740.00119 European Advisory Commission/11–444

The Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs (Riddleberger) to the Counselor of the Netherlands Embassy (van Vredenburch)

My Dear Mr. van Vredenburch: Reference is made to your conversation on August 21, 1944 with Mr. Cumming69 of the Department regarding the participation of the Netherlands in the administration of Germany. You stated that the Netherlands authorities are considering the establishment of a training center for civil affairs officers in order that Dutch officials may be available for administrative duties in Germany at an early date after the liberation of the Netherlands.

The Department does not desire to discourage the Netherlands authorities from such a program. It is pointed out, however, that arrangements for the administration of Germany are currently under consideration by the European Advisory Commission in London and until agreement is reached upon the form of administration by this body, the Department is not in a position to express agreement with the Dutch plan here under reference.

It is assumed that the European Advisory Commission will provide an opportunity for the Netherlands Government and for the governments of other United Nations to express their views on such plans for administration of Germany as may be worked out by the Commission.

Very sincerely yours,

James W. Riddleberger
  1. Hugh S. Cumming, Jr., Chief of the Division of Northern European Affairs.