Visits By Foreign Leaders in 1945

Prime Minister Mackenzie KingCanadaDiscussed economic policies and the Canadian role in the United Nations with President Roosevelt. In the U.S. March 10–15. Also visited Williamsburg (Virginia).March 13–14, 1945
Governor General Earl of AthloneCanadaMet with President Roosevelt in Washington.March 22–24, 1945
Prime Minister Mackenzie KingCanadaLed Canadian delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco.April 25–June 26, 1945
Prime Minister SmutsSouth AfricaLed South African delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco. Arrived in U.S. April 18.April 25–June 26, 1945
Prime Minister FraserNew ZealandLed New Zealand delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco.April 25–June 26, 1945
Prime Minister Al-KhouriSyriaLed Syrian delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco.April 25–June 26, 1945
Premier SoongChina, Republic ofLed Chinese delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco. As Foreign Minister, had met with U.S. officials in Washington, April 17–23.April 26–June 14, 1945
Prime Minister EndalkachauEthiopiaLed Ethiopian delegation to the United Nations Conference in San Francisco.April 26–June 14, 1945
Regent Prince Abdul IlahIraqAt invitation of the President. In U.S. May 25–June 27. Afterwards visited New York City, Princeton (New Jersey), the Grand Canyon (Arizona), Las Vegas (Nevada), Colorado Springs (Colorado), Lincoln (Nebraska), and Chicago.May 28–June 1, 1945
President de GaulleFrance (Provisional Government)Afterwards visited New York City and Chicago. Departed U.S. August 28.August 22–25, 1945
President RiosChileOfficial visit. In U.S. October 9–November 1. Afterward visited New York City, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.October 11–15, 1945
Prime Minister AttleeUnited KingdomInformal discussions on international control of atomic energy.November 10–15, 1945
Prime Minister Mackenzie KingCanadaInformal discussions on international control of atomic energy.November 10–15, 1945