Visits By Foreign Leaders of Ukraine

President Leonid KravchukOfficial working visit.May 5–7, 1992
President Leonid KravchukWorking visit.March 3–5, 1994
President Leonid KuchmaState Visit.November 21–23, 1994
President Leonid KuchmaMet with President Clinton during a private visit.February 20–22, 1996
President Leonid KuchmaAttended meeting of the U.S.-Ukraine Binational Commission.May 14–16, 1997
President Leonid KuchmaAttended NATO’s 50th Anniversary Summit.April 23–25, 1999
President Leonid KuchmaWorking visit.December 7–8, 1999
President Viktor YushchenkoWorking visit.April 4–5, 2005
President Viktor YushchenkoWorking visit.September 28–29, 2008
President Viktor YanukovychAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.April 12–13, 2010
President Viktor YanukovychAttended the NATO Summit Meeting in Chicago, IL.May 20–21, 2012
Prime Minister Arseniy YatsenyukWorking visit.March 12–13, 2014
President Petro PoroshenkoWorking visit.September 18, 2014
Prime Minister Arseniy YatsenyukOfficial Working Visit.July 13, 2015
President Petro PorochenkoAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.March 31–April 1, 2016
President Petro PoroshenkoOfficial Working Visit.June 20, 2017
President Volodymyr ZelenskyWorking Visit.August 31, 2021
President Volodymyr ZelenskyyWorking Visit.December 21, 2022
President Volodymyr ZelenskyyOfficial Working Visit.September 21, 2023
President Volodymyr ZelenskyyOfficial Working Visit.December 12, 2023