Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress with the Annual Message of the President, December 2, 1872, Part I

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress with the Annual Message of the President, December 2, 1872, Part I
United States Government Printing Office
- Message of the President of the United States.
- List of papers, with their contents.
- Proclamations, etc. (Documents 1–14)
- Correspondence (Documents 15–502)
- Argentine Republic. (Documents 15–24)
- Austria. (Documents 25–41)
- Bolivia. (Documents 42–43)
- Brazil. (Documents 44–73)
- Chili. (Document 74)
- China. (Documents 75–86)
- Colombia. (Documents 87–100)
- Costa Rica. (Documents 101–105)
- Ecuador. (Documents 106–123)
- France. (Documents 124–132)
- Germany. (Documents 133–143)
- German Legation in Washington. (Documents 144–146)
- Great Britain. (Documents 147–183)
- Miscellaneous correspondence between the Department of State, the
legation of the United States in London, the British legation in
Washington, & persecuted Hebrews in Moldavia and Wallachia. (Documents 147–148)
- Boundary-line between the Lake of the Woods and the Rocky
Mountains. (Documents 149–154)
- Position in which American flag was hoisted on board the American
schooner James Bliss after her seizure by Canadian authorities. (Documents 155–165)
- Slave-trade on East Coast of Africa. (Documents 166–176)
- Fisheries in waters adjacent to the British North American
possessions. (Documents 177–183)
- Miscellaneous correspondence between the Department of State, the
legation of the United States in London, the British legation in
Washington, & persecuted Hebrews in Moldavia and Wallachia. (Documents 147–148)
- Greece. (Documents 184–206)
- Hayti. (Documents 207–226)
- Honduras. (Documents 227–237)
- Italy. (Documents 238–249)
- Japan. (Documents 250–252)
- Liberia. (Documents 253–258)
- Mexico. (Documents 259–350)
- Nicaragua. (Documents 351–354)
- Paraguay. (Documents 355–356)
- Peru. (Documents 357–367)
- Russia. (Documents 368–389)
- Salvador. (Documents 390–414)
- Spain. (Documents 415–434)
- Sweden and Norway. (Documents 435–441)
- Switzerland. (Documents 442–444)
- Turkey. (Documents 445–491)
- Uruguay. (Documents 492–498)
- Venezuela. (Documents 499–502)
- Argentine Republic. (Documents 15–24)
- Alphabetical Index.