Visits By Foreign Leaders of Albania

President Sali BerishaOfficial working visit.June 14–16, 1992
Prime Minister Aleksander MeksiAttended dedication of the Holocaust Memorial Museum and met with President Clinton on April 21.April 20–22, 1993
President Sali BerishaWorking visit. Afterwards visited Boston and New York.September 10–13, 1995
President Rexhep MedjaniMet with President Clinton during a private visit.February 3–5, 1998
Prime Minister Pandeli MajdoMet with President Clinton during a private visit.February 4, 1999
President Rexhep MeidaniAttended NATO’s 50th Anniversary Summit.April 23–25, 1999
Prime Minister Ilir MetaMet with President Bush May 1 during a private visit.May 1–3, 2001
Prime Minister Fatos NanoWorking visit. Attended NATO Accession ceremony.March 27–April 1, 2004
Prime Minister Sali BerishaAttended the NATO Summit Meeting in Chicago, IL.May 20–21, 2012