Mr. Stuart to Mr. Seward.

Sir: I have received despatches from her Majesty’s acting consul at Philadelphia, reporting to me the detention of the British barque Rowena at that port, when about to sail for the Havana, by orders from the Secretary of the Treasury, and of the imprisonment of her master, Captain John Sherwin, in Fort Delaware. Mr. Cramp states that Captain Sherwin purchased the Rowena at Philadelphia, transferred her to the British flag, and chartered her for the [Page 456] Havana; that, on his repairing to the custom-house for a clearance, after he had taken his cargo on board, he was informed by the collector of customs that instructions had been received to detain his ship, and that on the following day, October 25, he was arrested and sent to Fort Delaware.

As it appears that the collector of customs in taking these steps simply obeyed instructions, in ignorance of the motives for which they were issued, I have the honor to request that you will be good enough to make me acquainted with the circumstances which led to the imprisonment of Captain Sherwin, and to the detention of his vessel.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurance of my highest consideration,


Hon. William H. Seward.