
The Canadian Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries (Johnston) to the Under Secretary of State (Phillips)


My Dear Mr. Phillips: This will confirm my telegram to you of the 21st instant which read:—

“Regret delay replying your letter January tenth. Act of last session has received further consideration law officers with result that amending Act will be submitted to Parliament forthcoming Session repeal section nine. Will obtain confirming letter from Department Justice and will forward to you. Suggested also that we amend section six by inserting after the word ‘waters’ in line seven the words ‘during the close season’.”

I now attach a copy of the letter received from the Department of Justice4 in which, you will observe, it is explained that there is no objection to the repealing of section 9 of the Northern Pacific Halibut Fishery Protection Act of last session. You will also observe that the Department concurs in; the view that section 6 of the Act should be amended by adding the obviously omitted words ‘during the close season’ at the appropriate place.

Legislation making these two changes will be submitted to Parliament as soon after the opening of the forthcoming session as possible. There will go forward today or tomorrow a letter addressed to Mr. Secretary Hughes from the Prime Minister, with reference to this matter, which I trust will be accepted as an assurance of our determination to act in such a way as to meet the views of your Department and your Senate.

Yours very truly,

A. Johnston
  1. Not printed.