Visits By Foreign Leaders of Cote d’Ivoire

President Houphouet-BoignyState visit. Private visit to New York City May 5–15. Later visited Boston (Massachusetts), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), and New York City. Departed U.S. May 29.May 22–25, 1962
President Felix Houphouet-BoignyOfficial visit. Travelled to Canada August 22–26, and made a private visit to New York City, August 26– September 1.August 17–19, 1967
President Felix Houphouet-BoignyState visit. Afterwards visited Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City (private visit after October 15.). Departed U.S. October 18.October 8–11, 1973
President Felix Houphouet-BoignyState visit; visited New York City. Departed U.S. June 20.June 6–9, 1983
President Alassane Dramane OuattaraWorking visit.July 29, 2011
Prime Minister Daniel Kablan DuncanAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit.August 5–6, 2014
Prime Minister Patrick AchiAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders' Summit.December 13–15, 2022