Conference at Istanbul, Turkey, of American chiefs of mission in the Near East, November 26–29, 1949

[72] Statement by the Department of State

Released November 10; reprinted from Department of State Bulletin, November 28, 1940, p. 835. Mr. McGhee, on November 15, invited Gordon R. Clapp, Chairman of the Economic Survey Mission, to attend (telegram 696, identified also as Esmis 34, to Beirut, 501.BB Palestine (E)/11–1549).

The Department, at the outset, intended to hold the conference at Cyprus, but was informed by London on November 1 of the Colonial Office’s concern that “such meeting would intensify Communist activity in Cyprus where party line active on theme Anglo-Americans have imperialist designs on ME. Presence conference might add fuel to fire and give local party and its sympathizers opportunity to conduct agitation which might also be embarrassing US.” The Department the next day undertook to have the conference held at Istanbul (telegrams 4370 from London and 3954 to London, both filed under 120.3 Conferences/11–149).

[74] Recapitulation of Conclusions for Confidential Guidance of Chiefs of Mission in Oral Presentation to Governments

Ankara Embassy Files, 1949, 120 Chiefs of Mission Conference

[75] Statement by Assistant Secretary of State George C. McGhee

Ankara Embassy Files, 1949, 120 Chiefs of Mission Conference