’s dominions. 496
301 Same to same (No. 109) Feb. 4 American fishery claims: Affidavits in cases of vessels prevented from fishing in Newfoundland waters; the question is, shall fishermen United States be compelled to purchase bait of Provincial fishermen; United States views these repeated acts as an abrogation of the treaty, and the delay of settlement of Fortune Bay claims strengthens the idea that Her Majesty’s Government has not condemned these interferences; that United States presses the claims for full compensation. 496
302 Same to same (No. 110) Feb. 4 American fishery claims: Separation of question of damages from that of construction of treaty, came from Great Britain; United States will accept proposition to submit question of damages to award of referees, views of treaty not to be accepted; delay results in Provincial fishermen believing Her Majesty’s Government justifies outrages at Fortune Bay; recites history of disturbances and negotiation for adjustment; negotiation resumed on questions of construction of treaty, and compensation for unlawful violence separated; basing the latter solely on the wrong done to American fishermen free of any limitation by treaty. 499
303 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Evarts (No. 130). Feb. 22 American fishery claims: Lord Granville signifies willingness to accept proposition to submit to Sir Edward Thornton and Mr. Evarts; wished to know if this government would consider an offer of damages in solido. 502
304 Same to same (No. 132) Feb. 26 House of Commons: Coercion bill passed its third reading; indiscreet action of Irish leaders has weakened them in England and Ireland; Parnell accused of treating with Paris communists injured his cause very much. 504
305 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell (telegram). Mar. 2 American fishery claims: Secretary’s offer as accepted was £15,000 for Fortune Bay and claims in No. 109; assurance given that this amount covered all claims within the knowledge of either government; no modification possible; if money is not paid claims of Nos. 109 and 110 will be pressed for settlement as independent claims. 504
306 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Lowell (telegram). Mar. 5 American fishery claims: Inquires if Great Britain will submit question of damages to Secretary of State and British Minister; will receive a proposition for $80,000 for Fortune Bay claims and $1,500 for the others. 505
307 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (No. 138). Mar. 5 American fishery claim: Correspondence with Lord Granville; offer of £15,000 in compensation for Fortune Bay claims, and two in dispatch No. 109, to be accepted in full of all claims hitherto presented, provided amount is placed at immediate disposal of United States Government and without prejudice to question of rights under treaty of Washington. 506
308 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (telegram). Mar. 8 American fishery claims: Mr. Evarts’ remark about advertising for claims to avoid sacrificing just claims of unknown parties; simple question is, whether Lord Granville will adjust the claims in 109 and 110 either by payment of lump sum or by reference to British minister and Secretary of State. 510
309 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (telegram). Mar. 9 American fishery claims: English cabinet is willing to submit claim to reference as proposed by Mr. Evarts, or to pay the £15,000; if cruisers are sent as intimated, would like to know United States’ opinion of joint cruisers with joint instructions. 510
310 Same to same (No. 139) Mar. 9 American pork: False statement of trichinæ in; privy council answered inquiry relative to, in the negative. 510
311 Same to same (No. 140) Mar. 12 Naturalized American citizens: Case of Mr. Boyton, arrested at Kildare; Consul Barrow instructed to ascertain if Boyton was an American citizen; and if that, and his innocence were made out, to apply for his discharge. 511
312 Same to same (No. 141) Mar. 12 American fishery claims: Interview with Lord Granville; he thinks Parliament will not approve of payment of £15,000 except as payment in full. 514
313 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (telegram). Mar. 14 American fishery claims: Proposition to refer matter to Sir E. Thornton and Secretary of State is accepted; subject of joint cruisers may also be referred, or postponed. 514
314 Same to same (telegram) Mar. 16 American pork: Mr. Noyes will send copy of Department’s dispatch respecting injurious rumors touching. 515
315 Same to same (No. 130) Mar. 17 American pork: Mr. Evart’s denial of published statements of mortality among swine; interview with British representatives, and correspondence with British minister; from which it appears that Mr. Crump confounds hog cholera with trichinosis, and has been mistaken or misled by designing speculators in inflicting injury to pork market; that despite the admission of British minister that Mr. Crump’s statements are exaggerated and the positive denial made by this Department, United States looks to Her Majesty’s Government to aid in counteracting the evil effects of Mr. Crump’s action. 515
316 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (No. 144). Mar. 21 Naturalized American citizens: Case of Boyton; correspondence with consul and Boyton showing discrepancy in passport papers and present account of age and birthplace; no evidence of he, or his father, having been naturalized, though born in Ireland. 517
317 Same to same (No. 147) Mar. 25 Naturalized American citizens: Construction of section 2066, 1862, Revised Statutes United States on subject of naturalization of soldier 521
318 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (No. 138). Mar. 31 Naturalized American citizens: Department approves action in case of Michael P. Boyton’s application for new passport; wisdom of policy of so acting as to avoid unduly embarrassing an American citizen, or hindering his protection, and at the same time to guard against bringing any element of uncertainty into the discussion of questions of such gravity. 523
319 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (No. 154). Apr. 7 Naturalized American citizens: Boyton’s letter and transcript of record inclosed. 524
320 Same to same (No. 161) Apr. 9 American pork and cattle: Note to Lord Granville urging importance of authoritative correction of statements of Mr. Crump as to diseased condition of American pork and cattle. 555
321 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (No. 163). Apr. 13 American pork: Note from Lord Granville and memorandum by Mr. Warrack, British vice-consul at Chicago, giving official sources of information to Mr. Crump upon which Lord Granville considers Mr. Crump’s statements justified, but is willing to receive trustworthy evidence as to the existence of hog disease. 527
322 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (No. 166). May 26 Naturalized American citizens: Arrest, under “coercion act,” of Michael P. Boy ton; unless he establishes citizenship United States cannot intervene; while the fact of American citizenship could not of itself exempt one from penalties of the act, a speedy trial or release could be demanded; the act is in some sense ex post facto, in others confers arbitrary powers. 530
323 Same to same (No. 168) May 27 Native-born American citizen: Joseph D’Alton, alleged to be, arrested under “coercion act”; hypothetical instruction based on Boyton’s case, will indicate treatment of D’Alton’s case. 531
324 Same to same (No. 172) June 2 Naturalized American citizens: Arrest of Joseph B. Walsh under the “Protection Act”; certificate of naturalization and letter of Hon. S. J. Randall in relation thereto; while United States has no disposition to interfere in the local administration of affairs in Great Britain, it cannot view with indifference the summary treatment of its naturalized citizens; if Walsh’s case calls for interference, make such efforts as will result in speedy trial or release. 532
325 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (No. 193). June 4 Coercion act, arrest naturalized Americans under: In case of Walsh, that Great Britain, while appreciating solicitude of United States at enforcement of “Protection Act” by unusual measures upon American citizens, sees no grounds for treating Americans better than British subjects were treated, and declines to give definite answer until fuller instructions to Mr. Lowell; not deemed it prudent to protest, it being reported that Mr. Walsh had acted as if he were a British subject. 533
326 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (No. 180). June 10 American pork: Result of investigation justifies the denial of the statement of Mr. Crump of the diseased condition of; so far from the representations of instruction No. 130 being “an insinuation against the good faith of that gentleman,” it shows that in confounding hog cholera with trichinosis he was misled, being influenced by the widely spread newspaper and other communications on the subject; if Mr. Crump’s good faith had been doubted United States would have protected itself accordingly with suspension or revocation of Mr. Crump’s official character. 534
327 Same to same (No. 183) June 17 American cattle: papers showing falsity of charge of foot and mouth disease in, condemned at Liverpool; further investigation to be made by Mr. Lyman; after investigation such representations to British Government should be made as may be justified by the facts. 536
328 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (No. 205). June 18 “Coercion Act,” arrest of naturalized citizens under: Note to Lord Granville asking for particulars of, of Mr. D’Alton and Walsh under “Coercion Act.” 537
329 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (No. 187). June 24 Interoceanic canal: Joint guaranty of neutrality of, by European powers; attention of Her Majesty’s Government to be called to treaty of 1846; any guaranty supplemental to that of United States in that treaty must be deemed an intrusion where interests of United States and Colombia are superior to those of any other; United States asserts political control; joint control by European powers of what is a part of United’ States objectionable to United States; this not a new policy but an adherence to principles of long standing. 537
330 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (No. 218). July 15 Coercion act, arrests under: Cases of Joseph D‘Alton and Joseph B. Walsh following instruction No. 168, as Mr. D’Alton has furnished no proofs of citizenship no action has been had in his case. In case Walsh, Lord Granville refuses to furnish any particulars; as soon particulars are obtained will take such action as facts justify; incloses correspondence. 540
331 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (No. 206). July 30 Rights of American fishermen to request of Her Majesty’s Government to protect American fishermen in the rights secured by treaty to fish and bait, as there is a manifest disposition on the part of the native fishermen and local authorities to disturb the Americans by force 544
332 Mr. Lowell to Mr. Blaine (No. 235). Aug. 11 “Coercion act,” American citizens arrested under: Correspondence relative to the case of Mr. McEnery as a “suspect” and confined in Limerick jail. As it does not seem to be case of a citizen attending exclusively to his private business and abstaining from political affairs, the legation declined to act. 545
333 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Hoppin (No. 248). Oct. 20 Customs on west coast of Africa: Practice of delivery of papers of American ships to, authorities of, at Sierra Leone; foreign office should be requested that the objectionable practice be discontinued or modified. 547
334 Same to same (No. 257) Nov. 8 Customs on west coast of Africa: As to practice of, authorities of, with American ships; incloses copy of letter from Yates and Porterfield on same subject, and instructs that such communication be made to Her Majesty’s Government as his judgment may dictate. 548
335 Mr. Hoppin to Mr. Blaine (No. 218). Nov. 11 Interoceanic canal across the Isthmus: Relative to proposed guarantee of neutrality of; Lord Granville recognizes United States claim of right and duty to, under its treaty of 1846, and while declining to initiate any discussion, calls attention to the position of United States and Great Britain as to the canal as determined by the Clayton-Bulwer treaty of 1850. 549
336 Same to same (No. 219) Nov. 12 Lord mayor’s day, honors to the American flag: Stars and Stripes borne in front of the lord mayor’s carriage escorted by guard of staff sergeants of London militia; letter to Lord Granville and extract from the Daily Telegraph. 550
337 Same to same (No. 220) Nov. 14 “Coercion act,” arrest of American citizens under: Discharge of Joseph B. Walsh from prison on account of the state of his health; inclosing correspondence relative to. 552
338 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (No. 270). Nov. 19 Interoceanic canal: Modification of Clayton-Bulwer treaty necessary because of the great development of the United States on the Pacific coast since the date of the treaty, and especially in view of the canal across the Isthmus of Panama, and the guarantee of United States of its neutrality; treaty is objectionable in conceding to Great Britain the control of any canal that may be constructed; it impeaches the long established claim of the United States to priority on the American continent; the danger that a third power may intervene and assume direction of the project, which by the Clayton-Bulwer treaty is under the sole control of the United States and Great Britain. Modification proposed is, 1st, cancellation of that provision for-biding the United States fortifying and holding political control of the country; 2d, treating as absolute the provisions for treaty stipulations I for joint protectorate over canal at Tehuantepec or Panama; 3d, definition of the distance within which captures might be made on high seas; United States objects to assent of European governments to the neutrality of the canal because it implies the right to resent. Directs that Lord Granville be informed at earliest opportunity of purpose of United States touching this treaty. 554
339 Mr. Hoppin to Mr. Blaine (No. 223). Nov. 21 Rights of American fishermen in Newfoundland: Correspondence between the legation and Her Maiesty’s foreign office relative to. 560
340 Same to same (No. 224) Nov. 25 Honors to the British flag at Yorktown celebration: Correspondence between Lord Granville and the United States legation relating to saluting British flag, and transmission of official copy of President Arthur’s order to that effect. 562
341 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Lowell (No. 281). Nov. 29 Interoceanic canal: Clayton-Bulwer treaty; proposal for modification of; historical objections to the treaty, and differences of opinion between Great Britain and the United States to which its interpretation has given rise; from the time of its conclusion in 1850 to the end of 1858 its provisions were thrice made the basis of proposals to arbitrate as to their meaning; modification and abrogation have alike been considered and its vexatious character recognized by both governments; had Great Britain’s present interpretation been put on treaty at its inception it would never have been ratified; United States’ proposal is to free itself from these embarrassing features, and leave it as its framers intended it should be, a perfect settlement of all possible issues between Great Britain and the United States with regard to Central America. 563
342 Same to same (No. 286) Dec. 10 Hawaii: Foreign influence in; efforts of Great Britain to control commerce of, and to encourage coolie emigration to; Great Britain to be informed that the United States has felt justified in declaring to Hawaii that it; is regarded as a part of the American system of states and key of Pacific trade, and would regard the intrusion of any non-American interest in Hawaii as inconsistent with United States’ relations thereto. 569

correspondence with the legation of great britain at washington.

[Page LXIII] [Page LXIV]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
343 Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Evarts. 1880. Nov. 23 Attack by Gros Ventres and Mandin Indians upon Stony Indians of Canada: Letter of Governor-General of Canada, and enclosures giving de-details; asks that steps be taken to ascertain and punish offenders. 570
344 Same to same Nov. 26 Wrecking system on the Great Lakes: Report of Privy Council of Canada, with observations of Minister of Customs on the cases of the “Jane McLeod” and “Gold Hunter” and “Wave Crest.” 572
345 Mr. Evarts to Sir Edward Thornton. Dec. 2 Depredations by outlaws from Canada: Complaint that the trading establishment at Woody Mountain, near Blackfeet Reservation, is used as a rendezvous for robbers and murderers, and asks the aid of Her Majesty’s Government to remedy the trouble. 573
346 Same to same Dec. 17 Attack by Gros Ventres and Mandin Indians upon Stony Indians: Matter referred to Secretary of Interior for investigation. 574
347 Same to same 1881. Jan. 4 Attack by Gros Ventres on Stony Indians: Investigation ordered by Secretary of Interior. 574
348 Same to same Jan. 10 Transportation of merchandise through Canada: A letter from Secretary of Treasury to collector of customs at Suspension Bridge concerning, from one port to another in that country by way of Suspension Bridge and Ogdensburgh. 575
349 Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Evarts. Jan. 12 Customs at Suspension Bridge: Acknowledges receipt of a copy of letter to collector of customs, from Unified States Treasury; copy sent to Governor-General of Canada. 575
350 Mr. Evarts to Sir Edward Thornton. Jan. 31 Attack on Indians of Canada by Gros Ventres: Report on, by Secretary of Interior, showing that it was by Fort Berthold Agency Indians, in retaliation for the death of “Walking Wolf,” believed to have been killed by the Indians attacked. 576
351 Mr. Evarts to Sir Edward Thornton. Feb. 5 Sitting Bull and his hand: In view of continued trouble with Sitting Bull, it is time for British Government to take steps to prevent his crossing into the United States, and domicile them as British Indians. 577
352 Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Evarts. Feb. 12 Customs at Suspension Bridge: Report of privy council of Canada acquiescing in decision of United States Treasury relative to transportation of merchandise from one Canadian port to another via Suspension Bridge. 578
353 Mr. Evarts to Sir Edward Thornton. Mar. 7 American pork: Calls attention to the result of investigation of the statement of disease in; that it is not true and has been of great damage to trade; trusts the denial may be prompt enough to undo all harm done. 579
354 Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Evarts. Mar. 7 American pork: Extract from “Times” publication of Mr. Crump’s statement of mortality among swine; calls attention to fact it refers to Illinois and not Ohio. 579
355 Mr. Blaine to Sir Edward Thornton. Mar. 9 American pork: Awaits a further report from Her Majesty’s consul at Philadelphia; resolutions of the Merchants’ Exchange of Saint Louis and Chamber of Commerce of Cincinnati inclosed. 580
356 Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Blaine. Mar. 10 American pork: Reiterates that Mr. Crump’s charge about mortality among swine referred to Illinois, and that subsequent investigation confirms Mr. Crump’s statement; incloses copy of Mr. Clipperton’s letter as to death-rate of swine in Illinois. 581
357 Same to same Mar. 21 American pork: Letter and memorandum sent by Mr. Warrack, showing upon what authority he made his statement of death of swine in Illinois. 583
358 Mr. Blaine to Sir Edward Thornton. Apr. 22 Disease in American cattle: Suggests adoption of measures of sanitary police and inspection, to prevent exportation of diseased animals. 585
359 Same to same May 6 American fishery claims: No other claims than those already presented for wrongs inflicted in waters of New Foundland, and £15,000 will be satisfactory. 586
360 Same to same May 10 Incursions by British Indians at the crossing of Woody Fork: Camp of 2,000 Blackfeet Indians near Carroll; report that these were to cross the border to draw ammunition from Canadian Government; hoped Dominion Government will keep its Indians from these predatory incursions. 587
361 Same to same May 13 American fishery claims: Prompt closing up of the case by payment of the sum agreed upon urged. 587
362 Same to same May 14 Incursion by British Indians: Further depredations by Blackfeet Indians. 588
363 Same to same May 26 British Indians in Montana Territory: Three hundred lodges of, encamped on American reservation, stealing cattle and defying all attempts to remove them; Indian war imminent; duty of United States and Dominion to cooperate to drive them out, and of Dominion to restrain when within her jurisdiction. 588
364 Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Blaine. May 27 Intrusion of British Cree Indians upon American reservation near Beaver Creek: Government of Canada will do its utmost to prevent incursions into the United States territory by British Indians; United States will appreciate the difficulty of doing this by its trouble in trying to prevent Sitting Bull from taking refuge in British territory. 589
365 Same to same May 28 American fishery claims: Her Majesty’s Government will pay £15,000 in full satisfaction of all claims of American fishermen in operations on coasts of Newfoundland and its dependencies up to March 4, 1880, without prejudice to any rights under certain articles of treaty of May 8, 1871. 589
366 Mr. Blaine to Sir Edward Thornton. May 28 American fishery claims: Understanding of United States is that £15,000 is in full satisfaction of all claims on coast of Newfoundland up to March 4, 1880, including occurrences at Aspee Bay, Cape Breton and Nova Scotia; wishes to know time and method of payment. 590
367 Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Blaine. June 2 American fishery claims: Transmits hill of exchange for £15,000, in full of claims 591
368 Mr. Blaine to Sir Edward Thornton. June 4 American fishery claims: Acknowledges receipt of draft for £15,000 in payment of fishery claim. 591
369 Sir Edward Thornton to Mr. Blaine. June 6 Incursions by Indians from Canada into territory of United States: Dispatch and other papers of governor-general asking for information that will aid to identification of the Indians offending. 591
370 Mr. Blaine to Sir Edward Thornton. June 11 Incursions by British Indians into Montana Territory: Has referred request of governor-general for information that will lead to identification and conviction of Indians committing outrages to Secretaries of War and Interior Departments. 592
371 Mr. Drummond to Mr. Blaine July 28 Canadian Indians, incursion by, into United States territory: Governor-general of Canada instructed to prevent incursions over the frontier. 593
372 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Drummond Aug. 25 Canadian Indians, incursion by, into United States territory: On their way to drive buffaloes away from agency Indians of United States. 593
373 Mr. Drummond to Mr. Blaine Aug. 27 Canadian Indians, incursions by, in United States: Will comply with wishes of United States to prevent recurrence of incursions. 594
374 Same to same Sept. 26 Canadian Indians, incursions of, in United States: Report relative to, by Privy Council; suggest necessity of co-operative measures by the two governments. 594
375 Same to same Oct. 20 Yorktown centennial celebration: Salute paid to the British flag by order of the President; thanks for the courtesy. 596
376 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Drummond. Nov. 14 Salute to the British flag at Yorktown: Reciprocates kind sentiments expressed in note of the 20th ultimo. 597


correspondence with the legation of guatemala at washington.

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
377 Señor Ubico to Mr. Blaine June 15 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Reciting causes of complaint against Mexico and failure of peaceful means of conciliation; calls upon United States to protect the integrity of Central American territory. 598
378 Mr. Blaine to Señor Ubico. June 16 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: Not the policy of United States to constitute itself the arbiter of the destinies of its sister states; will do all in her power to strengthen the union of the republics of the continent; danger to these principles it international boundaries be disregarded or force re-resorted to for settlement of boundary. 599
379 Señor Ubico to Mr. Blaine June 19 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: Government of Guatemala will appreciate the generous mediation Of United States, to which the inhabitants of the frontier will be indebted for their future peace. 600
380 Same to same June 22 Confederation of Central American states: Guatemala in favor of, and the best of the states of Central America to accomplish it; pleased to have the co-operation of the United States; memorandum of a treaty with United States to that end. 600
381 Señor Montufar to Mr. Blaine. July 20 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: Thanks for the kind offices of United States in offer of mediation. 603
382 Señor Ubico to Mr. Blaine Oct. 19 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: Transmits Mr. Montúifar’s note of the 20th, expressing gratification at mediation of United States. 603
383 Mr. Blaine to Señor Ubico Oct. 31 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: Acknowledges receipt of Señor Montúfar’s note of July 20. 603
384 Mr. Blaine to Señor Montúfar. Oct. 31 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: “Reciprocates the sentiments expressed in his note of July 20. 604
385 Señor Montúfar to Mr. Blaine. Nov. 2 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: Gives a history of, and cause of complaint against Mexico. 604
386 Same to same Nov. 7 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: Controverts report of Mexican minister of foreign affairs relative to boundary dispute; regards the United States as the natural protector of the integrity of the continent. 609
387 Same to same Nov. 21 Boundary dispute between Mexico and Guatemala: Urges the United States to avert war between Mexico and Guatemala; any settlement acceptable to United States will be satisfactory to Guatemala; he is authorized to treat to that end. 613


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
388 Mr. Comly to Mr. Evarts (No. 117). 1880. July 5 Liquor traffic in Ralik group of islands: Outrage on natives by Germ an consul engaged in the sale of liquor; documents relating to, by Hawaiian Evangelical Association. 614
389 Same to same (No. 147) 1881. Jan. 17 King Kalakaua: Tour of, around the world; note of minister of foreign affairs annonncing tour of the King around the world. 616
390 Same to same (No. 148). Jan. 18 Immigration to Hawaiian Islands: Circular seting forth needs and difficulties of the subject. 617
391 Mr. Comley to Mr. Blaine (No. 152). Feb. 14 Regency of Her Royal Highness Princess Lilinokolani: Commendable manner in which she conducts herself. 619
392 Mr. Comly to Mr. Evarts (No. 153). Feb. 14 Chinese immigration: Majority of male population Chinese; epidemic of small-pox communicated by Chinese; rigid quarantine regulations enforced; concessions obtained for Americans. 620
393 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Comly (No. 90). Mar. 2 King Kalakaua: Hopes that the tour of the King around the world may be pleasant and fruitful of good results to his own government. 621
394 Mr. Comly to Mr. Blaine (No. 162). Mar. 14 Small-pox epidemic still prevailing: 33 per cent of all cases fatal. 621
395 Same to same (No. 172). June 6 British claims for refund of customs duties paid Hawaii: They claim the same privileges as to British products as the Americans have for American products under the Reciprocity treaty; claim based on the “parity clause” of the Anglo-Hawaiian treaty of 1851; gives a history of these claims and shows that they are inadmissible, and so regarded by Lord Clarendon in 1855. 622
396 Mr. Blame to Mr. Comly (No: 102). June 30 Reciprocity treaty of 1875: British claims for extension to them of the privilege secured to United States by Article IV of that treaty as to admission of articles free of duty; United States cannot consent to any modification of it directly or indirectly. Decision of Hawaiian court of claims for refund of duties would be a violation of the treaty, however binding on Hawaii. 624
397 Mr. Comly to Mr. Blaine (No. 185). Aug. 1 Sale of intoxicating liquors in Ralik group of islands: Correspondence between legation and Hawaiian Board relating to action of United States Government in sustaining decree of Lebon prohibiting sale of intoxicating liquors to his people. 626
398 Same to same (No. 189) Aug. 29 British influence in Hawaii: Danger of coolie immigration from British India; struggle of Great Britain to force Hawaii into a convention for importation of Indian coolies; United States asked to suggest to King the danger of such an element in Hawaii government affairs; British claims still menacing Hawaii. 627
399 Mr. Comly to Mr. Blaine (No. 194). Oct. 24 British claims for refund of customs duties paid to Hawaii: Attempt by British commissioner to excite distrust in the mind of the regent as to the intentions of the United States; assurance of British protection of Hawaiian independence against alleged violent proceedings on part of United States; incloses copy of his note to minister of foreign affairs relating thereto. 630
400 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Comly (No. 111). Nov. 19 British influence in Hawaii: Rumor of a coolie convention with Great Britain; Mr. Comly to protest, if necessary, against any scheme for transfer of territory or sovereignty of Hawaii to any European power, or the establishment of any controlling influence there of any such power by masses of subjects independent of the native government. 633
401 Same to same (No. 113) Dec. 1 Reciprocity treaty of 1875: Reviews the history, purpose, and nature of the relations between Hawaii and the United States; the policy of the latter towards Hawaii; United States cannot permit the substitution of alien interest for American and native; the position of the Hawaiian Islands as the key to the dominion of the Pacific demands the benevolent neutrality of the United States, and to that end it will cooperate with the native government. 635


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
402 Mr. Langston to Mr. Blaine (No. 328). 1880. Dec. 31 President Salomon, tour of: Enthusiastic reception of, by the people; poverty of the government; it is claimed that the establishment of the National Bank will tend to relieve the financial condition. 639
403 Same to same (No. 372) 1881. Apr. 23 Proposed National Bank of Hayti: Prospects for its establishment favorable. 641
404 Mr. Comly to Mr. Blaine (No. 373). May 7 Fête of agriculture: Description of; the creditable display due to impulse given to agriculture by establishment of Ministry of Agriculture. 642
405 Mr. Langston to Mr. Blaine (No. 376). June 4 Political situation: Addresses of President Salomon significant of the probable strength of his administration; he relies upon the affection of his people and co-operation of foreigners. 643
406 Same to same (No. 389). June 18 Consular visa tax: Haytian Government will recommend the passage of a law to abolish the charge of one per cent, for consular visas provided by the Haytian act of 1877, result of joint action of representatives of Great Britain and United States. 644
407 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Langston (No. 156). July 6 Consular visa tax: The information that bill will be offered to abolish the one per cent. for consular visas is acceptable to the United States. 645
408 Mr. Langston to Mr. Blaine (No. 403.) July 18 Discriminating light dues: Conference between himself, and Her Britannic Majesty’s representative with President Salomon; it is probable that abrogation of most obnoxious features of, will be made during the session of the legislature. 645
409 Same to same (No. 414) Nov. 5 Consular visa tax: Law abolishing same, and establishing a duty of registry, and of statistics, and of pre-emption; this accomplished by efforts of the representatives, and will go in force December 1, 1881; incloses copy of the law. 646


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
410 Mr. Wurtz to Mr. Evarts (No. 908). 1880. Aug. 28 Exchange of antiquities between Smithsonian Institution and Italian Government: The law in force prohibits sale of works of art, antiquities, or duplicates of them; only way is for United States to make overtures to that end, and a law may be passed by Parliament granting permission. 649
411 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Evarts (No. 920). Oct. 23 Financial statement of the national exchequer: Balance of several millions in the treasury; reduction of revenue derived from grist tax; octroi duties raised enough to neutralize reduction of grist tax; large naval expenditures; all will be opposed in Parliament, and doubtful if ministry can maintain itself. 651
412 Same to same (No. 922) Oct. 25 Death of Baron Bettino Ricasoli: Besides his great service to Italy he was a firm friend of United States during the war of rebellion. 652
413 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Marsh (No. 749). Nov. 18 Death of Baron Bettino Ricasoli: Acknowledges with thanks the receipt of No. 922, referring to high qualities of the deceased, and his friendship for the United States. 653
414 Mr. Marsh to Mr. Evarts (No. 939). 1881. Mar. 3 Bay of Assab formally taken possession of by Italian Government: To be garrisoned and line of steamers between it and Zanzibar to be established. 653
415 Same to same (No. 941) Mar. 14 American pork importation: Correspondence with consulate of Genoa and minister of foreign affairs relating to, into Italy; awaits instruction before replying to minister’s note. 654
416 Mr. Wurtz to Mr. Blaine (No. 985). July 15 Removal of the remains of the late Pope Pius IX: On the 13th instant remains were transported from St. Peter’s to San Lorenzo; 100,000 people witnessed the removal; molestation by liberals; troops had to disperse the mob. 656
417 Same to same (No. 988) July 27 Interoceanic canal: Interview with foreign office in relation to position of United States as to neutrality of Isthmus of Panama; left note embodying the contents of dispatches Nos. 779 and 780, to which no reply as yet. 658


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
418 Mr. Bingham to Mr. Evarts (No. 1209). 1880. Nov. 22 Penal code of Japan: Proclaimed July 17, 1880; it forbids the enactment of ex post facto penal laws, and the prosecution criminally, except for violation of existing laws, defining and prohibiting the offense, charged. 658
419 Same to same (No. 1226) Dec. 21 Consular courts of United States of America in Japan: Amendment to section 22 of regulations of November, 16, 1870, prescribing punishment for murder and other felonies; submitted to consuls for approval. 687
420 Same to same (No. 1242) 1881. Jan. 19 Regulation of public houses in Nagasaki: Memoranda signed by consuls in Japan, to regulate public houses by a coporate body composed of Kewrei, consuls of treaty powers, and three additional members; as the effect of this would be to place open ports under control of foreign consuls, it is not approved by Mr. Bingham. 688
421 Same to same (No. 1250) Feb. 7 Consular courts of United States of America in Japan: Amendment of section 22 of regulations indorsed by consuls and published in papers; order gives amendment force of law until modified or amended by Congress; modifies the law as to punishment of crimes. 689
422 Same to same (No. 1254). Feb. 9 Railroad in the island of Yesso: The successful completion of it for Japanese Government by Mr. Joseph W. Crawford, an American engineer. The railroad is worked by American locomotives, and engineer is complimented for his skill and economy in the work. 691
423 Mr. Bingham to Mr. Blaine (No. 1266). Mar. 16 Japanese code of proceedure: The code of proceedure recently adopted by Japan; proclamation of date at which the code will take effect will soon be made; it prescribes the principles and rules of enforcing action in courts of the empire. 692
424 Same to same (So. 1268) Mar; 17 Tour of King of Hawaii: The King’s visit to Japan and his cordial reception by the government and people, inclosing correspondence relating thereto. 724
425 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Bingham (No. 576). Mar. 22 Consular court regulations: Amendment of, as to punishment of crimes; minister’s action in relation to, approved. 726
426 Mr. Bingham to Mr. Blame (No. 1320). June 21 Development of industries: Proclamation by Japanese prime minister, and rules governing assemblies for investigating subjects of agriculture, commerce, and manufacture; this is an instance of the disposition of Japan to develop its resources: thinks the abrogation of article 10 of treaty of 1878 would further its progress. 727
427 Same to same (No. 1385) Oct. 21 National Parliament for Japan: Imperial edict for establishment of, also of minister’s note to minister of foreign affairs congratulating Japan upon this as an act in the interests of the people and of good government; this will be followed by a proclamation defining the constitutional limitations of the imperial prerogatives and of the national Parliament. 728
428 Same to same (No. 1388) Oct. 24 Changes in imperial Japanese Government: Mr. Okuma resigned as member of imperial council; the six sections of imperial council abolished; instead of that a bureau, called the sanji-in, has been made part of imperial council; bureau composed of the three chief ministers of state and the thirteen privy councillors; incloses copy of constitution and rules for its government. 730


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
429 Mr. Smyth to Mr. Evarts (No. 94). 1880. Dec. 1 Death of Hon. Daniel B. Warren, late vice-president of Liberia: He belonged to the class of negroes who used their gifts in the elevation of their race. 732
430 Same to same (No. 106) 1881. Feb. 22 Acts of the legislature of Liberia: Incloses two copies of; constitution so amended that the President shall be elected for four years; native representatives to be allowed to vote and receive compensation; missionaries to pay for necessaries the same ad valorem duties as others; minister at the request of American missionaries presented their views to the President and his cabinet; act to incorporate Methodist Episcopal Church, African. 733
431 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Smyth (No. 63). Feb. 28 Depredations on coast of Liberia: German steamer Carlos wrecked and plundered by Batteau Kroo-men; Germany sent a war vessel to assist Liberia in punishment of the offenders; this act of Germany should be considered as friendly to Liberia. 734
432 Mr. Smyth to Mr. Evarts (No. 107). Mar. 3 Outrages by Batteau Kroo-men: German steamer Carlos’ crew robbed; German war vessel demands that Liberian Government co-operate in punishment of the offenders’; agreement made to do so, and Liberia to pay an indemnity of $3,500; at the instance of Commander Valois minister took part in the conference. 734
433 Same to same (No. 112) Mar. 16 Outrages by Batteau Kroo-men: result of the agreement to punish the offenders; the town of Nanna-Kroo burned, and the king and five men taken prisoners to Monrovia, the king to be held as hostage until indemnity is paid. 735
434 Same to same (No. 116) Apr. 19 Outrages by Batteau Kroo-men: Minister took part in conference on steamer Carlos, at various, times giving views upon the legal and commercial bearings of the case; stated the attitude the United States would assume had the case affected an American vessel and crew; two of the culprits released to raise funds for indemnity. 736
435 Mr. Smyth to Mr. Blaine (No. 118). Apr. 25 Discrimination by Liberia against foreign merchants: Forbidding them to establish stores and factories at any places except at ports of entry, while natives may trade along the river; retards the development of trade; efforts should be made to change the laws on this subject. 737
436 Mr. Smyth to Mr. Blaine (No. 119). Apr. 28 Civilization of Africa: Circular on the subject by Secretary of State showing that effort to benefit certain tribes by means apart from secular agencies will be unsuccessful; they must be taught to provide for their material wants first before any benefit can be realized in the spiritual line. 738
437 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Smyth (No. 67). June 27 Restrictions by Liberian law of acquisition by aliens of citizenship and land outside of ports of entry; the questions of alien residence and commerce at points not ports of entry seem to be of interpretation rather than fundamental; the extension of American interests in Liberia should be fostered; not wise to propose admission of white aliens to citizenship; be silent on this point, but the rest of the subject may be made the basis of a private memorandum. 739
438 Mr. Smyth to Mr. Blaine (No. 144). Aug. 13 Commerce with foreigners: Views expressed to Secretary of State, discussing the objectionable features of the port of entry statute of 1865, the restriction upon leasing estates to foreigners, and the excessive duties on imports. 740


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
439 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Evarts (No. 121). 1880. Oct. 16 Victorio’s band of Indians, pursuit of, into Mexico: The President recommends allowing United States troops ninety days for such pursuit, the Mexican troops to be allowed on like terms to cross into United States; correspondence and extracts from newspapers relative to subject, also note of minister of foreign affairs; much opposition in the public press. 741
440 Same to same (No. 125) Oct. 27 Impressment of Americans into Mexican army: Demand made for instant release of Felipe Burnato, Santos Hernandez, Miguel Guerro, Manuel Guerro, and George Cimo, from Mexican army; indemnity for detention, and adoption of such measures as will prevent such occurrences in future. 747
441 Same to same (No. 127) Nov. 3 Victorio’s band of Indians: Foreign office reports defeat of, in Chihuahua, killing of seventy of his band, and capture of as many more, including Victorio; also the capture of other bands who have been depredating that country. 747
442 Same to same (No. 133) Nov. 13 Impressment of Americans into the Mexican army: The Mexican Government declares that any citizens of the United States who have been illegally impressed into the Mexican army have the courts of Mexico open, to whom they must apply for discharge. 748
443 Same to same (No. 140) Dec. 6 Depredations in Chihuahua by robbers: Continuance of, by Robert E. Martin and his band; when pursued they escape to American side; suggests co-operation of the two governments, by which pursuit of the band by Mexicans may be followed by United States troops. 750
444 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Morgan (No. 80). Dec. 8 Impressment of Americans into Mexican army: Mexican position that they must apply to courts of that republic for redress is not tenable; instances eases of Mexicans released from United States army during civil war; approves of minister’s protest and instructs him to press application for immediate release. 751
445 Mr. Hay to Mr. Morgan (No. 87). Dec. 22 Restrictions on American vessels by Mexican customs authorities: The repeated discriminations in favor of other nations a detriment to trade, and not in keeping with the repeated declarations of Mexico; a copy of a dispatch from United States Consul Turner; instructs him to call attention of Señor Mareshal to the necessity of correcting this abuse. 752
446 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Evarts (No. 114). Dec. 25 Impressment of Americans into the Mexican army: Felipe Burnato, Santos Hernandez, and Manuel Guerro were dismissed from the Mexican army in July, and that George Cino deserted in October; will press the claim for indemnity in future. 753
447 Same to same (No. 159) 1881. Jan. 28 Restrictions on American vessels by Mexican customs authorities: Note to foreign office on the subject; in an interview minister of foreign affairs seemed to appreciate the injury done to commerce by the exactions to which honest traders are subjected by the customs authorities so construing the treasury regulations as to impose frequent fines. 754
448 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Morgan (No. 99). Feb. 4 Depredations by outlaws from the American side: While the United States has in all cases made all efforts to arrest and punish Martin and his band, yet, as these outrages are committed on both sides of the frontier, it is thought that the concurrent action of both governments would be more effective in checking this evil. 756
449 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 112). Mar. 14 Impressment of Americans into Mexican army: Suggestion of Vice-Consul Schuchardt that Mexican Government should indemnify impressed persons, or their representatives in case of their death, accords with sentiments of United States, and was exemplified by United States in late civil war. 757
450 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 183). Apr. 1 Impressment of Americans into the Mexican army: Pressed upon the Mexican Government that it was not only a violation of the laws of nations, but also of the treaty; in relation to the amount of indemnity, requests that the Department instruct him oh that point. 759
451 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 124). Apr. 28 Indians fleeing from Mexican troops: Inclosing letter from Secretary of War relative to co-operation of United States troops if hostile Indians are driven north; desire of United States to punish offenders and keep peace, as far as she can, along the frontier. 759
452 Same to same (No. 133) June 1 Policy of the United States towards Mexico; its friendly character: The political prosperity of Mexico and the cordiality of the relations between the two republics inspire the hope that American capital and Skilled labor may find an ample field in the development of the great resources of Mexico; instructed to induce Mexico to encourage this spirit. 761
453 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 208). June 15 Restrictions on American vessels by Mexican customs authorities: Incloses Mr. Mariscal’s note to the minister, and of secretary of Hacienda’s note to Mr. Mariscal, in which a discussion of the general subject complained of is not made, but only the special cases referred to as illustrations; in each case either justifying the action of the authorities or raising an issue of fact. 763
454 Mr. Blame to Mr. Morgan (No. 138). June 16 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Friendly feeling of United States towards the contending parties; trusts Mexico will not attempt to settle the dispute by force; United States would regard such an act as unfriendly to the plan of building up republican governments in Spanish America. 766
455 Same to same (No. 142) June 21 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: United States protests against any violation by Mexico of the integrity of Guatemala; good feeling between Mexico and United States will be fortified by an avowal by the former that its policy is not one of conquest. 768
456 Same to same (No. 143) June 21 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Probability that if pressed to extremities Guatemala may cede territory to European power; Mexico should not overlook this consideration. 770
457 Same to same (telegram) June 23 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: United States tenders its good offices; minister to co-operate with Guatemalan minister. 770
458 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 144). June 23 Impressment of American citizens into the Mexican army: The Department is unable to lay down any fixed rule tor determination of amount of damages to be claimed as indemnity for such impressment; each case should be determined by its own facts, taking into view the different personal and business interests affected. 771
459 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 217). June 29 Railroad bridge across the Rio Grande at Laredo, Tex.: Incloses correspondence relative to, showing the joint assent of Mexico and United States to the crossing of the same, subject to the sanction of Congress and the rights of Texas. 771
460 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 152). July 11 Death of General Canales, of the Mexican army: Department of Texas, United States Army, directed assistance of United States forces at the funeral ceremonies of General Canales. 772
461 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 232). July 12 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Informed minister of foreign affairs of the request of Guatemala for good to offices of the United States for restoration of cordial relations between Mexico and Guatemala; assured him of good feeling of United States to both countries; he replied that there was no call for arbitration of question between his government and Guatemala; that there was no question of bad faith between the parties as to completing the work of the convention. Mr. Herrera, minister from Guatemala, insists that there is practically war between the two republics. 773
462 Same to same (No. 240) July 19 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Señor Mariscal informed of views of the Department; he contends that Mexico is the aggrieved party; that Guatemala’s troops illegally invaded Mexican territory and committed acts of vandalism, and while pretending to negotiate for settlement of boundary secretly sought interference of United States; Mexican troops sent to retake territory invaded; no purpose of conquest by Mexico. 775
463 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 156). July 27 Proposed extension of the “Zona Libre”: Incloses petition of citizens of Texas to Senator Maxey, opposing the extension of the “Zona Libre” so as to include El Paso. Mexico; instructed to bring facts of petition discreetly to attention of Mexican Government. 778
464 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blame (No. 242). July 30 Concessions for railways: A list of, made to Americans by the President, subject to ratification by the Mexican Congress; all the companies are Mexican, and must submit all differences to Mexican tribunals without appeal; it is not probable that any of them will be worth spending any money upon. 780
465 Same to same (No. 245) Aug. 4 Death of General Servando Canales: Minister to Mr. Mariscal; communication of War Department relative to, and copy of Mr. Mariscal’s note acknowledging the demonstration made by United States in honor of General Canales. 781
466 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 158). Aug. 5 Extension of the “Zona Libre”: Papers relating to, inclosed. 782
467 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 247). Aug. 5 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Inclosing documents vindicating position of Mexico; Mexico not disposed to accept arbitration of dispute. 784
468 Same to same (No. 252) Aug. 11 Impressment of Americans into the Mexican army: Difficulties in the presentation of claim for damages; the failure of the men to personally demand it; want of facts in cases from which to make an estimate of; question in case of Burnato as to his citizenship; his communication to United States Consul Schuchardt. 791
469 Same to same (No. 253) Aug. 11 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Plan for settlement of, by submission to President of United States, favorably received by Mexico. 794
470 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 163). Aug. 18 Extension of the “Zona Libre”: Transmits, for minister’s further information, copy of a letter from Senator Coke presenting considerations against the proposed extension. 797
471 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 258). Aug. 24 Franco-Egyptian Bank of Paris: Proposes to establish a branch in Mexico, entitled “Banco Nacional Mexicano”; concession for, obtained from the President; it will be opposed in Congress; no security for bank’s compliance with provisions of its concessions; it may issue sixty millions of paper; none of its assets are taxable; its bills, except those of the Monte de Piedad, are the only paper money which the government can receive. Suggested as better plan to invite capital from United States. 798
472 Same to same (No. 259) Aug. 25 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Rumor that Mexico is offended at Guatemala’s attempt to secure the mediation of the United States; Mexico prefers war to arbitration of the difference; Señor Mariscal offers Guatemala settlement by cession from Guatemala of territory to Mexico, the latter paying indemnity therefor; General Herrera’s mistakes have neutralized the efforts of Mr. Morgan. 801
473 Same to same (No. 260) Aug. 25 Extension of the “Zona Libre”: A petition, in favor of, presented to the President; it will have to be consented to by Congress; no conclusion arrived at yet. 803
474 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 167). Aug. 31 Indian depredations in Sonora and Chihuahua: Governor of Arizona suggests to the Secretary of the Interior co-operation for suppressing the Indian troubles in the border districts. 803
475 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 268). Sept. 1 Franco-Egyptian Bank of Paris: Incloses part of article from the Nacional, semi-official newspaper, in support of the minister’s statements of the jealousy there against the employment of American capital, and fears of American influence. 805
476 Mr. Hitt to Mr. Morgan (No. 174). Sept. 15 Extension of the “Zona Libre”: Satisfaction of the United States to learn that there is no likelihood of such extension. 805
477 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 273). Sept. 22 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Interviews with General Herrera and Señor Mariscal relative to; the indisposition of Mexico to encourage the investment of American capital; extracts from Mexican papers inclosed. 806
478 Same to same (No. 287) Oct. 6 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: General Herrera instructed to ask Mexican Government the meaning of the armed force concentrating on the Guatemala frontier; Señor Mariscal stated that the troops were there to protect from invasion, and to recover possession of territory which Guatemala had taken from Mexico some months ago. 810
479 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Morgan (No. 179). Oct. 8 Discrimination against American trade in ports of Mexico: Cases of Mr. Ramirez and the German barks Jupiter and Carolina establish the charge of discrimination, despite of declarations of minister of hacienda. 811
480 Mr. Morgan to Mr. Blaine (No. 297). Nov. 2 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Unsatisfactory interview between General Herrera and President Gonzales; failure of Mr. Morgan to induce minister of foreign affairs to discuss the question; action of United States in offering mediation deemed as a menace to Mexico despite nil efforts to correct that feeling. 812
481 Same to same (No. 304) Nov. 9 Boundary dispute between Guatemala: Mr. Herrera negotiating with Señor Mariscal for sett lenient of; suggestion to Guatemala that if it was in earnest in asking for assistance of United States, it should do nothing until that proffered assistance had been acted upon. 813
482 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morgan (No. 198). Nov. 28 Boundary dispute between Guatemala and Mexico: Opposition of Mexico to mediation of the United States; review of the situation; Mexico urged to consent to the mediation of the United States. 814

correspondence with the legation of mexico at washington.

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
483 Señor Navarro to Mr. Evarts. 1880. Nov. 13 Depredations by American outlaws: Complaint by governor of Chihuahua that the colonists of Ascension continue to suffer from; trusts the Department will be enabled to arrest and punish the offenders. 817
484 Same to same Nov. 16 Disturbances in districts on Rio Grande border: Firing across by officers at Laredo; the remedy applied by Mexican Government when firing was from Mexican side, that of forbidding of firing across the river. 819
485 Same to same Nov. 30 Treaty of navigation and commerce between United States and Mexico: To be terminated November 30, 1881; notification of. 820
486 Mr. Evarts to Señor Navarro. Dec. 3 Depredations in Chihuahua by American outlaws: Fresh outrages upon citizens of, by marauders under Robert E. Martin; no time shall be lost in adopting means to destroy the band. 821
487 Same to same Dec. 6 Treaty of navigation and commerce between Mexico and the United States: Acknowledges receipt of note of the desire of Mexico to terminate said treaty after the 30th day of November, 1881. 821
488 Mr. Hay to Señor Navarro Dec. 22 Depredations in Chihuahua by outlaws from United States: Incloses letter from governor of Texas, with accompaniment, relative to complaint that Robert Martin’s band committing outrages on both frontiers. 821
489 Señor Navarro to Mr. Evarts Dec. 27 Depredations in Chihuahua: Continued robberies at Ascension and Janos by band of thieves led by Robert E. Martin; unless United States and Mexican Governments cooperate to punish the offenders it is feared that the residents of those places will cross the line and undertake the punishment of the outlaws. 823
490 Mr. Evarts to Señor Navarro. 1881. Jan. 3 Depredations by Robert Martin’s band: Secretary of Interior has instructed governor of Arizona to find Out Martin’s hiding place, and, if in that Territory, to break up his gang of outlaws. 823
491 Same to same Jan. 14 Depredations in Mexico by Robert Martin’s band: Complaints relative to, referred to governor of Texas, with instructions to arrest and punish the guilty parties. 824
492 Same to same Jan. 29 Firing across the Rio Grande: Complaint that populace of Laredo resort to, at escaping prisoners; reply that steps have been taken to put a stop to the practice. 824
493 Señor Navarro to Mr. Evarts. Feb. 10 Treaty of naturalization between Mexico and the United States: Notification of Mexico’s desire to terminate. 825
494 Mr. Evarts to Señor de Zamacona. Feb. 19 Naturalization treaty of July 10, 1868: Notice of desire of Mexico that the same shall be terminated at the expiration of twelve months, per Art. V, of said treaty, duly noted by United States. 825
495 The President of the United States to the President of Mexico. Mar. 5 Submarine cable between Mexico and the United States: Cordial congratulations of the President and people of the United States to the President and people of Mexico upon the successful completion of the cable connection of the telegraph system of the two countries. 825
496 Señor de Zamacona to Mr. Blaine. Apr. 13 Depredations in Sonora by outlaws from Arizona: Insecurity of border districts of Sonora and Arizona; incloses report on that subject; importance of speedy measures for repression of robbery in the region in question, both in the interest of peace and trade between the two republics. 826
497 Mr. Blaine to Señor de Zamacona. Apr. 19 Depredations in Sonora by outlaws from Arizona: Note relative to, has been sent to Secretary of Interior, and for such further action as he and governor of Arizona may be able to pursue. 827
498 Señor de Zamacona to Mr. Blaine. Apr. 19 Disturbances in districts on the border of the Rio Grande: Common occurrence of, calculated to stimulate the zeal of both governments to use all possible means to afford greater security to the inhabitants of; Onofrio Baca hung by mob, having been arrested by a Texan constable on Mexican side without compliance with formalities of extradition treaty; trusts Texan police may be made to respect the requirements of treaty. 827
499 Mr. Blaine to Señor de Zamacona. Apr. 28 Depredations in Sonora by outlaws from Arizona: The Secretary of Interior has requested the governor of Arizona to exert all means within his power to suppress such. 829
500 Same to same May 3 Disturbance in the districts of the Rio Grande: United States will heartily co-operate with Mexico in measures to impart greater security to the inhabitants of the Rio Grande border; the governor of Texas is to issue orders to commander of Texas forces to prevent such abuses as case of Captain Gillett illustrates. 829
501 Señor de Zamacona to Mr. Blaine. May 24 Depredations by American Indians: A fruitful cause of, is the granting them licenses to make raids beyond the limits of their reservations; correspondence relative to band of Mescalero Indians, who will probably depredate in Chihuahua; trusts United States will take energetic steps to remedy the evil. 829
502 Same to same June 6 Depredations in Mexico by cattle thieves from Texas: Frequency of, in the State of Chihuahua; life and property is still insecure in the frontier districts; calls for additional action, as the attempts of the Mexicans to recover their stolen property may result in an international conflict; apathy of the local authorities. 831
503 Mr. Blaine to Señor de Zamacona. June 27 Depredations by American Indians improperly on leave of absence from their reservations: The Secretary of the Interior has been asked to adopt needful precautions against such occurrences. 833
504 Same to same July 5 Depredations by cattle thieves from Texas: Advises him that the Department has instructed Interior Department and governor of Texas to take measures to correct such abuses. 833
505 Señor de Zamacona to Mr. Blaine. July 18 Depredations by American Indians: Band of Mescaleros entered and committed robberies and murders in the state of Chihuahua; hopes that practice of granting leaves of absence to Indians on the reservation will be stopped. 834
506 Same to same July 25 Disturbances in the districts on the Rio Grande: Caused by the practice of Texas police officers crossing the boundary line and making arrests without complying with the formalities required by the extradition treaty; like action of sheriff of’ Arizona; a formal demand for the punishment of the officers who may be guilty of such acts. 837
507 Mr. Blaine to Señor de Zamacona. July 26 Depredations by American Indians: On leave of absence from their reservations; matter has been referred to the Secretary of the Interior for such action as may properly be taken in the case. 838
508 Same to same Aug. 2 Disturbances in the districts on the Rio Grande: A sheriff from Arizona crossing into Mexico and capturing a fugitive; the Secretary of the Interior has been requested to direct the Territorial authorities to cause the punishment of the guilty parties. 838
509 Señor de Zamacona to Mr. Blaine. Aug. 8 Depredations by American Indians: The alarming increase of the depredations of the Indians in the frontier districts; confirming the statements of previous notes touching the location and management of certain Indians; Mexico has been obliged to organize military organization on a large scale against the Indians. 838
510 Señor de Zamacona to Mr. Blaine. Aug. 8 Hanging of two Mexicans in Arizona: Sheriff of Pima County justifying the deed; this is a gross violation of’ treaty rights of Mexicans in Arizona; requests a speedy investigation of the outrage. 840
511 Same to same Aug. 15 Depredations by American cattle thieves: Incloses an article from Daily Arizona Citizen, and telegram from Mexican consul at Tucson relative to injuries to citizens of Mexico by bands organized on American side; asks for prompt steps to check this evil. 841
512 Mr. Hitt to Señor de Zamacona. Aug. 16 Disturbances in the districts of the Rio Grande: Crossing into Mexico by a sheriff and arresting of a fugitive criminal; informs him that the governor of Arizona has been instructed to investigate the matter and cause the punishment of the guilty parties. 842
513 Señor de Zamacona to Mr. Blaine. Aug. 18 Depredations by cowboys from America: Robbery of Mexicans on the way to Arizona; local police fail to take any action in the cases; trusts the Department will use all vigor allowed by law against the outlaws who have rendered property on both sides of the frontier insecure. 842
514 Same to same Aug. 18 Disturbances in the districts of the Rio Grande: Satisfaction at the instruction given to the governor of Arizona to investigate abuses complained of, of officers making arrests On the Mexican side. 843
515 Same to same Aug. 18 Depredations by Indians improperly on leave from their reservations: Case where permission was given to enable, them to cross into Mexico; murders and robberies by. 844
516 Mr. Blame to Señor de Zamacona. Aug. 29 Disturbances in the districts of the Rio Grande: The hanging of Mexicans in Arizona; governor of Arizona has been instructed to investigate that matter and cause the offenders to be brought to trial; and governor to take steps to promote vigilance in the border counties to suppress the lawlessness complained of in notes of the 15th and 18th. 845
517 Mr. Hitt to Señor de Zamacona. Sept. 27 Disturbances in the districts on the Rio Grande: Alleged arrest of criminal by a sheriff of Arizona; incloses a letter from the acting governor of Arizona, in which it is stated that proper steps would be taken to ascertain the facts of the complaint. 846

the netherlands.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
518 Mr. Birney to Mr. Blaine (No. 178). 1881. April 4 Peace negotiations of 1783: The result of his investigation that the flag of the United States received the first salute from an official of the Dutch Republic, and that that Republic was the first Republic to send an ambassador to the United States, he being accredited before the treaty of peace; gives an account of his presentation and retention. 847
519 Same to same (No. 179) April 11 First salute to the flag of the United States: An account of, with papers relating to; it was given November 16, 1776, by order of the commander of a Dutch fort on the island of St. Eustatius. 851
520 Mr. Birney to Mr. Blaine (No 187). July 14 Interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama: A joint guaranty by European powers of neutrality of; minister of foreign affairs informed as to policy of United States on that subject; the Netherlands have not been approached on that subject, and that it would not be a party to any arrangement prejudicial to United States. 855
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
521 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Christiancy (No. 109). 1880. Nov. 27 Neutrals: Protection of lives and property of, in the event of an attack by the Chilians upon Lima; gives text of Department’s telegram of 19th instant to legatin at Santiago. 855
522 Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Evarts (No. 230). 1881. Jan. 22 Capture of Lima by the Chilians: Dangerous position and undignified movements of the diplomatic corps on the occasion; conduct of the Chilians in and around Lima; refugees in legation; outrages to property under protection of United States legation at Lima resulting from conduct of United States minister at Santiago and consul at Lambayeque; Piérola, the only government of Peru, is a fugitive; Chilians would like him to come back to treat for peace. 856
523 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Christiancy (No. 119). Jan. 25 Neutrals: Jeopardization of lives and property of, by Peru, in sending adrift vessels loaded with explosive materials; instructed to remonstrate if he shall ascertain that such course has been pursued by Peru. 857
524 Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Evarts (No. 237). Feb. 2 Account of occupation of Lima by the Chilians: Events and outrages previous and subsequent thereto; Chilian commander doing all in his power to restrain lawlessness; Peruvian rabble incensed at action of neutrals in the interest of order; peace question; Chilians embarrassed by their victory; no government of Peru accessible to treat with; question as to responsibility for violation of armistice which resulted in battle of Miraflores; Chilians have declared unwillingness to accept mediation of a foreign government for peace. 858
525 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Christiancy (No. 123). Feb. 10 Desire of United States to bring about peace: Instructed to urge same upon Peruvian Government, and upon such Chilian officers as he may meet; Peruvians having evacuated Lima and Callao, Peru desires foreign aid in behalf of peace, as appears from a telegram just received from the Peruvian minister here. 862
526 Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Evarts (No. 240). Feb. 15 Neutral property: Destruction of, by Chilians when they wantonly burned the towns of Chorrillos, Barranco, and Miraflores; consequent claims; instructions as to course to pursue in regard to them requested; correspondence inclosed. 863
527 Same to same (No. 242) Feb. 16 Foreign mediation declined by Chili, who will not treat with Piérola until a note offensive to Chili written by his secretary to dean of diplomatic corps be withdrawn; Piérola a fugitive in the mountains; until he resigns none of the prominent men of Peru will assume reins of government; courts in Peru refuse to perform their functions; martial law has been established in consequence; commendable conduct of Chilians in Lima for preservation of order; Peru prostrate and under complete control of Chili; terms of peace will be such as Chili chooses to dictate; Peru will probably have to surrender a great deal more than Tarapaca; levying of forced contributions by Chilians; possibility of partitioning of Peru among her neighbors. Chili, Ecuador, and Brazil. 869
528 Same to same (No. 243) Feb. 19 Offensive note written by Piérola’s secretary which Chili insists on ‘being withdrawn, inclosed with comments; the note charges the Chilians with various misdeeds, the most important being perfidy in violating armistice and attacking the Peruvians at Miraflores; Mr. Christiancy thinks this charge not well founded, but believes in the others, viz, murdering of wounded Peruvians and destruction of towns. 871
529 Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Elaine (No. 245). Feb. 25 New government project: Prospects of success or failure; Chili has declined to treat with Piérola; position of Bolivia. 874
530 Same to same (No. 251). Mar. 8 Explosive materials: Practice of Preu in setting adrift vessels loaded with, to damage enemy’s cruisers; knows of only three such cases; in none of them was neutral commerce jeopardized; particulars given; reply to No. 119. 876
531 Mr. Christiancy to to Mr. Blaine (No. 253). Mar. 8 Mediation of the United States: Cannot urge same upon Chilian authorities because Chili has decided to accept ho foreign mediation and will not treat with Piérola; explains why he did not advise Department by telegraph of fall of Lima. 877
532 Same to same (No. 254) Mar. 9 New government project: Failure of; Piérola has called election of a Congress to be held in June next; Chilians, are exacting war contributions from Peruvians; injustice of doctrine of war contributions, especially as practiced by Chilians; rumored vandalistic intentions of Chilians; rapine and bloodshed vehemently advocated by most influential portion of Chilian press; circular issued by Piérola deprecatory of Chili, and orders of Chili as to war contributions, inclosed. 878
533 Same to same Mar. 16 Vandalism of Chili in taking away from Peru works of art, libraries, laboratories, &c., reported: Mr. Christiancy would like to protest; motives which have prevented him from doing so. 884
534 Same to same (No.257) Mar. 16 New government project: Revival and success of; formation of a new provisional government; F. G. Calderon, president, M. M. Galvez, minister for foreign affairs; newspaper accounts inclosed; question as to recognition of new government submitted. 885
535 Same to same (No. 261) Mar. 21 Foreign mediation: Indisposition of Chili to accept same; her apparent determination to make Peru suffer the utmost of national humiliation; foreign intervention the only thing that can prevent this determination; injurious to the interests of neutrals to have Peru humiliated; has informed Chili of the desire of the United States to bring about a lasting peace; reply to No. 123. 885
536 Same to same (No. 263) Mar. 22 Vandalism of Chilians in taking from Peru works of art, &c.: Letter from Peruvian librarian reporting and deprecating same inclosed. 886
537 Same to same (No. 264) Mar. 23 Views of the United States in regard to accomplishment of peace communicated to new government: Recognition of new government; has informed new minister for foreign affairs that new government will be recognized by United States as soon as by people of Peru; J. M. Cantuarias has been sent to United States as envoy of new government. 887
538 Same to same (No. 265) Mar. 23 Vandalism of Chilians in taking works of art, &c., from Peru: Newspaper article vindicating same inclosed. 888
539 Same to same (No. 266) Mar. 23 War contribution exacted from Peru by Chili: Steps taken by new government for payment of; time extended by Chili; new government has called upon the people for loan of the money; terms of loan; provisions for its reimbursement; hardly probable that it will be voluntary; likely that it will be forced. 889
540 Same to same (No. 273) Mar. 31 New government seems unlikely to be accepted by people of Peru. 890
541 Same to same (No. 276) Apr. 4 Vandalism of the Chilians: Modifies statement contained in his No. 256. 891
542 Same to same (No. 277) Apr. 4 War contribution: Proposed exaction of, from Americans; denies right of Peru to make such exaction; has advised Americans if they pay at all to pay under protest; new government has thus far lost rather than gained in popular favor; provinces on which it relied for support adhere to Piérola. 891
543 Same to same (No. 278). Apr. 5 Confederation between belligerents: Advocacy of, by Chilian press of Lima and its motives; impracticability of such confederation. 893
544 Same to same (No. 282) Apr. 13 Forced loans: Non-liability of Americans in Peru to payment of; instructions to consular agent at Pacasmayo, in the sense of legation’s dispatch No. 277, inclosed. 893
545 Same to same (N o. 283) Apr. 13 Calderon’s government: majority or people opposed to; if said government had been formed without the appearance of support of the Chilians it would probably have been accepted; this government favors peace; Piérola is for continuance of war. 895
546 Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Blaine (No. 285). Apr. 17 Progress of war: Reasons for supposing that Chili intends to attempt conquest and annexation of the whole of Peru; Piérola is keeping up a show of government in his mountain asylum. 895
547 Same to same (No. 286). Apr. 19 Political: Chilian newspaper article on situation in Peru, which strengthens suspicions set forth in his No. 285 regarding acquisitionary designs of Chili, inclosed. 898
548 Same to same May 4 Wretched condition of Peru: Subjugatory designs of Chili; their realization will injuriously affect our trade; Great Britain’s control of South American trade; how United States might gain control; recommends annexation of Peru by United States. 899
549 Same to same (No. 292) May 5 Miraflores: Breach of armistice at; statement of diplomatic corps inclosed, from which Mr. Christiancy deduces that Chilians are responsible therefor. 905
550 Same to same (No. 295) May 8 War contributions: Peruvian authorities at Pascamayo have desisted from levying same on United States citizens. 906
551 Same to same (No. 296) May 9 Annexation of Peru to Chili: The latter has declared her intention to annex all the western part of Peru; foreign intervention the only means to prevent it; no power will intervene unless it be the United States. 907
552 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Christiancy (No. 143). May 9 Calderon government: Authorizes recognition of 909
553 Same to same (No. 144) May 12 Forced loans: Non-liability of Americans in Peru to: his views as reported in his No. 282 approved. 909
554 Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Blaine (No. 301). May 17 Calderon government: Rumor of recognition of, by United States; asks if it is correct. 909
555 Same to same (No. 302) May 17 Calderon government is gaining strength: Probable that Chili does not intend to occupy Peru; if Calderon gets Congress together Mr. Christiancy will recognize his government. 910
556 Same to same (No. 305). May 23 Movements of Chilian troops: Information as to Piérola’s whereabouts and doings. 911
557 Same to same (No. 310). May 27 Recognition of Calderon government: Note to Calderon’s minister of foreign affairs, explaining attitude of the United States in regard to the recognition question, inclosed; Piérola’s doings. 912
558 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hurlbut (No. 2). June 15 Peace question: Instructed to encourage Peruvians to accept reasonable conditions, and to impress upon Chilian authorities in Peru the advantages of liberal treatment of Peru by their government; course which Peru should pursue so as to avoid loss of territory in indemnification of Chili; directed to aid Peru in pursuing this course; United States would assist the execution of any satisfactory plan for satisfying Chili’s demands by means of money; No. 2 to legation at Santiago inclosed. 914
559 Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Blame (No. 319). June 16 Recognition of Calderon government: Difficulties in the way of, set forth. 915
560 Same to same (No. 320) June 21 Calderon government: Recognition of; discussion of question; reasons for withholding recognition; Chili’s policy is subjugation; Calderon government not yet a government de facto. 917
561 Same to same (No. 322) June 28 Recognition, note of, addressed to Calderon’s minister of foreign affairs, inclosed: Obedience to instructions and desire to avoid personal criticism caused him to recognize the Calderon government, which is not yet worthy of recognition. 919
562 Same to same (No. 327) July 6 Recognition of Calderon government was premature: Additional reasons for thinking so; Mr. Christiancy, however, justifies his act of recognition on the ground that it was in obedience to Department’s orders. 920
563 Same to same (No. 330) July 12 Political organization of Calderon government: Meeting of Congress; continuation of Mr. Calderon as president until election of a successor; circular announcing same inclosed. 920
564 Mr. Hurlbut to Mr. Blaine (No. 2). Aug. 10 Political and military situation of Peru: Preparations for peace negotiations between Chili and Peru; policy of Chili; Mr.Hurlbut urges that the. United States intervene to prevent disintegration of Peru; letter to United States minister at Santiago, stating situation of affairs and suggesting course which should be pursued, inclosed. 921
565 Mr. Hurlbut to Mr. Blaine (No. 5). Aug. 17 Interruption of negotiations: Sudden departure of Chilian negotiator; urges that the United States intervene; such intervention necessary, and would be welcomed by both parties; supposed intention of Chilians to evacuate Lima, and leave it to be plundered by the mob; Piérola is still issuing proclamations. 925
566 Same to same Aug. 24 Peace question: Chili becoming more moderate in her demands; fear of the United States the cause; urges that the United States intervene; such intervention necessary to prevent disintegration of Peru, and would be accepted by both belligerents. 925
567 Same to same (No. 8). Aug. 27 Memorandum given by him to commander of Chilian forces in Peru, setting forth views of the United States, and its adverseness to disintegration of Peru, inclosed; good effect produced by the memorandum. 926
568 Same to same (No. 11) Sept. 13 Reconciliation: Negotiations between Calderon government and Pierola’s generals of the north and center for; inhuman decrees of Pierola; correspondence with Pierola’s secretary inclosed; Mr. Hurlbut tells him that Pierola’s government does not merit recognition, and that Calderon’s does; that Chili will recognize any government in Peru that will agree to cede Tarapacá, and that Calderon’s government will not so agree; we ought not to permit prolonged occupancy of Peru by Chilian forces. 928
569 Same to same Sept. 14 Political situation: Report of J. W. Quimper on, inclosed, with commendation. 931
570 Same to same (No. 14) Sept. 21 Intervention: Specific instruction as to course to be pursued by him, requested; we have precluded European interference, and if we do not interfere ourselves Peru will be obliged to cede Tarapacá; deprecates such cession; possibility of war between Chili and Argentine Republic; intention of Chili to maintain” a large army and navy during the coming year. 933
571 Same to same (No. 16) Oct. 4 Suppression of Calderon government by military order: Correspondence between Admiral Lynch and Calderon; Peruvian treasury seized by military authorities of Chili; review of establishment and recognition of the Calderon government and the history of the war; evident that the aim of the war on part of Chili was to acquire the nitrate and guano territory of both Bolivia and Peru. 935
572 Same to same (No. 19) Oct. 5 Naval and coaling stations at Chimbote: Protocol signed September 20 granting privileges to the United States inclosed; railroad grant obtained for himself from Peru reported on. 938
573 Same to same (No. 20). Oct. 13 Political: Arequipa and Puno declare for Calderon; center and north expected to do so; Calderonmay move out of Chilian lines; notnecessary for Mr. H. to follow; the opportunity is open for the United States to settle the war. 940
574 Same to same (No. 21) Oct. 13 Peace conference: Two Chilian commissioners on their way to Lima; they will hold to the old claim of territorial cession, and conference will be useless unless arbitration be urged and accepted; illness of General Kilpatrick. 941
575 Same to same (No. 23) Oct. 26 Peace question: Publication and misinterpretation in Chili of the statement of our policy which Mr. Hurlbut gave to Admiral Lynch; vindicates the statement; has succeeded in uniting factions in Peru in support of Calderon; urges early intervention by the United States. 942
576 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hurlbut (Telegram). Oct. 31 Calderon government: “Continue to recognize Calderon government until otherwise specially instructed: acknowledge receipt.” 945
577 Mr. Hurlbut to Mr. Blaine (No. 24). Oct. 31 Peace question: All the Peruvian military forces have recognized Calderon; this unification of Peru in face of opposition of European powers is gratifying as being a successful issue of one of the objects of Mr. Hurlbut’s mission; condemns action of Chili for suppression of Calderon government; it is motived by declension of Calderon to comply with Chili’s demand for cession of territory as a Condition precedent to peace negotiations. 945
578 Mr. Hurlbut to Mr. Blaine (No. 26). Nov. 9 Political: Arrest of President Calderon and his secretary of state; particulars of; popularity of Calderon government and its unwillingness to cede territory to Chili the main motives; another motive was to rebuke the United States; secret negotiations have been opened by Chili with Pierola; armed occupation until government can be framed which will cede territory is Chili’s policy. 947
579 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hurlbut (No. 19). Nov. 22 Peace question: Disapproves memorandum addressed by him to Admiral Lynch, and his note to Piérola’s secretary, and the convention he concluded for establishment of naval stations at Chimbote, and his telegram to legation at Buenos Ayres requesting that a minister be sent by Argentine Republic to Peru; instructed to recognize Calderon government, or, if none such exist, to remain inactive at Lima until receipt of further instructions; in view of differences between him and his colleague at Santiago a special envoy will be sent to arrange settlement of peace question. 948
580 Mr. Hurlbut to Mr. Blaine (No. 29). Nov. 23 Indefinite military occupation of Peru the evident purpose of Chili: Injuriousness of such policy to Chilian and American, as well as Peruvian interests; unification of factions in support of Calderon government. 951
581 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hurlbut (telegram). Nov. 26 Peace question: “Special envoy leaves Washington for Peru immediately; continue recognition of Calderon government. 953
582 Same to same (No. 21). Nov. 30 Relieves him of negotiations for settlement of peace question: Informs him as to appointment and powers of Mr. Trescot and Mr. Walker Blaine to conduct such negotiations; he will be expected to aid this special commission. 953
583 Mr. Hurlbut to Mr. Blaine (No. 30). Nov. 30 Political assumption of executive functions by Vice-President Montero in consequence of arrest of President Calderon, and recognition of Montero by Mr. Hurlbut reported; will take no further action until arrival of special commission. 954
584 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Hurlbut (No. 25). Dec. 3 Coaling stations: Strongly disapproves protocol concluded by him with Calderon government for cession of such stations to the United States, and rebukes him for concluding it; railway grant; severely reprimands him for obtaining same for himself from Peru; reply to No. 19. 955

correspondence with the legation of peru at washington.

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
585 Señor Calderon to Mr. Evarts. 1880. Nov. 5 Responsibility of the war and its attendant horrors: Circular exonerating Peru from, and charging Chili with, and condemning Chili’s methods and motives; proctocols of proceedings of peace conference inclosed. 958
586 Señor Garcia to Mr. Evarts. Dec. 18 Peace negotiations under auspices of United States: Circular of his government exonerating Peru from, and charging Chili with, blame for failure of inclosed. 961
587 Señor Elmore to Mr. Blaine. 1881. May 4 Calderon government: Recognition of, requested; copy of his credentials inclosed; Peru desires intervention of United States for restoration of peace. 963
588 Mr. Blaine to Señor Elmore Aug. 27 Recognition of Mr. Elmore: Credentials may be presented at a future time; will be informally recognized if he will deliver office copy of his credentials. 966
589 Señor Elmore to Mr. Blaine Aug. 29 Recognition of Mr. Elmore as minister resident of Peru: Note of 27th ultimo acknowledged; thanks for recognition; copy of his credentials inclosed. 966
590 Mr. Blaine to Señor Elmore. Aug. 31 Recognition of Mr. Elmore: Copy of credentials received; trust to be able before long to arrange for his presentation to the President; reply to note of 29th instant. 967
Señor Elmore to Mr. Blaine. Oct. 21 Peace question: Suppression of Calderon government by Chili reported and vehemently denounced: formally applies for intervention of the United States for restoration of peace; without such intervention peace will be impossible; commends course which has been pursued by the United States; newspaper articles inclosed. 968
592 Same to same Oct. 27 Suppression of Calderon’s government attempted by Chili: iniquitous proceedings; Calderon intends to resist; his refusal to cede Tarapacá has caused this attempt on part of Chili; urges intervention of United States; explanatory documents inclosed; armies of the north and south have declared for Calderon. 971
593 Same to same Nov. 18 Peace question: Resolute intervention of United States necessary for just solution of; will shortly furnish Department with an expose of the political situation in Peru. 975
594 Same to the President Nov. 19 Audience of the President requested for the purpose of pleading in behalf of Peru. 976


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
595 Mr. Moran to Mr. Blaine (No. 380). 1881. July 25 American pork importation: Impressed upon Portugal the necessity of abrogating the decree against, not only on account of its being an injury to the trade of United States, but a deprivation of a good article of food to Italy. 976


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
596 Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Evarts (No. 10). 1880. Sept. 17 Hereditary and collateral title to the Roumanian throne under the constitution: Question of the successor to the reigning prince, he having no direct issue; Prince Charles Antoine of Hohenzollern to be designated; consent of the Emperor of Germany. 979
597 Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Blaine (No. 50). 1881. Mar. 26 Kingdom of Roumania: By a unanimous vote of both chambers Roumania proclaimed a kingdom, and Prince Charles has taken the title of King; this step was brought about by the liberals; univeral feeling is that by this act greater stability has been given to the independence and institutions of the country; incloses correspondence relating to. 979
598 Same to same (No. 51) Mar. 30 Kingdom of Roumania: Note containing official notification of proclamation of, inclosed; Belgium the only power that has recognized the change of title; recognition by other powers with probably soon follow; enthusiasm of the populace continues. 983
599 Same to same (No. 57) Apr. 7 Kingdom of Roumania: Recognition of new title of the King by England and other powers; congratulations of President of the United States presented; the King expressed thanks for the prompt action of the United States; letter of the King announcing his assumption of the title of King inclosed. 984
600 Same to same (No. 62) Apr. 20 Aliens’ rights in Roumania: Law to expel from the country foreigners who may compromise public order, passed at the suggestion of Austria and Russia on account of the assassination of the Czar; article 6 requires foreign residents within ten days to procure tickets of residence; this is severely criticised. 985
601 Mr. Schuyler to Mr. Blaine (No. 69). May 26 Coronation festivities: King’s address on the occasion. 987
602 Same to same (No. 86) Sept 22 American pork importation: Decree prohibiting, from United States, England, Turkey, and Russia; its revocation depends on the action of Austria-Hungary; incloses decree; as but little pork is imported directly the question is not vital. 989


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
603 Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts (No. 48). 1880. Oct. 20 Treatment of Jews in Russia: Case of Marx Wilczynski, an American citizen, ordered to leave St. Petersburg because he was a Jew; correspondence relative to, inclosed. 990
604 Mr. Hay to Mr. Foster (No. 35). Oct. 22 Treatment of Americans of Hebrew faith: In case of Henry Pinko, it is hoped efforts will be pressed to successful establishment of principle of religious toleration for our citizens residing abroad, which United States has a deep interest in maintaining. 993
605 Mr. Foster to Mr. Evarts (No. 51). Nov. 8 Prosecution of Nihilists: Arraignment of sixteen persons for high treason; offenses which they are charged with, embracing all the principal events of past two years attributed to the Nihilists, culminating in the assassination of Prince Krapotkine and the attempts on the life of the Emperor; incloses substance of the indictment; most of the arraigned are young and of diverse religious beliefs. 993
606 Same to same (No. 56) Nov. 18 Prosecution of Nihilists: Two of them executed, and the others sentenced to the mines in Siberia, or to prison, for various terms; no extensive revolutionary organization, but much discontent among the people, due to high prices, de preciation of currency, and fear of famine from failure of crops. 995
607 Same to same (No. 66) Dec. 14 Favorable effect in Europe of President’s message: Wonder and praise expressed at the prosperous condition of political and financial affairs of the United States; while the governments of Europe are annually increasing their expenses, the United States are yearly reducing their debt at a rate unprecedented in history. 996
608 Same to same (No. 73) Dec. 30 Jews: Expulsion of, from chief cities of Russia; cases of Pinko and Wilczynski; Russia declines to abrogate its proscriptive laws against Jews; but will accord to American Jews all privileges accorded to other foreigners if the legation will ask for such in each case; Russia will grant as a favor what United States demand as a right. 996
609 Same to same (No. 74) Dec. 31 Jews: Expulsion of from chief cities of Russia; incloses letter from United States legation at Berlin, that Wilczynski does not wish United States intervention for himself; his complaint is on account of the proscription of his race. 1004
610 Same to same (No. 75) Dec. 31 Jews in Russia: History and condition of; laws prohibiting entrance and residence of. 1005
611 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Foster (No. 55). 1881. Mar. 3 Treatment of Americans of Hebrew faith: Cases of Pinko and Wilczynski; United States ask treaty treatment for our citizens, not because they are Jews but because they are Americans; United States cannot regard a religious belief as a military offense to be dealt with under arbitrary methods incident to a “state of siege,” which should have no application to Americans peacefully sojourning in Russia, to which they owe no allegiance; urges effort to bring about personal freedom of all Americans that Russians have in United States. 1007
612 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Foster (telegram). Mar. 13 Assassination of Emperor Alexander: Sorrow and sympathy of the President and people of the United States at the. 1008
613 Mr. Foster to Mr. Blaine (No. 93). Mar. 14 Death of the Emperor Alexander II: Two bombs thrown, the second inflicting fatal injuries, of which he died at 3.35 the same day; Alexander has ascended the throne; a copy of his proclamation relative to, inclosed; the assassins arrested. 1008
614 Same to same (No. 94) Mar. 15 Death of the Emperor Alexander H: Minister sends note to Minister de Giers expressing sorrow and sympathy of the President and people of the United States for imperial family and people of Russia in their affliction; incloses Mr. Giers’s note informing the minister of the thanks of the Emperor for testimonial of sympathy by United States. 1009
615 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Foster (No. 60). Mar. 17 Assassination of the Emperor Alexander: A copy of the resolutions passed by the Senate of the United States on the death of the Emperor had been furnished his majesty’s minister, with an expression of the gratification of the United States Government at the spirit of the resolutions. 1010
616 Mr. Foster to Mr. Blaine (No. 97). Mar. 18 Death of the Emperor Alexander II: Minister of foreign affairs informed of the resolution of United States Senate on the death of the late Emperor, and which he promised to lay before His Majesty; his note communicating the acknowledgment of the Emperor. 1011
617 Same to same (No. 100) Mar. 25 Jews in Russia: In all cases of Jewish Americans appeal has been made that the treaty secures freedom to Americans sojourning in Russia, irrespective of religious belief. 1012
618 Same to same (No. 101) Mar. 28 Death of the Emperor Alexander II: Funeral services of, attended by the special representatives of all the crowned heads and governments of Europe. By an ukase of the Emperor his elder brother the Grand Duke Vladimir has been designated as regent in case of his death before the Czarewitch or the Emperor’s second son shall have attained their majority. 1013
619 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Foster (No. 67.) Apl. 13 Death of Emperor Alexander: The sentiments of respect and gratitude toward the late Emperor felt by government and people of United States for the course pursued by him towards United States when its national life was imperiled by civil strife; those who upheld the Union and those who were arrayed against it, join in equal gratitude to one who aided in saving all our people from the danger of foreign intervention. 1014
620 Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Blaine (No. 113) May 5 Reform measures: One party led by the Grand Duke Vladimir in favor of repression and coercion, the other under the leadership of General Melikoff in favor of further concessions to the people, and introduction of a partial representative government; the latter has been partially successful, and likely to continue so; measures for the relief of the enfranchised serfs; late Emperor’s plan for raising them to status of land proprietors; the requirement that all measures must have the assent of a majority of the ministers. 1015
621 Mr. Foster to Mr. Blaine (No. 118.) May 21 Persia, its relations with the United States: The ambassador extraordinary of, expressed regret that the United States does not maintain official relations with; thinks that a minister or chargé d’affaires could be maintained at no great expense. 1016
622 Same to same (No. 120) May 23 Reform measures: Political affairs in state of excitement owing to the autocratic character of the government; resignation of General Melikoff; General Ignatief his successor; he is unfriendly to foreign influence; doubt as to policy that will be pursued, owing to the censorship of the press and the privacy attending the deliberations of the council of ministers; prospect of good crops the most promising sign of relief. 1017
623 Same to same (No. 121) May 24 Jews in Russia: Persecution of; anti-Jewish riots in southern Russia; causes thereof; expulsion of a British subject; debate on it in Parliament. 1019
624 Mr. Foster to Mr. Blaine, (No. 135.) July 14 Foreign Jews in Russia: Sketch of laws relative to; statement of the case of Lewis Swissholn, a Russian Jew naturalized in England, who, visiting St. Petersburgh, was compelled by Russian authorities to leave Russia; the laws practically exclude Jewish citizens of the United States from Russia. 1022
625 Same to same (No. 136) July 14 Jews in Russia: Difficulty in sending full text of laws and stipulations relative to residence of, in; terms more favorable to American Jews than to other foreigners. 1026
626 Same to same (No. 139). July 19 Interoceanic canal across the isthmus: No proposition looking to a joint guarantee of the neutrality of the, had been submitted to the Russian Government, and that it had no knowledge of, and would not take the initiative in such a project. 1027
627 Mr. Foster to Mr. Blaine (No. 141). July 23 Naturalized citizens of the United States, of Russian origin: Delay and difficulty in cases of; the Russian Government discourages emigration, by the difficulties it puts in the way of passports, and the law prohibiting its subjects from becoming citizens of a foreign power; in the absence of a treaty of naturalization, legal emigration cannot take place in Russia; cites cases before the legation. 1028
628 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Foster (No. 87). July 29 Jews in Russia: Prohibition of residence of, in certain cities justified, because Russian law permits no native Jew to reside there; there were no lawful restrictions of Jews as to residence when treaty of 1832 was made; from 1784 to 1860 no trace of any restrictions to Jewish travel and residence; inadmissable that a domestic law restraining native Hebrews from residence in certain parts of Russia could operate to hinder an American; United States cannot accept any construction discriminating against any class of American citizens on acof their religious faith. 1038
629 Mr. Hoffman to Mr. Blame (No. 150). Aug. 29 Jews in Russia: Right of American Jews based on treaty of 1832, subject to submission to laws governing native Jews. 1036
630 Same to same (No. 162) Oct. 8 Jews in Russia: American Jews subject to the same laws as native Jews; commission appointed to examine the whole Jewish question. 1037

correspondence with the legation of russia at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
631 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Bartholomei. 1881. Mar. 15 Death of Emperor Alexander II: Senate resolution relative to. 1038
632 The Czar to the President Mar. 16 Death of Alexander II: Announcement of, and ascent to the throne of Alexander III. 1038
633 Mr. De Giers to Mr. Bartholomei. Mar. 16 Russia, policy under Alexander III: Circular relative to, by Russian foreign office. 1039
634 Mr. Bartholomei to Mr. Blaine. Mar. 17 Death of Alexander II: Thanks of Alexander III for sympathy of United States Senate. 1040
635 The Czar to the President. Mar. 18 Death of Alexander II, Thanks for sympathy of President and Senate of United States. 1040


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
636 Mr. Reed to Mr. Evarts (No. 39). 1880. Oct. 23 Religious toleration in Morocco: A note addressed to Morocco, and the answer of the Sultan to the memorandum addressed to him by diplomatic conference relative to religious liberty in his empire; while not very explicit, it seems to assure toleration. 1041
637 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Fairchild (No. 80). Nov. 12 American Jews in Morocco: Religious rights to be protected; consul at Tangier to aid the American Board of Religious Rights of, and report to American legation in Spain. 1043
638 Same to same (telegram) Dec 2 Interference by Spanish cruisers with American vessels: Department’s chagrin that complaints in regard to, have produced no result; United States anxious to know when answer may be expected. 1044
639 Mr. Fairchild to Mr. Evarts (No. 86). Dec. 2 Jews in Morocco: Acknowledges receipt of copy of Mr. Sanger’s letter to Mr. Evarts relating to treatment of; says that he will be of service to Jews who may apply to him; it cannot be expected to find more enlightened liberality in Morocco than is found in educated Europe. 1044
640 Same to same (No. 87) Dec. 4 Seizure and detention of American vessels: Minister informed of the disappointment of the United States at receiving no answer to its complaints of; Spanish government had ordered the Cuban authorities to make a thorough investigation in the matter; that as soon as it was concluded the United States would be at once informed. 1044
641 Same to same (No. 91) Dec. 16 Seizure and detention of American vessels: Investigation respecting, is about concluded; will show that the searches took place in Spanish waters, and in accordance with maritime and international law; the facts as foreshadowed in the investigation are essentially different from those laid before the United States. 1045
642 Same to same (No. 97) Dec. 29 Seizure and detention of American vessels: Thanks of Spain for prompt assurance given the Spanish minister of the falseness of the construction put upon words of the President’s message regarding the late firing upon American vessels by Spanish gunboats in Cuban waters. 1047
643 Same to same (No. 106). 1881. Jan. 17 The Jews in Morocco: Outrageous treatment of, by officials; failure of the Sultan to keep his promise makes it almost impossible to procure punishment of the guilty officials; the collective note relative to, addressed to the Sultan by diplomatic representatives. 1047
644 Same to same (No. 108). Jan. 29 Seizure and detention of American vessels: Result of the investigation of the facts as to, by Spanish gunboats near Cuba; all of the material statements made by those on board of the American vessels are flatly contradicted. 1049
645 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Fairchild (No. 111). Mar. 3 Firing on American vessels by Spanish gunboats: Contradiction between note of minister of state and masters of the vessels as to the position of the vessels; department awaits further reports as to; United States insists on a clear understanding as to the three-mile jurisdictional limit relative to the right of search. 1051
646 Mr. Reed to Mr. Blaine (No. 61). Apr. 7 Seizure and detention of American vessels: Note to minister of state, and his reply, in which he confines himself to the question of jurisdictional limits in time of peace, established for the prevention of smuggling, inasmuch as peace had been restored in Cuba at the time the Ethel A. Merritt and other vessels were detained; the limit being six miles from the coast. 1053
647 Mr. Fairchild to Mr. Blaine (No. 140). Apr. 20 The Jews in Morocco: Condition and treatment of, as ascertained by his visit to Tangier; no better than it was before the writing of the letter of the Sultan to the Madrid conference; they are subjected to humiliation and violence almost daily because of their religious belief; the Sultan would do better but for fear of his Mahomedan subjects. 1054
648 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Fairchild (No. 142). Juno 13 Condition of Jews of Morocco: Approves of the minister’s action and observations as to condition of Jews in Morocco. 1056
649 Mr. Fairchild to Mr. Blaine (No. 164). June 20 Jews in Russia and Germany: Persecution of; minister of state authorized the Spanish minister at Constantinople to offer the Jews in Russia and Germany shelter and protection in Spain, with assurance of religious toleration. 1056
650 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Fairchild (No. 148). June 25 Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Colombia: If the King of Spain has been tendered the position of arbitrator in, Spanish Government to be informed that the United States, under its treaty of 1846, guaranteed the neutrality of Isthmus of Panama, and that where its rights or interests are affected it will not hold itself bound by decision of any arbitrator in whose selection it was not consulted. 1057
651 Same to same (No. 154). July 8 Offer of protection by Spain to persons of Jewish race in Germany and Russia: The appreciation felt by people of United States at the intelligence of this act of noble hospitality. 1059
652 Mr. Fairchild to Mr. Blaine (No. 176). July 16 American pork importation: Note to minister of state relative to prohibition of; note of minister of interior; the decree of prohibition revoked by decree of July 10, and American pork is now admitted in Spain upon like liberal terms as in Belgium. 1059
653 Same to same (No. 178) July 22 Interoceanic canal across the Isthmus of Panama: Joint guarantee of its neutrality by great European powers; this was the first Spain had heard of such a proposition, and in case any be received it should give the views of United States most careful consideration; Spain informed that similar instructions had been sent to all our representatives in Europe. 1061
654 Same to same (No. 179) July 22 Boundary question between Costa Rica and State of Panama: The King had not been invited to act as arbitrator; Spain informed that as United States had the right, under article 35 of treaty of 1846, to be consulted, it was proper that Spain should be advised of views of United States in case of selection of an arbiter. 1062
655 Mr. Reed to Mr. Blaine (No. 80). Aug. 20 Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Colombia: Spanish Government has no information of offer to the King of position of arbitrator between Costa Rica and Colombia. 1063
656 Mr. Blame to Mr. Fairchild (No. 195) Nov. 2 Consular tariff of Spain: Onerous character of, tantamount to an export duty by Spain on shipments from United States. 1064
657 Same to same (No. 197) Nov. 15 Consular tariff of Spain: Onerous charges on American vessels; letter of Nutler, Kimball & Co. relative to inclosed. 1065
658 Mr. Fairchild to Mr. Blaine (No. 219). Nov. 19 Isthmian canal: Proposed guaranty of the neutrality of, by European powers; “Spanish Government has been made acquainted with the views of the United States, but is not now ready to answer as to that subject. 1066
659 Same to same (No. 223) Nov. 23 Boundary dispute between Costa Rica and Colombia: Costa Rica has ceased to move in the matter of arbitration of, on being informed of the position of United States as expressed to Spanish Government; King of Spain not likely to be pressed to act as arbitrator at present. 1067

sweden and norway.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
660 Mr Stevens to Mr. Evarts (No. 93). 1880. Dec 22 Mormon emigration to United States: The steps taken by Swedish authorities to prevent the proselyting for the Mormon Church in Utah; gives account of the expulsion of two Mormon priests from Stockholm. 1067
661 Same to same (No. 100) 1881. Feb. 16 Estates in Sweden claimed by Americans: Course to be pursued by claimants; there is no estate there belonging to Springer heirs in America. 1068
662 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Stevens (No. 98). Mar. 19 Statutes of limitation as to decedents’ estates: Receipt of information relative to estate of Christopher Springer, deceased; directed to ascertain what is the statute of limitation in Sweden and Norway within which titles to estates must be quieted. 1070
663 Hr. Stevens to Mr. Blaine (No. 106). Apr. 30 American pork importation: Injurious effect in Sweden of the French decree prohibiting; to counteract it, consuls to publish in the papers the dispatches on that subject from the Department. 1070
664 Same to same (No. 107) May 7 Statute of limitations in Sweden and Norway affecting real estate: Memoranda relative to. 1071
665 Same to same (No. 113) Sept. 23 Interoceanic canal: Government informed of United States protest against joint guaranty of, by European powers. 1073


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
666 Mr. Fish to Mr. Evarts (No. 319). 1880. Dec. 9 Emigration to the United States: Probable amendment to section 4 of article 10 of emigration bill by which agents will be forbidden to forward “persons to whom the laws of the country to which they emigrate forbid the entry.” 1074
667 Same to same (No. 322) Dec. 15 Assisted emigration to America: Report of the committee of the council of States on the emigration agencies bill; disposition of Switzerland to utilize America as an outlet for its population through means of assisted emigration of objectionable persons can only be checked by means adopted by Congress. 1076
668 Same to same (No. 326) 1881. Jan. 10 Assisted emigration to America: The commune of Gersau has offered a subsidy to assist its citizens to emigrate. 1106
669 Same to same (No. 328) Jan. 10 Assisted emigration to America: Copies of the law concerning the operation of emigration agencies; this legislation is all that can be expected from Switzerland to prevent abuses in. To prevent those of immigration United State should legislate to that end. 1107
670 Same to same (No. 330) Jan. 15 Assisted emigration to America: Paupers sent as emigrants to United States by the communes of Zurich and Argovie. Every emigration agency at Basle seems to have been connected with forwarding unfit emigrants to America. 1108
671 Same to same (No. 332) Jan. 24 Assisted emigration to America: Correction of the statement that Heinrich Ruegger was “shoved off” to America by the commune; that he was assisted from motives of compassion. 1109
672 Same to same (No. 333) Jan. 24 Assisted emigration to America: Letter from authorities of Gersau, and a copy of the ordinance passed at a town meeting, August 20, 1880, referred to in dispatch No. 326. 1111
673 Same to same (No. 335) Jan. 26 Assisted emigration to America: The correspondence with the consulate at Zurich relative to the, of Heinrich Ruegger to United States; a case of, by which Ohio has acquired a pauper; recommends that the man be sent back at the expense of Switzerland. 1113
674 Mr. Evarts to Mr. Fish (No. 188). Feb. 3 Pauper deportation from Switzerland: Department approves minister’s action in case of Heinrich R. Rudolfingen. This subject will be brought to the attention of Congress. 1116
675 Mr. Fish to Mr. Evarts (No. 343). Feb. 16 Assisted emigration to America: Incloses a list of assisted emigrants from the commune of Gersau to United States, from August 22 to December 31, 1880. The claim that they are able-bodied is not borne out by this list; danger of trusting to foreign officials the determination of “able-bodied young men.” 1117
676 Same to same (No. 353) Feb. 25 American pork importation: The French decree of prohibition of, caused an inquiry in the Federal Council whether similar action ought to be taken by Switzerland; on vote it was decided that some other method of protecting the public interests be adopted. 1118
677 Mr. Fish to Mr. Blaine (No. 366). Mar. 15 Death of the Emperor of Russia: Conveyed to Russian envoy an expression of sympathy at; copies of the correspondence inclosed. 1119
678 Same to same (No. 371) Mar. 20 Assisted emigration to America; Incloses an extract from the “Bund” respecting the action of commune of Böttstein in sending to United States an imbecile girl. 1120
679 Same to same (No. 372) Mar. 23 Assisted emigration to America: Correspondence respecting the shipment to the United States by the commune of Böttstein of two notorious prostitutes; their return at the expense of the commune would tend to stop this practice; suggests the employment of detectives. 1120
680 Same to same (No. 373) Mar. 23 Assisted emigration to America: A return of the prostitutes referred to in No. 372 requested on the ground of their immoral character and destitute condition; this would have a beneficial effect on emigration from Switzerland. 1122
681 Same to same (No. 375) Mar. 25 Assisted emigration to America: Referring to 371, 372, and 373, incloses correspondence relating to the case of prostitutes snipped from commune of Böttstein. 1123
682 Same to same (No. 376) Mar. 26 Assisted emigration to America: Papers showing that the two women shipped by the commune of Böttstein were of the lowest order of prostitutes, and that the commune paid their passage. 1125
683 Same to same (No. 379) Mar. 28 The grade of United States mission to Switzerland: Its usefulness would be enhanced by raising to same grade as that of the representatives of other countries at Switzerland. 1126
684 Same to same (No. 383) Mar. 31 Assisted emigration to America: Immediate return of the two prostitutes shipped by the commune of Böttstein requested: protest to the cantonal governments of Basle and Argovie against the shipment of the prostitutes. 1128
685 Same to same (No. 384) Apr. 4 Assisted emigration to America: Steps taken to induce the canton of Argovie to telegraph to New York for the return of the prostitutes by the “Servia;” the President of the confederation says that he has no power to cause the cantons or communes to act in the case. 1131
686 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Fish (No. 205). Apr. 7 Pauper deportation from Switzerland: Approves minister’s action in case of imbecile young woman sent to America by commune of Böttstein. 1132
687 Mr. Fish to Mr. Blaine (No. 386). Apr. 8 Assisted emigration to America: The return of the two prostitutes; Switzerland informed of; Swiss press very generally condemn the action of the communes. 1132
688 Same to same (No. 387) Apr. 9 Assisted emigration to America: The “Journal de Genève” justifies the action of the commune of Böttstein in sending prostitutes; the United States regarded as the reformatory of Europe. 1133
689 Same to same (No. 391) Apr. 16 Assisted emigration to America: Correspondence respecting the shipment of prostitutes from Böttstein to the United States. The canton of Argovie say that the commune alone is responsible; the Basle Ville disavows responsibility because the contract was made outside of its jurisdiction. 1135
690 Same to same (No. 392) Apr. 18 Assisted emigration to America: Newspapers devoted to that question offering special inducements to emigrants; copy of advertisement inclosed. 1141
691 Same to same (No. 395) Apr. 18 Emigration agencies: The law concerning, to go in force April 12; suggests that the Swiss law and artiicle 3 of the treaty be brought to the notice of governors of New York and other States interested in the subject. 1143
692 Same to same (No. 397) Apr. 25 Assisted emigration to America: Benedict Eberhard, a beggar and a criminal, seeking to emigrate to United States from canton of Berne; incloses copy of the petition he was circulating to raise money for that purpose, authenticated by the federal chancery, also certificate of the police at Berne of his record as a criminal. 1143
693 Same to same (No. 398) Apr. 28 Assisted emigration to America: Approves the action of Consul Mason in interfering to prevent the emigration of Camastra, an inebriate and ex-convict, from the commune of Mazein. 1147
694 Mr. Fish to Mr. Blaine (No. 400). Apr. 29 Pauper deportation: Application of burghers of Neuveville for exemption from inspection at New York of an emigrant family; refused. 1152
695 Same to same (No. 401) Apr. 30 Emigration without a fixed destination: A motion in national council to provide means to prevent the same; copy of the text of the motion inclosed. 1155
696 Same to same (No. 403) May 8 Assisted emigration to America: The case of Friedrich Kienast, a “notorious vagrant,” sent by Riesbach canton to United States, sent because he did not work; incloses correspondence relative to. 1156
697 Same to same (No. 409) May 13 Deportation of criminals to America: The purpose of the commune of Schwaderloch to send to the United States an inmate of the penitentiary. President Diaz and the communal authorities requested not to send this ex-convict to United States; correspondence relative thereto inclosed. 1157
698 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Fish (No. 213). May 26 Pauper deportation from Switzerland: Minister’s course in cases reported in 397, 400, and 403, approved. 1159
699 Mr. Fish to Mr. Blaine (No. 418). July 14 Deportation of criminals to America: Correspondence relative to; question of the right of the Swiss Government to send inmates of their prisons to the United States is discussed; council argues that such persons are not criminals, that their condemnation to compulsory labor has only a reformatory object. 1160
700 Same to same (No. 420) July 15 American pork importation: Circular by the Swiss Government relative to prohibition of; the federal council finds no ground for prohibition of a product which has very rarely produced injurious effects; Department report sent to the federal council, with a note expressing satisfaction at the judicious manner in which Swiss Government treated the subject. 1163
701 Same to same (No. 421) July 15 Emigration without specific destination: Proceedings of the federal council in relation to federal interference in emigration matters; extract from, inclosed; call by council for reports from Swiss consuls. 1166
702 Same to same (No. 430) July 29 Pauper deportation to America: Incloses further correspondence relative to proposed emigration’ of pauper family from the bourgeoisie of Neuveville. 1166
703 Same to same (No. 437) Aug. 5 Celebration of four hundredth anniversary of the entry of Fribourg and Soleure into the confederation; attended by the diplomatic corps and federal council; speech of the President on right of asylum in Switzerland, “the sacred asylum for the representatives of the vanquished cause despite of complaints from the North;” honors paid United States. 1167
704 Mr. Cramer to Mr. Blaine (No. 9). Sept. 8 Assisted emigration to United States: Emigration of a pauper family from canton of St. Galle; propriety of a Congressional appropriation to procure evidence of the illegal practices, of the authorities in assisting this vicious class to emigrate. 1168
705 Mr. Hunter to Mr. Cramer (No. 7). Oct. 6 Pauper deportation from Switzerland: Minister’s suggestion of Congressional action to remedy this evil approved; legation to use vigilance to prevent all such objectionable shipments. 1170
706 Mr. Cramer to Mr. Blaine (No. 18). Oct. 18 Rank of the mission to Switzerland: Reasons why it should be raised to the grade of an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary; desire of Swiss Government to establish a diplomatic mission at Washington of the same rank. 1171
707 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Cramer (No. 16). Dec. 3 Deportation of criminals from Switzerland: Benjamin Dunkel, a criminal, sent to America by commune of Bottmingen; this practice as being in violation of treaty and comity relations between the two governments. 1172
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
708 Mr. Heap to Mr. Evarts (No. 32). 1880. Oct. 16 Murder of Dr. Parsons: Case will go to the court of revision and then will be submitted to the Sultan; the belief is that the Sultan will avail himself of the pretext of the youth of the convict to avoid sending him to the gallows. 1173
709 Same to same (No. 36) Nov. 8 Murder of Dr. Parsons: Has signed joint note to the Sultan urging the execution of the sentence against the murderer of Colonel Kummeran; note inclosed. 1174
710 Same to same (No. 41) Dec. 1 The Dulcigno question: Settlement of, by surrender of the village of to Montenegro; the Porte has come out of this difficulty with increase of prestige. 1175
711 Mr. Heap to Mr. Blaine (No. 4). 1881. May 4 Taxation of real estate held by foreigners: Complaint of American citizens against the proposed action of the Ottoman Government relative to; in some cases the tax amounts to the market-value of the property; the valuations make a discrimination in favor of the Turkish property-holders. 1176
712 Same to same (No. 6) May 5 Robbery of Mr. J. E. Pierce and party by brigands: Incloses Mr. Pierce’s letter, giving details; also of note of legation to minister of foreign affairs asking, for redress of this outrage and the adoption of measures by the Ottoman Government to make life more secure in that country; murderer of Dr. Parsons still awaits execution. 1178
713 Same to same (No. 7) May 6 American pork: Prohibition of the importation of, by Turkish Government on account of its being infected with trichinae; complaint by the legation of the action as being too hasty, and inquiring what disposition of those shipments of pork en route to Turkish ports. 1179
714 Same to same (No. 10) May 11 Robbery of Mr. Pierce: Arrest and imprisonment of the offenders ordered; the execution of assassin of Dr. Parsons still delayed on account of indisposition of the Sultan to consent to the execution of a Mahometan. 1180
715 Same to same (No. 12) May 14 Robbery of Rev. Mr. Barum near Sivas, Armenia, and Consular Agent Montgomery, of Marash, Syria; note to minister of foreign affairs complaining of these outrages, and charging their frequency to the indisposition of the government to execute sentence on murderer of Dr. Parsons. 1181
716 Mr. Heap to Mr. Blaine (No. 13). May 17 Robbery of Mr. Pierce: Arrest of parties suspected. 1182
717 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Heap (No. 32). May 27 Taxation of property of Americans for government loan: Approves determination to act in concert with the representatives of the other powers at Constantinople on this subject. 1183
718 Mr. Baline to Mr. Heap (No. 32) May 27 American pork importation: Prohibition of by Turkish Government is an unwarranted discrimination against American industry which Turkey should hasten to correct; no foundation for the report of the prevalence of disease in. 1183
719 Mr. Heap to Mr. Blaine (No. 22). June 25 Robbery of Mr. Pierce: The robbers have been arrested and will be speedily tried; the parties who robbed Mr. Montgomery have also been taken and the articles stolen have been restored. 1184
720 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Wallace (No. 3). June 29 Insecurity of life and property in Turkey: Frequent robberies and murders of foreigners; the indisposition of Turkish Government to punish the offenders; delay in execution of murderers of Colonel Kummeran and Rev. Mr. Parsons; firmly demand, the immediate execution of the murderers of Dr. Parsons, and the punishment of the robbers of American citizens. 1184
721 Mr. Heap to Mr. Blaine (No. 34). July 16 American pork importation: Thinks it inadvisable to call attention of Turkish Government to the subject as the order of prohibition remains in abeyance since the protest of the legation against its operation. 1186
722 Mr. Blame to Mr. Wallace (No. 8). Aug. 8 Brigandage in Turkey: Letter from the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions relating to insecurity of life and property of American missionaries in that empire. 1187
723 Mr. Heap to Mr. Blaine (No. 41). Aug. 10 American pork importation: Minister of foreign affairs says that the prohibition of, cannot be removed. 1188
724 Mr. Wallace to Mr. Blaine (No. 9). Sept. 19 Murder of Dr. Parsons: Delay in execution of his murderer; has asked minister, of foreign affairs if the sentence has been carried out; if not, if the prisoner is still in confinement; will demand immediate execution. 1188
725 Mr. Wallace to Mr. Blaine (No. 22). Oct. 26 Murder of Rev. Justin W. Parsons: Note to minister of foreign affairs urging the execution of Dr. Parsons’ murderer; robbery of Mr. Pierce has been disposed of by conviction and sentence of imprisonment at hard labor for five years. 1189


correspondence respecting the foreign debt of venezuela.

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
726 Mr. Baker to Mr. Evarts (No. 287). 1880. Nov. 3 Claim of foreign governments against Venezuela: Proposal that United States intervene, and receive and distribute installments that Venezuela will pay; embarrassment of Venezuela at demands of Great Britain and France; discussion with foreign office of basis of proposed intervention; papers relative inclosed. 1191
727 Señor Comancho to Mr. Evarts. 1881. Feb. 7 Debt of Venezuela: Submits draft of a convention making United States legation at Caracas agency for payment to be made to, for all creditor nations. 1198
728 Mr. Evarts to Señor Comancho. Feb. 28 Debt of Venezuela: Conditions upon, which United States might accept position as agent for payment of creditor nations of what Venezuela will pay stated; views of the other nations should be first obtained; United States will not act as mediator or fidejussor. 1199
729 Señor Comancho to Mr. Evarts. Mar. 1 Debt of Venezuela: Proposition that United States act as agent for payment of, will be reported to his government; it is not expected that United States, in acting as such agent, will assume the responsibilities of a fidejussor. 1200
730 Señor Comancho to Mr. Blaine. Mar. 22 Debt of Venezuela: Reasons why United States should act as agent for payment of; Venezuela is paying all she can; declaration of France that if her demands for an increase of the present pro rata of payment be refused she will resort to other means. 1201
731 Mr. Baker to Mr. Blaine (No. 361). Mar. 23 Claim of foreign governments against Venezuela: Desire of Venezuela for good offices of United States relative to; new proposition calculated to prevent immediate rupture with France; correspondence inclosed. 1202
732 Same to same (No. 363) Mar. 30 Debt of Venezuela: Proposition by Venezuela of a new mode of paying; hopes that, under the circumstances, United States will do all it can to relieve Venezuela. 1204
733 Mr. Baker to Mr. Blaine (No. 370). April 6 France and Venezuela: Rupture of diplomatic relations of; proposition by Venezuela to pay 13 per cent, of the 40 unities on its debt, on condition that United States acts as receiver and distributor of the fund; United States should act promptly to harmonize Venezuela and France. 1206
734 Señor Comancho to Mr. Blaine. April 18 Debt of Venezuela: Convention for payment of diplomatic creditors will probably be concluded soon; France has withdrawn her diplomatic representative at Caracas on refusal of Venezuela to yield to demand for increase of payment. 1207
735 Mr. Baker to Mr. Blaine (No. 378). April 20 France and Venezuela: Embarrassed relations of; correspondence relative inclosed; in the impoverished condition of Venezuela the creditor government ought not to exact more than the product of 13 per cent, of the 40 unities. 1209
736 Mr. Blame to Mr. Noyes (telegram). May 5 Debt of Venezuela: United States, while willing to act as the receiver and distributor of the monthly payments of the debt, is unwilling to guarantee any portion of it; ask France to delay on account of her own debt pending this proposition. 1211
737 Mr. Noyes to Mr. Blaine (No. 467). May 16 France and Venezuela: Financial difficulty between; France accepts the offer of kindly office of United States in; complains that Venezuela has disregarded her obligations; France entitled to priorty in payment of her claim; will suspend pressure of her claim temporarily. 1212
738 Mr. Blame to Mr. Baker (No. 129). June 13 France and Venezuela difficulty: Prospect of a satisfactory settlement of through negotiations in Washington render special instructions unnecessary. 1213
739 Señor Seijas to Señor Comancho. June 27 France and Venezuela difficulty: France to blockade ports and take possession of custom-houses of Venezuela; hopes the kindly offices of United States will be used at Paris to prevent this. 1213
740 Señor Comancho to Mr. Blaine. June 30 France and Venezuela difficulty: Asks if France has replied to offer of good offices of United States in. 1214
741 Mr. Baker to Mr. Blaine (No. 431). July 13 France and. Venezuela, difficulty between: Correspondence relating to; important that the mediation of the United States should be successful; proposed conference of delegates from Venezuela, France, and Great Britain to settle claims of the two last-named governments upon Venezuela, hut it was refused by France. 1215
742 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Noyes (No. 402). July 23 France and Venezuela difficulty: Rumor that France will take possession of harbors of Venezuela because of default of payment by Venezuela; France’s claim of priority of payment is untenable; United States ought to place an agent at Caracas, to receive and disburse the fund, with authority in case of default to take charge of the customs at certain ports. 1216
743 Señor Comancho to Mr. Blaine. Aug. 1 France and Venezuela difficulty: Blockade threatened by France; offers of friendly intervention by United States rejected by France; pressure by Great Britain for adjustment of her claim with that of France by conference; an explicit promise from United States to prevent violent action on the part of France. 1218
744 Mr. Blame to Señor Comancho. Aug. 3 France and Venezuela: Complications between, on account of non-payment of France’s claim; United States minister at Paris has been instructed to suggest a convention among the creditor nations for adjustment of. 1219
745 Señor Comancho to Mr. Blaine. Aug. 13 Debt of Venezuela: Plan of trusteeship of, by United States; omission of the provision that the default of payment should be three months to authorize agent to receive payments directly from custom-houses; still fears the purposes of France. 1219
746 Same to same Aug. 23 Debt of Venezuela: Trusteeship of, by United States; Venezuela willing to abide by any adjustment of, that United States may make; is willing to turn over to United States all its custom-houses to that end. 1221
747 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (No. 15). Aug. 23 Debt of Venezuela: Plan of trusteeship of, by United States submitted to France; favorably received, but not answered yet; France unwilling to place her claim on the same footing as the others. 1223
748 Mr. Blaine to Señor Comancho. Aug. 25 Debt of Venezuela: Plan of trusteeship of; the three-months-default condition was stipulated in instruction to United States minister to France. 1224
749 Same to same Aug. 26 Debt of Venezuela: Plan of adjustment of, suggested to France by United States; satisfaction that it accords with the views of Venezuela. 1224
750 Mr. Morton to Mr. Blaine (No. 37). Sept. 17 Debt of Venezuela: Proposition for adjustment of, made by United States to France; copy of reply to, of French Government; claim of priority based upon convention of 1864. 1225
751 Mr. Blaine to Mr. Morton (No. 74.) Dec. 16 Debt of Venezuela to France: Controverting the assumption that France is entitled to preference over other creditors of Venezuela; the fact she obtained an earlier settlement of her claims does not bar the equality of the claims of other nations; to persist upon its claim of preference under agreement of 1864 would be in derogation of rights held by United States in common with France; Mr. Gambetta’s attention to be called to United States’ views. 1226