396.1 GE/5–2754: Telegram

The United States Delegation to the Embassy in Korea


101. Repeated information Department Secto 320, Tokyo 90. Tokyo pass CINCUNC. Re Seoul telegram 127. repeated Department 1247. Tokyo 639 [739].1

Re Rhee’s views on Pyun, USDel has been emphasizing as much as possible with other delegations and press that 14 points are “ROK” proposals and not Pyun’s proposals. Believe has advantages of avoiding increasing Rhee’s antagonism and making any ROK repudiation 14 points somewhat more difficult.
USDel concurs your statement first part second paragraph. Several delegations including Australia and possibly UK planning give [Page 322] general support ROK proposals Friday plenary2 and additional delegations will do so in subsequent plenary. We are using excellent New York Times editorial May 24 “The Korean Proposal” with other delegations here in effort strengthen their position.
Re Communist attitudes assume Embassy has received summary or text violent attacks of Pyongyang and Peiping radios on Pyun personally and 14 points. Would be extraordinary for Rhee take any action re his Foreign Minister in face such crude vitriolic Communist attacks.
On Friday suggest you inform President Rhee General Smith is speaking on ROK proposals along substantially following lines; if you deem advisable so inform him before statement appears in public:

USDel has studied proposals which delegate of ROK presented to us last Saturday. We find them clear moderate and reasonable. They are within framework of basic principles which vast majority of us here have publicly endorsed. It seems to USDel that these proposals represent an important and significant act of faith in UN and in genuinely free elections. These are proposals of a nation which conducts its elections under observation of a UN Commission, which has fought with enormous sacrifice and great bravery against aggression, and which has demonstrated its dedication to principles of liberty and freedom.

USDel supports proposals of ROK and recommends their acceptance”.3

  1. Supra.
  2. May 28.
  3. On May 31, Ambassador Briggs made the following comment in telegram 1269 from Seoul, repeated to Geneva as telegram 138:

    “Reference: Geneva’s 101, repeated Department Secto 320, Tokyo 90. In line with paragraph 4 reference telegram, I have sent President Rhee 2 letters: On May 28, informing him that General Smith would support ROK 14-point proposal and May 30 conveying text of address by General Smith at May 28 plenary. I spent May 29 with Rhee on trip to island off Inchon where he made speech warmly endorsing American aid and supporting allied unity at Geneva. Since details of ROK 14-point proposal not yet under debate at Geneva, I concluded no useful purpose served at present moment by taking up other Geneva questions with President.” (396.1 GE/5–3154)