
The Department of State to the Brazilian Embassy


There is attached hereto a list of certain commodities exported by the United States of America to the United States of Brazil,24 on which tariff concessions are being sought by the United States of America in the proposed trade agreement between the two countries.

In some cases these concessions represent reductions in the duties now being imposed on the corresponding commodities in the Brazilian tariff, and in other cases the concession requested is merely an agreement that no higher dutv than that now in effect shall be imposed on the respective commodity. There are also a few instances where a reclassification or revised nomenclature in the Brazilian tariff have been suggested. In no case has preferential treatment been requested [Page 555] for products of the United States of America as compared with similar products from any third country. For the sake of convenience, opposite each of the items listed there are indicated the paragraph number in the Brazilian tariff, the rate of duty now required to be imposed, and the proposed duty to be provided for in the trade agreement.

At a later date it is planned to submit to the Brazilian Government a draft of the text of the proposed trade agreement for study by the Brazilian Government prior to reaching a common agreement and understanding as to the terms and provisions to be contained therein. In order to save time, however, it is deemed advisable to submit at present the list of specific tariff concessions being sought by this Government, referred to as Schedule I, with a view to affording the Brazilian Government ample time to study these proposals.

The Government of the United States of America is prepared to receive and give serious consideration to any proposals which the Brazilian Government may choose to present in connection with possible tariff concessions which this Government might grant on products exported by the United States of Brazil to the United States of America, and any other proposals of a more general nature which the Brazilian Government might wish to have considered in connection with the proposed trade agreement.

  1. Not printed.