Exchange with, the Saudi Arabian Government regarding the attitude of the United States toward the general question of Arab Union

[In continuation of an exchange of views, initiated in 1943 by a request from the Saudi Arabian Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Shaikh Yusuf Yassin, as to the attitude of the United States Government on the general question of Arab union (see Foreign Relations, 1943, volume IV, pages 852 ff.), the Department of State responded to a second request by Shaikh Yusuf in July, 1944, by reiterating the position which it had set forth in 1943 (telegrams 213, July 17, 1944, [Page 661] 11 a.m., from Jidda, and 141, July 21, 1944, 5 p.m., to Jidda, respectively, neither printed [890B.00/7–1744]).

This exchange was made against the background of discussions then proceeding in the capitals of the Arab States for the convening of an exploratory conference on Arab unity. This conference, organized as a “Preparatory Committee”, met at Alexandria, Egypt, on September 25, 1944, and on October 7, 1944, passed a series of resolutions which endorsed the formation of a League of Arab States and which became known as the Alexandria Protocol. The League came into being on March 22, 1945, with the conclusion at Cairo of the Pact of the League of Arab States.

For a survey of the wartime sequence of events, 1941–1945, relating to the question of Arab union, together with the texts of the Alexandria Protocol and the Arab League Pact, see Department of State Bulletin, May 18, 1947, pages 963 ff.]