740.00119 P.W./5–3045: Airgram

The Ambassador in Portugal (Baruch) to the Secretary of State

A–446. Evening newspapers in Lisbon published following communiqué from Japanese Legation:

“In the Foreign Press Conference on the 21st of the present month M. Iguchi, spokesman for the Japanese Government, categorically [Page 485] denied the reports of peace proposals divulged by the Anglo-Americans stating the following:

‘It would be superfluous to say that the reports that Japan has presented peace proposals are totally without foundation.

Japan has never proposed peace either to America or England in any place or through any channel and the intentions of the enemy in making propaganda of this type are obvious and contemplate the weakening of the fighting morale of the Japanese people.

It may be assumed that this propaganda will be repeated in the future whenever it is judged useful to do so. Nevertheless, the policies already determined by the Japanese Empire in reference to the prosecution of war will not be affected in any manner which, furthermore, it is unnecessary to reaffirm.’”
