Lot 60–D 224, Box 43: PIO 224

Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Leo Pasvolsky, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State

Mr. Wright called on instruction to deliver the attached Aide-Mémoire. I told him that we would study the document and give him our reaction to it soon.

He informed me that the British Government is setting up a Cabinet Sub-committee to pass on the documents in this field which are being prepared by the various experts. He also said that they expect to have their documents ready in four to eight weeks and inquired whether or not we could give them some idea of our time schedule. [Page 633] I replied that we are not in a position to do so at this time, but that we are hard at work.

He inquired whether Dr. Bowman64 would discuss these matters in London. I replied that I was not in a position to tell him anything on that subject.

Leo Pasvolsky

The British Embassy to the Department of State


His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom have carefully considered the “Summary of Topics” provided by the United States Government65 in connection with the projected discussions on future world organisation. They suggest that it might now be profitable for the three Governments concerned to start work on papers which it is to be hoped they will fairly shortly communicate to each other. If this is agreeable to the United States Government in principle, His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom propose that such papers should deal with the following main categories of subjects chosen so as to cover important points mentioned in the American and British “Summaries of Topics”:

Scope and nature of international organisation. This would deal with membership, constitution of the assembly and world council, secretariat, etc. and give the general framework of the organisation.
Guarantees, determination of breaches of the peace, and pacific settlement of disputes, including Permanent Court of Justice. This would cover main political obligations.
Security. This would deal with the means by which threats to or breaches of the peace should be prevented and with plans for joint action.
Coordination of economic and political machinery. This would deal with relations to be established between functional bodies and the main organisation.
Method and procedure by which world organisation should be established.

2. Acceptance of this plan would not of course preclude any other topic being developed in appendices or in special papers.

  1. Isaiah Bowman, a member of the Department of State Informal Political Agenda Group concerned with planning for an international organization, who accompanied Under Secretary of State Stettinius on a special mission to London in April 1944; see vol. iii, pp. 1 ff.
  2. See memorandum prepared in the Department of State, February 17, p. 625.