Visits By Foreign Leaders of Rwanda

President KayibandaInformal visit while attending UN General Assembly.September 19–22, 1962
President Gregoire KayibandaInformal visit. In U.S. August 13–14; visited New York City.August 14, 1967
President Juvenal HabyarimanaPrivate visit. Met with President Carter September 25.September 24–26, 1980
President Pasteur BizimunguAttended Africare dinner with President Clinton.October 19, 1995
President Paul KagameMet with President Bush at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 13, 2002
President Paul KagameWorking visit.March 3–6, 2003
President Paul KagameWorking visit.April 15, 2005
President Paul KagameWorking visit.May 30–June 2, 2006
President Paul KagameAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit.August 5–6, 2014
President Paul KagameAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders' Summit.December 13–15, 2022