Visits By Foreign Leaders of France

Premier BriandAttended Conference on the Limitation of Armaments. Departed November 25.November 7–24, 1921
Premier LavalAt the invitation of President Hoover. Departed U.S. October 27.October 22–25, 1931
President de GaulleAfterwards visited New York City and Chicago. Departed U.S. August 28.August 22–25, 1945
Prime Minister PlevenAt the invitation of the President. Discussed collective security in the Far East and Europe with President Truman.January 29–30, 1951
President AuriolAddressed U.S. Congress April 2. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. April 4.March 28–April 2, 1951
Premier MayerOfficial visit. Discussed security measures in the Far East and Europe.March 25–28, 1953
Premier Mendes-FranceDiscussed European and Far Eastern affairs, visited New York City, and addressed UN General Assembly. Departed U.S. November 23.November 17–20, 1954
Premier MolletOfficial visit. Afterwards visited New York City. Departed U.S. March 2.February 25–28, 1957
President de GaulleState visit. Addressed U.S. Congress April 25. Afterwards visited New York City, San Francisco, and New Orleans (Louisiana). Departed U.S. April 29.April 22–26, 1960
President de GaulleAttended funeral of President Kennedy.November 24–25, 1963
President Charles de GaulleAttended funeral of former President Eisenhower; met with President Nixon March 31March 31–April 1, 1969
President Georges PompidouState visit. Addressed U.S. Congress February 26. Afterwards visited Cape Kennedy, San Francisco, Chicago, New York City. Departed U.S. March 3.February 23–26, 1970
President Valery Giscard d’EstaingState visit; addressed joint session of U.S. Congress May 18; visited Yorktown (Va.), Philadelphia, Houston, New Orleans, and Pascagoula (Miss.). Departed U.S. May 22.May 17–20, 1976
President Valery Giscard d’EstaingAttended Economic Summit Meeting in Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico.June 26–28, 1976
Prime Minister Raymond O. J. BarreOfficial visit.September 14–17, 1977
President Valery Giscard d’EstaingPrivate visit while attending U.N. Special Session on Disarmament. Met with President Carter May 26.May 26–31, 1978
President Francois MitterrandPrivate visit. Attended Bicentennial ceremonies at Williamsburg and Yorktown, Va.October 17–19, 1981
President Francois MitterrandOfficial working visit.March 12, 1982
President Francois MitterrandAttended Economic Summit Meeting, Williamsburg (Va.).May 28–31, 1983
President Francois MitterrandState visit; visited Atlanta, San Francsico, Chicago, Peoria, Pittsburgh, and New York City. Departed U.S. March 28.March 21–24, 1984
President Francois MitterrandOfficial Working Visit. Met with President Reagan at the Admiral's Residence on Governors Island in New York City.July 3–4, 1986
Prime Minister Jacques R. ChiracOfficial Visit. In New York City March 29.March 30–April 1, 1987
President Francois MitterrandOfficial Working Visit.September 29, 1988
President Francois MitterrandMet with President Bush at Kennebunkport, Maine, and at Boston while receiving an honorary doctorate from Boston University.May 20–21, 1989
President Francois MitterrandInformal meeting with President Bush at Key Largo, Fla.April 19, 1990
President Francois MitterrandAttended Economic Summit Meeting in Houston, Texas.July 8–11, 1990
President Francois MitterrandMet with President Bush during a U.N. Security Council Summit in New York City.January 31, 1992
President Francois MitterrandMet with President Clinton during a private visit.March 9, 1993
Prime Minister Edouard BalladurMet with President Clinton during a private visit.June 15, 1993
President Jacques R. ChiracAttended U.S.-EU Summit meeting.June 14–15, 1995
President Jacques R. ChiracState Visit. Addressed Joint Session of Congress. Later visited Chicago.January 31–February 2, 1996
President Jacques R. ChiracAttended the Economic Summit Meeting in Denver, Colorado.June 20–22, 1997
Prime Minister Lionel JospinWorking visit. Afterwards visited New York City.June 17–19, 1998
President Jacques ChiracOfficial working visit.February 18–19, 1999
President Jacques ChiracAttended NATO’s 50th Anniversary Summit.April 23–25, 1999
President Jacques ChiracMet with President Clinton at the UN Millenium Summit in New York City.September 7, 2000
President Jacques ChiracAttended U.S.-EU Summit Meeting.December 17–18, 2000
President Jacques ChiracWorking visit.September 18, 2001
President Jacques ChiracWorking visit.November 6, 2001
President Jacques ChiracMet with President Bush at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 23, 2003
President Jacques ChiracAttended G-8 Economic Summit at Sea Island, Georgia.June 8–10, 2004
President Jacques ChiracMet with President Bush at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 19, 2006
President Nicolas SarkozyWorking visit. Met with President Bush at Kennebunkport, ME.August 11, 2007
President Nicolas SarkozyWorking visit. Addressed joint meeting of Congress. Also visited Mount Vernon.November 6–7, 2007
President Nicolas SarkozyMet with President Bush at Camp David, Maryland. Accompanied by President Barroso of the European Commission.October 18, 2008
President Nicolas SarkozyAttended the G-20 Economic Summit Meeting.November 14–15, 2008
President Nicolas SarkozyAttended the G-20 Economic Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.September 24–25, 2009
President Nicolas SarkozyWorking visit.March 30, 2010
President Nicloas SarkozyAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.April 12–13, 2010
President Nicolas SarkozyWorking visit.January 9–10, 2011
President Nicolas SarkozyMet with President Obama at the UN General Assembly in New York City.September 21, 2011
President Francois HollandeAttended the G-8 Economic Summit at Camp David, MD.May 18–19, 2012
President Francois HollandeAttended the NATO Summit Meeting in Chicago, IL.May 20–21, 2012
President Francois HollandeState visit. Visited Monticello (Charlottesville), Virginia, February 10.February 9–11, 2014
President Francois HollandeOfficial Working Visit.November 24, 2015
President Francois HollandeAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.March 31–April 1, 2016
President Emmanuel MacronState Visit.April 23–25, 2018
President Emmanuel MacronMet with President Biden at the UN General Assembly Meeting in New York City.September 21, 2022
President Emmanuel MacronState Visit.December 1, 2022