Visits By Foreign Leaders of Argentina

President FrondiziState visit. In U.S. January 19–February 1, visited Miami (Florida), Houston (Texas), Chicago, Detroit (Michigan), and New York City. Addressed U.S. Congress January 21.January 20–23, 1959
President FrondiziMet with President Kennedy in New York City while attending UN General Assembly session.September 26, 1961
President FrondiziMet with President Kennedy at Palm Beach (Florida). In U.S. December 21–25; visiting Honolulu and New Orleans (Louisiana).December 24, 1961
President Jorge Rafael VidelaAttended signing of the Panama Canal Treaty.September 6–9, 1977
President- designate Roberto E. ViolaPrivate visit. Met with President Reagan March 17.March 15–18, 1981
President Raul Ricardo AlfonsinPrivate visit. Met with President Reagan at U.N. General Assembly reception in New York City.September 23, 1984
President Raul Ricardo AlfonsinState Visit. In U.S. March 17–25; visited Williamsburg, New York City, Chicago, Albuquerque, and Houston. Addressed Joint Meeting of U.S. Congress March 20.March 18–20, 1985
President Raul Ricardo AlfonsinPrivate Visit. Met with President Reagan November 17.November 16–17, 1986
President Carlos Saul MenemMet with President Bush during a private visit.September 27, 1989
President Carlos Saul MenemMet with President Bush at the U.N. General Assembly.October 1, 1990
President Carlos Saul MenemState Visit.November 13–16, 1991
President Carlos Saul MenemMet with President Clinton during a private visit.June 28–30, 1993
President Carlos Saul MenemMet with President Clinton during a private visit.June 24, 1994
President Carlos Saul MenemAttended the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida.December 9–11, 1994
President Carlos Saul MenemMet with President Clinton during a private visit.December 4–5, 1996
President Carlos MenemState Visit.January 11–12, 1999
President Carlos MenemMet with President Clinton during a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.September 21, 1999
President Fernando de la RuaOfficial working visit.June 12–14, 2000
President Fernando de la RuaWorking visit.April 19, 2001
President Fernando de la RuaMet with President Bush at the UN General Assembly in New York City.November 11, 2001
President Nestor KirchnerWorking visit.July 22–23, 2003
President Cristina Fernandez de KirchnerAttended the G-20 Economic Summit Meeting.November 14–15, 2008
President Cristina Fernandez de KirchnerAttended the G-20 Economic Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.September 24–25, 2009
President Cristina Fernandez de KirchnerAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.April 12–13, 2010
President Mauricio MacriAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.March 31–April 1, 2016
President Mauricio MacriWorking luncheon.April 27, 2017
President Alberto FernandezAttended the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, CA.June 8–10, 2022
President Alberto FernándezWorking Visit.March 29, 2023