Visits By Foreign Leaders of Bolivia

President PenarandaGuest of the President. In U.S. May 4–21, visiting Detroit (Michigan), Buffalo and West Point (New York), and New York City.May 5–9, 1943
President Paz-EstenssoroState visit. In U.S. October 21–28, visited Williamsburg and New York City.October 22–24, 1963
President Rene Barrientos OrtunoInformal visit at LBJ Ranch, and Bolivia Day ceremonies in San Antonio (Tex.).July 5–6, 1968
President Hugo Banzer SuarezAttended signing of the Panama Canal Treaty.September 6–9, 1977
President Jaime Paz ZamoraMet with President Bush at the U.N. General Assembly.September 25, 1989
President Jaime Paz ZamoraOfficial working visit. Private visit to Miami afterwards.May 7–9, 1990
President Jaime Paz ZamoraAttended Drug Summit in San Antonio, Texas.February 26–27, 1992
President Gonzalo Sanchez de LozadaAttended the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida.December 9–11, 1994
President Hugo BanzerMet with President Clinton at the UN Millenium Summit in New York City.September 8, 2000
President Jorge Quiroga RamirezWorking visit.December 6, 2001
President Gonzalo Sanchez de LozadaWorking visit.November 9–14, 2002