File No. 819.74/10.

The Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of State.

Sir: Referring to my letter of January 11, 1912, in which it was stated that request would be made for further negotiations with the Republic of Panama towards setting aside certain sites along its coasts for wireless stations, I have the honor to inform you that the location of the desired sites has been decided upon, and to request that the Department of State take steps towards the cession of these sites to the United States for the use of wireless telegraph stations.

The Navy Department desires to make the following specific propositions, which I beg you to convey to the Panaman Government, with regard to the further status of wireless on the Isthmus of Panama:

That the Navy shall erect, operate, and maintain wireless telegraph stations upon sites ceded by the Republic of Panama to the United States for that purpose, in the approximate localities hereinafter named, and in such other places as may be selected by agreement between the two Governments concerned; the exact locations to be decided by representatives of the Panaman Government and the Navy Department. The approximate locations selected on the Atlantic coast are:
Bocas del Toro, Almirante Bay.
Portobello, where the present station will be continued.
Armila, near Cape Tiburon.
Along the Pacific coast:
Piñas Bay.
Cape Mala.
David Bay.
These locations are merely approximate, since it will require considerable time to test the electrical conditions at each proposed site, but the exact site should fulfill the conditions of being well situated electrically, near a town or village and consequent supplies, and when practicable, near a roadway, telegraph or cable, that is or may be established. Furthermore, these stations must be so located with reference to one another and to the low-power stations now erected or projected in the Canal Zone as to form a complete chain of stations covering the entire Isthmus.
That the Navy shall have the exclusive right to the erection and operation of all wireless installations in the territory of Panama. This is a reasonable request, based upon our Government’s guarantee of the integrity of Panama and its reciprocal obligation to give us the right to protect the Republic of Panama and Canal Zone; the control of wireless will be a vital factor in preventing foreign encroachments and aggressions.
As an adequate return for the above concessions on the part of the Panaman Government, the Navy will guarantee:
To handle all messages of the Panaman Government free of charge, and to give them the right of way over private or commercial messages.
To handle all private or commercial messages at such tolls as the President, in his discretion and pursuant to an act of Congress, may prescribe.
To place no restrictions upon the acceptance of commercial or private messages such as would in any way hinder the industrial development of the Republic of Panama.
To erect and operate such additional stations in the Republic of Panama as may become necessary for military reasons or for the proper handling of business in the Isthmus, and which may be erected pursuant to agreement between the two Governments.
It is believed that the protection of the Republic of Panama, its development, and commercial interests will be fully conserved by the agreement proposed, and in view of the early completion of the Panama Canal, it is urged that an early decision be reached in this matter for the mutual benefit of Panama and ourselves.

Respectfully yours,

Geo. von L. Meyer.