Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress with the Annual Message of the President, December 4, 1871

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Transmitted to Congress with the Annual Message of the President, December 4, 1871
United States Government Printing Office
- Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. (Document 1)
- Report of the Secretary of War (Document 2)
- Report of the Secretary of the Navy. (Document 3)
- Report of the Postmaster General. (Document 4)
- Report of the Secretary of the Interior. (Document 5)
- Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture. (Document 6)
- Message of the President of the United States.
- List of papers, with their contents.
- Circulars (Documents 7–11)
- Austria. (Documents 12–16)
- Bolivia. (Documents 17–19)
- Brazil. (Documents 20–31)
- Chili. (Document 32)
- China. (Documents 33–63)
- Colombia. (Documents 64–80)
- Costa Rica. (Documents 81–86)
- Ecuador. (Documents 87–97)
- France. (Documents 98–162)
- Germany. (Documents 163–211)
- Great Britain. (Documents 212–261)
- Greece. (Document 262)
- Guatemala. (Documents 263–265)
- Hawaiian Islands. (Documents 266–269)
- Hayti. (Documents 270–274)
- Honduras. (Documents 275–279)
- Japan. (Documents 280–291)
- Mexico. (Documents 292–320)
- Nicaragua. (Documents 321–328)
- Salvador. (Documents 329–339)
- Spain. (Documents 340–402)
- Sweden and Norway. (Documents 403–409)
- Switzerland. (Documents 410–420)
- Turkey. (Documents 421–434)
- Venezuela. (Documents 435–436)
- Alphabetical index.