202. Telegram From the Embassy in the Soviet Union to the Department of State1

5122. 1. EmbOff summoned to Soviet Foreign Office urgently 5 PM Saturday September 5 to receive following statement which read orally by Zinchuk, Deputy Head of American Section. Informal Embassy translation follows.

Begin text. According to information received by the Soviet Government, the Israeli Air Force intends to carry out on Sunday, September 6, bombings of a number of regions of the UAR in the zone of the Suez Canal beyond the ceasefire line. Thus, the Israeli ruling circles, encouraged by the constant declarations from Washington about an increase in military deliveries to Israel, in addition to the sabotage they are conducting of the talks in New York, are now preparing to set out on a course of direct military provocations against the UAR with the aim of disrupting the efforts toward a peaceful settlement of the middle-east conflict.
The Soviet Government expects that the Government of the USA will urgently undertake the necessary steps to restrain Israel from the dangerous actions it is planning, the entire responsibility for the consequences of which, under whatever pretexts they might be carried, would fully fall on Israel and the United States. End of text.

2. Zinchuk commented that they had asked us to come urgently to receive above declaration in view of shortness of time before actions referred to in note were supposed to be undertaken. Emboff said we would transmit context of declaration to department with greatest speed.

  1. Source: Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Kissinger Papers, Geopolitical File, CL 172, Jordan Crisis, September 1970, Selected Exchanges, Soviet Union. Secret; Flash; Nodis. Repeated to Cairo and Tel Aviv.