
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs (Culbertson)

Participants: Mr. G. H. Middleton,77 of the British Embassy
Mr. Outerbridge Horsey, WE78
Mr. Paul T. Culbertson, WE

We asked Mr. Middleton to come in this afternoon in order to discuss with him the British Embassy’s memorandum of September 19, concerning the British proposal to withdraw their military personnel from the Portuguese islands of Terceira and Fayal. I told Mr. Middleton that we had not yet heard from our military authorities with regard to the disposition of American military personnel on these islands, the effect of the British withdrawal on American deployment from Europe and on how soon the sea rescue work could be taken over [Page 206] by our forces. I stated further that we have under study at the present time plans with regard to the possible use of the Azores as a long term security base, possibly with the British and Portuguese, and possibly as a UNO79 security base. I told Mr. Middleton that these plans were not yet definitely formulated and that we were not, therefore, in a position to discuss them with the British Government, and we, therefore, hoped that his Government could delay in informing the Portuguese of their plans until we had had an opportunity to talk to the British.

In response to his question I told him that I hoped we could have our plans formulated within the next two or three weeks, at which time we could talk to them.

Mr. Middleton said that he understood our position and would make inquiry of his Government.80 He added that they were of course anxious to make gestures to the Portuguese, citing as a past difficulty the Australian attitude with regard to Portuguese reoccupation of Timor.81 Although the shoe did not seem to fit the example, I made no comment.

  1. George H. Middleton, First Secretary, British Embassy.
  2. Division of Western European Affairs.
  3. United Nations Organization.
  4. A memorandum, not printed, of November 13, from the Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs (Culbertson) to the Director of the Office of European Affairs (Matthews), indicated that the British Government had decided to delay its approach to the Portuguese Government concerning the withdrawal of British troops (811.24553B/11–1545).
  5. For documentation regarding Timor, see vol. v, pp. 452 ff.