Visits By Foreign Leaders of Algeria

Prime Minister Ben BellaInformal visit to Washington while attending UN General Assembly session. Arrived in U.S. October 9. First foreign leader to receive a welcoming ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House.October 14–15, 1962
President Houari BoumediennePrivate visit to Washington while attending U.N. General Assembly session.April 11, 1974
President Chedli BendjedidState Visit. In U.S. April 16–22; visited Los Angeles, Fresno, and San Francisco.April 16–22, 1985
President Abdelaziz BoutefilkaWorking visit.July 11–14, 2001
President Abdelaziz BouteflikaMet with President Bush during a private visit.November 5, 2001
President Abdelaziz BouteflikaMet with President Bush during the G-8 Economic Summit at Sea Island, Georgia.June 9–10, 2004
Prime Minister Abdelmalik SellalAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit.August 5–6, 2014
Prime Minister Abdelmalek SellalAttended the Nuclear Security Summit.March 31–April 1, 2016
Prime Minister Aïmene BenabderrahmaneAttended the U.S.-Africa Leaders' Summit.December 13–15, 2022