Alphabetical Index


  • Abdul-Hamid II: styled Ghazi or conqueror 583
  • Acapulco: the insult offered to Consul Sutter redressed 406409
    • case of Mr. Kastan; his claim for damages 407
    • invested by General Alvarez 408
    • occupied by Alvarez; a boat under the United States flag fired upon; instructions to Mr. Foster 419
  • Africa: results of attempted assimilation of American negro colonies with the native tribes of 370375
  • African affairs: the Portuguese “white book” 461
  • African explorations: declarations of the Geographical Conference at Brussels 44
  • Alabama, the: her being fitted out in the Azores probably due to the precedent set by the Portuguese Duke of Saldanha 452
  • Alcibiades: interesting discovery of an. ancient Greek inscription relating to 289
  • Alexinatz: victory of, for the Turks 16
  • Alfonso XII: his journey to the Mediterranean provinces of Spain 497, 498
    • his journey to the northwest of Spain 516
  • Alvarez: governor of Guerrero; resistance to General Diaz 396
    • his submission 400
    • final submission to the authority of General Diaz 425
  • Ambulance railway-train: account of one fitted out at St. Petersburg 472
  • Ammunition, American: used by the Turks; its superiority 610
  • Amoy: question of municipal regulations for the foreign settlement at 101
    • the proposed regulations transmitted 106109
  • Andrássy, Count: invested with extraordinary powers for the mobilization of the Austrian army in case of need 40
  • Apollo Pythias: discovery of the site of the temple of 290
  • Arce, General: takes refuge in the United States consulate at Mazatlan; is removed by force 398400
  • Ardahan taken by the Russians 583
  • Argentine Republic: railways in; new line to Tucuman 5
    • insurrectionary movement of Lopez Jordan 6
    • meeting of Congress, the message of President Avellaneda 9
    • anniversary of Argentine independence 12
  • Army organization of Germany: synoptical review of 191
  • Art museums in Germany: the Berlin collection 241246
  • Aryan civilization in India: Italian prize for the best work on; conditions of the award 332
    • change in the number of jurors to award the prize 333
  • Asylum: case of General Arce; he is removed by force from the United States consulate at Mazatlan 398400
  • Audience, diplomatic, in China: the question of 79, 87
  • Auersperg, Prince: speeches in the Austrian Reichsrath on the Eastern question 39
  • Austria: loan of 40,000,000 florins 20
    • revenues from imports and indirect imposts for 1876 21
    • mining laws; production of gold and silver 22
    • debates in the Reichsrath on the Eastern question 28, 39
    • proclamation of neutrality in the Russo-Turkish war 33
    • extraordinary loan for mobilization of the army on the Servian frontier 40
    • report on the crops 43
    • French views of the attitude of, in the Russo-Turkish war 152
  • Austrian officers: ceremonial to be observed toward, in foreign countries 19
    • their status in the United States 20
  • Avellaneda, President: speech on inauguration of the Córdova and Tucuman railway 5
  • his negotiations with General Bartolomé Mitre 1012
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  • Baden: article 80 of the German constitution as adopted by 203
    • protocol of the accession of, to the German Union 205
  • Banking law of Germany 186
  • Barcelona: detention of American Bibles, because of non-compliance with the customs regulations 513515
  • Barrios, President, of Guatemala: his term extended four years 52
    • his hope of forming a Central American Union 63
  • Basque Provinces of Spain: abolition of the fueros of 508
  • Bavaria: internal postage of 186
    • article of the treaty of accession to the German Empire 205
    • text of the final protocol of the treaty for her accession to the constitution of the German Union 208210
    • special article, providing for reservation of her share of the military expenses of the German Union 210
    • special treaty provision as to the army and fortifications under the empire 236
  • Berger, G., director of foreign sections of the exposition of 1878: letter to Mr. Hitt, urging prompt action by the United States 168
  • Berlin: celebration of the Emperor’s birthday 182
    • description of the museum at 241246
  • Berlin memorandum: text of the 587
    • Lord Derby’s reply to 589
  • Bevan & Co., of Malaga: their inquiry in regard to office-hours in the United States consulate there 519
    • reply of Mr. Adee, under instructions 520
  • Bibles: question of customs regulations governing their admission into Spain 513515
  • Bismarck, Prince von: his diplomatic reception on the Emperor’s birthday 183
    • the allocution of the Pope, condemnatory of his policy 330
  • Black Sea: Russian circular concerning the Turkish blockade and the employment of torpedoes 475
    • reply of Mr. Evarts to the foregoing 476
    • neutral commerce in, to be unmolested; note from Mr. Shishkin 478
    • acknowledgment by Mr. Seward of the foregoing 479
    • Russian regulations for the entrance and exit of neutral vessels in ports blockaded by means of torpedoes 479
  • Bonin Islands. (See Ogasawara Islands.)
  • Bosnia: the seat of the first Protestant movement in Western Europe 18
  • Brazil: the ultramontane movement in 46
    • the electoral question 47
    • question of appropriations to carry on the government 49
    • the financial estimates from 1841 to 1876 51
  • Brent, Charles I.: probability of the unconditional extradition of; telegraphic instruction to Mr. Pierrepont 278
    • the British Government orders his arrest 278
    • official notification of the foregoing 279
    • arrested in London; proceedings under the treaty 279
    • committed to await the fifteen days prescribed by law 280
    • his extradition-warrant signed; proceedings for his delivery to an agent of the United States 281284
    • sailed in the Parthia, in charge of Inspector Shore 284
    • note to Sir Edward Thornton in relation to the surrender of 285
    • reply of Sir Edward Thornton to the foregoing 285
  • Brush, Alfred: his extradition asked by the Canadian authorities; warrant issued the same day 286
  • Brussels: meeting of the Geographical Conference; its declarations concerning African explorations 44
  • Budget (Spanish) for 1877–’78: as presented 505508
  • Buenos Ayres: railroad to Tucuman inaugurated 5
    • bank of, loans $10,000,000 to the Argentine Government 6
    • increase of crime; measures of Minister Quesada to repress it 7
    • disastrous floods in the province of 13
  • Bulgaria: text of the propositions of the Constantinople conference for the autonomy of 552556
  • Business-license in the Zollverein territories: form for 232


  • Canadian fisheries question. (See Fisheries Commission.)
  • Canal, President Boisrond: his address to the national assembly of Hayti 299
  • Cánovas del Castillo, Mr.: success of his governmental policy in Spain 482
  • Cédulas personales: the Spanish impost of, extended to all foreigners 505, 518
  • Centennial: medal and address presented to the President by the Poles in Paris 127
  • Centennial Exhibition: Letter in relation to, attributed to Mr. Du Sommerard, published in Le Figaro 128132
    • distribution of the awards to Mexican expositors 425
    • donation of the Siamese exhibit to the United States 480481
  • Central America: political condition of 52
    • former difficulties of travel; the adventures of various United States ministers in reaching their legations 53
    • communications with the United States and Europe; synoptical report 5360
    • possibility of a union of the republics; plan of President Barrios 63
  • Champerico: iron pier now building at 54
    • steamer lines from 56
  • Chefoo: the agreement of, between Great Britain and China 7378
    • visit of English, French, and German fleets to 8082
  • Chili: case of the steamship Georgia 6872
  • China: regulations for the issue of passports in 72
    • opening of certain new ports; agreement of Chefoo 76, 93
    • question of diplomatic audience; note from Prince Kung 78
    • question with Great Britain concerning jurisdiction; note from Prince Kung to Mr. Seward 78
    • expenditures for the navy 81
    • regulations for the diplomatic service 85
    • sale of the Shanghai Steam Navigation Company’s vessels to a native company 8891
    • the Imperial College (Tûng Wen Kwan) 9193
    • relief of an American vessel by a Chinese gunboat 94
    • proposal to establish a mint 98100
    • the drought and famine in the northern provinces 109112
    • the law requiring all officers of American vessels to be citizens of the United States operates against trade in Chinese waters 112116
    • the opening of the new ports unproductive 116
  • Chinese etiquette: visits exchanged on New Year’s day with the high officials 87
  • Chinese judicial system: memorial of the governors of Fuhkien and Chekiang 104106
  • Chinese in Peru: their immigration and condition 435
    • terms of the contract for a line of emigrant steamers from Asiatic ports to Callao 438441
  • Cifré, Rev. Mr.: question of his importation of Bibles into Spain 513515
  • Circassia: abandoned by the Turks; deportation of the population to Trebizond 604606
  • Civil service in Norway: reply of the ecclesiastical department to questions put by Mr. Andrews 532535
  • Coal-mines in Formosa 112
  • Cognac: the transference of the United States consulate to, from La Rochelle opposed by merchants of the latter place 127
  • Coinage in Germany: the mark and crown 186
  • Commerce: of the United States with foreign countries; circulars in relation to the development of 3, 4
  • Concha, General: his interpellation in the Spanish Cortes regarding Cuba 490492
  • Condon, E. O’M.: letter from his brother, asking influence to obtain his release. Instruction to Mr. Pierrepont 260
    • correspondence between Mr. Pierrepont and Lord Derby on the subject 262
  • Constantinople: views at Berlin respecting the conference of 174, 180
    • preliminary proceedings of the conference 549551
    • failure and close of the conference; the Bulgarian propositions 551556
    • celebration of the Fourth of July 600
  • Constitution of the German Empire: corrected text 193203
    • synoptical dispatch explanatory of, with appendices 183241
  • Consular convention between the United States and Italy: notice of termination of; note from Count Litta 334
    • reply of Mr. Seward 334
  • Consular representation of the German states under the Imperial Union 186
  • Consular service: debates in the French Assembly concerning organization of and conditions of admission to 142146
    • programmes of French examinations for 155167
  • Consular service of China: regulations for 85
  • Copyright law of the German Empire 186
  • Coral-reef discovered near Fayal by the Gettysburg 454
  • Corvinian manuscripts: their restoration to Pesth by the Turkish Government 31, 592
  • Costa Rica: the Port Limon and San Joseé Railway 59
  • Courts-martial during state of siege: text of the Prussian law relative to 233236
  • Crépon, Mr.: inquiry respecting the new United States 4½ per cent, loan 141
    • reply of Mr. Hitt to the foregoing 142
  • Crime in Italy: number of assassinations and robberies; lawlessness of the people 324
  • Croatia: feeling against Hungary; the suppression of the “Grenze” 41
  • Cuba: operations of General Martinez Campos; sailing of re-enforcements for 484
    • Spanish opinion as to the influence of the United States Presidential election on the affairs of 486490
    • interpellation of General Concha in the Spanish Cortes and reply of the minister of state 490492
    • preparations for additional re-enforcements; statement of the Spanish force in the island 516
    • question of the whalers Ellen Rizpah and Rising Sun; note from Mr. Mantilla; anticipatory explanations made and investigation promised 525528
    • the whalers; reply of Mr. Seward 528530
    • the case of the Edward Lee; anticipatory note from Mr. Mantilla 529
    • reply of Mr. Evarts 530
  • Cuban awards of the Claims Commission: payment of the first installment of 497503
    • payment of the second installment 521525
  • Customs tariffs of Spain: modification of, with international discriminations 506, 518


  • Dalmatia: decrease of customs revenues in 21
  • Danube, the: discussion in the Hungarian Diet respecting the navigation of 32
    • weakness of the Turkish defense of 149
    • French views of military operations on 152
    • Russian circular in regard to the torpedo blockade of, by the Turks 475
    • crossed by the Russians in July 601
  • Darien ship-canal: plan of Mr. de Gogorza 125
  • Decazes, Duke: speech on the French diplomatic and consular service 142144
    • his declaration of the policy of France in the Russo-Turkish war 148, 150
    • his circular to the French diplomatic agents 151
  • De Haas, Mr., consul at Jerusalem: disapproval of his protection of non-American Jews 593, 595
  • Delfosse, Mr. Maurice: his appointment as third commissioner on the Fisheries, Commission reported by Mr. Pierrepont 259
    • notified of his appointment as third commissioner 45
    • acknowledges the notification of his appointment 46
  • Denmark: the political situation 119124
    • the question of universal suffrage 124
  • Derby, Lord: his declaration supplementary to the London protocol on the Eastern question 573
    • his reply to the Russian manifesto justifying the declaration of war 586
    • his reply to the Berlin memorandum 589
  • Diaz, General Porfirio: his opposition to President Lerdo’s re-election; his rumored adhesion to Iglesias 378, 379
    • does not support Iglesias; possibility of succeeding to the Presidency 380
    • defeats the Constitutional (Lerdist) forces under General Alatorre at Tecoac 381
    • occupation of the city of Mexico; flight of Lerdo 382
    • disagreement with Iglesias as to the adoption of the “plan of Tuxtepec” 382384
    • levies a forced loan of $500,000; proposed payment of the Mexican awards to the United States 385
    • assumes the Mexican Presidency 385
    • proclamation nullifying contracts with the Lerdo government 386
    • the Iglesias contracts also nullified 391
    • complete success; return to Mexico and resumption of the Presidency 395
    • question of his recognition; instruction to Mr. Foster 403405
    • recognized by Germany, San Salvador, Guatemala, and Spain 409
    • question of his recognition; interview of Mr. Foster with Mr. Vallarta; action of the United States dependent on the ability of Mexico to suppress border raids 410413
  • Dilke, Sir Charles: on the Bulgarian atrocities 16
  • Diplomatic and consular service of France: debates on, in the Assembly; conditions of entrance to the service 142146
    • programmes of the examinations for admission to 155167
  • Diplomatic service of China: regulations for 85
  • Diplomatic privilege in Spain in the matter of judicial testimony 492
  • Discriminating duties in Spain: proposed establishment of 506
    • passage of the budget law concerning 517
    • those on certain American importations not to be employed 518
  • Djunis: capture of, by the Turks 463
  • Dobrudja, the: the Russian occupation of 152
  • Doceañistas in the Spanish Córtes of Cadiz 494
  • Domingue government of Hayti: the loans contracted by it annulled 300, 305
  • Dominican Republic: Dispute with Hayti; the Haytian side of the question set forth by President Canal 301309
    • protest of the Dominican plenipotentiaries 313316
  • Druggists: new tax on, in Japan 344
  • Dufaure, M.: fall fof his cabinet; is succeeded by M. Jules Simon 132135
  • Duties: on imports in Guatemala, increased 25 per cent 66
  • Du Sommerard Mr. E.: letter attributed to, published in Le Figaro, defamatory of the United States Centennial Exhibition 128132


  • Eastern question: French views and policy, declaration of Duke Decazes 148, 154
    • German views concerning the Constantinople conference 174, 180
    • proceedings and failure of the Constantinople conference 549556
    • text of the Berlin memorandum 587
    • text of the London protocol 572
    • text of the Bulgarian propositions of the Constantinople conference 552556
  • Eclipse: custom of discharging fire-arms at Constantinople during an eclipse; its suppression 603, 604
  • Edmond, M. Charles: presents centennial medal and address on behalf of the Poles in Paris 128
  • Edward Lee, the: detained near Cuba; anticipatory explanations; note from Mr. Mantilla 529
    • reply of Mr. Evarts 530
  • Egypt: appointment of an American judge for the new tribunals invited 614617
    • the invitation to appoint an American judge renewed urgently 618, 619
    • the finances; the Khédive’s debts; the arrangement of Messrs. Goschen and Joubert 619, 624
    • conflict of jurisdiction in the new courts in cases of bankruptcy 620622
    • the question of appointing an American judge renewed 623
    • delay in executing the judgments of the new courts 624626
    • oppressiveness of taxation 625
    • description of the organization and working of the new tribunals 626629
    • extent of participation in the Russo-Turkish war 630632
    • manumission of a slave boy through Mr. Farman’s intercession 632
  • Ellen Rizpah, the: detained near Cuba; anticipatory explanations; note from Mr. Mantilla 525528
    • reply of Mr. Seward 528
  • Emigration of negroes to Liberia discouraged 370375
  • Enoch Train, the: relief of, by the Chinese gunboat Sin Chin, near Hong Kong 94
  • Entre Rios (Argentine Republic): insurrectionary movement of Lopez Jordan 6
  • Eski-Sagra: taken by the Russians 602
    • retaken by the Turks; the Russians driven into the Shipka Pass 605
  • Eulenberg, Count, on the socialist movement in Germany 179
  • Examinations for the French diplomatic and consular service; programmes 155167
  • Exposition (universal) of 1878: letter from Commissioner Krantz to Mr. Washburne 135
    • additional letter from the commissioner-general, urging American participation 137
    • preparations therefor; space still reserved for the United States 147
    • the question of the participation of the United States; numerous applications to the French general commission 167
    • letter from the director of foreign sections urging the immediate action of the United States 168
    • note of M. de Vaugelas to Mr. Fish, inviting the co-operation of the United States 172
    • reply of Mr. Hunter to the preceding note 172
  • Extradition. (See Brent, Brash, Gray, Jones, Lawrence, Moore, Smith, Winslow.)
    • message from the President to the Senate, transmitting documents and correspondence 271
    • Great Britain offers to resume, in conformity with the existing treaty; note from Mr. Thornton 276
    • reply of Mr. Fish, accepting the proposition 276
    • telegram to Mr. Pierrepont concerning renewal of procedure under the treaty 277
    • appointment of a British commission to report on the general question of procedure 277282
    • case of Rosas Samaniego, a Carlist leader; Spain demands his surrender of France 485


  • Famine: in the northern provinces of China 109112
  • Ferguson, Mr. J. H., Netherlands minister in China: his efforts to relieve the Shan-tung famine 109112
  • Figaro, Le, of Paris: publishes a libellous letter concerning the Philadelphia exhibition; denial of its reputed author 128132
  • Finances: of Austria; Cisleithanian loan of 40,000,000 florins 20
    • of Brazil 47, 49
    • of Denmark; failure of the appropriation bill; a provisional budget decreed 119123
    • of Egypt; the Khédive’s debts; the arrangement made by Messrs. Goschen and Joubert 619
    • of Guatemala; forced loan of $500,000 67
    • of Hayti; vote of censure in the assembly, a cabinet crisis 316321
    • of Italy; discussion of in the Italian Parliament 330
    • of Japan; retrenchments; reduction of the land-tax 338341
    • of Japan; the budget for 1876–’77 submitted; nature and extent of retrenchments 342348
    • of Japan: customs returns for April, 1877; decrease of revenue 357
    • of Spain; the budget for 1877–’78 as presented; its main features 505508
    • of Spain; the budget as passed by the Córtes 517
    • of Tunis; embarrassment; failure to pay the semi-annual coupon 636
  • Fisheries Commission: the appointment of a third commissioner by the Austrian ambassador in London; correspondence with Count Andrassy 23, 24
    • Mr. Maurice Delfosse notified of his appointment as third commissioner 45
    • his acceptance 46
    • appointment of Mr. Delfosse reported by Mr. Pierrepont 259
  • Forbes, Mr. F. B.: on the establishment of a Chinese mint 99
  • Formosa: coal mines in the island; proposed telegraphic cable to; its oil resources 112
  • Four and one-half per cent, loan: inquiry of the Paris stock-brokers’ association respecting 141
    • reply of Mr. Hitt to the foregoing inquiry 142
  • Fourth of July: celebration in Constantinople 600
    • celebration in London by Mr. Pierrepont 262
  • France: fall of the Dufaure cabinet 132135
    • the diplomatic and consular service, its organization and regulations for admission and promotion 142146
    • attitude of, in the Russo-Turkish war 148151
    • programmes for examinations and regulations for entrance to the diplomatic and consular service 155167
    • funeral of M. Thiers 169
    • electoral manifesto of President MacMahon 170
    • question of the trade-marks convention with; an obscurity cleared up 172, 173
    • extradition of Rosas Samaniego, a Carlist guerrillero, demanded by Spain 485
  • Franco-German war: collected correspondence of Mr. Washburne relating to 136
    • Mr. Washburne’s correspondence received by the Department 137
  • Franklin, Benjamin: letter of the United States commissioners to the French Government, December 23, 1776 154, 155
  • Frauds in accounts: punished with death in the case of high Chinese officials 82
  • Free trade in ships: advocated by Mr. Seward for vessels engaged in Chinese trade 114
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  • Gambetta, M.: his opinion as to the result of the elections in France 170
  • Gardner, Anthony W.: elected President of Liberia 369
  • Geographical conference at Brussels: its declarations concerning African exploration 44
  • Georgia, the steamer: stranded in the Straits of Magellan 68
    • her rescue, sale, libel, and escape 6972
  • German Empire: critical analysis of the constitution, with documents in full 183241
    • corrected text of the constitution of 193203
    • text of the law relating to a state of siege 233236
  • German Union: text of the protocol of Versailles, 1870, for the establishment of 205207
  • Germany: opinions at Berlin concerning the Eastern question 174
    • results of the elections for the Reichstag 175180
    • the Socialist movement 177
    • celebration of the Emperor’s eightieth birthday 182
    • new coinage system 186
    • analysis of the judicial system 187191
    • corrected text of the Zollverein treaty of July 8, 1867 212224
    • history and description of the Imperial Museum at Berlin 241246
    • naturalization questions; annual report of cases arising at Berlin 246252
    • questions pending as to military service of naturalized Germans 257
  • Gettysburg, the: discovers a coral reef near Fayal; the discovery communicated to the Portuguese Government 454
  • Gibraltar: Moorish soldiers sent to, to learn drill and discipline 431
  • Gill, D. Juan Bautista, president of Paraguay: his assassination 432
  • Giskra, Dr.: interpellations on the Eastern question in the Austrian Reichstag 28, 39
  • Gogorza, Mr. A. de: his plan for a Darien ship-canal 125
  • Gold and silver: production in Austria-Hungary 22
  • Gold and silver coinage: letter from M. de Parien to Mr. Washburne 138141
  • Gomes, Mr. Henrique de Barros: prepares a reply to the inquiries of the monetary commission; it is printed by the chamber of commerce of Lisbon 457
  • Grant, Ex-President: his visit to Europe; diplomatic and consular officers invited to show him attentions 1
    • his flattering reception in England by the authorities 261
    • attends a Fourth-of-July dinner in London; his movements 262
  • Gray, ——: probability of the unconditional extradition of; telegram to Mr. Pierrepont 278
    • British Government orders his arrest; his movements 278
    • official notification of the foregoing 279
    • failure to rearrest him 285
  • Great Britain: German view of her relations to the Eastern question 180182
    • co-operation in determining South American longitudes 259, 264
    • question of the release of E. O’M. Condon again presented; the result 260, 262
    • extradition message from the President to the Senate 271
    • offers to resume extradition under the treaty; note from Sir Edward Thornton 276
    • reply of Mr. Fish, accepting the same 276
    • appointment of a royal commission to report on the general question of extradition 287289
    • case of Peter Martin. (See Martin.)
    • the Polaris relics. (See Polaris.)
  • Greece: discovery of an Alcibiadean inscription 289
    • reported discovery of the missing arms of the Venus of Milo 289
    • discovery of the site of the temple of Apollo Pythias 90
    • the discovery of the arms of the Venus of Milo doubtful; history of the original finding of the statue 290294
    • interesting archaeological discoveries near Mount Hymettus 294
  • Guanajuato: movement against Lerdo; Iglesias recognized as President 378, 379
    • establishment of a provisional government at, under Iglesias 380
  • Guatemala: term of President Barrios prolonged’four years 52
    • steamer-lines touching at San José 56
    • schemes of internal communication 60
    • promulgation of the new codes 61
    • question of rates of postage to the United States 62
    • sends an envoy to Salvador; possibility of a Central American Union 63
    • question as to postage to the United States settled 65
    • tax on sugar-farms and duties on imports increased 66
    • forced loan of $500,000 67
    • letter from Mr. Tyner, on postal tariff of 68
  • Guerrero: refuses to recognize the government of Diaz 396
    • submission to the revolutionary government 400
    • final pacification; submission of Alvarez to Diaz 425


  • Habeas corpus: effects of the suspension of, on treaty-rights of Spaniards in the United States 495
  • Hall, Captain, relics of his Polaris expedition found: instruction to Mr. Pierrepont respecting them. (See Polaris) 260
  • Hawaiian Islands: proclamation of the commercial treaty with the United States 295
    • death of Prince Leleiohoku 297
    • the British commercial treaty denounced 297
    • proclamation of neutrality during the Russo-Turkish war 298
  • Hayti: message of President Canal to the national assembly of 299310
    • question of the French loan 300, 305
    • and Santo Domingo, questions between 301, 309
    • British claims against the government of 300, 307
    • the religious question; toleration firmly established 310
    • ministerial crisis: resignation of Ministers Thoby and Ethéart; the causes thereof 316321
  • Hesse: article 80 of the German constitution as adopted by 203
    • protocol of the accession of, to the German Union 205
  • Herzegovina: propositions of the Constantinople conference concerning the administration of 556
  • Huascar, the: her seizure by Piérola 442
    • proclamation outlawing the vessel and inciting to her capture 443
    • her fight with the Shah and Amethyst; first reports; indignation against the British; capitulation of the Huascar to the Peruvian fleet 444446
    • fuller details of the fight 446
    • continued excitement in Peru over the affair; a ministerial crisis 447
    • ovation to her officers and crew at Callao 447
  • Hungary: debates in the Diet on the Eastern question 28, 29, 32, 35
    • the question of the “Grenze” of Croatia 41
    • the finances; their relation with those of Austria; debates in the Diet 27
    • sympathy with the Turks 31, 153, 591
  • Hymettus, Mount: interesting archaeological discoveries near, at the village of Sparta 294


  • Iglesias, José M.: chief justice of Mexico; deposes President Lerdo and assumes the government 376379
    • establishes a government at Guanajuato; his relations with Diaz 380
    • disagreement with Diaz as to the “plan of Tuxtepec” 382384
    • sets up a provisional government at Quertaro; official notification thereof 387
    • reply of Mr, Foster to the Iglesias g overnment 388
    • issues a manifesto from New Orleans to the people of Mexico 401
  • India: Mohammedan sympathy with Turkey; subscription of British Indians to aid Turkey 22
  • “India, the vicissitudes of Aryan civilization in”: prize offered for the best monograph on this subject 332
  • Indians, Mexican: their raids into Texas. (See Mexico.)
  • International and local law: relative force of; remarks of Mr. Cushing 493
  • Internationalism: in Germany; spread of the Socialist movement; strength in the late elections 177179
  • Iron ships: special arrangement of the Zollverein, concerning iron for their construction 227
    • table of Zollverein drawbacks on the iron employed 232
  • Isabel, ex-Queen: her visit to Spain; she takes up her winter residence at Seville 483
  • Israelites in Turkish dominions: tljeir condition; case of Rabbi Sneersohn 593597
  • Italy: results of the election for deputies; prospects of the government 322
    • seditious outbreak: its causes; increase of crime; stagnation of business 323326
    • rejection of a bill to check the political license of the clergy 327
  • Italy: the effects of the adverse vote; action of Mr. Sella 328330
    • continued agitation of the religious question; the excesses of the clericals; the Syllabus 330
    • the salt and sugar taxes; the income-tax reduced 331
    • proclamation of neutrality in the Russo-Turkish war 333
    • termination of the consular convention with the United States; correspondence between Count Litta and Mr. Seward 334
    • emigration to Peru; its extent and success 450
    • supplementary declaration of Count Menebrea to the London protocol 573


  • Japan: the Satsuma rebellion. (See Kagoshima.)
    • the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands; regulations for local government of; treaty question involved 334337
    • instructions from Mr. Fish in relation to the foregoing 337
    • post-office report 337
    • wrecks of Japanese vessels 338
    • the finances; reduction of the land-tax 338341
    • the budget for 1876–’77 presented; nature and extent of retrenchments 342348
    • amount of paper money in circulation 347
    • opening of a new line of railway 348
    • addresses at the opening of the railway 349, 350
    • protest of the Risshisha of Tosa against the despotic power of the government 360369
  • Jones, Charles P.: arrested in Canada; note from Sir Edward Thornton, saying he will be discharged if his extradition be not claimed 275
    • reply of Mr. Fish; reasons for not making the demand 275


  • Kagoshima (Satsuma) insurrection in Japan: breaking out of the rebellion; Mr. Iwakura’s proclamation 349
    • deposition of General Saigo; his life and character 30353
    • imperial proclamation reciting the causes of the rebellion and the action of the government 353
    • the siege of Kumamotu raised 354
    • proclamation by Prince Arisugawa-no-Miya 356
    • proclamation of amnesty 357
    • the rebellion nearly suppressed; movements in Kiu-siu 358
    • letter of Admiral Kawamura to the rebels; their reply rejecting his amnesty 358360
  • Kastan, Mr.: case of, at Acapulco; his property damaged; his claim therefor 407
  • Kiôto, Japan: opening of a line of railway to Kobe 348
    • the addresses at the opening of the railway 349
  • Koolangsoo Island, Amoy: question of municipal regulations for the foreign colony on 101, 102
    • text of the proposed municipal regulations 106109


  • La Rochelle: discontinuance of the United States consulate there 127
  • Larra, Doña Baldomera: establishes a savings-bank in Madrid, paying 20 per cent, a month; its collapse; extent of the fraud 485
  • Lasalle, Ferdinand: the founder of political socialism in Germany 178
  • Lawrence: extradition case of, cited by Mr. Pierrepont 280
    • Mr. Pierrepont’s statements in regard to the case of, corrected 286
  • Legation, counselors of: proposal to introduce the grade into the French diplomatic service 159
  • Legion of Honor: question of funeral honors to the infidel members of 133
  • Leleiohoku, Prince: death of, at Honolulu 297
  • Lerdo de Tejada: President, of Mexico; deposed by Iglesias 376379
    • his forces defeated by Diaz; his flight 381384
    • certain judicial acts of his government legalized by Diaz 391, 393
    • issues a manifesto from New York, to the people of Mexico 401
    • reported hostile crossing of his partisans, under Valdez, from Texas into Mexico; Mexican protest 405
  • Lerdo de Tejada: troops defeated by those of Diaz and pursued into Texas; instructions to Mr. Foster 410
    • declaration of the unconstitutionality of a tax levied by him 423
    • reported activity of his partisans in Texas 424
  • Lesseps, M. de: favors Mr. de Gogorza’s plan of a Darion ship-canal 125
    • his convention with Mr. Stokes for reduction of Suez Canal tolls 611613
  • Levant Herald, the: suspended for an article severely criticising the Turkish legislature 597
  • Liberia: results of the Presidential election; Mr. Gardner the successful candidate 369
    • the negro-emigration scheme in the Southern States; the unfavorable results thus far of negro colonization 370375
  • Life-saving institutions in Russia 462
  • Likin taxes in China: the agreement of Chefoo; the settlement unfortunate 73
    • note from Prince Kung concerning the settlement of the question 79
    • instructions from Mr. Fish concerning 87
  • Loan, the new 4½ per cent.: inquiries respecting it, made by the Paris stockbrokers’ association 141
    • reply of Mr. Hitt 142
  • Longitude, determination of, in South America: the co-operation of Great Britain asked and granted 259, 264
    • co-operation of Portugal asked in the determination of 451
    • Portugal will co-operate: correspondence between Mr. Moran and Mr. Corvo 457460
    • date of beginning the work; instruction to Mr. Moran 460
    • communication of the above to the Portuguese Government 461
  • Loo Choo Islands: question of the sovereignty of Japan, cited in a protest of the Risshisha of Tosa 367
  • Lopez, Jordan: insurrectionary movement of, in Entre Rios (Argentine Republic) 6


  • MacMahon, President: his electoral manifesto 170
  • Malaga: question of office-hours in the consulate at 519
  • Margary, the Rev. Mr.: reparation for his murder by Chinese officers at Yunnan 77
  • Martial law: text of the Prussian law on the subject 233236
  • Martin, Peter: case of, illegally tried in British Columbia. Release demanded 266
    • additional particulars of his unauthorized conveyance as a prisoner through the territory of the United States 267
    • particulars of his transit through Alaska; the question of jurisdiction 268
    • his release; note from Mr. Plunkett conveying the information 271
  • Martin, Dr. W. A. P.: his account of the Chinese Imperial College (Tung Wen Kwan) 9193
  • Masters of American ships: ill effect in China of the statute prescribing that they shall be American citizens 112116
  • Matthews, Captain of the United States Navy: invited to enter the Chinese service 81
  • Mazatlan: case of General Arce, a refugee, removed by force from the United States consulate 398400
  • Mehemet Ali Pacha: his school-record in Germany 608
  • Mexico: movement against President Lerdo; his election annulled; Chief-Justice Iglesias assumes the government 376379
    • defeat of President Lerdo’s troops by General Diaz 381
    • flight of Lerdo; General Diaz enters the capital 382
    • General Diaz levies a forced loan; proposed payment of Mexican awards to the United States 385
    • General Diaz assumes the presidency 385
    • annullment of contracts made with President Lerdo’s government 386
    • the manner of paying the Mexican claims awards; instructions to Mr. Foster 388
    • protocol for adjusting expenses of the claims commission 389
    • progress of the movement of General Diaz against Iglesias; occupation of Quértaro; the Iglesias contracts annulled 390392
    • instructions to Mr. Foster as to Diaz’s success, and the question of contracts 394
    • payment of the first installment of the awards, less balance of expenses 395
  • Mexico: success of Diaz; his return to the capital; announcement of his official policy 395398
    • the electoral question and the organization of the senate under the Diaz government 400
    • Indian border raids; report of Golonel Shatter; Mr. Foster’s protest to the Mexican Government 401403
    • instructions to Mr. Foster concerning the recognition of the Diaz Government 403405
    • the arrest of Consul Sutter at Acaplileo; reparation therefor; salute to the United States flag 406409
    • recognition of Diaz by Germany, San Salvador, Guatemala, and Spain 409
    • recognition of Diaz by the United States dependent on his repression of the border-riads. Interview of Mr. Foster with Mr. Vallarta 410413
    • conflict between troops of Diaz and Lerdo; the Lerdists pursued into Texas; instructions to Mr. Foster 413
    • orders to General Trevino, in response to the orders given to General Ord 416418
    • instruction to Mr. Foster relative to the co-operation of a Mexican general with General Ord for the preservation of peace on the frontier 418
    • a boat under the United States flag fired upon at Acapulco; foreign consuls on board endangered; instructions to Mr. Foster 419
    • reported arrangement between Generals Ord and Trevino; denial and report of the latter 419423
    • declaration of the unconstitutionality of a tax levied by President Lerdo in virtue of “extraordinary faculties” conferred on him by Congress 423
    • reported activity of Lerdists in Texas; the neutrality laws of the United States to be enforced 424
    • final submission of Alvarez and pacification of the State of Guerrero 425
    • railroad report 426429
  • Midhat Pasha: his deposition from the grand-vizierate of Turkey 556
    • newspaper sketch of his life and character 560
  • Milan, Prince: his proclamation as King of Servia 17
  • Milo, Venus of: reported discovery of the missing arms of the statue 289
    • the discovery doubtful; history of the original finding of the statue 290294
    • remarks of Mr. Ravaisson on the alleged discovery 293
  • Mining-law of Austria-Hungary 22
    • of Peru: amended January 12, 1877 437
  • Mitre, General: and the Lopez Jordan insurrection in the Argentine Republic 6
    • his negotiations with President Avellaneda 10
    • his manifesto to the Argentines 11
  • Mohammedanism among the native negro tribes of Africa: the Veis and Mandingoes 374, 375
  • Monetary commission: reply to its inquiries printed by the Lisbon Chamber of Commerce 457
  • Monocacy, the United States steamer: visit to Wuhu 102
  • Montenegro: propositions of the Constantinople Conference concerning administrative reforms 556
  • Moore, Walter and Frederick: arrested in Boston for murder in Canada; their extradition asked by Sir Edward Thornton 274
  • Morocco: the revolt of the frontier tribes subdued 430
    • return of the Moorish embassy; its travels 431
    • soldiers sent to Gibraltar to learn drill and discipline 431
    • not interested in the Russo-Turkish war 431
    • enlargement of the Christian cemetery by a grant of land from the Sultan 432
  • Moscow: speech of the Emperor of Russia 21, 466
  • Moukabalah: re-establishment of the, in Egypt 619
  • Mytilene: question of protection of Russians by American consul at; instructions asked 577580


  • Nantes: the abolition of the United States consulate at 127
  • Nares, Capt. Sir George: letter from, in relation to the Polaris relics 270
  • Naturalization: question of the power of the Japanese Government to grant it to foreigners 354
  • Naturalization question in Germany: statement of cases during the past year 246252
    • Mr. Davis suggests modifications df the United States laws so as to conform with the German and other naturalization treaties 253
    • remarks of Mr. Fish on theioperation of the treaties 257
  • Navassa Island question: of, between the United States and Hayti 308
  • Navigation companies in China: sale of the Shanghai Company to a native association 8891
  • Negro emigration from the United States to Liberia: unpromising results thus far of American colonization in torrid parts of Africa 370375
  • Neutrals: rights of, during the Russo-Turkish war; proclamation of Russia; note from Mr. Shishkin 476478
    • acknowledgment by Mr. Seward of the foregoing 478
    • their right to trade in the Black Sea; note from Mr. Shishkin 478
    • acknowledgment by Mr. Seward of the foregoing 479
  • New Orleans: freight trade with Central America 57
  • Nicaragua: popularity of President Cbamono 53
    • the interoceanic canal 59
  • Nickerson, Capt. Jno. K.: letter from, reporting the stranding of the steamer Georgia 69
  • Niksitch: revictualing of the fortress of 600
  • North German Union: Electoral law for the Reichstag: text of 210212
  • Norway: the civil service of; reply of the ecclesiastical department to the inquiries of Mr. Andrews 532545
  • Nye, Capt. Crocker: case of, involving question of foreign jurisdiction in the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands 341
    • instruction from Mr. Fish on the subject 348


  • Ogasawara Islands: regulations for the local government of; question of compatibility with existing treaties 334337
    • instructions from Mr. Fish on the subject 337
    • the question of jurisdiction; case of Capt. Crocker Nye 341, 342
    • case of Captain Nye; instruction from Mr. Fish 348
  • Olyphant & Co.: their contract with Peru for a line of steamers from Callao to Chinese ports 436
    • text of the contract 439441
  • Ord, General: General Sherman’s instructions to, relative to crossing the Mexican frontier in pursuit of raiders 410, 418
    • report of General Trevino to the Mexican secretary of war concerning his relations with 419423
  • Orientalists, Congress of, at Florence: prize for an essay on Aryan civilization in India 332, 333


  • Panama: steam communication with Central America and Europe 56, 57
  • Pandora, the: discovery of Polaris relics by 260
    • letter from Capt. Sir Allen Young 263
  • Paraguay: assassination of President Gill and his brother; Vice-President Uriarte succeeds to the Presidency 432
  • Parien, M. de: letter to Mr. Washburne on the bimetallc monetary standard 138141
  • Paris Exposition of 1878. (See Exposition.)
  • Passports: regulations for their issue in China 72
    • statement of applications for, to the Berlin legation, by Germans naturalized in the United States 246252
    • questions as to the issue and validity of; suggestions of Mr. Davis 253256
  • Patent law in Germany 186
  • Pauperism in Sweden: additional statistics 531
  • Peking: the Imperial Chinese College at 9193
  • Pensions in Norway to civil functionaries 540
  • Peru: contested-election cases; movements of President Prado 434
    • the revolutionary movement of Piérola; his landing at Moqiiegua 434
    • Chinese immigration; a new line of steamers to be started between Callao and Asiatic ports 436
    • amended mining laws 437
    • text of the contract for a line of steamers to Chinese ports 439441
    • tidal wave on the coast; its extent 441
    • progress of Piérola’s rebellion; seizure of the Huascar 441
    • the combat between the Huascar and the Shah 442
    • extent of the damage done by the tidal wave 444
    • the affair of the Huascar; indignation against the British 444446
    • immigration thither; nationality and condition of the immigrants; synn optical report 448450
  • Pesth: restoration of the Corvinian manuscripts to, and visit of a delegation of softas 31, 592
  • Philippine Islands: bounty on exports from, in Spanish bottoms 509
    • consolidation, of shipping dues into one tax on tonnage 510512
  • Piérola, Nicolás: his revolutionary movements in Peru; lands at Moquegua and retires to the interior 434
    • his seizure of the Huascar, and subsequent fight with the English ships Shah and Amethyst 444448
  • Plevna: first Russian defeat at, in July 602
    • another minor advantage for the Turks in August 605
    • further unsuccessful attempts of the Russians in September 609
    • effect of the Russian defeats upon Austrian and Hungarian opinion 41
  • Polaris, the: relics of, found at Littleton Island; instruction to Mr. Pierrepont respecting them 260
    • correspondence of Mr. Pierrepont with Lord Derby and Captain Young of the Pandora 262
    • the articles received through Sir Edward Thornton 269
    • letter from Sir George Nares 270
    • acknowledgment of the reception of the relics 270
  • Polish colony in Paris: presentation of a centennial address and medal to the President 127, 128
  • Pope, the: question of his freedom to engage in political opposition to the Italian Government 330
    • probable complications in the event of his death 331
  • Portugal: co-operation asked in determining South American longitudes 451
    • death of the Duke of Saldanha; sketch of his life 451454
    • opening of the Cortes; the King’s speech; foreign relations of Portugal 455457
    • co-operation promised in determining South American longitudes; correspondence with the government 457460
    • date fixed for beginning the determination of South American longitudes; instruction to Mr. Moran 460
    • communication of the foregoing to the Portuguese Government 461
  • Postage: question of rates between Guatemala and the United States; its settlement 62, 68
  • Postal arrangements of the North German Union: article 49 of the treaty of alliance 233
  • Post-office report of Japan for June 30, 1876 337
  • Presidential election in the United States: opinion in Buenos Ayres concerning the result 8
    • Spanish opinions concerning 486490
  • Press laws in Spain: effect of 483484
  • Prison system: amelioration of, in Tunis 634
  • Prisons in China: false reports as to number of prisoners 105
  • Protocol between the United States and Spain relative to judicial procedure 493497
    • promulgated in the Spanish colonies 512
  • Protocol, the London: its rejection by Turkey; dispatch of Safvet Pasha 573578
  • Prussia: constitution of the Landtag and mode of electing members thereof 176
    • organization of the judiciary and the bar; their mutual relations 188
    • law relating to a state of siege, as adopted by the German Empire 233236


  • Railroad: from Córdova to Tucuman, inaugurated 5
    • opening of a new line in Japan, from Kiôto to Kobe 348
    • addresses at the inauguration of the Kiôto line 349
  • Railroads: in Mexico; report on the subject 426429
    • in Portugal; the Beira Alta line 455
  • Red Cross, the: the Red Crescent substituted in Turkish ambulances 610
  • Reichstag (German): results of the elections for members of the 175180
    • (North German): electoral law for 210212
  • Religious question in Italy: rejection of a bill for repressing the political license of the clergy 327
    • effects of the adverse vote; action of Mr. Sella 328330
    • continued discussion; the excesses of the clericals; the latitude given to the Pope by the syllabus of 1864 330
  • Religious toleration: effects in Hayti 310313
  • Right of search: question of the whalers detained near Cuba. (See Ellen Rizpah, Rising Sun, and Edward Lee.)
  • Rio de Janeiro: the religions question 46
    • stones thrown at the bishop of Rio 48
  • Rising Sun, the: detained near Cuba; anticipatory explanations; note from Mr. Mantilla 525528
    • reply of Mr. Seward 528
  • Rosas Samaniego: a recent Carlist guerrillero; his extradition claimed from France 485
  • Roumania: condition of the Jews in 594
    • Turkish protest against the Moldavo-Wallachian alliance with Russia 614
  • Russia: life-saving institutions of 462
    • ultimatum to Turkey in regard to an armistice with Servia 464
    • regulations for compulsory levies of troops 464
    • the efforts of the Moscow war party 466468
    • war with Turkey inevitable 468
    • war speech of the Emperor to the troops at Bierzoula 469
    • proclamation of war against Turkey 470
    • report of the telegraph department for 1875 471
    • description of a railway-ambulance train 472
    • the Balkans crossed; Kesanlyk and Nikopojis taken; Russian check in Asia 473
    • official notification of the war with Turkey; note from Mr. Shishkin 474
    • reply of Mr. Evarts to the foregoing 475
    • circular of Prince Gortchakpff in relation to the Black Sea blockade and the employment of torpedoes 475
    • reply of Mr. Evarts to the foregoing 476
    • proclamation concerning the rights Of neutrals; blockade and contraband; note from Mr. Shishkin 476478
    • acknowledgement by Mr. Seward of the foregoing 478
    • regulations for the traffic of neutral vessels with Black Sea ports; note from Mr. Shishkin 479
    • supplementary declaration pf Count Scbouvaloff to the London protocol 573
    • progress of the war during May 583585
    • Prince Gortchakpff’s manifesto setting forth the causes of the declaration of war 585
    • Lord Derby’s reply to the Russian manifesto 586
  • Russian subjects: question of their protection at Mytilene by the United States consul 577580
  • Russo-Turkish war. (See also Turkey.)
  • Rustchuk: bombardment of, by the Russians, and destruction of the United States con sulafe 600


  • Safvet Pasha: text of his dispatch rejecting the London protocol 573578
    • retires from the Turkish ministry of foreign affairs; succeeded by Aarifi Pasha 601
  • Saigo Takanori, General: leader of the Kagoshima rebellion 350353
  • Saint Bartholomew: sale of the island to France 124
  • Salaries: in the French and foreign diplomatic service 146
    • of civil officers in Norway 539
  • Saldanha, Duke of: his death; some account of his life and services 451454
  • Salisbury, Lord: British delegate to the Constantinople conference; opinion at Berlin respecting his action therein 174, 180
  • Salt, the governmental monopoly of, in Italy: the government refuses to lower the tax 331
  • Salvador: discontent against President Zaldivar 53
    • steamer communication with £a Libertad 56
    • reception of the Gautemalan envoy; the addresses on the occasion 63
  • San Francisco: freight trade with Central America 5759
  • San Martin, General: the founder pf Argentine independence; subscription to take his remains back to Buenos Ayres 12
  • Santo Domingo: dispute with Hayti; message of President Boisrohd Canal 301, 309
    • note from the Dominican plenipotentiaries 313316
  • Satsuma rebellion. (See Kagoshima.)
  • Savings-bank of Doña Baldomera in Madrid 485
    • its collapse (foot-note) 486
  • Schleswig-Holstein: question of emigration from, to Denmark, to evade military service in Germany 258
  • Sella, Mr.: resigns the presidency of the Constitutional Association of Italy in consequence of an adverse vote in the Italian senate on the religious question 328330
  • Servia: the war with Turkey; Austrian sympathy with insurgent Christians 14
    • proclamation by the Sultan of Turkey, offering amnesty to the insurgents 16
    • proclamation of Prince Milan as king 17
    • termination of the armistice with Turkey 21
    • strength of the Turkish forces operating in 27
    • the propositions of the Constantinople conferenceconcerning the administration of 556
  • Shafter, Colonel: his report on the Mexican Indian raids into Texas; his crossing over into Mexico 401403
  • Shah, the: her fight with the Peruvian monitor Huascar 444448
  • Shanghai: the Chamber of Commerce on the establishment of a Chinese mint at that place 98
    • attempt to burn the United States consulate-general at 117
  • Shanghai Steam Navigation Company: vessels and property sold to the Chinese Merchants’ Company 8891
  • Ship canal, interoceanic: Darien route proposed by Mr. de Gogorza 125
  • Shipka Pass: unsuccessful efforts of the Turks to take it 609
  • Shipping law of the United States: hardship in China of the provision requiring all officers to be American citizens 112116
  • Siam: Doñation of the centennial contribution of, to the United States 480
  • Silver and gold: production in Austria-Hungary 22
  • Simon, M. Jules: forms a cabinet on the fall of the Dufaure ministry 133
    • his history and character 134
  • Slavery in Egypt: manumission of a negro boy through the intervention of Mr. Farman 632
  • Slavic races: democracy of; their tribal and municipal governments 18
  • Smith, Maraiue: note from Sir Edward Thornton, saying that the prisoner will be discharged if his extradition be not demanded 273
    • reply of Mr. Fish: reasons for not making the demand 274
    • his surrender requested, in conformity with the understanding for the execution of the treaty 286
  • Sneersohn, Rabbi: outrage upon, at Tiberias; action taken 593597
  • Socialist movement in Germany: large vote in the Reichstag elections; principles of the party 177179
  • Soukoum-Kaleh taken by the Turks 583
  • South Carolina: project of emigration of negroes to Liberia from; Minister Turner discourages the scheme 370375
  • Spain: the question of the whalers searched in Cuba. (See Ellen Rizpah, Rising Sun, and Edward Lee.)
    • reassembling of the Cortes; the work before them 482486
    • Doña Baldomera Larra’s savings-bank 485
    • opinions on the Presidential election in the United States 486490
    • General Concha’s interpellation in the Córtes in regard to the conduct of the Cuban war 490492
    • diplomatic privilege in the matter of judicial testimony 492
    • conclusion of a protocol governing trials of American citizens for offenses against Spanish law; the negotiation thereof explained 493495
    • text of the above protocol 496
    • payment of the first installment of the awards of the Cuban Claims Commission 497503
    • organization of the Spanish Senate under the new constitution 508
    • the budget for 1877–’78 presented; its main features 505508
    • the budget as passed; analysis of its provisions 517
    • abolition of the local fueros of the Basque provinces 508
    • proposed bounty on exports from the Philippines in Spanish bottoms 509
    • consolidation of Bhipping-dues in the Philippine Islands into one tax on tonnage 510512
    • the protocol on judicial procedure promulgated in the colonies 512
    • question of the importation of Bibles 513515
    • the “dead season” 515
    • the right to impose certain discriminating import duties, under the new budget, upon American productions, waived 518
    • payment of the second installment of the awards of the Cuban Claims Commission 521525
  • Spanish-American countries: circular in relation to the best means of developing and increasing trade with 2
  • State of siege: Ottoman law regulating 580583
  • Statues: casts from the antique in the Berlin Museum; conditions of sale of duplicates 244245
  • Suez Canal: the Stokes-Lesseps convention for the reduction of tolls 611, 612
  • Suffrage (universal) in Denmark: growing discontent with 124
  • Sugar: tax on plantations in Guatemala raised fifty per cent 66
  • Sutter, Consul, at Acapulco: judicial violation of his rights; apology therefor, and salute to the United States flag 406
    • the decision of the court of Acapulco in his favor 409
  • Sweden: sale of the island of St. Bartholomew to France 124
    • statistics of pauperism, additional details 531
    • question of the modification of the license law and the repression of intemperance 545
    • proclamation of neutrality during the Russo-Turkish war; credit voted for national defense 546
    • four-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the University of Upsala 546
    • the prison congress at Stockholm under patronage of the King; the cooperation of the United States invited; note from Mr. Lewenhaupt 547
    • acknowledgment of Mr. Seward 548
  • Swiss citizens: circular in relation to their protection during the Russo-Turkish war 1
  • Switzerland: American protection for Switzers during the Russo-Turkish war 548, 549


  • Tariff of special rates on tobacco, beer, and wine, in the internal relations of the states of the Zollverein 229231
  • Taxation in Egypt: oppressive character of 625
  • Tea-trade at Wên-chow 117
  • Telegraphs in Russia: report of the telegraph department for 1875 471
  • Thiers, M.: funeral of; incidents; tributes of the United States legation to his memory 169
  • Tiberias: case of the Rabbi Sneersohn, robbed and ill-treated at; action taken 593597
  • Tidal wave: on the Peruvian coast 441, 444
  • Timok, the valley of the: its occupation by the Turks; the atrocities of the conquerors 15
  • Tisza, Mr.: minister president; speeches in the Hungarian Diet on the Eastern question 29, 30, 32, 35, 37
    • congratulated by the Emperor on his speeches in the Hungarian Diet 38
  • Tonnage-dues in the Philippine Islands, consolidated 510512
  • Torpedoes: Russian circular in regard to the employment of, by the Turks, in the Danube 475
    • opinion of the United States on the subject 476
    • Russian regulations governing neutral navigation of harbors in the Black Sea blockaded by means of 479
  • Trade: circular, calling for reports on the best means of fostering trade between the United States and Spanish American countries 2
    • circular, calling for reports on the best means of fostering trade between the United States and European countries 3
    • prejudiced in China by law requiring all officers of American ships to be citizens 112116
  • Trade-marks: an obscurity removed in the convention between the United States and France 172, 173
  • Trebizond: deportation of 50,000 Circassians to, by the Turks 604, 606
  • Treviño, General: ordered to the Texan frontier to prevent raids 410
    • instructions to, in supposed retaliation for the instructions given to General Ord 416418
    • his reported agreement with General Ord; indignation in Mexico; his denial and report 419423
  • Trieste: visit of the Austrian Parliament to 36
  • Tucuman (Argentine Republic): inauguration of railway to; speech of President Avellaneda at 5
  • Tûng Wen Kwan: the imperial Chinese college at Peking; account of 9193
  • Tunis: question of assisting Turkey in the war 633, 635
    • financial embarrassment; failure to meet the half-yearly coupon 636
  • Turkey: appeal to the powers signing the treaty of Paris 149
    • Russian notification of a state of war with 474
    • meeting of the Constantinople conference; its preliminary proceedings 549551
    • failure and adjournment of the Constantinople conference 551
    • the rejected Bulgarian propositions 552556
    • fall of Midhat Pasha; succeeded by Edhem Pasha 556562
    • imperial hatt announcing Edhem Pasha’s appointment 559
  • Turkey: telegram announcing to foreign governments the fall of Midhat Pasha 562
    • opening of the General Assembly the Sultan’s address 562569
    • the British blue-book on the Eastern question 570572
    • text of the London protocol of March 31, 1877, with supplementary declarations 572
    • rejection of the London protocol; dispatch of Safvet Pasha 573578
    • the war address of the Sultan to his armies 577
    • protection of Russians at Mytilene by the United States consul; Mr. Maynard asks instructions 577580
    • Ottoman law relative to a state of siege 580583
    • progress of the war during May; capture of Soukoum-Kaleh by the Turks; Ardahan taken by the Russians 583585
    • address of the Sultan on the Russian declaration of war 590
    • restoration of the Corvinian manuscripts to the city of Buda-Pesth 592
    • condition of the Jews; case of Rabbi Sneersohn 593597
    • closing of the sessions of the Assembly; inadequate results 597599
    • the war during June; Rustchuk bombarded and Niksitch revictualed 599
    • retirement of Safvet Pasha and appointment of Aarifi Pasha as minister of foreign affairs 601
    • the war during July; the Danube crossed; successful advance of the Russians to the Balkans 601603
    • suppression of the custom of discharging fire-arms during an eclipse 603, 604
    • the war during August; Eski-Sagra retaken by the Turks; another battle at Plevna 604606
    • names and character of leading generals 606
    • the war during September; the Shipka Pass; Montenegro 609
    • the reduction of tolls on the Suez Canal 611, 612
    • the neutrality of the United States asked by the Turkish Government; note from Aristarchi Bey 613
      • reply of Mr. Evarts to the foregoing 613
    • protest against the Moldavo-Wallachian alliance with Russia 614
    • war-contingent of Egypt 630632
    • contribution of Tunis to the war 635
  • Turkish constitution: opinions at Berlin respecting it 175


  • Upsala: four-hundredth anniversary of the founding of the university of 546
  • Uriarte, D. Higinio, vice-president of Paraguay, succeeds to the Presidency on the assassination of President Gill 433


  • Valdez, General: crosses the Rio Grande incommand of Lerdist forces; Mexican protest thereat 405
    • defeated, and pursued into Texas 413416
  • Venus of Milo: reported discovery of the missing arms of the statue of 289294
  • Vera Cruz and Mexico Railway: report of condition and operations of 426429
  • Vergennes, Count: letter of Franklin, Deane, and Lee to, proposing the Franco-American treaty, December 23, 1776 154, 155
  • Vienna: opening of the international cereal fair 42
  • Vizcaya: abolition of the local fueros of 508, 509


  • Wade, Sir Thomas F.; his settlement’of theYunnan controversy 7378
    • note from, on the Chefoo agreement 80
  • Washburne, Mr.: his Franco-German war correspondence 136, 137
  • Wên-chow: opened to trade under the agreement of Chefoo 76, 93
    • detailed report concerning the newly opened port 9598
    • question of establishing a consular agency there 97, 98
  • Wheaton: his works standard text-books in examinations for entering the French diplomatic service 156
  • Wheelright, William: the “railroad pioneer” of South America 5
  • Wines, Dr. E. C.: his initiative in regard to the approaching Prison Congress at Stockholm 547
  • Winslow, Ezra D.: probability of the unconditional extradition of; telegraphic instruction to Mr. Pierrepont 278
    • the British Government orders his arrest; his movements 278
      • official notification of the foregoing 279
    • failure to re-arrest him 285
  • Woosung Railway: transference of the line to the Chinese Government 8284
    • foreign employés reengaged for six months 100
  • Wrecks, Japanese: statistics of, for 1875–’76 338
  • Wuhu: a new port opened to trade 76, 93
    • visit and report of Consul Colby, of Chin-Kiang 102104
    • question of nominating a consular agent thereat 104
  • Würtemberg: accession of, to the Empire, and adoption of the laws of the Union 205
    • agreement for the accession of, to the constitution of the German Empire 207
    • military convention of 1870 with the North German Union; text of 237
    • peace and war footing of the army of 240


  • Yangtze River: opening of landing-places on 76, 93
  • Young, Capt. Sir Allen, of the Pandora: discovery of relics of the Polaris by 260
    • letter to Mr. Pierrepont 264
  • Yunnan affair: settlement of; agreement of Chefoo 7378
    • dispatch from Mr. Fish concerning the settlement 86


  • Zaldivar, President: discontent against, in Salvador 53
  • Zambesi River: question of the navigation of 461
  • Zollverein, the German: Mr. Wheaton’s comments upon its original institution 185
    • organization of the federal council and customs-parliament 217219
    • special internal taxes on tobacco, beer, and brandy in the several states 229231
  • Zollverein treaty: corrected text 212224
    • text of the final protocol to, with annexes 224233