Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 1, 1873

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress, With the Annual Message of the President, December 1, 1873
United States Government Printing Office
- Report of Robert S. Hale, Esq., agent and counsel of the United States before
the Commission on Claims of citizens of the United States against Great Britain
and of subjects of Her Britannic Majesty against the United States, under the
twelfth article of the treaty of 8th May, 1871,
between the United States and Great Britain. (Documents 1–16)
- Letter of Mr. Hale to the Secretary of State. (Document 1)
- Report. (Document 2)
- Appendix. (Documents 3–16)
- Letter of Mr. Hale to the Secretary of State. (Document 1)
- Index.
- General Appendix. (Documents 17–84)
- I.—Correspondence between Mr. Fish and Sir Edward Thornton, preliminary to negotiations. (Documents 17–20)
- II.—Appointment of the American commissioners and secretary. (Documents 21–23)
- II.—Appointments. (Documents 21–23)
- II.—Appointments. (Documents 21–23)
- III.—Instructions to the American commissioners. (Document 24)
- III.—Instructions to the American commissioners. (Document 24)
- III.—Instructions to the American commissioners. (Document 24)
- Confidential memorandum for the use of the commissioners on the part of
the United States in the American-British Joint High Commission, Washington,
1871. (Documents 25–39)
- II.—The fisheries. (Document 25)
- III.—Navigation of the St. Lawrence. (Document 26)
- IV.—Reciprocal trade between the United States and the dominion of
Canada. (Document 27)
- V.— Northwest water boundary and the island of San Juan. (Document 28)
- VI.—The claims of the United States against Great Britain on account
of acts committed by rebel cruisers. (Documents 29–32)
- VII.–Claims of British subjects against the United States for losses
and injuries “arising out of acts committed during the recent civil war
in the United States.” (Documents 33–39)
- II.—The fisheries. (Document 25)
- IV.–Instructions to the British commissioners, reprinted from Blue-Book,
“North America, No. 3, (1871.)” (Documents 40–42)
- IV.—Instructions to Her Majesty’s High Commissioners. (Documents 40–42)
- IV.—Instructions to Her Majesty’s High Commissioners. (Documents 40–42)
- V.—Protocols of conferences between the American and British
commissioners, held at Washington, between February 27 and May 6,
1871. (Documents 43–83)
- V.—Protocols of conferences. (Documents 43–47)
- II.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 48)
- III.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 49)
- IV.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 50)
- V.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 51)
- VI.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 52)
- VII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 53)
- VIII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 54)
- IX.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 55)
- X.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 56)
- XI.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 57)
- XII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 58)
- XIII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 59)
- XIV.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 60)
- XV.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 61)
- XVI.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 62)
- XVII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 63)
- XVIII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 64)
- XIX.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 65)
- XX.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 66)
- XXI.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 67)
- XXII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 68)
- XXIII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 69)
- XXIV.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 70)
- XXV.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 71)
- XXVI.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 72)
- XXVII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 73)
- XXVIII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 74)
- XXIX.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 75)
- XXX.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the part
of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the part
of Great Britain. (Document 76)
- XXXI.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 77)
- XXXII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 78)
- XXXIII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 79)
- XXXIV.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 80)
- XXXV.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 81)
- XXXVI.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 82)
- XXXVII.—Protocol of conference between the high commissioners on the
part of the United States of America and the high commissioners on the
part of Great Britain. (Document 83)
- V.—Protocols of conferences. (Documents 43–47)
- VI.—Treaty of Washington, May 8, 1871. (Document 84)